What can researchers bring? | Natural History Museum (2024)

Find out what you can take into the collections.

What can I take into the collections?

The collections are historic and irreplaceable resources and we therefore restrict what can be taken into collections areas. Visitors may only take what they need into the collections.

  • Bags and coats:You may be asked to leave bags and coats in lockers or secure areas outside of collections.
  • Personal items:You may be provided with a clear carrier bag to transfer your personal items into in order to take into collections areas.
  • Bag searches:Any personal items that are taken into collections may be liable to being searched upon departure.
  • Mobile phones:You will be asked to set mobile devices to silent.
  • Food and drink:Food and drink are prohibited from collections and laboratory areas.

Bringing comparative material

If you wish to bring comparative material with you when you visit the Museum's collections, please discuss this with your host when arranging your visit.

It may need to be frozen or visually inspected to comply with the Museum's Integrated Pest Management (IPM) policy and procedures before being allowed into the collection spaces or laboratories.

Due diligence for visitors

The Natural History Museum is committed to the legal and ethical use of collections in its exhibitions and research.

The Museum abides by the following recognised principles and international standards:

  • UNESCO 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, and the Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003.
  • Combating Illicit Trade: Due diligence guidelines for museums, libraries and archives on collecting and borrowing cultural material DCMS, 2005.
  • National Museum Directors Conference (NMDC) 'Statement of Principles and Proposed Actions on Spoliation of Works of Art during the Holocaust and World War II period' (1998).
  • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 1973/79.
  • Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) 1982.
  • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 1992.
  • Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity 2010.

In order to meet this commitment, the Museum asks that visitors entering the collections:

  • do not bring items with them for comparative study that have been collected and/or exported illegally from the country of origin
  • ensure that any Natural History Museum staff who may handle, discuss or study items bought into the Museum are made aware of mutually agreed terms, material transfer agreements, prior informed consent, etc, relating to the items
  • abide by any mutually agreed terms, material transfer agreements, prior informed consent etc., relating items within the Natural History Museum collections that they study

As an expert with extensive knowledge in museum collections, particularly those pertaining to the Natural History Museum, I have a deep understanding of the protocols and standards involved in preserving historic and irreplaceable resources. My expertise extends to the various regulations and guidelines set forth by international bodies and institutions to ensure the legal and ethical use of collections in exhibitions and research.

The article you provided outlines the rules and regulations for visitors bringing items into the collections at the Natural History Museum. Let me break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Restricted Items:

    • Collections areas are deemed historic and irreplaceable, leading to restrictions on what visitors can bring into these spaces.
    • Visitors are encouraged to bring only what they need into the collections.
  2. Storage of Bags and Coats:

    • Bags and coats may need to be left in lockers or secure areas outside of the collections to prevent damage or contamination.
  3. Clear Carrier Bags for Personal Items:

    • Visitors might be provided with clear carrier bags to transfer their personal items into collections areas.
  4. Bag Searches:

    • Any personal items taken into collections may be subject to searches upon departure.
  5. Mobile Phones:

    • Visitors are required to set mobile devices to silent to maintain a quiet and focused environment.
  6. Food and Drink:

    • Prohibition of food and drink in collections and laboratory areas to prevent contamination and damage.
  7. Bringing Comparative Material:

    • Visitors interested in bringing comparative material must discuss this with their host beforehand.
    • Comparative material may undergo inspection or freezing to comply with the Museum's Integrated Pest Management policy.
  8. Due Diligence for Visitors:

    • The Natural History Museum is committed to the legal and ethical use of collections, following recognized principles and international standards.
    • Compliance with UNESCO 1970 Convention, DCMS guidelines, NMDC principles, and other relevant conventions and protocols is essential.
  9. Visitor Commitments:

    • Visitors must not bring items collected or exported illegally into the country of origin.
    • Natural History Museum staff handling items brought in by visitors should be made aware of agreed terms, material transfer agreements, prior informed consent, etc.
    • Visitors are expected to abide by agreed terms, material transfer agreements, prior informed consent, etc., related to items within the museum's collections that they study.

In summary, the article emphasizes the importance of responsible behavior by visitors, adherence to international standards, and the commitment of the Natural History Museum to ethical practices in the handling and study of its collections.

What can researchers bring? | Natural History Museum (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.