What Modern Day Egyptian People Wear (Egyptian Clothing) (2024)

Modern Egyptian clothing is a unique blend of fashion influenced by different regions and cultures, including Arab and African.

The country has an ancient history, so the modern-day Egyptian people continue to wear traditional clothing that goes back centuries.

Men primarily wear robes called jibbaahs, turbans or gutras, and galabiyas with pants underneath.

Women wear dresses called sheaths (also known as thobes), often worn over other layers of clothing such as a shirt or jacket in cooler weather, and sometimes include headscarves called hijabs.

Accessories could include jewelry like necklaces or bracelets made from gold or silver with intricate designs; henna tattoos on hands or feet; wristbands made from fabric worn during religious celebrations; sandals made from leather instead of cloth like shoes; handbags made out of leather instead.

It is crucial to understand the modern-day dress code for both Egyptian men and women.

Importance of fashion in Egypt

Egyptian fashion is a hot topic of conversation among the Egyptian people.

The pride in their heritage and culture influences what Egyptian people wear.

They take great care to preserve it even today.

Egyptian fashion is influenced by climate, other countries' cultures and styles, and even ancient history.

Traditional clothing

"Traditional clothing," or "native dress," is worn on special occasions.

It's usually made of cotton or linen and white or black.

The fabrics are decorated with sequins and embroidery to represent the wearer's family name and place of origin. The most common type of traditional dress is called a shemagh (also known as a keffiyeh), which covers the head and shoulders like a scarf but is often used as protection from sandstorms in desert areas.

The hijab - a scarf covering the hair - is another form of traditional clothing for women; it can be worn over Western-style clothing when visiting religious sites such as mosques or churches but will not be seen by other women on the street unless they choose to take off their scarves.

Everyday wear

Egyptian people dress differently in different seasons.

In summer they wear loose clothes, while in winter they wear warm clothes. They also wear different types of clothing for work and special occasions such as weddings or parties.

Summer is the hottest season in Egypt, so it's best to wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics such as cotton or linen.

They also wear light clothing that doesn't have many colors because dark colors attract heat more than lighter ones.

Winter temperatures often fall below freezing during some months, so layers are key here—you'll see people wearing at least one jacket layer plus undergarments for warmth; fleece works well for this purpose because it traps heat inside its fibers which makes them perfect insulators against cold temperatures.

Clothes that are worn by both men and women in Egypt

Although Egyptians have some clothing that are gender specific, some outfits are worn by both men and women.

The following are some examples of modern day Egyptian clothing that are fit for both men and women.

The galabiya

What Modern Day Egyptian People Wear (Egyptian Clothing) (1)

The galabiya is a long, loose-fitting shirt worn by men and women throughout Egypt. It is made from cotton or linen.

The galabiya often has an embroidered collar, and sometimes sleeves are added.

The traditional version of the garment is white, but other colors are also common.

A man's galabiya is usually worn with a belt (like a robe), while women wear theirs without belts.

Both genders usually wear their garments over trousers or skirts under them, so they will not reveal skin when they bend over or sit down.

Western-style clothing

As a result of the influence of western culture on Egypt, Egyptians have adopted western clothing styles in their everyday life.

When men go to work, they commonly wear Western-style clothing such as trousers, shirts, and suits.

However, they still wear traditional garments on certain occasions. For example, men often wear thobes with sandals or slippers to work, but when they go out in public, they will put on shirts and trousers.

Women wear trousers under their galabeyas (long tunic) when at home or working in offices and schools.

Traditional clothing is worn for religious occasions such as weddings, funerals, and other important events.

But there are still many occasions where people prefer to dress traditionally: weddings and religious festivals such as Eid Al Fitr (the end of Ramadan), Eid Al Adha (the end of Hajj pilgrimage), Coptic Christmas, etc.

Special occasions

Traditionally, Egyptian people wear traditional clothing for special occasions.

Egyptian modern clothing includes a wide range of fashion for both men and women.

Most men wear a galabia or dishdasha (traditional white cotton tunic with long sleeves and slit on the sides) and a keffiyeh (headscarf). Women usually wear hijabs of different designs and colors to match their outfits.

Egyptian women wear hijabs in public as well as at home.

They can be made from various types of cloth depending on the season but are always black, or navy blue since these colors represent modesty and good taste in Egypt's culture.

Hijabs are worn by all ages and religions regardless of age or religion; this practice is believed to have started during ancient times when Egyptians were taught to cover their heads out of respect for God's gift – light!

Clothes worn by women

Egyptian women love to dress up for every occasion. It's almost a hobby for them in addition to an important cultural trait. Some modern-day Egyptian clothing is worn for religious reasons and as part of the country's culture.

Here are a few of the modern Egyptian clothing worn by women

There are many different styles of clothing throughout the country, ranging from traditional ethnic garments like the abaya and hijab to western styles like jeans and t-shirts.


What Modern Day Egyptian People Wear (Egyptian Clothing) (2)

Hijab is a veil that covers the head and chest. It is worn in public places by women who follow the Islamic religion.

The hijab is a religious requirement for Muslim women. It is not uncommon for non-Muslim women to wear the hijab, either as a political statement or simply out of personal choice.

These women are called "hijabis" or "hijabers."

The hijab is not required in Islam, but it's considered a sign of modesty because people believe that wearing it makes you more beautiful on the inside.

When wearing the hijab, it should be placed on top of your head and pulled down over your hair so that only your face can be seen.

The rest of your body must remain covered at all times in public places such as malls and airports; however, you may choose to remove it when in private spaces such as mosques and restaurants where no one else is present except yourself and other Muslim men/women who are also wearing hijabs (or other types of head coverings).

The materials used to make hijabs vary depending on whether they are made by hand or machine; however, many people prefer natural materials like cotton because they feel more comfortable against their skin than synthetic fabrics when worn underneath sweaters or jackets.

Colder weather spells yearly around January when temperatures start dropping below zero degrees Celsius overnight.

Conservative dresses

The average Egyptian woman, who is a Muslim, wears the hijab. It is a scarf covering her hair and neck to show modesty.

The hijabs are worn in many ways, but they are usually made of cotton or polyester with designs.

Women are also expected to wear an abaya when they go out in public places outside their homes, similar to wearing sweatpants and a jacket together!

There are different abayas: some have long sleeves while others have short ones; some have capes at the back while others don't; some colors may be more popular than others. It depends on where you live since weather conditions can affect what type would work best for your needs!

Another piece of clothing Egyptian women commonly wear during their daily lives outside the home (other than their regular clothes) is called the niqab.

This means "full veil" because it covers everything except eyesight. This includes even hands up to wrists level, so if you are looking at someone wearing one, they would only look like they had two glowing eyes floating there behind the darkness.

This is among older generations due to religious beliefs revealing that any part above shoulders tempts men into sinful acts."


The abaya is a long, black garment that covers the entire body except for the hands and face.

It is often worn with a hijab, a headscarf worn by Muslim women to cover their hair and neck.

The abaya is commonly worn in public places like schools and workplaces where other people can easily see it. However, not many Egyptians wear it in their homes because they prefer wearing loose-fitting clothes with short sleeves.

Egyptian women love to dress up for every occasion. It's almost a hobby for them in addition to an important cultural trait.


A tarha is a garment that consists of a large square piece of cloth that is folded and wrapped around the head and shoulders to create a hood.

The wearer ties the cloth around the head and shoulders to create a hood, which can then be used as an effective form of protection from the sun.

In modern-day Egypt, tarhas are typically worn by women who cover their heads for religious reasons. They are also commonly used as part of traditional Egyptian dress at weddings or other celebrations where guests should wear something festive.

The traditional Egyptian tarha is made of cotton or linen and has long, tasseled strings that hang down over the wearer's shoulders.

The cloth is folded in a particular way to create a hood, which can be pulled over the head for protection from the sun.

Clothes worn by men

Egyptian men also have their unique dress code, which includes robes, suits, and ties but still manage not to look too different.

The jibbaah

The jibbaah is a type of robe worn by men, usually in white or cream. The jibbaah is similar to the thawb but has long sleeves and a stiff collar.

"Jibbah" comes from the Arabic word "jubbah," meaning coat or gown.

Jibbas are made of cotton or linen and can be found in bright colors like red, blue, and green, as well as muted tones like browns and grays.

Some jibbas have elaborate designs, while others are plain with no embroidery or decoration!

Jibbas are typically worn by Bedouins, nomadic people in the Middle East. The jibbaah is also called a thobe and shalwar kameez.

The turban or gutra

Traditional Egyptian clothing for men includes a turban or gutra, a long white cloth wrapped around the head and held in place by the turban. The turban is usually worn with a checkered ghutra (headdress) and a galabiya (robe).

The modern-day version of this look has also become popular in some Western countries.

The gutra wraps around your head like a scarf but covers your ears.

The turban wraps around your head like a bandana but goes down to cover your neck and chest area too!


The thobe (also called the thawb) is a traditional garment worn by the husbands of brides at wedding ceremonies.

It is a long shirt that is ankle-length and in white or cream. The sleeves are wide but not puffy, allowing for movement. The front of a thobe opens from the neckline down to open access to your legs. You may even see men wearing these garments over their pants.

The thobe is a traditional garment worn by the husbands of brides at wedding ceremonies.

Thobes are usually white with black embroidery that displays the wearer's family name or tribe affiliation. Men and women wear a galabiya (a long robe with wide sleeves) throughout Egypt.

The bisht (or beysht) is a type of robe worn by men, usually in white or cream coloring but sometimes made from silk depending on its quality


Men wear a long woolen cloak called bisht over their galabiya when they visit important people, such as family members or elders.

The bisht is the most expensive item in an Egyptian man's wardrobe, with prices ranging from $500 to $2000 depending on the fabric's quality and how intricate its design is.

The cloak can be made from any wool imported from abroad, but most Egyptians prefer to use "abu lup," a type of sheep's wool that grows naturally in Egypt.

The bisht is a sign of status, privilege, and wealth. It's also a way for men to show respect for their elders and other important people in their lives.

When you're invited to dinner with your boss or an important client, it's customary to wear one so that they know how much you respect them.


Egypt is a country whose culture has been influenced by many groups, including the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans.

Egypt is considered a developing country, but its economy is growing steadily. Most of its people live in cities where they work as professionals in various fields such as banking, agriculture, and tourism.

Most Egyptians wear modern clothes that reflect their culture's varied influences while still being comfortable to wear throughout the day.

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What Modern Day Egyptian People Wear (Egyptian Clothing) (2024)


What Modern Day Egyptian People Wear (Egyptian Clothing)? ›

In modern times, the traditional Egyptian dress for men features the Gallibaya, which is often paired with trousers and a headdress, while women wear layered, loose clothing and head coverings.

What clothes do modern Egyptians wear? ›

Men primarily wear robes called jibbaahs, turbans or gutras, and galabiyas with pants underneath. Women wear dresses called sheaths (also known as thobes), often worn over other layers of clothing such as a shirt or jacket in cooler weather, and sometimes include headscarves called hijabs.

What clothing do you wear in Egypt? ›

Light fabrics like linen, cotton and athletic gear made to take the heat are best. Just remember to cover up from your shoulders to below the knee. While women are expected to dress more conservatively than men, even the fellas should leave the short shorts and tight singlets at home.

What clothing did people wear in Egyptian times? ›

Noblemen wore a wraparound linen skirt called a kilt and a top of fine pleated robes. Upper class women wore fine dresses with shoulder straps and a shawl. The lower classes wore much simpler garments made of less expensive cloth. Young children and slaves rarely wore any clothes.

What to wear in Egypt as a man? ›

Men. Pants, t-shirts, and long-sleeve shirts are acceptable as clothes to wear in Egypt. Avoid wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts to fit in with local customs. Men do not need a head-covering scarf to enter mosques.

Why do men wear thobes? ›

Thobes commonly worn by men and are considered as symbols of national and cultural identity, and are appropriate attire for formal occasions and religious ceremonies. In recent years, the thobes have become a popular fashion item, with many fashion designers adding their own modern twists to the traditional garment.

Can I wear black in Egypt? ›

In summary, wear thick-soled hiking sandals, a hat, sunglasses, shorts, capris, or light-weight pants, preferably in light colors (no black, navy or dark colors that absorb the sun/heat) and pack a million long-sleeve cotton or linen shirts that are very breathable and can be rolled up when in the shady areas.

Can I wear white in Egypt? ›

No need to worry about what colors you wear. While white was always cooler in the Egyptian heat, I also found that the sand, dirt, and general "yuck" that was prevalent around Cairo and Egypt was not great for white or very light colored clothing!

Can I wear jeans in Egypt? ›

Jeans are widely worn in Egypt, something normal, but if they are tight and you have short tops - you may attract some attention. So I would say ok to the jeans but to blend in have some long blouses and tops (not tight) and you will be fine. Long or 3/4 sleaves are a good idea too.

Did Egyptian kids wear clothes? ›

In ancient Egypt, if you were a boy or girl, you would not have to worry about clothes because children did not wear clothes for most of the year. Children were usually naked until the age of six! Even though children didn't wear clothes, they wore jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, or earrings.

Why did Egyptians wear clothes? ›

Egyptian clothing was filled with a variety of colors. Adorned with precious gems and jewels, the fashions of the ancient Egyptians were made for not only beauty but also comfort. Egyptian fashion was created to keep cool while in the hot desert.

What did Cleopatra look like? ›

There are plenty of coins surviving with Cleopatra's portrait on them, and they generally repeat the same features that seemed to astound reporters: a prominent nose, sloping forehead, sharply pointed chin and thin lips, and hollow-looking eye sockets.

Can I wear shorts in Egypt? ›

Can I wear shorts in Egypt? You can, but you might not want to. If you're in a beach resort town like Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada on the Red Sea, it's acceptable to wear shorts. It's rare to see people wearing shorts outside resort towns.

What did Egyptian princesses wear? ›

Women's clothing

In ancient Egypt fashion, women wore a plain sheath dress also known as kalasiris. Unlike males, they used to wear ankle-length clothes, but although this dress was long from the top it was a women's choice to wear it below or above the breast. The class of a person was denoted by their type of dress.

What to wear to an Egyptian wedding? ›

Wedding guests at an Egyptian wedding aren't typically limited in what they can wear. As a rule, anything seen as dressy or semi-formal attire is acceptable. Try wearing a nice, colorful dress or suit. However, shorts are seen as undergarments in Egypt, so it is best to leave those at home.

How did ancient Egypt influence modern fashion? ›

Accessories: Ancient Egyptians used a variety of accessories to complete their outfits, including belts, bags, and sashes. These accessories have been embraced by modern global fashion, with many designers incorporating elements such as beading, embroidery, and fringe into their collections.

Why do Egyptians wear turbans? ›

According to a statistic announced by the Egyptian Cabinet Information Centre in 2010, the headscarf is worn by more than 80 percent of women in Egypt. It is worn for religious, social and economic reasons.

What is the most popular sport in Egypt? ›

However, football (soccer) remains the most popular sport in the country. The Cairo clubs al-Ahli and Zamalik can attract as many as 100,000 spectators to their games, and between them the two teams have won dozens of domestic championships and continent-wide trophies.

Why is the Egypt flag red, white, and black? ›

The current flag of the Arab Republic of Egypt consists of red, white and black horizontal stripes. Red represents the sacrifices and blood of Egyptian martyrs, white symbolizes peace, black stands for the dark period of occupation, and the eagle represents strength and power.

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