Who did King Arthur Have a Child With? (2024)

Who did King Arthur Have a Child With? (1)

The child most frequently associated with King Arthur is his wicked son–nephew, Mordred, by his half sister, Morgause. Usually, the affair is arranged by his half sister Morgan le Fay without Arthur’s knowledge. In some versions of the tale, Morgause is also ignorant of her relationship to Arthur until after the deed is done. In some versions, Morgan le Fay herself is the one who deliberately becomes pregnant with Arthur’s child.

Usually, her motives are to gain a claim to the throne for her child, or to create a worthy opponent to overthrow Arthur. Mordred is usually raised in secret and taught to hate Arthur by Morgause and Morgan le Fay. Morgause and Morgan le Fay are usually Arthur’s half sisters by his mother Ygraine and her first husband, Duke Gorlois of Cornwall, who was killed by Arthur’s father, Uther, in order to marry their mother. In some instances of the legend, Morgan le Fay’s actions are done out of revenge for what was done to their father.

In medieval literature, the illegitimate child with a claim to the throne would have been recognized as a genuine threat to Arthur’s kingship. Mordred usually ends up taking Guinevere as his wife and attempting to take Arthur’s kingdom, before the two men kill each other on the battlefield.

Mordred is first mentioned in the Annales Cambriae, in which it simply states for the year 537, “The battle of Camlann, in which Arthur and Medraut fell.” Who Medraut was, and whether he fought with, or against Arthur, is unknown. But when Geoffrey of Monmouth took up the legend in 1136, he named Mordred as Arthur’s nephew, who, with Guinevere, attempts to betray him and seize his kingdom. By the thirteenth century, Mordred is named as Arthur’s son–nephew by incest.

Sir Thomas Malory, in his Le Morte d’Arthur, widely considered to be one of the most authoritative sources on the Arthurian Legend, names another son for Arthur, Borr, by a noblewoman named Lionors. Borr is a nobleman in his own right, and a Knight of the Round Table.

Earlier Welsh sources include tales of other sons for Arthur, who were also killed. The Historia Brittonum states that Arthur had a son named Amr, whom he killed and buried, though it does not state the reason for the conflict. According to this source, Amr’s tomb was special, in that its length changed each time it was measured. The twelfth–century Culhwch and Olwen similarly states that Arthur had a son named Gwydre, who was killed by the boar Twrch Trwyth.

Historians acknowledge that Geoffrey and other writers had access to sources now lost to us when composing their renditions of the Arthurian Legend. It is possible that a tradition existed of Arthur’s son being killed, possibly by Arthur himself, or by a wild boar. It is noteworthy, also, that Arthur is referred to as the “Boar of Cornwall” in Merlin’s prophecies. When later writers picked up the tale of Mordred, they may have conflated his story with a pre–existing tradition of Arthur having killed his own son.

Who did King Arthur Have a Child With? (2024)


Who did King Arthur have a child with? ›

​King Arthur of England and his queen, Silvia, have a son named Samson and a daughter named Grega. Unlike her brother, Grega is mentioned only once, when she's named in the introduction.

Did King Arthur have any children? ›

Kyduan was not the only child of Arthur according to Welsh Arthurian tradition – he is also ascribed sons called Amr (Amhar), Gwydre, Llacheu and Duran. (See the Offspring section for further information about Arthur's children.)

Who did King Arthur have a son to? ›

OccupationUsurper high king of Britain (a prince of Orkney and a knight of the Round Table in later tradition)
FamilyParents: Arthur or Lot, Anna / Morgause Brothers: Gawain; often also Agravain, Gaheris and Gareth
SpouseEither Guinevere, Gwenhwyfach or Cwyllog
ChildrenSometimes two sons including Melehan
8 more rows

Did King Arthur have a child with Morgana? ›

Arthur, who is no saint himself, has a child out of wedlock – the product of an incestuous union with his half-sister Morgause (in some versions of the legend it is Morgan, but the two have often been conflated, especially in more modern retellings).

Did King Arthur have a child with Guinevere? ›

Guinevere is childless in most stories. The few exceptions of that include Arthur's son named Loholt or Ilinot in Perlesvaus and Parzival (first mentioned in Erec and Enide).

Did King Arthur have a baby with his sister? ›

In many versions of Arthurian legend, Arthur does indeed sleep with his half-sister Margawse (also spelled Morgause). Margawse then gives birth to a son, Mordred.

Did Lancelot and Guinevere have a child? ›

Lancelot, also spelled Launcelot, also called Lancelot of the Lake, French Lancelot du Lac, one of the greatest knights in Arthurian romance; he was the lover of Arthur's queen, Guinevere, and was the father of the pure knight Sir Galahad.

Was Mordred Arthur's son? ›

Mordred was the son of King Arthur and his half-sister Morgause.

Who was King Arthur real wife? ›

Guinevere, wife of Arthur, legendary king of Britain, best known in Arthurian romance through the love that his knight Sir Lancelot bore for her.

Who was Arthur's birth father? ›

…according to Arthurian legend, by Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's father.

Why was King Arthur hidden as a baby? ›

It was a vicious and dangerous time. So, the king of England, Uther Pendragon, decided to hide his son, Arthur. With the help of Merlin, the long-bearded and wise old wizard, they placed the child in a safe town where no one could find out his identity.

How did Arthur lose his son? ›

Arthur had a son, Isaac, with a waitress named Eliza; he demonstrated regular support for them until they were killed in a robbery.

Is Morgana the king's daughter? ›

Morgana Pendragon was the illegitimate daughter of Uther Pendragon, the second daughter and the youngest child of Vivienne, the younger paternal half-sister of Arthur, the younger maternal half-sister of Morgause and the adopted daughter of Gorlois.

Who is Merlin's daughter? ›

When Nimue and Merlin meet in the fifth episode, she asks the wizard why her mother instructed her to bring him the sword. By the end, viewers learn that not only did he and her mother have a relationship, but Nimue is actually Merlin's daughter.

Who is Morgana the daughter of? ›

Morgana Pendragon, also known as Morgana, is the main antagonist of the BBC series, Merlin. She is the illegitimate daughter of Uther Pendragon and the half-sister of Arthur Pendragon and Morgause.

Did King Arthur love Queen Guinevere? ›

In Chapter 18:1, Arthur first sees Guinevere and falls instantly in love with her. In 18:3, he tells Merlin he will have only Guinevere as his wife.

Is Mordred Morgana's son? ›

Mordred is a character from Arthurian legend. In some of the legends, he betrayed King Arthur and killed him. He is said to be Arthur's son by his half-sister Morgan le Fay (also called Morgana or Morgaine).

What is Arthur's baby sister name? ›

Dora Winifred "D.W." Read, the bratty younger sister to the titular character on the long-running animated children's show Arthur, has become somewhat of a pop culture icon in the years since the program's 1996 debut. Full of sassy one-liners, she's now the star of countless memes.

Who betrayed King Arthur? ›

In the medieval legends about King Arthur of Britain and his knights, Lancelot is the greatest knight of all. In time, however, Lancelot's love for Guinevere, the king's wife, leads him to betray his king and sets in motion the fatal events that end Arthur's rule.

Who did King Arthur love? ›

Arthur and Guinevere are married after Arthur establishes himself as king of England and quashes the numerous rebellions that rise up against him. In early versions, Guinevere is something of a prize won by a warrior king.

What happened to Lancelot after Arthur died? ›

When Launcelot hears of the death of Arthur and Gawain, he comes to England in haste. He looks for the queen and finds her in a nunnery. For love of Guinevere as much as for remorse he takes on the habit of a priest. Guided by visions, he goes to Almesbury, where he finds Guinevere dead.

What is the age difference between King Arthur and Guinevere? ›

The marriage is partly out of admiration for the king and partly for security against Malagant, but also because she does love Arthur despite their 35-year age difference. While on route to Camelot, Guinevere's carriage is ambushed by a group of Malagant's soldiers.

Why did Mordred hate Arthur? ›

However, Mordred's faith in Arthur and Camelot was shattered after the imprisonment and death of his beloved Kara. Believing that Arthur had betrayed him and metaphorically spat on their friendship, Mordred turned against the king and joined Morgana once more.

Who is the mother of Arthur's son? ›

Arthur Morgan had a son, Isaac, with a waitress named Eliza. The tragic story of Arthur's son has important implications for his relationship with Red Dead's other protagonist, John Marston, but it also explores some of the major themes infused into Red Dead Redemption 2 in some unexpected ways.

Who killed Mordred in Merlin? ›

The two engage in battle and Mordred emerges the victor after fatally wounding Arthur. After asking for forgiveness and understanding from a dying Arthur about his recent actions, the king suddenly rises and stabs an unprepared Mordred in the heart, killing him.

What happened to Guinevere and Lancelot? ›

Guinevere hides in a nunnery, but her fate depends on the story. In some, Lancelot is killed in battle and she dies alone, Camelot in ruins around her. In other stories, the lovers reunite and live happily together in hiding.

How many wives did Arthur have? ›

Though one of the Welsh Triads (Triad 56) speaks of Arthur's three great queens (all named Gwenhwyfar), later romance generally gives him only one wife named Guinevere.

How many wives does Arthur have? ›

His first wife is Miranda Carroll, who is from the same small island as Arthur. His second wife is Elizabeth Colton, who is the mother of Arthur's child Tyler. His third wife is named Lydia Marks. Towards the end of his life, Arthur comes to regret his actions and stop valuing his possessions.

How old was King Arthur when he died? ›

Answer and Explanation: It is unknown exactly how old King Arthur was when he died. Most estimations place him between 35 and 50, while some are closer to 75.

Who killed King Arthur's father? ›

In Guy Ritchie's 2017 film King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Eric Bana plays Uther Pendragon, betrayed and murdered by his brother Vortigern for control over Camelot.

How old was Arthur's son when he died? ›

Unfortunately, however, Arthur reveals that tragedy struck when his son was only 10-years old. He returned to Eliza and Isaac's home to visit them, but Arthur was horrified to realize they had both been killed in a robbery-gone-wrong.

What happened to Guinevere after King Arthur died? ›

Following the death of Arthur, Guinevere entered a convent, where she spent the rest of her life praying and helping the poor. Filled with remorse for the trouble she and her lover had caused, she vowed never to see Lancelot again. When Guinevere died, she was buried beside King Arthur.

Who stole King Arthur's girl? ›

Guinevere's most famous abduction was by Meliagrance, a knight, who stole her both for beauty and revenge against Arthur But in the whole of her mythology, this was not the first time she was stolen. In earlier versions, she is taken by Melwas, king of Aestiva Regio, and has to be rescued by Arthur himself.

What happened to King Arthur after he was born? ›

After Arthur was born, he was given to Ector to be raised in secret. Uther died in battle shortly after Arthur's birth. However, before Uther died, he planted Excalibur in a stone where it remained for many years. Merlin said that whoever withdrew the sword from the stone would be the future king of Britain.

What led to Arthur death? ›

They lived there together for several months before, in the spring of 1502 both were taken ill with a well-known malady of the time, "sweating sickness." Catherine recovered from the illness; Arthur died of it on April 2, 1502 after a mere five months of marriage.

Does Arthur have a twin brother? ›

Arthur had no blood-related siblings, but in many iterations of King Arthur's childhood he has an older foster brother named Kay, who later becomes a knight.

What happened to Arthur's wife and son? ›

One day when visiting the pair, Arthur found two graves in the ground outside of the home and immediately knew that Eliza and Isaac were dead. He learned that they had been robbed and murdered for a paltry sum of ten dollars. Arthur never fully coped with Isaac's death.

Who married Merlin? ›

OccupationProphet, magician, bard, advisor, warrior, others (depending on the source)
Significant otherLady of the Lake, Morgan le Fay, Sebile (romance tradition)
7 more rows

Does Arthur know Morgana is his sister? ›

She plots numerous times to kill King Arthur but is foiled in multiple books, however, she successfully seduces Arthur (who does not realize she is his half-sister) and births Mordred. In the final book she is killed by her son Gaheris, which undoes her evil spells.

Who is Morgana in love with? ›

She loves Merlin because when she is with him she doesn't feel alone.

Who is Merlin's half sister? ›

With the help of her half-sister, Morgana, she sacrificed her life to the depths of the Other World. The resulting chaos proved that even in death, she was a formidable enemy to Camelot.

Who was Merlin's love? ›

Merlin is in love with the Lady of the Lake despite his age, and every time she comes he promises to teach her magic in exchange for her love. Every time this happens, she binds him in the tree by using magical thread which the Norns had at one time taught her how to spin.

Who is Merlin's twin sister? ›

The novel is the second in The Lost Queen trilogy that follows the story of Lailoken—who through legend becomes “Merlin” —and, more importantly, his twin sister, Languoreth, who was erased by patriarchal history but is resurrected by Pike.

Who is Morgana son in Excalibur? ›

Merlin's magical link to the land impales him on the sword, and Morgana seizes the opportunity to trap him and steal his secret Charm of Making. Taking the form of Guinevere, she seduces the unknowing Arthur. She later births a son, Mordred, whose incestuous origin strikes the land with famine and sickness.

Does Merlin marry Morgana? ›

Morgana Pendragon, 607 - 621

Morgana married Merlin. Merlin was born in 603. They had one son: Arian Pendragon.

Why did Morgana hate Arthur? ›

First and foremost, Arthur too, had killed many of her kind. She did not feel like she could trust him. Also, Uther favored him (and illegitimacy aside, Morgana was actually next in line for the throne since she was born before Arthur) so it was natural for her to feel jealous of him.

Did Guinevere love King Arthur or Lancelot? ›

Character Overview. Guinevere was the wife of King Arthur , the legendary ruler of Britain. She was a beautiful and noble queen, but her life took a tragic turn when she fell in love with Lancelot , one of Arthur's bravest and most loyal knights.

How many wives did King Arthur have? ›

Sometimes Arthur marries three women, all named Guinevere. In other versions, King Leodegrance tricks Arthur into first marrying an identical half-sister of Guinevere's. Learn more about her history here and here and here.

Who was King Arthur true love? ›

Arthur and Guinevere are married after Arthur establishes himself as king of England and quashes the numerous rebellions that rise up against him. In early versions, Guinevere is something of a prize won by a warrior king. The marriage ceremony is lavish and an important symbol of the newly glorious Camelot.

Who was Arthur in love with? ›

Arthur and Francine are a square-dancing duo in gym class. When Muffy tries to switch partners (she's saddled with Binky Barnes!), Francine refuses to trade. Francine complains that Francine doesn't want to share Arthur. Binky puts two and two together and spreads the word-Arthur and Francine are in love!

Did Arthur know Mordred was his son? ›

Mordred was the son and nephew of King Arthur from an intimate encounter King Arthur had with his half-sister Morgause, when he did not know they were related.

Who is Mordred in love with? ›

In these later stories Mordred is also in love with Guinevere and fights his uncle/father to his death in an effort to win her love.

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