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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.

Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel what a day to be in crypto what A day to be an xrp holder at the time I'm recording this xrp is going on a bit Of a run uh to put it lightly over 74 Cents up about 20% within the last 24 Hours though uh of course almost the Entirety of the move has happened within Less than two hours at the time I'm Recording this video in case anyone's Curious it is 12:19 p.m. central Time And this is a Monday March 11th 2024 Bitcoin hitting new all-time high Today damn near $73,000 but and that's great to see I me Look I've been holding Bitcoin since 2017 but I've also been holding xrp Since 2017 and I'm way more interested In xrp because let's be real all coins Are where the money's at and this for me Happens to be my largest position and For so many of you I know that's true And even if it's not true it's probably One of your larger positions we've been At this for a long time and I know I Know exactly what it is to be a Long-term xrp holder it punishes for Years mostly sideways and downward price Action but what have I been saying one Day you wake up and then it's just going It just is you go ahead you check your P Portfolio you squint your eyes like whoa What the hell I'm probably looking at The wrong coin oh no that is xrp and

It's uh it's it's it's uh it's teasing a Little bit it's not quite melting faces Yet but it's it's teeing up to do that Right so I'm going to share with you Some of the most recent reactions right Out of the gate here again this hasn't Been going on very long at the time that I'm recording this but I want to share With you some thoughts and perspective From some some chart guys too uh going To be a fun little video here and this Look have fun with this you deserve to Have fun with this again most of what it Is to be in crypto and certainly in xrp Specifically it's downward and sideways Price action when we get days like this Regardless of whether or not it's Sustained have fun with it because I Don't know if there's going to be a Quick correction to the downside Especially if Bitcoin uh takes a dive You know xrp is almost certainly going To follow follow but there is a chance That we're going to see continuation to The upside for both at least in the Immediate future uh regardless though we Are in a bull market you know you just I If you're going to resist that Trend Good luck my friend we are in a bull Market and all the indicators that I Think make sense to watch as it pertains To this asset class on the whole would Say this is not the time to be bear so Even if and that's an if we get some

Sort of slight pullback here I don't Think it's going to matter in the this Market's hot it's going to keep moving Into the outside uh to the upside rather We haven't we haven't really seen the Beginning but um before going further I Do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say right I'm just an enthusiest to enjoy is Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right so the 24-hour Low for xrp 59 cents 24-hour High 74.2 that's quite a spread uh here you Have Bitcoin currently at $72,400 7,705 24-hour High 72,73 Uh hoping that continues to the upside But regardless look at at a minimum xrp Showing signs of Life Today fair to say Yes like I've been saying folks it's Just I I know what this does to people I've seen this and there's so much Historic precedent for this when things Look most dire um you know that's when People canit you But they're doing it at the exact moment That clearly the entire crypto Market is Taking off and to think that xrp is not Going to be part of that is completely

Absurd especially when there are similar Instances like this for other coins There's always notable capitulation in Coins uh before they take off in a bull Market xrp is just look it's the same Humans buying xrp with the same DNA Buying eth buying salana pick you know Doge you pick it of course it's going to Be part of this bull market it is as far As I'm concerned completely absurd to Think otherwise here you have the crypto Fear and greentex at 82 out of 100 but This only updates every 24 hours and we Got over six hours to go before it Updates again but I'm guessing unless we See a pullback in that time we're Probably going to see a higher number Than what's on your screen at 82 out of 100 um here's a post I shared at 2:38 A.m. this morning because I don't sleep Like there's crypto stuff happening so That' be stupid why would I even waste My time sleeping when I'm trying to Crypto bro you know what I'm saying uh But I Shar this post Bitcoin hit $71,000 on coinbase 2 minutes ago and I Actually caught it right on the dot Exactly at $71,000 so I was like well This is probably going to be an exciting Day and it sure as hell has been so far And we still got a lot to go uh and so Then at 10:14 a.m. uh before xrp started Going on a run I I wrote Bitcoin is in Price Discovery altcoins are going to

Follow in an even greater capacity than We've already seen an xrp SP Specifically is going to go ballistic And so my friends my conviction has Never been stronger and for good reason I understand the charts look dire if you Look well that's how people on the Surface take it it when you look at an Xrp BTC pair xrp USD Pick Your Chart fck Your chart you know xrp dominance looks Dire but only to the untrained eye Because again history shows that when There's this big a disparity and xrp is This undervalue that's the moment when It freaking goes I've been saying that I've been hitting you guys over head With it because it's true of course xrp Is going to go and I don't literally Mean with 100% certainty yes I will Always acknowledge I'm just a dude on The internet there's nothing special About me I could be wrong and it all Goes to zero I'm just sharing with you What I personally believe I'm sharing With you my conviction and I've never Had stronger conviction about this and So again I shared that post at 10:14 A.m. this morning xrp specifically is Going to go ballistic which is Interesting timing and this is just dumb Luck because you know 26 minutes later Roughly xrp started it it uh its current Rip that it's on at 10:40 a.m. and you Can see if you guys are looking at the

Screen you can see what it looks like in In chart form uh just kind of dumb luck But I I mean I've been saying that Forever it's just like I don't pretend To know that time it's going to do that I just have the conviction the strong Conviction believing that yes it's going To happen somebody named game Reaper Wrote to me and said Bitcoin seems Scared to do price Discovery this time Around it's being timid not sure what to Think about that and so I wrote in price Discovery an asset can still move to the Downside But even if there's a correction for Bitcoin I suspect there's so much Momentum we'll eventually see it resume To the upside probably sooner than later Consider that mere days ago we saw the Biggest crypto capitulation since FTX Mind you that was November 2022 bottom Of the market so we saw days ago the Biggest crypto capitulation since FTX And Bitcoin still is hitting new All-time highs that's powerful and Telling and then I shared this post post As soon as I saw xrp was rocking this is At 11:17 a.m. Central Time xrp just hit 70 cents that was a fast move and yes it Was then I shared this quick update 12:10 p.m. uh central time just a little Bit before recording this video uh xrp Now above 74 cents and up 20% in the Past 24 hours was inevitable and that is

How I view this uh my fellow xrp YouTuber the blockchain backer simply Wrote let us go I think I know what he's Referencing there I mean he could be Thinking about Bitcoin but let's be real This is 10 minutes after xrp started Running so probably xrp I'm going to go Ahead and Hazard a guess there there is This post from chart analyst JT he wrote Xrp is boring for 99% of its entire Cycle frankly I've had more Entertainment watching paint try than to Focus on its daily movements but just When you have rode it off for dead this Happens and he shared a chart showing Xrp running this is at 11:25 a.m. and at The time is it at 71 C and it's not Going to go up in a perfectly straight Line but my God and if the price runs Higher um you know by the time I'm done Recording this video but before I Publish it whatever the high price is at That point if it's higher than what it's Been at this point I'll slap that on the Thumbnail in the title for the video but Even if it goes down like again nothing Goes up in a straight line just give it Some time let's see what happens but xrp Is clearly part of this bull market is It not obvious Yet um but he's right here like most of What I iess see most of what it is to Hold xrp it's sideways and downward Price action that's actually provably

True I've shown you U like there's a a Website I can't remember what it's Called off the top of my head but I Pulled it up a number of times in recent Months and it literally shows that There's a downtrend like the the typical Month for xrp since Inception if you had To bet is this month going to be up or Down if you bet down you'd be right the Majority of the time most of what it is Is downtrend so the reason that xrp Still Trends upward over a decade Despite that is because when it goes It Goes and it sets a substantially higher Plateau so yes xrp is going to hit a new Alltime high it's going to enter price Discovery uh that's my conviction no one Can know for sure and I don't but uh I Just don't know when I just I firmly Believe that is what is most probable Unless and this is my only caveat I keep Saying but I'll just say it one more Time unless we don't have a full like if If if there's a Black Swan event markets Collaps for some reason and it just Happens to be before xrp goes cuz xrp Typically legs behind it's typically at The end of the cycle that would be Pretty much my only caveat I can think Of uh then there was also this from Chart analyst cryptos and this was Actually last night at 7:27 p.m p.m. uh Ending the week good omen here he wrote Solid xrp weekly close back above the

Weekly 21 ma EMA 50 and 200 Ma and then He had a little fire Emoji yep and so we've been seeing it Heading in this Direction it's just a matter of time you Don't have to know exactly when it's Going to pop off look at the various Metrics look at what's happening in the Charts du like unless the whole thing Unless all of this falls apart xrp is Going to move with the Market how how is this something that Like a reasonable person could even Dispute you know of course it's going To here's chart analyst JD shared this Xrp BTC chart and he said xrp bounced Off multi year trend line each time we Bounce led to a massive rally and and Again I've been highlighting this this Is the moment that we're at I've been Saying it a lot especially over the last Week to week and a half I've been Consistently highlighting this sorry if It seems like much of I guess I am kind Of intentionally beating you over the Head with it because it matters that Much and it there's so much historical Pres it's on your damn screen right here You can go back to 2014 there's another One when this happens this is the moment When xrp goes it doesn't mean it's that Day or that week maybe it's next month Whatever but it is moving up today at Least

Yep here's a post from crypto Insight UK Now this is interesting because um this Was at 7:18 a.m. this morning hours Before xrp started running and he shared Uh this this uh xrp chart and he said People asking for an update on xrp 68 Cents incoming folks this is just over 3 Hours before it started Running and and and so at the time xrp What was it probably about 62 cents or Something yeah 62.9 cents right when it Started running at 10:40 a.m. and so Here's here's crypto ins. UK just hours Before saying 68 cents incoming and then He says as I keep saying xrp BTC is the Most important chart to watch again That's what I just showed you from uh From JD crypto Insight UK saying the same Thing it's very obviously true and this Is when you get the most screaming from The petulant children out there who get Their Fel feels hit real hard but I want My Lambo no shut your mouth up Seriously like you got to be an adult Just be patient that is not how this Works don't go crying to Ripple to try And increase the price the asset class Moves in tandem xrp is part of the asset Class let's not overthink this Okay oh man and then so then he says we Are still in the Launchpad Zone when Bitcoin slows we need to watch for a Push in this chart

I still expect something similar to the Above when rotation begins it Historically has happened really quickly As you can see with the xrp BTC weekly RSI at alltime low I have my eyes peeled For an explosive reversal and there you Go when things seem the most Bleak that Is the moment where you see a reversal In a bull market that is exactly what The hell happens and he shared this Chart as well so he's expecting it to Seriously outperform Bitcoin from from Here out and why wouldn't it Historically yes that is what Happened and then he also said this and This is after xrap started running this Is 11:45 a.m. so a little over an hour After XP started running crypto Insight UK uh added to those thoughts and said Let's see how today plays out if we hold Up high we could really rip more updates Will come from me when the market makes A proper decision for now we've just Flushed the liquidity I was targeting It's exciting but it's just step one This can quickly ignite a larger move But let's not get ahead of ourselves yet I want to have a proper look at things In a few hours we will know more let's See eyes on bitcoin to keep taking us Higher that's step one more liquidity Into the market step two is to see xrp Vbtc step one uh step two equals Fireworks for xrp price and then of

Course uh for the South Park fans out Fans out there step three profit Underpants Gnomes anybody come on uh and He says that's what we are looking for Eyes on xrp versus Bitcoin and what Happens after some profit taking from Traders for now this could be a move Within a range yeah it and it could be So again you guys are future people I Don't know if xrp price is lower at the Time you're watching this or if it's way Higher uh but either way do you see the Signs of life like even if say okay Let's say it's a more of a bearish Short-term scenario next p is lower and You're a future person does this not Prove Signs of Life does this not show You that xrp moves with the market it's Not some sort of dead fish here it's Going to move very Obviously and I'm telling you when it Really starts going people speculating In crypto are not going to give a damn What the coin is they see a big old Green candle they fomo in that's how Humans Act and you could say well why didn't That happen last time if that's just how Humans act well there was the secv Ripple law suit so you got to understand What the base is what like what starts a Move like that well what starts a move Like that is people who aren't idiots People who are in first who maybe have

Done some analysis and so there will be Fewer people jumping into xrp and there Were fewer last cycle out of fear of the Uh the secv Ripple lawsuit and and Understandably so right if that wasn't The case then there would have been more Intelligent thoughtful people thoughtful People doing analysis jumping in at the Bas layer and then as price started to Go up then the fomo people would come in But what I'm saying is since there was a Weaker base layer because of that you Had fewer people foming in there was Less strength because there wasn't as Strong of a foundation because the People like you and I that are in first That understand this stuff and are Buying for good reasons um you know There there are fewer of us last cycle But now xrp is Unshackled this baby going to run like It has legal Clarity there is no excuse For it not to run as long as we do see a Full-blown alt season uh which it looks Like we're in the midst of at at this Point at least at least things are Heating up um there's no excuse for xrp Not to run I and if it doesn't fine We'll have a come to Jesus talk when This whole thing's over but uh I I I Don't anticipate that being what the Discussion we're going to have I'm Expecting new all-time highs in price Discovery that's that's my conviction

We'll see what happens uh but I feel Pretty strongly about This uh here's a post from chart analyst Matthew Highland about Bitcoin this is Just pretty cool um this is at 7:02 p.m. Last night and so after markets closed For the week he said Bitcoin closes the Weekly above $69,000 and completes its highest weekly Candle close ever you'll love to see it Do you understand the environment we're On right or we're in right so like don't Fight the trend the idea that xrp isn't Going to be a part of this is Absurd completely absurd I can't take Anybody seriously that believes that I Mean I'll just respectfully disagree About that like if some people actually I don't really find people believing That you know those bearest comments I Find now is like well I don't know Bitcoin could go down to like 52,000 but Then it's going to go back up to higher And 100,000 like okay so if that's the Bearish I'm seeing now other than cppo Then you know Okay ah enjoy today enjoy today it's a Good time to be an xrp holder I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo



What is the XRP prediction for 2024? ›

XRP price forecasts for 2024

Coinpedia, however, warns of a potential bearish trend within a weekly triangle pattern, with a chance of a breakout reaching as high as $2.23. A key factor for 2024 is the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple and the SEC.

What is the price prediction for the XRP lawsuit? ›

Numerous analysts believe the asset can break out of its current price position and head toward somewhat outrageous targets. One such analyst, Dark Defender, believes XRP can rise to $5.85 and later to a whopping $18.22.

What is the honest prediction for XRP? ›

Having analyzed XRP prices, cryptocurrency experts expect that the XRP rate might reach a maximum of $0.648 in December 2024. It might, however, drop to $0.576. For December 2024, the forecasted average of XRP is nearly $0.612.

Will XRP skyrocket? ›

XRP could soar in value, but only if it manages to resolve its long-running SEC lawsuit. Polygon is well-positioned to benefit from growth occurring within the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. Cardano could gain market share at the expense of Ethereum, but it must first fend off new blockchain competitors.

Which coin will boom in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Bitcoin (BTC)$1.39 trillion$71,000
Ethereum (ETH)$455 billion$3789
Binance Coin (BNB)$103 billion$698
Solana (SOL)$79 billion$198
6 more rows

How much will XRP be worth in 5 years? ›

If the crypto market cap hits $3 trillion and XRP retains its current 1.18% dominance, its price could ascend to $0.636 by 2025. In a more bullish scenario of the crypto market surging to $10 Trillion, the price of XRP could soar to a staggering $1.12, resulting in a potential 6x return for investors by 2030.

Will XRP have a bull run? ›

In May 2024, analysts foresee an average XRP rate of $0.593, with a range from $0.506 to $0.680, offering a potential return on investment (ROI) of 16.1%. Moving to June, the forecast indicates a potential ROI of 33.2%, with the average XRP rate projected to be around $0.576, fluctuating between $0.534 and $0.618.

How much will 1 XRP cost in 2030? ›

Lastly, as per the XRP Price Prediction 2030, XRP's price is forecasted to range between $13.80 and $16.24, making an average of $15.02. This long-term optimistic view hinges on Ripple's increasing global recognition and adoption.

What is the realistic XRP price prediction for 2025? ›

InvestingHaven's proprietary forecast renders a stunning XRP prediction: XRP's timeline predicts one super bullish momentum window, i.e. July 2024. XRP may rise to $2.75 by July 31st, 2024. IF this bullish scenario materializes, our 2025 XRP forecast of $9 to $10 will be confirmed.

Does XRP have a bright future? ›

The XRP price analysis on this chart look conservatively positive at the moment, with what seems like a slight climb likely precipitated by the 2023 year end Crypto rally. 2024 looks to be a potentially exciting year, as XRP's market cap has gone up to $33.256B as 2023 comes to an end.

Will XRP reach $50? ›

Analyst “EGRAG CRYPTO” tweeted his latest technical analysis for XRP yesterday.

Will XRP reach $20? ›

Armando Pantoja, a prominent crypto figure, has expressed optimism about XRP's future. He believes the asset's true value lies between $8 and $20 and predicts it will reach this range by 2026. The $20 target represents a staggering 3,557.6% increase from its current price.

Is XRP going to explode? ›

XRP's gains should come, but maybe not right away

I'm not saying that Ripple is poised to pop in January, or that the token most certainly will rise later in 2024. However, it does seem poised for long-term success.

Will XRP hit $30? ›

Crypto hedge fund manager, Thomas Kralow, previously predicted that XRP would hit $US30 a coin in 2023. This prediction fails to consider the mathematical improbability of XRP reaching this price, as the total supply of 100 billion coins means the project's market cap would be $US3 trillion dollars.

What price can XRP realistically reach? ›

XRP hit $0.30 in the first week of 2023 and has since been in an steady upward trend. XRP broke out of a short-term downtrend at the start of February, bouncing off key support at $0.50. Provided Ripple wins its case against the SEC, our XRP forecast predicts a price of $4.50 by the end of 2025.

How high will XRP go in 2025? ›

XRP Long Term Predictions till 2030
XRP predictionMinimumMaximum
XRP price 2025$0.41$0.59
XRP price 2026$0.5$1.79
XRP price 2027$0.91$1.7
XRP price 2028$0.8$1.86
3 more rows

What is the future price of XRP in 2026? ›

XRP (XRP) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 0.499205
2025$ 0.524165
2026$ 0.550373
2027$ 0.577892
1 more row

Can XRP reach $$200? ›

XRP has had some major price swings in the past and according to crypto analyst Javon, something similar is about to occur. In an XRP price chart shared on social media by the analyst, the current price movement indicates that XRP surging to $200 is very possible.

How much will 1 ethereum be worth in 2025? ›

By the year 2025, Ethereum is expected to reach the maximum level of $6,500 with a minimum of $ 4,500 and an average of $5,500. And by the year 2030, it is expected that it may go up to a maximum of $20,500.

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