Are Ryuji and Ann canon? (2025)

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Are Ryuji and Ann canon?

Canon. Ryuji and Ann had known each other since they were in middle school. On the school trip to the aquarium, Ryuji asked Ann for money to take the bus back home since he spent all of his money on a stuffed dolphin toy for his mom, and she never forgot his debt for her.

(Video) Persona 5 Dancing In Starlight When Ann Finds Ryuji CUTE!!!!!!!!
Who is the Canon romance in p5r?

There is no official canon romance — that's supposed to be the player's choice. Having said that, it does seem like the game pushes Ann in a way it doesn't do with the other characters.

Is Kasumi The Canon love interest?

Persona 5 Royal: Joker x Kasumi Is Basically Canon - And Here's The Proof. A close look at Kasumi's personas show that she might be Joker's canon love interest in Persona 5 Royal. Persona 5 Royal saw the introduction of a brand new character and Phantom Thief - Kasumi Yoshizawa.

(Video) Futaba Complements Ann, Makoto, and Haru's Boobs - Persona 5 Strikers (Joker Likes Ryuji's Abs)
How old is Ann Takamaki?

9/14 Ann Takamaki (Age: 16, Height: 5'6, Birthday: November 12, 1999) Ann, representing the Lovers arcana as well as bringing the heat to the party with her persona Carmen, is the fourth Phantom Thieves member.

(Video) Persona 5 - Ann Asks Who do you Like? Hawaii Trip! HQ
(Thunder 777)
Who is Narukami Canon girlfriend?

Canon? None. If you count the manga, Yu and Rise, but since then any game on the franchise that has the P4 characters, Atlus has gone for no pairs at all.

(Video) There's Nowhere to Hide in Mementos | Persona 5 Comic Dub
Who is Ryuji's crush?

Minori Kushieda

It is known that Ryuuji holds a crush on Minori at the start of the series. Ryuuji always blushes when he sees Minori and he admires her.

(Video) Ryuji Protects His Girl Ann (Persona 5 Strikers)
What is Joker's canon persona?

While the player can freely choose a given name for Joker, his Phantom Thief code name, he is canonically named Ren Amamiya in most other appearances.

(Video) Anne and Ryuji (Comic Dub) - Persona 5
What is Joker's canon name persona?

While Ren Amamiya is Joker's most common “canon” name, whatever name you choose for him is an equally worthy contender.

(Video) Persona 5 - Monday 7/25: Phantom Thieves Ride To Futaba's Palace, Ryuji Pervs Ann Anime Cutscene
(Jason's Video Games Source)
Who has a crush on Joker Persona 5?

8/10 Love: Joker & Makoto Nijima

Throughout her questline, Makoto opens her heart to Joker to vent to him about her father's death and how she feels lonely. Joker is able to comfort her through this growing closer to her, which naturally develops into a romantic relationship.

(Video) Persona 5 - 11/27: Futaba & Ann Cries (Thinking Ryuji Died) "Man That Was Close" Ann Slaps Ryuji
(Jason's Video Games Source)
Does Ryuji have a love interest?

Type of Love Interest

Ryuuji Takasu is the main male character in the anime, manga, and light novel series Toradora. He's the love interest of Taiga Aisaka, and was the potential love interest of Minori Kushieda, since he had a crush on her, and Ami Kawashima, as she seemed to have a crush on him.

(Video) Ryuji why are you looking at Ann like that?

Who is the main love interest in Persona 4?

4/8 Yukiko Amagi (Priestess Arcana)

Of the main girls, her relationship with the main character feels the most organic as far as the story's structure goes. Rise is arguably the more natural fit for the lead, but Yukiko is introduced immediately and framed as the initial love interest.

(Video) Persona 5 The Animation Dub: Ryuji and Ann interactions
(Ryuji LUVR)
Who is the oldest Persona protagonist?

Maya Amano is the protagonist of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, and she is the oldest protagonist of a Persona game at 23 years old. Maya's personality is also well-established; she's known for being a positive and kind person.

Are Ryuji and Ann canon? (2025)
Is Ann Takamaki mixed race?

She is initially a loner, having only one friend in Shiho Suzui, a volleyball player. This is due to her being the victim of rumors surrounding her, due in part to her being mixed race; these rumors at times suggest that she is sexually promiscuous, especially with one of her teachers, Suguru Kamoshida.

Is Ann in Persona white?

Soon, the player learns that despite her traditionally Japanese surname, Ann is blonde, has green eyes—and is only one-quarter American. When the other students whisper about Ann and make assumptions about her due to her Western appearance, they never remember that Ann is mostly Japanese, like them.

Who is the best girl in Persona 4?

While there's not a bad character in the cast, Rise Kujikawa stands out above the rest as the game's best girl. As with other entries, Persona 4 places one character in the "Navigator" role who joins battle from the back lines.

Is Nanako related to Yu?

Nanako Dojima was created for Persona 4. She is the young cousin of Yu Narukami, and Ryotaro Dojima's only daughter.

Why doesn't Yu Narukami have a shadow?

Yu does not have a traditional Shadow in the game. Adachi and Magatsu Izanagi serve as shadow counterparts to Yu and Izanagi. While Yu's Persona symbolises youth, possibilities and growth, Adachi's is meant to evoke immaturity and emptiness.

Is Taiga married to Ryuji?

During Taiga's ending on the PSP, she marries Ryuuji (which now makes her Taiga Takasu) and becomes pregnant with triplets, in which this ending is also how presumably it would've gone in the anime.

Does Ryuji love Taiga?

Ryuuji decides to help Minori go after Taiga. While running to catch up, Minori shouts that she has always liked Ryuuji but held back because of her friendship with Taiga; she also says that Taiga has to obtain her own happiness as well. Afterwards, Minori confirms Ryuuji's love for Taiga.

How old is Ryuuji?

The series' main protagonist, Ryūji is a sixteen-year-old high school student in his second year, class 2-C.

Can you kiss in Persona 5?

But in Persona 5, it is straight up. You can date older women, kiss them, and even (in the game's own sweet little off-camera way) sleep with them.

Who is the best Waifu in Persona 5?

Top 1 Makoto Niijima for sure!

Makoto Niijima is a playable character in Persona 5. She's the student council president of Shujin Academy who lives a double life as a Phantom Thief.

Who is the most popular girl in Persona 5?

1st Place: Makoto Niijima (391 Votes) Third-year student council president at Shujin Academy, Makoto (code name: Queen) first appeared in Persona 5. Makoto received 391 votes, or 16.7% of the total votes cast.

Who is the Joker's love interest?

German-American actress Zazie Beetz, who played Arthur Fleck's imagined love interest in the 2019 'Joker', is currently in negotiations to reprise her role as Sophie Dumond in the Todd Phillips' directed sequel 'Joker: Folie A Deux'.

Who is the most popular persona character?

Persona: The Best Characters In The Series
  • 8/10 Mitsuru Kirijo - Persona 3. ...
  • 7/10 Makoto Niijima - Persona 5. ...
  • 6/10 Chie Satonaka - Persona 4. ...
  • 5/10 Koromaru - Persona 3. ...
  • 4/10 Naoto Shirogane - Persona 4. ...
  • 3/10 Ryuji Sakamoto - Persona 5. ...
  • 2/10 Aigis - Persona 3. ...
  • 1/10 Maya Amano - Persona 2.
20 Oct 2021

Is p5 or p5r canon?

Persona 5 Royal is Not Canon to Persona 5 Strikers' Story

Specifically, Persona 5 Strikers is a direct sequel to the events of Persona 5, not Persona 5 Royal. The events of the third semester, certain characters, and certain events throughout the main game are not considered canon to Strikers.

Will Persona 6 have Joker?

Joker embodies Persona's themes and is the poster boy for in Persona 5 crossovers, putting a lot of pressure on Persona 6's protagonist.

Why does Joker have Arsene?

Arsène is the personification of the rebellious side of Joker's soul, expressing righteous indignation for his mistreatment and desiring retribution against those responsible. Personas exist within all people, but without the right catalyst, a person usually goes their whole life unable to learn about their existence.

Why is jokers name Ren?

Ren means “rain,” and likely refers to the fact that it was raining when Joker met Ryuji at the beginning of Persona 5. “Amamiya” means “Palace,” and is derived from Joker and Ryuji's joint discovery of Kamoshida's Metaverse dungeon.

Who is the best girl to date in Persona 5?

6/11 (Best) Makoto Nijima - Priestess

Makoto is considered a queen by her fans. Fans who like her, REALLY like her, and even consider her to be the canon romance of the game. She also is relatively easy to romance and is incredibly plot-relevant.

Is Morgana a guy or a girl?

Morgana is a cat in the game but also a character in his own right, part of the group, he dislikes being thought of as merely being a cat. In addition, despite the name Morgana he is actually male. The latest trailer (shown below) gives us a quick insight into the character as well as what he can do in game.

What happens if you have more than one girlfriend in Persona 5?

If you are dating multiple girls, there will be a bonus scene on Feb. 15, where your ladies catch you cheating on them. They will beat the living daylights out of you, and Sojiro will give you a bonus chocolate to make you feel better. It is a funny scene but you will end up feeling like a jerk in real life.

Is Ryuji from Blue Period gender?

Ryuji is a student in the same year as Yaguchi at their public high school. He is a male character, however, vastly prefers to wear feminine clothing.

What is Ryuji full name?

Ryuji Kisaragi (如月 竜司), the main character of the light novel and anime series Dragon Crisis!

Is Ryuji naturally blonde?

Ryuji has short spiky dyed blond hair and dark brown eyes. According to Sadayo Kawakami, his hair is naturally black.

Can you have multiple girlfriends in Persona 4?

You can but on Valentine's day you'll get an unavoidable moral bashing and you'll make them suffer. They dont decrease.

Can you harem in Persona 4?

You can have a harem in both games.

Are akechi and Joker in love?

It's a love confession: Akechi's life isn't "trivial" to Joker because he loves him.

Who is the most popular Persona protagonist?

Yu Narukami, known as Souji Seta in the manga, is arguably one of the more popular protagonists of the entire series, and he made his debut in Persona 4 back in 2008. The original Persona 4 Arena Ultimax was released back in 2013, but has since received a remaster for 2022.

Who is the strongest main character in Persona?

10/20 Makoto Yuki (P3)

The protagonist of Persona 3 is almost without a doubt the strongest Persona protagonist in the entire series under normal conditions. He inherits the Universe arcana which allows him to seal Nyx, a world-threatening god of death.

Who is the tallest Persona character?

At 185 cm (6'1"), Eikichi is currently the tallest playable character in the Persona series.

Who is the best girlfriend in Persona 5 Royal?

She's good at winning Shogi and my heart. Let's be honest, Persona 5 Royal is about dating. Sure, there are complex palaces, tests, and numerous side activities, but the best part is building relationships.

Can you date multiple girls in p5r?

Yes, you can have more than one girlfriend in Persona 5 Royal. In fact, you can date every single romance option if you want — but it's not necessarily recommended.

What does Ann Takamaki like?

Ann Takamaki (Lovers)

The Custard Cake along with Chocolate Truffles, Face Beautifier, Rose Bouquet, and Uji Matcha Flan trigger unique dialogue when given. The gifts Crimson Lipstick, Heart-Shaped Ring, and Rose Bouquet will require a romantic relationship before they can be given as gifts.

What is Ann weakness?

Ann is resistant to Fire skills, and is weak against Ice.

What was Kamoshida doing to Ann?

As an act of revenge against Ann rejecting his sexual advances, he sexually assaulted (and it was heavily implied that he sexually violated) her friend Shiho Suzui because Ann repeatedly refused to go to bed with him.

Is Morgana in love with Ann?

Those who played Persona 5 will know that Morgana is madly in love with Ann Takamaki. From the moment he sees her, he's awestruck by her beauty, often dreaming of winning her heart. This is just as true in Strikers as it was then.

Can you date Ryuji?

There are plenty of lines throughout the story that are perfectly conducive to building a relationship with pretty much any of the characters. But no, you can't romance Ryuji. You, a 16-year-old, can simply romance adults who are over ten years older than you instead - including your teacher.

Does Ryuji get with Taiga?

During Taiga's ending on the PSP, she marries Ryuuji (which now makes her Taiga Takasu) and becomes pregnant with triplets, in which this ending is also how presumably it would've gone in the anime.

How old is Ryuji Azuma?

Ryuji Azuma
Height190 cm
Professional Status
OccupationSwim Coach Food Blogger Professional Swimmer (former)
17 more rows

Who is the best girl to date in Persona 5 Royal?

Out of all the potential romances, the standout is the one with Hifumi Togo. While there are some requirements to even start getting to know her, Hifumi's story is well worth the work.

What is Joker's canon Persona?

While the player can freely choose a given name for Joker, his Phantom Thief code name, he is canonically named Ren Amamiya in most other appearances.

Does Ryuji have a broken leg?

When sitting in a chair, he tends to elevate his leg as well. Hell, even when he stands he's always leaning up against something if he's able to. it's safe to say Ryuji did indeed break his femur. We can assume Ryuji and his mother couldn't quite afford proper Physical Therapy to help him recover.

Who is the best Persona 5 girl?

1st Place: Makoto Niijima (391 Votes) Third-year student council president at Shujin Academy, Makoto (code name: Queen) first appeared in Persona 5. Makoto received 391 votes, or 16.7% of the total votes cast.

Who is Minori in love with?

It was revealed that Minori was in love with Ryuuji the entire time but she decided not to act on her feelings for the sake of Taiga's happiness. It's pretty hard not to adore someone after such a selfless act.

When did Minori start liking Ryuuji?

Minori appears to reciprocate feelings as early as episode 3 when she starts acting nervously around Ryuuji, for example, trembling when she's about to pitch a ball. However, Minori holds back on expressing any feelings for Ryuuji because she knows he would be better off with Taiga.

Does Ryuji ever meet his dad?

Ryuji's father may never appear in person in Toradora, but his absence drives the actions and motivations of the family he left behind.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated: 01/22/2025

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.