Is it better to say free or complimentary? (2024)

Should I use free or complimentary?

To put it simply: Free – if the product or service is availed free, without any conditions in place. Complimentary – if the product or service is availed free, only after it satisfies some pre-defined conditions.

(Video) Complimentary versus Complementary | Complementary vs Complimentary meaning |
Which means free complimentary or complementary?

Both of these words function as adjectives. Complimentary means “expressing a compliment” or “favorable.” It can also mean “free” in reference to items or services provided as a courtesy. Complementary refers to enhancing or emphasizing the qualities of another person or thing.

(Video) Compliment, Complement, Complimentary, Complementary - Learn the difference!
(Espresso English)
How do you use complimentary in a sentence?

(1) His remarks were the reverse of complimentary. (2) The supermarket operates a complimentary shuttle service. (3) She made some highly complimentary remarks about their school. (4) I've got complimentary tickets for the theatre.

(Video) Marketing Tips For Developers
Does complimentary mean free?

The definition of complimentary is something that is free or included in a larger cost. An example of complimentary are the peanuts which are included in the cost of an airline ticket. Paying or containing a compliment; expressing courtesy, respect, admiration, or praise.

(Video) Distribution of Sounds: Complementary Distribution
(Aze Linguistics)
What do you mean by complimentary?

Definition of complimentary

1a : expressing praise or admiration : expressing or containing a compliment a complimentary remark. b : favorable the novel received complimentary reviews. 2 : given free as a courtesy or favor complimentary tickets.

(Video) Complement or Compliment - What's the Difference Between Complement and Compliment
(JForrest English)
How do you say something is complimentary?

comp. Comp is an abbreviated form of complimentary.

(Video) Get Free Complimentary Leads With Royaltie | Royaltie`s Analytics | Royaltie`s Marketing Platform
(Robert Taylor)
How do you say free without saying free?

  1. complimentary,
  2. costless,
  3. gratis,
  4. gratuitous.

(Video) NCL Getaway - Complete Food Review (Complimentary and Specialty)
(Byte Size Cruises)
What does it mean if something is free?

adjective. If something is free, you can have it or use it without paying for it. The seminars are free, with lunch provided. Synonyms: complimentary, for free [informal], for nothing, unpaid More Synonyms of free.

(Video) Should you ask for cabin upgrade - getting a complimentary cabin upgrade
(Don's Family Vacations)
How do you say I'm free professionally?

  1. am i free.
  2. have the liberty.
  3. i am available.
  4. i am open.
  5. i am ready.
  6. i am willing.
  7. i get free.
  8. i get off work.

(Video) What Hotelier Should Know about Common Frauds at Hotel Front Desk & How Hotelier can Prevent Them
How can I say free without saying free?

  1. complimentary,
  2. costless,
  3. gratis,
  4. gratuitous.

(Video) Earning Complimentary Gifts from Your Casino's Club
(Professor Slots)

What does complimentary WIFI mean?

The author may very well have sat down and thought, "How do I describe the features of our internet access package to potential internet purchasers." In that context it's totally reasonable to say "complimentary wireless in the lobby" meaning it's free for customers.

(Video) How To Say Complimentary
(Emma Saying)
What is complimentary parking mean?

It means the parking is free . You must drive to the connected parking yourself .

Is it better to say free or complimentary? (2024)
Do it for free meaning?

phrase. If you do something or get something for free, you do it without being paid or get it without having to pay for it. [informal]

What is another way to say free?

What is another word for free?
complimentaryfree of charge
gratuitouswithout charge
as a giftchargeless
costlesson the house
26 more rows

How do you say I'm free professionally?

  1. am i free.
  2. have the liberty.
  3. i am available.
  4. i am open.
  5. i am ready.
  6. i am willing.
  7. i get free.
  8. i get off work.

What is the other terms for free?

The definition of gratis is free. The definition of lax is being relaxed or not strict.

What is the plural for complimentary?

noun, plural com·pli·men·ta·ries.

Why Free internet is a good idea?

Freedom. The internet brings freedom to its users in many ways; it gives people the freedom to learn what they want, to speak with whom they choose, to air their opinions, and even to work with people they have never, and will never meet.

Should WiFi be free for everyone?

Summary: Free Internet access must be considered as a human right, as people unable to get online -- particularly in developing countries -- lack meaningful ways to influence the global players shaping their everyday lives, according to a new study.

What is complimentary night?

Complimentary accommodation. Complimentary accommodation means you have been granted to stay in a hotel, you will be using some or all of their services, and you won't have to pay.

How do you use free in a sentence?

How to use Free in a sentence
  1. Hey, I really am free this time. ...
  2. You can spend it with a free conscience. ...
  3. Free elections can be threatening as well, literally to their livelihoods. ...
  4. No one is guaranteed a free ride. ...
  5. For the present I am free and am all right.

What kind of word is free?

Free can be a noun, an adverb, an adjective or a verb.

What kind of adjective is free?

adjective, fre·er [free-er], fre·est [free-ist]. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery: a land of free people. pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty: They were thankful to be living on free soil.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Last Updated: 04/02/2024

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.