Weighed synonyms? (2024)

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What is the synonym of weighed?

Some common synonyms of weigh are consider, contemplate, and study.

(Video) Weigh - Meaning Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms
(Master American English Vocabulary)
What is a synonym for sufficiently enough?

Some common synonyms of sufficient are adequate, competent, and enough. While all these words mean "being what is necessary or desirable," sufficient suggests a close meeting of a need. sufficient savings.

(Video) Weigh Meaning | Vocabulary | Synonyms with Example Sentences
What word means to carefully weighed or considered?

adjective. carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie. characterized by deliberation or cautious consideration; careful or slow in deciding: Moving away from the city and all its advantages required a deliberate decision.

(Video) How to Pronounce Weighed
(Julien Miquel)
What do you mean by weighed mean?

Weighted Mean is an average computed by giving different weights to some of the individual values. If all the weights are equal, then the weighted mean is the same as the arithmetic mean. It represents the average of a given data. The Weighted mean is similar to the arithmetic mean or sample mean.

(Video) Weighed down | meaning of Weighed down
(LF's English Academy)
What is the full meaning of weighed?

weigh verb (HEAVINESS)

to have a heaviness of a stated amount, or to measure the heaviness of an object: Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tons was successfully placed in orbit. She weighs herself every week on the scales in the bathroom. Your luggage must be weighed before it is put on the aircraft.

(Video) WEIGH meaning in English | Whats the Meaning of WEIGH | Translation, Definition, Synonyms and use
(Knowledge Base)
What is good enough synonym?

The words satisfactory, fair, and average can refer to things that are as good as you expect them to be, but no more.

(Video) Weigh | Meaning of weigh
(Meaning of the words)
What is the true meaning of enough?

Enough is an adjective that describes something that is adequate for an intended purpose. Enough is also used as an adverb to mean sufficiently or fully. Enough also has senses as a pronoun and an interjection. Enough describes something as being adequate or sufficient.

(Video) Weigh down Meaning in English and Hindi | Weigh down Synonyms and Antonyms | Weigh down Sentences
(English Ka Funda)
What type of word is enough?

Enough is a determiner, a pronoun or an adverb. We use enough to mean 'as much as we need or want'.

(Video) How to Pronounce Weighing
(Julien Miquel)
What is the meaning of sufficient enough?

Sufficient comes from a Latin verb meaning "to meet the need." If something is sufficient it has met, or satisfied, a need. Enough is often used as a synonym for sufficient, and when something is not sufficient, it is too little to take care of what's needed.

(Video) 🔵 Weigh Up - Weighed Up Meaning - Weighing Up Examples - English Phrasal Verbs
Can I say adequate enough?

Adequate is also close in meaning to enough and sufficient. It suggests that something is good enough or large enough for a particular purpose: This country will never maintain an adequate supply of trained teachers if so many leave the profession after four or five years.

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What is better than sufficiently?

Some common synonyms of plentiful are abundant, ample, and copious. While all these words mean "more than sufficient without being excessive," plentiful implies a great or rich supply.

(Video) Essential English Vocabulary 982/1000 weigh
(English Vocabulary 1000 Essential Words)
What is another word for very carefully?

1 watchful, guarded, chary, circ*mspect. 2 meticulous, scrupulous. 3 rigorous. 4 thoughtful, concerned, solicitous, attentive, heedful, regardful.

Weighed synonyms? (2024)
What's means to examine something very carefully?

scrutinize. verb. to examine something very carefully.

What is a synonym for carefully?

On this page you'll find 70 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to carefully, such as: anxiously, attentively, conscientiously, correctly, deliberately, and delicately.

How do you use weighed in a sentence?

weigh verb (HEAVINESS)

Your luggage must be weighed before it is put on the aircraft. I weigh ten and a half stone. She's neurotic about her weight - she weighs herself three times a day. She weighs between 55 and 60 kilograms.

What is weighted mean used for?

In Mathematics, the weighted mean is used to calculate the average value of the data. In the weighted mean calculation, the average value can be calculated by providing different weights to some of the individual values.

Is weighted mean same as mean?

In calculating a simple average, or arithmetic mean, all numbers are treated equally and assigned equal weight. But a weighted average assigns weights that determine in advance the relative importance of each data point. A weighted average is most often computed to equalize the frequency of the values in a data set.

Is weighed in a sentence?

Weighed sentence example. The heaviest nodule weighed over 20 tons. The words made him smile but weighed on her. In the meantime, killing dealers he used to consider colleagues or allies weighed heavily on his emotions at a time when he needed to think clearly.

What does it mean to weigh accurately?

The term "weigh accurately" means to weigh down to the degree of 0.1 mg, 0.01 mg or 0.001 mg by taking into account the purpose of the test and using a relevant weighing device. ... 23.

Should be weighed against Meaning?

(idiomatic) To be disadvantageous to someone.

Is Satisfactory good enough?

Meaning of satisfactory in English. good or good enough for a particular need or purpose: The teachers seem to think his work is satisfactory.

How do you use enough correctly?

enough comes after adjectives and adverbs. I'm not tall enough to reach the top shelf. Your marks are good enough to study engineering at university. I couldn't write quickly enough and I ran out of time.

What is an example sentence for enough?

Adverb I couldn't run fast enough to catch up with her. She's old enough to know better. Are you rich enough to retire?

What is the old word for enough?

enough (adj.)

1300, from Old English genog "sufficient in quantity or number," from Proto-Germanic compound *ganog "sufficient" (source also of Old Saxon ginog, Old Frisian enoch, Dutch genoeg, Old High German ginuog, German genug, Old Norse gnogr, Gothic ganohs).

What is the base word of sufficient?

Etymology. From Latin significans, present participle of significare, from signum (“sign”) + ficare (“do, make”), variant of facere.

What does sufficient mean in a sentence?

enough for a particular purpose: This recipe should be sufficient for five people. It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him.

What does work sufficiently mean?

Doing work sufficiently means getting the job done without going above or beyond. Doing something sufficiently is still much better than doing it insufficiently, which is never enough.

Is adequate better than sufficient?

ANSWER: ADEQUATE, SUFFICIENT and ENOUGH are slightly different in meaning. If something is adequate, there is enough of it, but only just enough. If there is sufficient quantity of something, this suggests that there is as much of it as you need.

What is the meaning of more sufficient?

[more sufficient; most sufficient] somewhat formal. : having or providing as much as is needed : enough. A brisk walk is sufficient to raise your heart rate.

What is a synonym for adequate amount?

Some common synonyms of adequate are competent, enough, and sufficient.

What is a synonym for weighed up?

contemplate. evaluate. ponder. take something into consideration. take a long hard look at someone​/​something.

What is a synonym for weighed down?

hold down, overburden, overload, sadden, bear down, burden, cumber, get down, oppress, press, prey on, pull down, task, trouble, weight, weigh upon, worry.

What does weighed against mean?

(idiomatic) To be disadvantageous to someone.

What does it mean to weigh up something?

to think carefully about the advantages or disadvantages of a situation before making a decision: I'm weighing up my options before I decide to apply for the job.

How do you describe being weighed down?

to make a person feel worried and unhappy because of problems, responsibilities, and duties: I thought she looked somehow older, weighed down by all her new responsibilities. Too much responsibility when too young can weigh down on a child.

Is weighty a synonym for heavy?

Some common synonyms of weighty are cumbersome, cumbrous, heavy, and ponderous. While all these words mean "having great weight," weighty suggests having actual and not just relative weight.

Is weighed a verb or noun?

For the most part, we can keep weigh and weight straight by using weigh as a verb and weight as a noun, with a smattering of exceptions for statistics and grades and blankets.

Which is correct weighed or weighted?

Weighed down and weighted (no preposition) can mean the same thing in some contexts. Weighed down can, in principle, denote some kind of burden - good or bad. Weighted, on the other hand, is a purely technical term: an adverbish adjective meaning "with added weight," "with some ballast."

Why are things weighed by difference?

As the solid is removed to another vessel, the mass of the weighing bottle contents decreases. Upon reweighing, a lower mass is found. The difference in the two masses represents the mass of solid reagent transferred to the vessel. Hence, the phrase "weighing by difference".

Which word means heavily loaded or weighed down?

beladen (not comparable) laden, fraught (heavily loaded or weighed down)

What are antonyms for weigh?

antonyms for weigh
  • disregard.
  • forget.
  • ignore.
  • neglect.

What is another word for heaviness?

synonyms: burdensomeness, onerousness, oppressiveness. type of: difficultness, difficulty. the quality of being difficult. an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency.

What does it mean to weigh in on something?

to give an opinion or enter a discussion or argument: The senator weighed in with a blistering attack on welfare cheats.

What does it mean to weigh it out?

phrasal verb. If you weigh something out, you measure a certain weight of it in order to make sure that you have the correct amount. I agreed to help him weigh it out. [

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated: 04/02/2024

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.