What does waitlist mean for Ticketmaster?
If no tickets for an event are currently available, then the event may offer a waitlist for tickets. Additional tickets sometimes become available when current ticket holders can no longer attend OR the event promoter decides to release more tickets.
Go to Ticketmaster and locate the event* you want to shop for. Join the Waiting Room at least 10 minutes prior to the event going on sale. When the sale begins, the Queue will open and you'll be given a place in line.
When ticket sales start, the temporary queue is refreshed and everyone who is in queue is assigned a random place. Then the final queue starts for buying tickets. In other words, it does not make sense to wait for our site already hours in advance. You are welcome, but it does not guarantee you a spot in the front row.
Please check your webpage regularly to see if the queue circle is moving. If you don't see any movement, your browser is stuck. Please refresh your browser by pressing F5.
If the passenger status is marked as WL followed by a number, it means the passenger has a waitlisted status. This can get confirm, if passengers who have booked tickets earlier for the same journey cancel their tickets.
Waiting List or WL Ticket means that the passenger is on the waiting list and will not get a seat in the train. A Waiting List passenger is not allowed to travel in a reserved train.
What is the deadline for PNR confirmation? The movement of waitlist queue stops after the Final Chart is prepared which is usually done about 3-4 hours before the departure of the train.
In case of wait-listed e-tickets on which all the passengers are on waiting list even after preparation of reservation chart, names of all such passengers booked on that Passenger Name Record (PNR) will be dropped from the reservation chart and refund of full fare will be credited back to the account from which booking ...
The requests for reservation at the reservation counters are accepted up to 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, after which, the reservation will be done at the current counters at the stations up to one hour before the scheduled departure of the train and thereafter by the Ticket Collector/Conductor ...
On the day of the ticket sale, get onto the site ten minutes before the tickets are released, then refresh the page 10 seconds before the release time to improve your chances of getting to the front of the queue.
How does Ticketmaster verified fan pick people?
The invitation process may vary from event to event, and invitations are based on demand and ticket availability. If you're invited, you'll receive a text message to the number you provided during registration. Your text will include a unique access code and link to the ticket sale.
Buying Ticketmaster tickets on the app is the fastest way to buy tickets online.

We'll deposit your payout typically within 5-7 business days.
Orders can take up to 2 days to process. Please note that delivery times are based on which day the order is shipped rather than which day the order is placed.
Pending sale means someone purchased your ticket(s) and it is currently being processed but is not yet finalized. Once your tickets have been sold, the status will be updated to 'Sold. '
The coloured encircling of the percentage denotes the following: Green: More than 75% chances of getting the waitlisted tickets confirmed. Orange: 40-75% chances of getting the waitlisted tickets confirmed. Red: Less than 40% chances of getting the waitlisted tickets confirmed.
If the ticket booked online on IRCTC has a WL (waiting list) status, does it get automatically cancelled if it doesn't get confirmed? Yes, the tickets booked online by irctc website get cancelled automatically if all passengers on the ticket remain waitlisted even after preparation of chart.
You can cancel your Waitlisted counter tickets up to 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the journey. No refund is applicable after that. For waitlisted counter tickets, the cancellation can be carried out by the passenger at the PRS counters or via the IRCTC website.
Enter your 10-digit railway PNR number on Trainman site or Trainman app and click "PNR Status" button. You will see the current status of your PNR along with confirmation chances, departure-arrival timings, platform number, coach position, delay status and historical trends.
Online unconfirmed ticket passengers are not allowed to travel inside the train as the ticket money is refunded to the passenger if the seat is not confirmed till the time of preparation of departing train chart.
Can I sit with waiting ticket?
You can not get in with a wait listed ticket. Yes, your ticket position will climb upto RAC before it gets confirmed. With an RAC ticket you can board the train, but you'll get just half a berth for each ticket.
Join the Waiting Room at least 10 minutes prior to the on sale. The Waiting Room join option is typically not visible on the event page until 10 to 15 minutes prior to the on sale. Once you join the Waiting Room, do not refresh or close your browser.
Please note – while the Waiting Room opens approximately 30 minutes before the Smart Queue starts, the time you enter the Waiting Room does not determine your place in the Smart Queue.
Use the Web Inspector to bypass the queue system
Select the Network Tab. Check “Preserve Log” Visit the booking page where you will be kicked out to the Queue-It system (Just visit the page as per how you will browse a website on Google Chrome) Now, your Web Inspector will have a list of network requests as shown.
In 2017, Ticketmaster introduced Verified Fan, a program that requires users to input their personal information within a registration window. Before tickets go on sale, verified fans will get a notification telling them whether they've been selected to get access to a presale code or whether they were waitlisted.
Those who registered during the registration window and pass the Ticketmaster analysis will then be randomly selected to receive an offer code from Ticketmaster.
How do I know I am registered for a Verified Fan event? Once registered you will receive a confirmation email to let you know we have successfully received your registration and what to expect next. The email is simply to inform you of that. It doesn't however, guarantee you'll receive an invitation to shop.
On our site, you can choose the seats that suit you the best, among the seats that are assigned to the sale by the organizer. To access this booking method, choose the option "Select your own seat" when you are on the event page.
Mar 24, 2022•Article
Some performers, teams, and venues release their tickets with a delivery delay. A delivery delay is used to prevent tickets from being accessed until we can confirm everyone has adhered to the event ticket limit and didn't use unfair ticket technology to buy in bulk.
How do I check if my tickets are valid or authentic? We can't verify tickets bought from a 3rd party. The only way to know your tickets are authentic, is to buy Ticketmaster “Verified Tickets” directly from Ticketmaster or Live Nation, or get them at the venue box office. These tickets will always be 100% authentic.
How do I know if my order went through on Ticketmaster?
Sep 13, 2020•Article
Click "My Account" at the top right of any page on our site and sign in to view the tickets under "View All Orders." You can confirm your purchase along with delivery status, seat locations, total charges, and more!
If a popular event goes on sale, it can become very busy on our site before the start of the sale. To manage all that traffic in the right direction, a temporary queue is being set up. You will now see a circle that is filling, but this is not yet the queue to buy tickets.
If the event is cancelled, the ticket is refunded according to the promoter's guidelines and within 60 days after the date of the event. The service charge is not refundable. In some cases, Ticketmaster's Fan Guarantee will provide an opportunity to cancel/refund a purchase within 24 hours after the purchase.
Make sure your ticket(s) are not HIDDEN. You can check this setting by going to the Ticket Item Detail page under the "Info Tab". Look for a checkbox that says "Hide Item" and make sure it's not checked, if you want the ticket to appear online.
Our goal is to have your tickets in your mailbox 10-14 business days after purchase.
Usually, a pending charge will show on your account until the transaction is processed and the funds are transferred to the merchant. This could typically take up to three days but may stretch longer depending on the merchant and the type of transaction.
Waitlist is a feature that allows you to reserve tickets for a sold out or on-demand event. No more refreshing the page or checking back constantly in search of the tickets you want.
What is the deadline for PNR confirmation? The movement of waitlist queue stops after the Final Chart is prepared which is usually done about 3-4 hours before the departure of the train.
Check PNR status online
Enter the 10-digit PNR number found on the top left corner of a train ticket and go to the "PNR Status" button. It will return your train ticket's accurate PNR status as well as waitlist prediction updates.
However, the school could not offer them a letter of acceptance at that time. Getting on a waitlist is not a rejection — waitlisted students still have a shot at earning admission to the school.
Do Waitlisted people usually get in?
Colleges typically finalize waitlist offers by June 1, but the process can extend into the summer. Nationally, about 20% of students who accepted waitlist spots were eventually admitted.
The college waitlist is a list of applicants who might or might not be offered admission to a particular college. Schools usually start to admit applicants off the waitlist after May 1 and will continue to admit applicants until they've filled their entire freshman class.
Tickets are available on a first come first serve basis. Can I share my access code with my friends or family? To purchase tickets with your unique code during a Verified Fan ticket sale, you must be logged in to the Ticketmaster account you registered with.