What is a synonym for severe indecisive? (2025)

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What is a synonym for severe indecisive?

unstable. vacillating. waffling. wavering. weak-kneed Compare Synonyms.

(Video) Synonyms | Award Winning Synonym Teaching Video | What are Synonyms?
(GrammarSongs by Melissa)
What do you call someone who has a hard time making decisions?

adjective. Definition of indecisive. as in unsure. unable or slow to make decisions I was feeling indecisive, so it took me a while to pick a movie. He's always been an indecisive person.

(Video) Learn the Synonyms | Words that are same in meaning | | Examples of synonyms | Lesson with quiz
(Teacher Aya Online Tutor)
What does super indecisive mean?

1. : not decisive or final. an indecisive battle. 2. : finding it hard to make decisions.

(Video) Learn 200 HELPFUL Synonym Words in English To Strengthen Your English Vocabulary
(Club James Studios - English Speaking Videos)
What word means to act nervously or indecisively?

vacillating, hesitant, wavering.

(Video) Learn 150 Common Synonyms Words in English to Improve your Vocabulary
(English Mastery)
What do you call someone who is very decisive?

Synonyms: resolute, unhesitating. characterized by quickness and firmness. resolute.

(Video) English Synonym Words for ALSO, ABOUT, ALL, ALWAYS, ANYWAY + AFTER | Expand Your English Vocabulary
(Club James Studios - English Speaking Videos)
What is a severe inability to make decisions?

This is a diagnosable mental disorder. “Aboulomania is when a person shows signs of pathological indecisiveness,” Perlus explains. “While most people will be indecisive at some point, people with aboulomania are indecisive to the point where it is an obsession and severely affects their daily lives.”

(Video) uncertain - 10 adjectives synonym of uncertain (sentence examples)
(English Vocabulary)
What is extreme inability to make decisions?

Aboulomania is characterised by great indecision and an inability to, or difficulty in, making any kind of choice in a person's daily life. This significantly affects functioning, specifically the ability to function socially, making it difficult to maintain family and personal relationships.

(Video) Learn 270 Synonym Words + Antonym Words in English | Strengthen Your English Vocabulary
(Club James Studios - English Speaking Videos)
What is the personality of an indecisive person?

It has been described as a trait (Rassin, 2007, Van Matre and Cooper, 1984) characterized by chronic decision-making problems such as long decision-making times, feelings of uncertainty during decision-making processes, a tendency to delay and avoid decisions, and feelings of regret and worry about decisions made ( ...

(Video) 100 Most Important Adjectives in English With Synonyms
(Now English 24)
What is an indecisive person's weakness?

An indecisive person struggles with:
  • Making quick and effective decisions.
  • Being firm about their choices.
  • Collaborating with others, especially if tasks are interdependent.
  • Following through simply because they can't decide on their idea's efficacy.
  • Dealing with high-pressure environments where time is of the essence.
Mar 5, 2021

(Video) 50 Advanced Adjectives to Describe Personality | Positive & Negative Vocabulary (+ Free PDF & Quiz)
(English with Lucy)
What does indecisive mean in psychology?

Indecisiveness is an ongoing and general difficulty in making decisions. This is not to be confused with 'indecision'', a momentary state of being undecided about a specific decision (1). Along with other cognitive phenomena (e.g., mind blanking), being indecisive is common.

(Video) 90 Most Commonly Used Words with Synonyms in IELTS Writing Task 2
(Now English 24)

What do you call a person that can't make up their mind?

adjective. If you say that someone is indecisive, you mean that they find it very difficult to make decisions. He was criticized as a weak and indecisive leader. Synonyms: hesitating, uncertain, wavering, doubtful More Synonyms of indecisive. 2.

(Teacher Frell)
What is the word when you can't decide?

Here are several choices: on the fence, indecisive, vacillating.

What is a synonym for severe indecisive? (2025)
What is a word for lack of choice?

On this page you'll find 5 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to lack of choice, such as: no alternative, no choice, only choice, and zero option.

What is a synonym for lack of decisiveness?

Synonyms: on the fence, undecided. characterized by indecision. hesitant, hesitating. lacking decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly. suspensive.

What is a word for making quick decisions without thinking?

Some common synonyms of impulsive are automatic, instinctive, mechanical, and spontaneous. While all these words mean "acting or activated without deliberation," impulsive implies acting under stress of emotion or spirit of the moment.

How do you deal with indecisive people?

So offer them some patience, but at the same time, make sure that they stay on-task and make a decision. You'll need to exhibit confidence when dealing with an indecisive person, and not play into their dysfunction. Give them patience, but don't let them draw you into their decision-making drama.

What is severe indecisiveness ADHD?

Adults with ADHD may have difficulty sifting through too many choices. They may spend so much time analyzing that they can't come to a decision. Some people with ADHD call this “analysis paralysis.” Outcomes from earlier decisions may lead to negative feelings or insecurity about making good decisions.

What is the paralysis of indecision?

Decision paralysis is the state of indecision when faced with multiple options that we struggle to compare. Returning to the ice cream example, it's what causes your stress levels to elevate when finding it hard to choose between salted caramel or white chocolate.

What causes extreme indecisiveness?

Indecisiveness has been linked to neuroticism in research. Neurotic individuals tend to ponder about anything and everything that could possibly go wrong. Delaying or avoiding decision-making can be thought of as a strategy to delay or avoid the imaginary negative consequences altogether.

Is indecisiveness a toxic trait?

But when indecision is habitual, it's toxic. It paralyzes you. Limits your future. Keeps you from walking in your brilliance.

What personality type is the most indecisive?

Out of the IN personality types, INFPs and INTPs struggle the most with indecisiveness. These types can see endless possibilities, which makes it difficult for them to gain the closure they need to move forward. INPs may struggle to identify a strong sense of purpose and direction.

Is being very indecisive a disorder?

It is normal to experience a certain level of indecisiveness in our everyday lives. However, when symptoms become clinically significant and cause distress and impairment in a person's functioning, they can be considered a part of a mental disorder [3].

What does God say about indecisiveness?

8 An indecisive man is unstable in all his ways. 9 The brother of humble circumstances should boast in his exaltation; 10 but the one who is rich [should boast] in his humiliation, because he will pass away like a flower of the field.

Is indecisiveness a symptom of anxiety?

Many people suffering from an anxiety disorder are unsurprisingly indecisive. They may not be indecisive about insignificant questions, but they most likely are ambivalent about things related to their identity such as their sexual orientation, gender and many more.

What is chronic indecisiveness?

Chronic indecisiveness is the habit of not making a choice. Chronic indecisiveness is more than ordinary indecision. Those affected may be so consumed by the possible consequences of a wrong choice that they overlook the results of taking no action.

Is being indecisive part of bipolar disorder?

Cognitive function can still be affected and patients may have mild symptoms . Again, it depends on the person how severe this is. People with more advanced bipolar disorder will have more problems between episodes, as will people who do not follow treatment plans. Poor decision-making can be a part of this problem.

What are the three types of indecision?

Three factors of indecision are derived from decision theory: being insufficiently informed about the alternatives, valuation problems, and uncertainty about the outcomes.

What do you call someone who refuses to change their mind?

The most common word for this is stubborn. A stubborn person has decided they will do what they want and refuses to do anything else.

What is sedulousness?

Definitions of sedulousness. the quality of being constantly diligent and attentive. synonyms: sedulity. type of: diligence, industriousness, industry. persevering determination to perform a task.

What is a synonym for unsure and indecisive?

On this page you'll find 94 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to unsure, such as: distrustful, dubious, hesitant, indecisive, mistrustful, and shaky.

What is a synonym for illogical decision?

Synonyms of illogical (adj.

absurd. false. groundless. implausible. inconsistent.

What is the meaning of abrupt decision?

An abrupt decision is one you make suddenly. An abrupt halt is one the Road Runner comes to when reaching an abrupt drop-off — you'd hear brakes squealing. Because being abrupt with someone is often a way of showing them that you are angry, you often apologize for the appearance of it. "I'm sorry I was abrupt.

What is an impetuous decision?

adjective. of, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive: an impetuous decision; an impetuous person. having great impetus; moving with great force; violent: the impetuous winds.

How do I overcome extreme indecisiveness?

7 Ways to Be Less Indecisive
  1. Understand Your Goals and Values.
  2. Develop a Decision-Making Process.
  3. Practice Making Smaller Decisions.
  4. Set Time Limits.
  5. Seek Advice Selectively.
  6. Commit to Your Decisions.
  7. Reflect on Your Decisions.
Jul 3, 2023

What emotion is indecisive?

Often an emotion like uneasiness and fear are enough to cloud judgment and make one hesitant to choose between decisions. Indecisiveness also varies based on the scale of the decision, but cognitively, decisions stem from similar thought processes.

What to do when you cannot make a decision?

8 Helpful Tips for Making a Decision (Without a Pros and Cons List)
  1. Think about how you'll bounce back from a “wrong” decision. ...
  2. Find the space between your logical side and your sentimental side. ...
  3. Think about what you value in life. ...
  4. Visualize your options. ...
  5. Remember: This might not be permanent. ...
  6. Take a damn break.
Mar 9, 2023

What is an indecisive personality type?

What are the characteristics of an indecisive person? They have a hard time making decisions and may be very stressed when they have to do it. They're more easily influenced by others with strong opinions (and may even prefer someone else make the final call).

Is being indecisive a symptom of ADHD?

A 2021 study shows that adults with ADHD can have a range of problems related to decision making, including indecisiveness. Several factors can contribute to indecisiveness, including: inattention. memory problems.

Is indecisive a personality trait?

It has been described as a trait (Rassin, 2007, Van Matre and Cooper, 1984) characterized by chronic decision-making problems such as long decision-making times, feelings of uncertainty during decision-making processes, a tendency to delay and avoid decisions, and feelings of regret and worry about decisions made ( ...

What is the most confused personality type?

The INFJ. The INFJ is one of the rarest and most misunderstood personality types. These types are often seen as mysterious, daydreamy, and even confusing.

What is the word for making a choice without thinking?

Impulsive individuals make risky choices, motivated more by immediate reward than potential long-term negative consequences.

What is one word for a difficult choice?

What is another word for difficult choice?
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What is a Hobbesian choice?

1. : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative. 2. : the necessity of accepting one of two or more equally objectionable alternatives.

Is indecisiveness a symptom of bipolar?

Some symptoms of bipolar disorder aren't always discussed, like confusion and an inability to make decisions. Recently, my husband and I visited our favorite uncle and aunt (his by blood, mine by love) for a long weekend.

What is indecisiveness a symptom of?

Indecisiveness is an often mentioned symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder, yet very little research has been done examining its nature and measurement.

What is the root cause of indecisiveness?

The most common reason of all for being indecisive – fear of failure. Making a decision means you might be wrong. And nobody likes to be wrong.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

Last Updated: 01/13/2025

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.