What is it called when someone uses too many words? (2024)

What is a loquacious person?

Loquacious is an adjective we use to describe someone who talks easily, fluently, and a lot.

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What is verbicide?

: deliberate distortion of the sense of a word (as in punning) : one who distorts the sense of a word.

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How do you describe someone with a large vocabulary?

The word is lexiphanicism which is defined as “pretentious phraseology or an instance or example of such phraseology.” Another term that logophiles like to use is “sesquipedalian loquaciousness.” That term is made up of two really big, fancy words: sesquipedalian (meaning “having many syllables, or use of long words”) ...

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(Elliot Chan)
What does Sesquipedalian loquaciousness mean?

Sesquipedalian: A long word, or characterized by the use of long words. From the Latin roots meaning "a foot-and-a-half long." Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness.

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What is a pauciloquent person?

pauciloquent in British English

(pɔːˈsɪləkwənt ) adjective. rare. using few words in speech or conversation.

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(Stephen R. Burns)
What is a garrulous person?

gar·​ru·​lous ˈger-ə-ləs. ˈga-rə-, also ˈger-yə- : given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative. : wordy sense 1.

What do you mean by Snollygoster?

snollygoster (plural snollygosters) (slang, obsolete) A shrewd person not guided by principles, especially a politician.

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(CE Nifer)
What does frumious mean?

Adjective. frumious (comparative more frumious, superlative most frumious) Extremely angry.

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What does Analphabetism mean?

Noun. analphabetism (uncountable) Illiteracy, the inability to read and write.

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What do you call someone who uses a lot of words?

Those people among us who are prone to use more words than necessary are properly described as "verbose." The things those people produce with their words—replies, orations, and the like—are likewise properly accorded the same designation.

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What is it called when someone uses big words to sound smart?

Sesquipedalian can also be used to describe someone or something that overuses big words, like a philosophy professor or a chemistry textbook. If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don't really know what it was about because they can't understand the words.

(Best 10’s)
What is the word to describe someone who is overly talkative?

A loquacious person talks a lot, often about stuff that only they think is interesting. You can also call them chatty or gabby, but either way, they're loquacious.

What is it called when someone uses too many words? (2024)
What is a Lexicomane?

Noun. lexicomane (plural lexicomanes) A lover of dictionaries.

What does Honorificabilitudinitatibus mean?

honorificabilitudinitatibus (uncountable) (chiefly humorous, obsolete, rare) The state of being able to achieve honours; honourableness.

What is being pedantic?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What is Selenophile?

(informal) A person who is fond of or interested in the Moon.

Who is a Dendrophile?

Noun. dendrophile (plural dendrophiles) One who loves trees.

What is a Librocubicularist person?

Librocubicularist (n): A person who reads in bed.

What is a reticent person called?

Some common synonyms of reticent are reserved, secretive, silent, and taciturn. While all these words mean "showing restraint in speaking," reticent implies a reluctance to speak out or at length, especially about one's own affairs.

What does Periphrastically mean?

adjective. roundabout and unnecessarily wordy. “"A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings."- T.S.Eliot” synonyms: ambagious, circumlocutious, circumlocutory indirect.

What is amativeness?

amativeness (uncountable) (phrenology) The state or quality of being amative; propensity to love or sexual feelings.

What is Crapulence?

Noun. crapulence (countable and uncountable, plural crapulences) sickness or indisposition caused by excessive eating or drinking. intemperance; debauchery; excessive indulgence.

What does Catawampus mean?

: an imaginary fierce wild animal : bogey.

What is Crapulous?

crapulous (comparative more crapulous, superlative most crapulous) Characterized by excessive eating or drinking. synonyms ▲ Synonyms: debauched, intemperate. Suffering physically from the consequences of excessive eating or drinking. Surcharged with liquor; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating.

What does erudite language mean?

(erʊdaɪt , US erjə- ) adjective. If you describe someone as erudite, you mean that they have or show great academic knowledge. You can also use erudite to describe something such as a book or a style of writing. [formal]

What is extra Textuality?

: of, relating to, or being something outside a literary text.

What is the definition for bibliomania?

: extreme preoccupation with collecting books.

What is excessive verbalism?

verbalism (countable and uncountable, plural verbalisms) The expression of a concept in words; the wording used in such an expression. The excessive use of words, often with little meaning.

What is it called when someone uses words like always or never?

“Always” and “Never” statements are usually exaggerations, which serve an illustrative purpose and are understood by both parties to be hyperbole and not literal.

What does it mean when someone uses the word like a lot?

Basically, that means that they're giving the conversation they're having with you their full attention and are considering what they have to say very carefully, rather than tuning you out. They might even have a lot more to say than you, too.

How do you deal with a loquacious person?

Here are five tips...
  1. Set a time limit to the conversation. Most people who like to talk a lot will respect your limits if you set a clear expectation with them. ...
  2. Make your talker feel heard. ...
  3. Don't be afraid to be assertive and enforce boundaries. ...
  4. Take time away for yourself. ...
  5. Treat people with kindness.
Aug 15, 2021

Is loquacious a good thing?

Loquacious almost always holds a negative connotation, thus making it a more precise word than talkative. A loquacious person is someone who is constantly speaking, often an incessant amount. A loquacious speech, on the other hand, would imply the speech is unnecessarily verbose.

Is being loquacious a good thing?

Talkative people are great at communication because they love to talk! Being talkative also has its benefits. For example, talkative people are often seen as more attractive and intelligent. They are also more likely to make new friends and be successful in social situations.

Is loquacious an insult?

Loquacious is not generally thought of as negative. A loquacious speaker is one who is comfortable with words, and uses them effectively. It can connote someone who talks to excess, which might be annoying, but I don't think it is built into the meaning of the word.

What is the psychology of people who talk too much?

Rambling or excessive talking can show up with social anxiety. You fear saying the wrong thing or being judged by others, but you end up talking more than you intended in an effort to make up for your anxiety and help quiet the worries revolving around what others think of you.

What disorder causes excessive talking?

Logorrhea is characterized by the constant need to talk. Occasionally, patients with logorrhea may produce speech with normal prosody and a slightly fast speech rate.

What do you call someone who dominates the conversation?

A conversational narcissist is someone who constantly turns the conversation toward themselves and steps away when the conversation is no longer about them.

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Author: Domingo Moore

Last Updated: 21/03/2024

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.