11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (2024)

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Cheyenne Lentz


11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (1)

  • Every decade, there seems to be a significant innovation that changes how we live our lives.
  • With these advancements, other technology can become obsolete.
  • Flash drives, cell phones, and cable TV are a few of the things that tech experts suggest could become obsolete in a few decades due to current or predicted advances in technology.

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Thanks to the strides made in the tech industry, our everyday lives seem to change every decade. From the invention of the GPS to, of course, the smartphone, technology is constantly advancing and becoming a facet of daily life for many. However, as innovation occurs, some tech becomes less useful or prominent in society or sometimes altogether useless. Just think about analog phones or VCRs, both of which have all but lost a place in the present times of the 21st-century.

Here are 11 pieces of technology that experts predict will become obsolete by 2030 or 2040.

As cloud storage improves, USB drives might not be necessary.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (2)


Eventually, the cloud will be all that people use for data storage, making the flash drive obsolete in the not too distant future, predictsIsaiah Nwukor, web developer and designer at Storemods, a service for e-commerce-using individuals.

In the early 2000s, USB drives replaced floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs due to their larger storage capacity. Today,cloud storage is quickly becoming a top competitor when it comes to storing and sharing data because of its many benefits such as its limitless capacity and increased security.

Due to their ever-improving camera technology, smartphones could take the place of digital cameras.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (3)


Film cameras were replaced by digital still cameras only 20 years ago. And, in recent years, smartphones have become so popular that they have essentially replaced standalone still cameras, Nwukor told INSIDER.

Smartphones have caught up with camera technology and now provide a good substitute, he added, making still cameras both less convenient and less useful to the average consumer.

Tablets will eventually have the capacity and power to replace laptops.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (4)


"Laptops are quickly being replaced by tablets. Modern tablets have more computing powerthan the traditional user needs," said Bryan Lemon, software development lead at Heliponix. You can use tablets for business purposes, school projects, video and photo editing, and much more.

Most computing needs, even those of many software developers, will likely transition to tablets, Lemon told Business Insider. He said it might become common to have a tablet with a docking station that allows peripheral attachments, such as a keyboard or printer, and a larger screen.

Non-autonomous cars may no longer be on the roads by 2030.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (5)

David McNew/Getty Images

"The driver's seat will become just another passenger seat as self-driving cars become more powerful and a new generation doesn't even learn how to drive," Lemon said.

Many other experts also claim that we are only a few years away from seeing more autonomous cars on the road. BI Intelligence previously predicted that by 2020, nearly 10 million cars with self-driving features will be on the road. Only a few years after that, the firm predicts fully autonomous cars will be sharing the roads.

Smart lighting could become the future of lighting in homes.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (6)


"Light switches will be replaced with smart lighting and voice-activated assistants like Alexa, Google Home, and Siri," Lemon said.

Not only is it more convenient, but smart lights can be more energy efficient. You can adjust lighting according to daylight availability, ambient light, and occupancy right on your smartphone, rather than just flicking a switch to a single, standard setting.

Retinal implants or some other hands-free system might take the place of cell phones.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (7)

Cole Bennetts/Getty Images

Over the years, phones have improved dramatically and have allowed us to easily access information at the click of a button. But by the year 2040, cell phones will be replaced altogether by a new hands-free system, predicts Mike Hendrickson, vice president of technology and developer products at Skillsoft.

Google Glasses, glasses that give you internet access, or retinal and ocular implants are examples of what a hands-free system could look like in our future. According to Hendrickson, all you'll have to do is give a simple voice command and you will be able to look up content wherever you are.

Computer monitors could be replaced by casting technology.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (8)


Thanks to casting technology, the need for monitors will become obsolete as well as smart TVs, according to Hendrickson.

"[People will be able to] cast anywhere anytime… Just draw any shape on a wall/object and your TV should be able to play there," Hendrickson told Business Insider.

Safe scanning technology will eliminate the need for cash and cash registers.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (9)


According to Hendrickson, in another 20 years, new technology can alleviate theft and basically eliminate the need for making payments in cash.

Eventually, Hendrick predicts you'll be able to go to a store, grab all of the items you want, and then just leave. While leaving, some sort of high-registering scans will determine if you have the funds to pay for what you grabbed and charge you, he explained.

With the popularity of online streaming, cable TV could very well be on its way out.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (10)

Flickr / stephen bowler

The number of people who have cut the cord on their cable or satellite TV in the US at the end of 2018 was an estimated 33 million adults, according to research firm eMarketer. That's an increase from the 24.9 million cord-cutters in 2017.

This upward trend of cord-cutters will only continue to increase in upcoming years, as online streaming continues to replace traditional cable TV packages. Many TV and movie viewers are opting for less expensive streaming services instead.

Read More: 19 things you didn't know about Netflix

Touch ID might be the answer to getting rid of the dozens of passwords you can never remember.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (11)


Apple and Samsung have already implemented Touch ID technology, a new form of user-identification and verification that uses your fingerprint or face shape to unlock your phone instead of having to put in your password. This has been proven by some to be much more secure than the traditional password method.

This is only the start of what is known as biometric authentication, which allows you access to your information without the need for passwords. Gradually, some tech experts predict the login/password system will become obsolete with biometric methods for ultimate security and convenient user-access.

Virtual and augmented reality might mean the computer mouse could finally be eliminated.

11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (12)

Flickr / Gordon Tarpley

The invention of the trackpad and touchscreen have greatly contributed to the decrease in the use of the traditional computer mouse, but haven't yet completely eliminated the need for it. But there is a technology that is predicted to replace the mouse and possibly the keyboard by the mid-2020s — open-air gesture control.

Using virtual and augmented reality, you might soon be able to command your computer through hand motions in the air. Some experts suggest the new integration of these realities into our technology has the potential to increase productivity both personally and in the business realm.

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11 pieces of technology experts say could be obsolete in a few decades (2024)


What technologies will become obsolete? ›

Check out these devices and technologies that may become obsolete and disappear this year.
  • BlackBerry. ...
  • eReaders. ...
  • Dashboard mounted GPS Devices. ...
  • 3G connectivity. ...
  • Wired audio devices. ...
  • USB-A ports. ...
  • External Hard Drives Physical Storage. ...
  • Point-and-Shoot Digital Cameras.
Jan 5, 2022

What technology do you think will be obsolete within the next 10 years? ›

Older technology like landline phones, USB drives, alarm locks, and more will likely become obsolete in the next 10 years. Eco-friendly changes in the manner technology is created will likely render one-use plastic products and incandescent light bulbs useless in the coming decade.

How quickly does technology become obsolete? ›

Web-enabled services saw a 3-5 year time-to-obsolescence 15 years ago compared to perhaps 14-18 months today. Time-to-obsolescence for a mobile-first web services innovation today is probably only 12 months. Time-to-obsolescence seems to be occurring faster as time itself progresses.

What technology will be obsolete in five years? ›

Incandescent Bulbs. I feel the incandescent bulb and tube light have also outlived their time and even they will become obsolete in the next five years. You see, LEDs are not only good for Christmas decorations or festive lighting.

What are 3 examples of technological obsolescence? ›

As technology advances, things that were once innovative and groundbreaking are becoming obsolete. In the past 20 years along, VHS tapes, one-hour photo labs, and phone booths are some of the things that have almost completely disappeared.

What are examples of obsolete? ›

not in general use any more, having been replaced by something newer and better or more fashionable:
  • Payment by cheque will soon be obsolete.
  • become/be rendered obsolete Traditional retailing is in danger of being rendered obsolete by the internet.
  • We need to replace some obsolete equipment.
Mar 8, 2023

Which piece of technology could be obsolete in a few decades? ›

Flash drives, cell phones, and cable TV are a few of the things that tech experts suggest could become obsolete in a few decades due to current or predicted advances in technology.

Will cell phones become obsolete? ›

(CNN) - A 20-year era is coming to an end. Major cell phone carriers are boasting higher-speeds thanks to 5G, but they're also set to phase out 3G networks this year. This will render many older cell phones obsolete. No data, text or calls, including to 911.

What will happen to technology in 2040? ›

By 2040, the increasing convergence of technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), high-speed telecommunications, and biotechnology, will be augmented by increased understanding of the social and behavioral sciences to enable rapid breakthroughs and user customized applications that are far more than the sum of ...

What will technology look like in 2050? ›

According to Forbes, by 2050, IoT technology will be in 95% of electronics for new product designs. And by 2050 it is expected to have everything connected to the cloud and to the internet. According to Business Insider, Space tourism could be feasible in 2050, but likely only for the very wealthy.

What will happen to the technology after 50 years? ›

In 50 years, internet use will be nearly as pervasive and necessary as oxygen. Seamless connectivity will be the norm, and it may be impossible to unplug. From amazing advancements to dystopian developments, experts imagine a wide array of possible scenarios for the world 50 years in the future.

How far will technology be in 2030? ›

By 2030, there will be exponential improvements of computer processing power, voice recognition, image recognition, deep learning and other software algorithms. Likewise, natural language processing technologies like GPT-3 are constantly being updated and surpassed.

What will disappear in 20 years? ›

15 Things That Will Likely Disappear in the Next 20 Years
  • Credit and debit cards.
  • Smartphones.
  • Drivers.
  • Traffic.
  • Keys.
  • Privacy.
  • Passwords.
  • Cable television.
Dec 23, 2019

What will happen to technology in 2030? ›

Artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) are among the technologies that will underpin the delivery of education in 2030. The market growth of technology in the education sector will be fueled by growing student populations and increased connectivity worldwide.

What are 5 obsolete products? ›

List of obsolete technology
Obsolete technologyReplacement
Dial-up Internet accessBroadband Internet
LaserDiscCompact disks, DVDs, and Blu-ray
Overhead projector and slide projectorVideo projector
Phonograph and phonograph recordAudio cassette, 8 track tape, compact disc, MP3
65 more rows

What are examples of products becoming obsolete? ›

Obsolete means 'out of date'. As products become obsolete, new products replace them. For example, DVDs and CDs have largely been replaced with media-streaming services. Most products have a limited lifespan and, at some point, will no longer be available to buy.

Is obsolete and outdated the same? ›

Dated things are usually perfectly functional and usable; they are just not considered modern enough. Outdated things are in some way no longer usable or suitable for the purpose they were made for; they are obsolete.

What are 3 products that will never become obsolete? ›

But I've also came across 7 badass things that technology will not make obsolete.
  • Shop Vacuum.
  • Duct Tape.
  • Map and Compass.
  • Birth Control Glasses.
  • Microsoft Word.
  • Cast-Iron Cookware.
  • Original Swiss Army Knife.
May 9, 2014

What technology will change in 2030? ›

Artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) are among the technologies that will underpin the delivery of education in 2030. The market growth of technology in the education sector will be fueled by growing student populations and increased connectivity worldwide.

Which technologies are going to rule the world? ›

  • Artificial Intelligence. ...
  • Gene Technology. ...
  • Human-Computer Interfaces. ...
  • Extended Reality (XR) ...
  • 3D Printing.
Feb 7, 2022

Which technologies will dominate in future? ›

  • Computing Power. Computing power has already established its place in the digital era, with almost every device and appliance being computerized. ...
  • Smarter Devices. ...
  • Datafication. ...
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. ...
  • Extended Reality. ...
  • Digital Trust. ...
  • 3D Printing. ...
  • Genomics.
Jan 24, 2023

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13 high-demand trending products and niches of 2023
  • Clothing. The clothing industry is a big business, valued at $12 billion USD. ...
  • Skin care and beauty. The skin care and beauty industry is booming. ...
  • Shoes. ...
  • Cleaning products. ...
  • Items for pets. ...
  • Coffee products. ...
  • Toys. ...
  • Subscription orders.
Feb 25, 2023

What will 2050 look like with technology? ›

Many people worry about AI in our lives as they think that at the end robots will replace people and we won't have jobs for is. According to Forbes, by 2050, IoT technology will be in 95% of electronics for new product designs. And by 2050 it is expected to have everything connected to the cloud and to the internet.

What technology will we have in 2040? ›

By 2040, quantum computers will be more common and may even replace the transistor-based computers that we use now. Many disruptive tech experts believe that these computers will become standard equipment within the next 20 years as Moore's law comes to a close.

Which country is ahead of the world in technology? ›

Because which country is more advanced than another is subjective, we used the rankings of Global Finance's list for the Most Technologically Advanced Countries In The World 2022 with the only difference being we put the United States in the first spot since it leads the world in technology and it is the home to ...

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RankingCountryComposite Score
1South Korea6.52
2United States5.10
60 more rows
May 4, 2022

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.