5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (2024)

travel | Museums


There are many reasons why people visit museums. Some want to learn about the past, while others are curious about the country they are visiting or want to enjoy art and culture. Museums are great for meeting new people, learning how our ancestors lived and expanding our minds.

There are different types of museums out there. Each offers an opportunity to learn more about our past and the world. No matter how you feel about them, you might have wondered why go to museums anyway. Here are my reasons why museums are important.

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5 Reasons why it’s important to visit museums

Early museums were not as accessible to everyone as they are today. They were reserved for the wealthy and educated elites. Once museums became accessible to everyone, they offered more people a chance to learn and see what’s inside.

People visit museums for different reasons. For some, they are wonderful places filled with wonder and mystery. To others, they are just boring storage places for old crap and not worth a visit. Here are some of my reasons for exploring museums.

5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (1)
  1. Museums teach us about the past. In a museum we can learn how things were done, what life looked like and even what people wore and did in the past. It is living history from times gone by that helps us understand ourselves.
  2. Museums make us smarter. When we visit museums, we gain new knowledge. Many museums even partner with schools to enhance education while others host hands-on workshops for people of all ages.
  3. Museums are great for research. Academics, researchers and regular folks often come to museums to study. Examining old artifacts is a great way to collect information. For example, old pottery is not just showing us how others consumed food. The techniques and materials used to make it tell us more about how we progressed and evolved in addition to what people ate.
  4. Museums inspire. They are great for stimulating new ideas, recharging and providing new perspectives. When you visit museums, you have access to the works of great masters, inventions and objects that changed our lives.
  5. Museums are a testament to the perseverance of humanity. The first known museum opened in the 3rd century BC at the University of Alexandria in Egypt. Museums document history and show us that people have needed to collect and preserve things for a long time.

Museums also house historically significant items that have influenced what we know of the past. Take the Rosetta Stone at the British Museum (London), the Mona Lisa at the Louvre (Paris) or the world’s oldest soccer ball at the Smith Museum (Scotland). Each has a different story yet provides us with a vast knowledge of how people did things in the past and how that has changed over time.

Another great benefit of visiting museums is finding things from places and cultures that no longer exist. Take the handmade prehistoric tools used by our predecessors, ancient texts that talk of items lost and forgotten or the mosaics of civilizations that once thrived then were lost over time.

The dark past of many museums

Many museums started as private collections donated by wealthy donors. Quite often, they had the means to travel and collect objects. Sometimes they did so by questionable means or by simply claiming them. Unfortunately, the black market in antiquities has always been tempting for those with the means and desire. Tomb robbing has been as old as tombs themselves.

Today, many countries are staking claims to objects removed in the past and now stored in foreign museums. The case of the status taken by Lord Eglin from the Parthenon, now held at the British Museum, is one of those examples. Who has the right to them? Should they be returned to their original home? It’s something worth thinking about and acknowledging as a moral issue.

different types of museums

Museums are versatile and diverse in their offerings, with something for every taste. As there are so many of them, it’s challenging to slot them into neat categories. Some museums have a general theme, while others focus on a specific subject, location or theme. Museum offerings can also depend on who is funding them. Funding can come from state, municipal or private sources, meaning not all museums are funded equally. When you visit museums, you often contribute to their upkeep.

5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (2)

General/historical museums

According to Britannica.com, the collections at general museums are on “more than one subject […] were founded in the 18th, 19th, or early 20th century. Most originated in earlier private collections and reflected the encyclopedic spirit of the times.” People often love to visit museums with a variety of exhibits.

  • The British Museum (London) – With over 8 million works, its permanent collection is the largest and most comprehensive in existence. Noteworthy exhibits include the Rosetta Stone, Parthenon sculptures and Egyptian mummies.
  • National Archeological Museum (Athens) – Museum collections include artifacts that were stored in various locations around the city before the museum opened. Here you can visit the extensive collection of jewellery, pottery, bronzes and sculptures from ancient cultures.
  • The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) (Toronto) – As one of the largest museums in North America, it offers global art, culture and nature exhibits from across the ages. The museum collections include more than six million objects and specimens.

Art museums

As the name implies, art museums focus on art, including paintings, sculptures and decorative arts from different times. Most people visit museums in this category as they are widely available.

  • The Louvre (Paris) – With over 38,000 objects ranging from prehistoric to current, this is the world’s largest art museum. Once the home to French kings, it’s one of the most visited museums in the world.
  • The Uffizi Gallery (Florence) – Here you can see an extensive selection of priceless Italian works of art from the Renaissance period.
  • Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam) – A museum devoted to the works of Vincent Van Gogh. Here you’ll find an extensive collection of his work as well as personal items, including sketches and letters.

Specialty museums

Some museums are hard to define. They are focused on a particular specialty, dedicated to a specific subject. When you visit museums in this category, anything goes.

  • Museum of Broken Relationships (Zagreb) – The exhibition revolves around mementos of broken relationships. There are letters, keepsakes and photographs. Each has a description of the story behind what happened. Some are funny, others sad and heartbreaking.
  • Bata Shoe Museum (Toronto) – A one-of-a-kind museum in North America dedicated to footwear with a vast collection of 13,500 items. If you think women today are wearing crazy shoes, wait until you see what they wore in the past ones.
  • Wieliczka Salt Mine (Cracow) – Once a salt mine, today a popular tourist attraction. Inside you’ll find dozens of statues and four chapels carved out by the miners and many carvings made by contemporary artists. It is genuinely mind-blowing if you consider this is all made out of rock salt.

If aviation is your thing, here is a handy list of aviation museums around the world.

Cultural museums

These are some of the most unique places for people who like to visit museums.

  • Abba Museum (Stockholm) – Very quirky homage to the Swedish band Abba. Although not technically qualified as a museum as it is for-profit and doesn’t’ conduct research, it’s still a fun place to visit.
  • Computer Games Museum (Berlin) – If you didn’t know this was a thing, it’s alive and kicking in Berlin. From early design ideas to popular games of the past, this is the place for game fans.
  • Motown (Detroit) – Detroit was home to the sounds of music that had a significant impact on the industry. The label’s original administrative building and recording studio are now a museum. The guided tour is like a performance in itself.

Outdoor museums

Sometimes ancient ruins make for a great history lesson. These types of museums are probably my favourite. I love to visit museums that are filled with history and ruins.

  • The Parthenon (Athens) – Perched on top of the Acropolis, the Parthenon stands silently above the city. It is an architectural marvel that influenced other buildings all over the world.
  • The Roman Forum and the Colosseum (Rome) – Once clad in the finest marble, then looted and abandoned, history is drenched in every piece of rock and stone. This was the heart of the Roman Empire and a must-stop in Rome.
  • Pompeii (Pompeii) – In a category of its own, Pompeii offers a unique and interactive way of learning about life during Roman times. Preserved by the ash from the Vesuvius volcano’s eruption, this once vibrant city now stands silently, waiting for more to be discovered.

Residences turned museums

This is probably the most interesting type of museum. Walking through actual rooms where people once lived is informative and enlightening. It allows you to see things in context, and it’s easier to imagine how they lived.

  • Palacio Nacional da Ajuda (Lisbon) – Once home to Portugal’s royals, the Palacio is now a museum. Many of Lisbon’s state events are still hosted here in a spectacular dining room. The architecture is as impressive as the interior.
  • Kensington Palace (London) – While many members of the British Royal family still live here, visitors have an opportunity to tour selected parts of the building. The museum also hosts many temporary exhibitions worth visiting.
  • Versailles (Versailles) – It’s hard not to imagine Marie Antoinette running through the hallways with her entourage in tow. The grand parties of the French court were legendary and having stepped foot in this place, I can believe that. Then there is the garden. Do yourself a favour and check it out.

Like to visit museums that used to be royal residences? You might like Rundale Palace!

5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (3)

Why people dislike visiting museums

There are many reasons why people dislike visiting museums. Let’s be honest. They are not for everyone. Museums are usually housed in huge buildings. It can be tiring and boring if you have to shuffle from one exhibit to the next and not understand what you are looking at.

Without context, a vase is just a vase. It doesn’t matter why it’s there or how old it is. If you go in with the expectation that everything will come to life, you’re going to be disappointed. Most museums offer audio guides that will explain what you are looking at and why it’s there. They provide context for visitors and help to make the experience more enjoyable.

5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (4)

If you want to visit museums, here are some tips to make the experience more enjoyable.

  • Pick a museum that has collections of things you find interesting. I wouldn’t say I like modern art, so I don’t go to modern art museums. While that is my preference, many out there love to visit contemporary art museums. I leave that experience to them.
  • In many countries, you can visit museums for free. Those that charge admission often has a specific day (like every last Sunday of the month) where admission is free for everyone. Find out when that is and go on that day. You won’t feel like you have to stay because you’ve paid the admission. You can also come back on another day to see a different exhibit if you enjoy your visit.
  • Don’t spend hours walking around a museum building aimlessly. Get an audio guide and choose which exhibits you want to see. Once you feel tired, bored or restless, call it a day. There is no point in forcing the experience, and you’ll be glad you did.
  • Set your expectations before deciding to visit museums, especially ones you’re not sure about. Many museums offer virtual tours that you can access on their site. Take advantage of that and check it out before you go. The virtual tour might be enough for you, and that’s perfectly fine. You’ve just saved yourself some time. Or, it will make you want to visit in person and learn more about the exhibits.
  • Respect museum rules. There is a reason why things are roped off or under a glass cover. Many items in museums are one of a kind and, once damaged, can’t be replaced. They can get damaged by heat and light or knocked over by accident. Locking them away helps preserve them and keep them out of reach of people who have no appreciation or respect for what’s there.

Final thoughts on why people visit museums

Most people first visit museums as kids, usually on a school trip or with parents. These experiences likely shape how they feel about museums later on. Even if you haven’t visited one as a child, you’re likely to visit a museum at some point in your life. You’ll either love it or hate it. One isn’t better than the other, so don’t feel bad if you don’t enjoy it. But if you go in open-minded, it will make the experience more enjoyable.

With such a variety of museums, there is likely something that will appeal to everyone. If you’re like me and love to visit museums, I don’t have to tell you why you should see one. You’ve probably been to many and have a list of your favourite ones. I’d love to compare those lists! We all have different interests, which makes museums fun and exciting for everyone.

5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (5)
5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (6)

5 Practical Reasons Why People Love To Visit Museums And Keep Going Back (2024)


Why do people like to visit museums? ›

Museums provide an effective way of learning

A single visit to a museum can expose visitors to in-depth information on a subject, and the nature of the museum environment is one in which you can spend as much or as little time as you like exploring exhibits.

How can a museum encourage visitors to keep coming back? ›

Running an excellent membership program full of perks, regularly offering free entry dates or times, and hosting fun events are just some of the many ways you encourage visitors to keep coming back to your museum.

What do you think is the reason why do we have museums? ›

Museums play a crucial role in preserving local culture. With careful documentation and artifact preservation, a culture can be recorded and remembered regardless of its future. It can also be shared and understood by those from different cultural backgrounds.

What are the advantages of museum in our life? ›

Museums can increase our sense of wellbeing, help us feel proud of where we have come from, can inspire, challenge and stimulate us, and make us feel healthier.

Why are returning visitors important? ›

Nevertheless, returning visitors are essential because they show your customer loyalty and increase conversion rates. Their behavior can also tell you a lot about your website performance, including which pages they returned to, your bounce rate, and the success of your e-commerce platform from a user standpoint.

How do you encourage people to visit places? ›

Seek local partnerships

Seeking partnerships with local businesses is one way to attract tourists. By creating partnerships with local hotels, restaurants, tour operators, travel agencies, entertainment venues, and your local tourism board, you'll be able to generate tourists' interest on a larger scale.

Why do we keep things from the past in museums? ›

Museums also collect items, whether objects, photographs, books or manuscripts, to preserve the past. These items are used to educate others through programs, displays and research.

What are the three main purposes of a museum? ›

Major museum professional organizations from around the world offer some definitions as to what a museum is and their purpose. Common themes in all the definitions are public good and care, preservation, and interpretation of collections.

What is the purpose of museums in society today? ›

Museums are primarily educational institutions; what makes them public institutions for the preservation of culture is their educational work. Museums represent a major public social investment by most modern societies.

What do you learn by visiting a museum? ›

Develop civic awareness and a sense of place

If your kids visit museums on a regular basis, they will understand how the world changes over time and why. They will learn about the events, personalities, as well as historical processes that have formed the character of the locality they belong to.

What are the 5 functions of a museum? ›

These five functions would be: to collect, to organize (or classify), to display, to instruct its audience, and to project a sense of the nation.

How does a museum make you feel? ›

1. Museums make you feel good. Experiences, such as visiting a museum, can become a meaningful part of ones identity and contribute to successful social relationships in a manner that material items cannot.

Why are museums important for youth? ›

Museums are ideal spaces for young children to learn. They allow children to explore their interests through authentic objects, hands-on exhibits, and activities. Museums also provide early learners interactive and multisensory opportunities –honoring the concrete, active way children learn.

How do museums attract youth? ›

Based on our research, here are five ways to attract youth to museums.
  1. Reconsider your opening hours. ...
  2. Start with the local young people first. ...
  3. Get more out of your social media. ...
  4. Take the first step to appealing to a younger audience. ...
  5. Try something new and different.
Feb 24, 2021

What is the importance of visitors? ›

A visit makes a resident's day and gives him or her something special to talk about with other residents for many more days. But one visit every six months—on Christmas and the resident's birthday, for example—while nice, isn't enough. It wouldn't be enough for anyone, elderly or not.

How can returning visitors be improved? ›

Here are 7 proven ways to get returning visitors to your website.
  1. Start an Email Newsletter. ...
  2. Get People to Follow You on Social Media. ...
  3. Create a Push Notification List. ...
  4. Publish New Content Regularly. ...
  5. Repurpose Existing Content into Micro Content Across Platforms. ...
  6. Start a Customer Loyalty Program. ...
  7. Strategic Retargeting Ads.
Nov 19, 2020

Why are unique visitors important? ›

Unique visitors are a key metric when building a website's following or selling advertising space because it shows how many people are visiting the website. While repeated exposure to a potential customer can provide value in advertising, there are diminishing returns after too many exposures.

What are the 3 main reasons why tourists visit? ›

The three core reasons people travel are leisure tourism, business tourism, and visiting friends and relatives.

What are the common factors that motivate people to travel? ›

The table shows that there are four main motives which arise whatever the travel experience; Novelty Seeking, Escapism/Relaxation, Relationships and Self Development.

What do you call a person who loves museums? ›

a museum-goer: a person who often goes to museums, a museum-lover. noun. Museum-goers were very pleased with the new exhibit. Those people who often visit museums loved the new painting.

Do you think museums are helpful in learning about history? ›

Museums are considered a more reliable source of historical information than books, teachers or even personal accounts by relatives, according to a study by Indiana University.

Do you like to visit museums nowadays? ›

Answer:- Sure! Museums are a very good place for the collection of objects displaying scientific, historical or artistic value. It is a good place to teach history to our young ones and make them feel about life in some years ago.

What are the core values of the museum? ›

Core Values:
  • Raising the consciousness of the importance and necessity of culture and tolerance in our lives;
  • Intellectual honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct;
  • Professionalism in museum work;
  • Critical thinking and theoretical discourse;
  • Program quality and excellence;
  • Innovation and leadership;

What are the 5 different types of museums? ›

In this article, museums are classified into five basic types—general, natural history and natural science, science and technology, history, and art.

What are good characteristics of a museum? ›

What are the characteristics of a museum? The architecture of a museum must consider lighting, accessibility, space distribution, preservation of cultural heritage, security, logistics, etc.

What are five things you can do to prepare for your visit to a museum? ›

Planning Ahead
  1. Buy tickets online ahead of time. ...
  2. Know the free/discount days. ...
  3. Avoid the most crowded times, if you can. ...
  4. Go to adult-only nights/events. ...
  5. Plan any detail that you can. ...
  6. Keep off your phone, and depending on the museum, don't take photos. ...
  7. Consider guided tours, programs, and classes.
Feb 4, 2016

What is a museum question answer? ›

A museum is a place where objects and materials of cultural, religious and historical importance are collected and preserved and made available to the public for the purpose of education and enjoyment.

Why museums are relaxing? ›

Fifty-seven percent mentioned benefits related to restored attention, such as relaxation, peace, tranquility, and reflection. Frequent museum-goers are more likely to seek restorative experiences than occasional visitors. It may be that familiarity lays the groundwork for effortless attention.

How do museums make people feel? ›

New research suggests that consuming art can lead to a happier and healthier life. A new study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology explains how consuming art in a museum can help you reduce stress, combat loneliness, and make life feel more meaningful.

Why do some people like going to art museum? ›

They provide a window to the past of art and artists as well as new pieces that are being created today. It's always interesting to see what is going on in the world of fine arts through different periods! Some new trends have developed over time while others have faded away into history books.

What do museums teach us? ›

Museums educate people. Specifically, cultural history museums educate people about people, about how people of the past reacted to their environment and the effects of those reactions to our past, present, and future. Facts: Museums receive more than 55 million visits each year from student school groups (AAM).

What do visitors expect from a museum? ›

For these visitors, museums are at their best when they surprise, awe and delight. They go to see in real life what a screen cannot provide, collectively experience the museum as a space, and to deepen and broaden their knowledge.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.