How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay | Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for Students and Children in English (2024)

by Prasanna

How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay –Given below is a Long and Short Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The How I Celebrate My Birthday essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

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Short Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

I was born on 24th January, eleven years ago. For me, it is the day when I am made to feel very important. I am busy sending invitation cards, arranging games and decorating the drawing room, on my birthday. I have left certain things entirely to my sister. For example, it is for her to decorate the cards and write addresses in a very beautiful handwriting. She also invites her friends to join the party. My father has a very different notion about the celebration of my birthday. Last year, he had taken me to an orphanage and had made me contribute money to their welfare fund. This year, he intends to take me to the school for the blind.

How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay | Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for Students and Children in English (1)

My friends start arriving around 5 p.m. I welcome each one of them with warmth and make them sit comfortably in the drawing room that is beautifully decorated. They bring gifts for me, nicely packed in coloured wrappers. My uncle who lives abroad sends me a nice set of pens or a pair of nice jeans. This year again, I hope to get something wonderful from him.

When all the friends have come, my mother brings the cake to the drawing-room. The candles are lit on it. As my friends sing “Happy Birthday,” I blow out the candles and use a knife to carve out small pieces of the cake. Everyone wishes me a prosperous future. Some snacks are also served. The gifts are piled up in one corner and we all get ready to play the games. Every game seems to be full of fun. They all roar with laughter.

The lengthening shadows of the evening remind us that we have to wind up. Those friends who come from far- off places, start taking leave. It is the turn of my father to drive me to a charity home, school for the disabled or a hospital in the city. He wants me to remember all those people as my brothers and sisters and help them in their hour of need. I always look forward to my birthday as I feel very happy and important on this day.

How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay | Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for Students and Children in English (2024)


How do you write an essay about how I celebrate my birthday? ›

I celebrate it every year with my friends and family. We invite my cousins, relatives, and friends home for a party on my birthday. My parents always bring the best cake for my birthday. Everybody gathers around me to sing the happy birthday song in the evening as I cut the cake.

How I celebrated my birthday essay for kids? ›

On my last birthday, my father and mother gifted me a robust red-coloured bicycle. I also received many presents and best wishes from everyone who visited my birthday party. I am fond of birthdays and I am grateful to my father and mother for celebrating my birthday with so much love and excitement every year.

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As my friends sing “Happy Birthday,” I blow out the candles and use a knife to carve out small pieces of the cake. Everyone wishes me a prosperous future. Some snacks are also served. The gifts are piled up in one corner and we all get ready to play the games.

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Cute Captions
  • Today, we celebrate me.
  • I didn't choose this birthday, this birthday chose me.
  • Cheers to a day as special as me.
  • Nothing can stop me this year.
  • Getting older but my inner child is ageless.
  • Would it really be my birthday if I didn't take a selfie?
  • Cake is my happy place.
Dec 15, 2022

How do you celebrate your birthday write 10 lines on it? ›

I love my birthday because I get a lot of gifts from everyone. The best gift I got at my birthday party was a box of chocolates. At my birthday party, I got a big chocolate cake in the shape of a football, my favourite sport. My parents gave everyone teddy bears as return gifts at my birthday party.

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A Special Day

Birthdays are a very special day for everyone who celebrates it. Firstly, it makes the person feel loved when their close one does special things for them. Being loved is one of the most special feelings in the world. Secondly, it makes the person mature.

How do you write 5 lines on a birthday? ›

5 Lines on My Birthday
  1. I was born on 26th of January 1996. ...
  2. On this day, my friends, neighbours and relatives come to my house in the evening.
  3. My parents bring a big cake for me. ...
  4. At 12 AM, all gather in the hall. ...
  5. I eagerly wait for opening the gifts.

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In the evenings, they celebrate with their families by blowing out candles, eating cake, and opening presents. India— In India, kids are given new clothes to wear on their birthdays. They put on their new outfit straightaway on the morning of their birthday, and later get to eat a special meal with their family.

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Helps Them Create Social Relationships

Along with family members, the presence of the child's friends will help them create better relationships. It encourages them to socialize in a context outside of their usual classroom. Playing with other kids will also introduce them to people they don't know yet.

How should I start my essay? ›

Therefore, start your essay with an opening sentence or paragraph that immediately seizes the imagination. This might be a bold statement, a thoughtful quote, a question you pose, or a descriptive scene. Starting your essay in a powerful way with a clear thesis statement can often help you along in the writing process.

How do you start writing a birthday message? ›

What to Write in a Birthday Card
  1. Hope you have a very Happy Birthday, [NAME]! ...
  2. Happy Birthday! ...
  3. On your birthday, I celebrate you and the special place you have in my heart. ...
  4. Wishing you a blessed year and a wonderful day!
  5. Enjoy this special day in celebration of a most wonderful you!

How to write an essay? ›

Six top tips for writing a great essay
  1. Analyse the question.
  2. Define your argument.
  3. Use evidence, reasoning and scholarship.
  4. Organise a coherent essay.
  5. Write clearly.
  6. Cite sources and evidence.

How do you celebrate your own birthday? ›

9 beautiful things to do on your birthday
  1. Book some alone time.
  2. Set some fun, juicy goals for the coming year.
  3. Make a monthly birthday date.
  4. Buy yourself a special gift.
  5. Read an inspiring book.
  6. Spend time with people who inspire you.
  7. Say thank you.
  8. Spend time in nature.
Apr 7, 2023

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During the recess time, every body in my class sang a birthday song for me. I distributed sweets and chocolates among all my class mates and our school teachers. My best friend, Rohan gave me a beautiful hand-made birthday card and I thanked him for that. I came back home, ate my lunch and went for my swimming class.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.