How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (2024)

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How much does it cost to live in Italy? Since we have moved to Parma, in Italy, many people have asked us about the cost of living in Italy. Now, that we completed two years in here and all the bills have arrived, we can, at last, share values and information. (Costs updated for 2022),

We have tried to make this post as simple and descriptive as possible in order to have every question cleared up for those planning on moving to Italy. However, if you are not really interested to read the details, here is your answer: our cost of living in Italy per month is 1500 Euros – for a couple (cost of living in Italy in us dollars = U$ 1820).

Further down we will break down all of our cost to live in Italy, but as you can already see, it is not expensive to live in Italy.

*You may also like to read:

  • How to find a job in Italy;
  • Puglia itinerary;
  • Best cities in Tuscany.
How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (2)

Our relationship with Italy

Why are we living in Italy?

After two years travelling around the world, Fernanda had an opportunity to apply for her Italian citizenship – Tiago already had his dual citizenship since his childhood (Brazilian and Italian citizenship). After a couple of years travelling, we had practically gone penniless and were already planning to settle down – at least for a while – somewhere, just to sort things out, such as to launch our content creation company and organise all the material from our travel around the world.

However, above everything, we had always dreamed of living in Italy for a year, learn the language and familiarise ourselves better with the culture. So we went to Italy and started settling down early 2017.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (3)

Why have we chosen the city of Parma to live in Italy?

We decided to come to Parma because Tiago has a “cousin” – well, not really a cousin, but long story short: cousin – who lives in Parma and could give us a hand with the citizenship’s bureaucracy as we are not fluent in Italian.

Parma is a rich city. Not as much as before the 2008 economical crisis, but still better off than the rest of the country. It’s located in the region of Emilia-Romagna and known as the gastronomic capital of Italy. We have heard “of Europe” as well, but for the sake of this argument, let’s keep in Italy.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (4)

We fell in love with the city from the moment we arrived! It is a small, beautiful, well-preserved town with a quite famous university, thus rather lively too. The quality of life is brilliant! Although small, there are many cultural events. We loved so much that we can affirm here that Parma is one of the best place to live in Italy, really.

Do you want to see more from Italy and from other parts of the world? Check it out our Instagram and Youtube pages!

How is life in Italy

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (5)

The culture and the lifestyle in Italy can considerably change if you go from north to south, from east to west or from mountain to coast. Therefore, it is really hard to generalise. Nevertheless, here it goes our opinion, from whom lived in a northern city, small and well developed:

The quality of life in Italy is great. The people are really nice and everything works relatively well, such as transport, security and health. And the rhythm is a lot less frenetic than our previous “home”: London. And there is obviously the food! You eat really well without having to spend too much. Basically, these were all the things we needed for this period of our lives: quality of life, not so frenetic, good food and not spend much money. So we can’t really complain about anything.

We like in here so much that the initial plan of living in Italy for three months has already turned into two years and we still have no date to leave. Regardless, this is just our mere opinion for a quite subjective topic.

PS: (Update) We left Italy on July 2018. However, we keep this post updated with values and costs from friends still living in Italy, plus a lot of research from our side.

Ok, then, but how much does it cost to live in Italy?

Well, now that we have said why we are living in Italy and what we’ve been doing in here, let’s get to the point of this post: how much does it cost to live in Italy!

The cost of living in Italy should vary from person to person and the following numbers relate to our personal living expenses in Italy. However, we have spoken with some people who live in other parts of the country and we came to the conclusion that our expenses are somewhat a national average.

  • Ps1: The cost of living in Milan, Rome, Bologna, Firenze, Verona or other bigger and more touristy cities is higher. If you plan to move to one of these, we advise to add some 400 Euros at the end.
  • Ps2: The cheapest place to live in Italy are the smaller towns in the South of the country.
  • Ps3: All numbers are related to the average cost of living in Italy for a coupleRead about who we are in here.
  • Ps4: how expensive is it to live in Italy will depend a lot on your lifestyle; but honestly, Italy is a great place for those looking at having a good quality of life without spending much. Italy is just amazing and we hope you love it as much as we do!
How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (6)

Italy cost of living: all expenses broken down

Our rent (Average house price in Italy)

  • 570 euros/month
  • Rental agreement: 70 euros one-off payment in order to legalise the document.

As most of the things in here, to rent a house in Italy is quite bureaucratic. Most of the state agencies ask for a minimum of a two year contract (!). We only wanted a place for three months and really struggled to find one. To our luck, the cousin of Tiago’s cousin – a real one this time – works as a state agent and had an apartment which could have been rented for a short period. We paid the three months in advance and it was all fine!

The location is perfect, right at Parma’s historical city centre. The apartment was furnished and although small, it was quite comfy. We really love it!

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (7)

If you are having difficulties to find a place for a short period, check some of these tips:

  • Talk to some of the local people to know if he or she knows anyone with a room to rent.
  • AirBnb: we met many people who, in order to find a way around the Italian bureaucracy, opted for an AirBnB. It’s a good idea, though a lot more expensive – no less than 600 Euros per month, if you are lucky.
  • If you plan to live an Italian lifestyle, you can also find something on Workaway, Helpx and Worldpackers (you can get U$10 discount using the promo code “MondayFeelingsWP” on the last one).

If you are going to rent a new place, keep in mind that most of the apartments in Italy are completely unfurnished – really, some even without the shower head! You will then have to invest in some furniture and basic infrastructure.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (8)

Cost of Internet in Italy

  • 37 euros/month
  • Router + installation: 50 euros + 25 euros one-off payment.

There are mainly 4 major mobile companies over here:

  • Vodafone
  • Tim
  • Three
  • Wind

We heard that Tim and Wind have really poor signal, still we chose Wind for our home internet and we are quite satisfied.

*Update: after six months with Wind, we went to cancel our contract and they are charging us 80 euros to do it. Our contract specifically says that we could cancel the contract free of charge after three months, but still, they want us to pay a fine. After talking with other people, we found out it’s common for Wind to play this kind of trick, so stay aware.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (9)

Did you know the museums in Italy are free on the first Sunday of the month? That is a really nice way to save some money on your Italy cost of living! Check this post to know more about it.

Mobile plan in Italy

  • 25 euros/month (3Gb of internet + calls).

This deal is only available for a three month package. In other words, we paid 45 Euros for three months contract.

Our network company was Vodafone, which we knew from London. We had never had any problems so far.

*Are you looking for a reliableinternet connection for your next trip? Get to know the Travelers Wifi, a portable wifi that works in over 100 countries.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (10)

Price of food in Italy

  • 450 euros/month

We almost never dine out because cooking at home is one of the best ways to keep costs of living in Italy low. Moreover, food prices in Italy are super affordable and the quality is excellent, which means that our home-made food are not-so-rarely better than in the restaurant.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (11)

Bills: Cost of water, gas and electricity in Italy

  • 70 euros/month

That is the average we paid during the Summer and Spring. The bills are more expensive during Winter because of the heater, as any European would know.

Cost of transport in Italy

  • 50 euros/month

We have never really needed a bus in Parma. We go everywhere by foot and when we visited the neighbouring cities, we took a lift with friends.

This cost of 50 Euros is related to the monthly card for the public transport in Milan. There is also a monthly card here in Parma, but as the city is quite small, you don’t really need it. You better invest in a bike!

By the way, if you plan to live in a small town in Italy we really advise towards going around by bike. It is possible to find one for about 80 Euros, but if you are buying from street markets, make sure they are not stolen bikes.

Did you know we crossed the whole Italy by bike? It took us almost two months, but it was one of our best adventures. You can see all the videos from this bicycle trip in here

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (12)

Italian classes in Italy

As we are in Italy, the least we can do is to learn Italian, isn’t it?

We found a of social organisation that is also a squat in Parma, called Art Lab Occupato. They providefree Italian classes for foreigners. We also know that Milan, Bologna and other cities offer free classes too. You just have to ask around.

Another good option to learn Italian is the free self-educated course from RAI – the Italian Communication channel.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (13)

Other Italy Expenses

  • 240 euros/month

We spent an average of 60 Euros per week for things like, a bottle of wine, an aperitivo – something like the Italian happy hour where you pay about 7 euros for a drink and eat as much as you want –, as well as meeting friends, and so on.

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (14)

Total cost to live in Italy

Our total fixed cost to live in Italy is about 1.400 Euros, but you can round it up to 1.500 per month, which is basically what we spent monthly, really. There is always something to pay over here, others over there, a burnt lamp, a train ticket, or whatever.

To make things easier for the USA readers in here, the cost of living in Italy in US dollars is 1820.

That is all, guys. We hope you liked our how much does it cost to live in Italy post and that it helps you organise your moving to Italy in 2022! If you have any queries, please get in touch at And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram as we are always sharing tips and information about life in Italy and elsewhere.

Good luck with your planning and see you around!

* Article originally written in June 2017 and updated in 2022. *

How much does it cost to live in Italy in 2022: price list, bureaucracy and all the details of an Italian life | Monday Feelings | Travel more Travel better (2024)


What is the average cost of living in Italy in US dollars? ›

So how much does it cost to live in Italy? To answer this question, let's take a quick look at the average basic living expenses in Italy per month. Based on this, we can say that the average cost of living in Italy per month is around €1,600 (US$1,730).

What is the annual cost of living in Italy? ›

What are the general living expenses for Italy? How much can you get by on?
Living expenses in Italy excluding rentRome average costMilan average cost
Single person, per year€8,580€9,360
University student, per month€529€564
Four person family, per month€2,561€2,833
Four person family, per year€30,732€33,996
1 more row

What is the average cost of housing in Italy? ›

In 2023, the average house price in Italy is $380,000 for a 2,000-square-foot home, a price per square foot of $190.

What's it like to live in Italy as an American? ›

Other pros to making Italy your new home is that you'll be able to eat fresh and wholesome food every day, have access to a topnotch education system, good public transport, gorgeous scenery, and a rich culture and history. Essentially you'll be living where many Americans only dream of having their ideal vacation!

Is it cheaper to retire in Italy than in the US? ›

In addition to this, the cost of living and rent in Italy are far lower than in the U.S. If retiring in Italy is your dream, talk to a financial advisor about building a financial plan that can cover your living expenses.

Can an American live full time in Italy? ›

Americans must have an entrance visa which should be obtained at an Italian consulate before coming to Italy, in order to remain in Italy more than three months and gain resident status. This procedure will take several weeks to complete so it is advisable to apply well in advance of the departure date.

How much does it cost to live in Italy for retirees? ›

Sample Monthly Budget
Car Maintenance/Gas/Ins$267
2 more rows

How much is rent in Italy in US dollars? ›

The average rent price in Italy is 800 EUR (880 USD) a month. However, this is just the average—you will find rental prices to range from 490 to 1,550 EUR (540 to 1,700 USD). Below is a table with monthly rental prices by region, from most expensive to least expensive.

How much do you need to retire in Italy? ›

If you have savings of at least €175,000 ($200,000) and a steady source of income from social security, a pension or investments of around €1,750 ($2,000) to €2,300 ($2,650), you can afford to retire here comfortably.

What is the average electricity bill in Italy? ›

Electricity is expensive in Italy. Up until 2021, the average Italian household spent around €52 per month for electricity. But between 2022-2023, the average electricity bill increased exponentially, resulting in an average bill of €115 per month. In old buildings, you may receive electricity through old wiring.

How much is house rent per month in Italy? ›

Housing rent and utilities in Italy

Rent in a big city will range from around €400 to €700 for a furnished apartment. In small towns, you can find accommodation from €300.

What is minimum wage in Italy? ›

There is no statutory minimum wage in Italy. However it is estimated that the average low wage in Italy is roughly 1,150 EUR per month. The median salary in Italy is 2,500 EUR per month.

Can I collect Social Security in Italy? ›

How Benefits Can Be Paid. If you have Social Security credits in both the United States and Italy, you may be eligible for benefits from one or both countries. If you meet all the basic requirements under one country's system, you will get a regular benefit from that country.

How long can US citizens live in Italy? ›

All non-residents are required to complete a declaration of presence (dichiarazione di presenza). Prospective residents or anyone intending to stay in Italy for longer than 90 days must obtain a permit of stay (permesso di soggiorno).

Where do most Americans move to in Italy? ›

Once you've decided on your location, you'll need to look at apartments or homes for rent. Rome, Florence, and Milan are all popular cities for Americans moving to Italy, so there's no shortage of options.

Is it cheaper to live in Italy or USA? ›

Living in Italy is significantly less expensive than living in the U.S. The simplest reason is that housing and health insurance costs are much lower. But it doesn't stop there.

How much is $100 in the United States in Italy? ›

How much is 100 US Dollar in Italian Lira? 100 US Dollar is 38711366 Italian Lira.

Is American money good in Italy? ›

Does Italy Accept U.S. Dollars? Establishments in Italy do not accept U.S. dollars as a form of payment. You will need Italian currency for cash transactions in Italy. In places that do accept physical U.S. dollars, such as hotels, using them may result in very unfavorable exchange rates or additional fees.

Is 1000 euros enough for a month in Italy? ›

Costs of living in Italy for international students. The overall living costs for international students in Italy range between 700 and 1,000 EUR/month. These costs include: accommodation, food, public transportation, local travel and/or entertainment.

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.