How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (2024)

Everyone’s heard about Italian fashion – which means some travelers worry about what to pack for their tripto Italy.

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (1)

The perfect spring outfit in Italy: light jacket, bright pants, and big shades! (Photo: Nicoletta Reggio of the Italian fashion blog Scent of Obsession).

Here’s the good news: Youdon’thave to dress exactly like an Italian, and no one will expect you to! The most important thing to keep in mind is to wear what makes you most comfortable. That’s not always (or even usually) what Italians will be wearing… and that’s perfectly okay.

That said, a lot of travelersdo want to try to dress like the locals when they travel.They see it as a way to “blend in” a bit more (although, of course, keep in mind that you’ll still be given away by something, like yourhand gestures or even makeup—before you even open your mouth!).Plus, we love the idea of cultural immersion while traveling. And since fashion is an important part of Italian culture, what could be a more fun kind of cultural immersion than dressing as the locals do?

Read more: 6 Reasons We Love Italy in Spring

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (2)

A great spring jacket on Scent of Obsession‘s Nicoletta Reggio

Need some tips to get started on how to dress like the Italians?

Here’s your checklist of items to look out for – and that you’ll see lots of Italians wearing – in the spring. With any luck, you’ll be strolling through the ultra-chic Brera neighborhood on our Milan in a Day tour in style!

A light jacket, or trench coat, for women

When the air’s still slightly crisp, but there’s already been thecambio di stagione(change of seasons) rendering winter coats unnecessary,Italians don’t reach for a parka or a sweatshirt. They layer—and top those layers off with an elegant exterior. For stylish Italian women, that means a chic jacket or trench coat (like on Nicoletta Reggio, left and at top!).

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (3)

Italian fashion, for men, often includes a well-tailored jacket—even a casual one!(Photo: bluumwezi on Flickr).

A well-tailored jacket, for men

Italian men prove that you don’t have to be going to work, or a fancy shindig, to pull off a jacket. Pair one with white or beige pants, or even jeans—and, of course, leather shoes—and you’re good to go to lunch… or a museum. Just don’t be surprised if you’re mistaken for an Italian while you’re there.

Even if you don’t mind whether you dress like the locals do, you won’t want to forget these! The sun comes out in force in the spring, so protect those peepers with a pair of shades. Of course, Italians love their designer sunglasses—but any frame will help you blend in, as long as it’s not too tiny. And quirky’s okay, too. Just check out thethese sunglassesworn by Eleonora Carisi, Italian fashion blogger and shop owner (and the sunglasses-wearer below), for inspiration!

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (4)

Don’t leave home without them!

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (5)

Red pants: a pretty common sight on the streets of Italy!

Pants in fun colors – like green, red, or pink (yes, for men, too!)

Italians tend to wear basic blue jeans a lot less often than their counterparts elsewhere. It’s not that women are always in dresses, and men in suits; it’s that when they do throw on trousers, they’re rarely basic jeans or khakis. Instead, pants come in a rainbow of colors. And yes, that’s true for women andmen. So in honor of spring, embrace some color and throw a pair of bright trousers into your suitcase.

When it comes to fit, remember that in Europe, baggy has never been in—and again, that’s true for both sexes.

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (6)

If you really want to blend in, then you can’t forget those leather shoes! (Photo: Xelcise on Flickr)

Leather or suede shoes

Although the kind of shoe changes with the season, the basics don’t. Year-round, the stereotype is true: Italians, especially those out of university and older, tend to wear leather shoes. For women in the spring, that can mean heels or ballet flats. To get those amazing leather shoes at more affordable prices, try one of Italy’s major outlet malls.

Jewelry, for women

Italian women accessorize. So if you’re keen to be mistaken for one, remember the little details: in the past year, chunky bracelets and bib necklaces have been trendy, but so are delicate necklaces and drop earrings. Wear whatever jewelry you like… but if you want to look like an Italian, do wear something!

Scarves, for both genders

Again, when it comes to both fashionandcomfort, spring in Italy is all about layering. Scarves are especially great for travelers: They can spice up an outfit that you’ve already worn three days in a row and can be thrown into a bag or purse to pull out when the sun sets and the weather gets chilly.
Plus, in Italy, scarves can be evenmoreuseful, since it’s disrespectful (and often downright forbidden) to go into a church without your shoulders covered. It’s unlikely you’ll be wearing sleeveless tops in the spring, but if you do, then you’ll definitely want to have a scarf with you so you don’t miss out on ducking into any churches.

And yes, scarves are “in” for both men and women. Nothing looks more European than a man in a scarf!

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (7)

This Italian woman has it all: cute coat, scarf, and big handbag (photo from street fashion blog Think Runway)

A chic handbag, for women – or a “man bag,” for men

The biggest giveaway of being a traveler is a bulky backpack (or a fanny pack!). Trade yours in for a handbag; a big one can hold just as much as a small backpack (we carry a DSLR camera with two lenses, a wallet, and a sunglasses case in ours). For safety, make sure that there’s a secure way to close it, preferably a zipper—while pickpocketing isn’t something you have to be anxious about all the time, itdoeshappen in Italy’s major cities.

For men who really want to go local, they also have the option of a bag. Lots of Italians use messenger bags (what those in the States sometimes call a “man purse”!) or briefcases. It especially makes sense when you think about how hard it is to transport your stuff while, say, zooming around on amotorino. So if you’ve ever wanted to try one out, a trip to Italy is a good time—we promise, not a single local will bat an eyelash.

Be sure to check out our Fall and Winter edition of this post!

How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (8)

by Walks of Italy

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118 responses to “How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition”

  1. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (9) John says:

    Nice looking fashions, certain to make one look like a tourist. I like the girl in the pink skirt but the guys in the background of that photo are more typical than the two in the jackets.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (10) walksofitaly says:

      Hi John,
      That’s an interesting take—living here, we have to say we often see Italian men dressed like the ones in the photo, and women dressed similarly to the other photos, too! Of course, though, everyone is different, and Italian fashion even varies city to city, so there’s no one way, of course, to dress Italian. These were just some of our favorite trends. Glad you liked them!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (11) patrick says:

      what does that mean?


  2. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (12) Jackie Basnight says:

    Thank you for the lovely pictures of Italian street fashion. I love that you actually give advice in full details on what to wear. Looking forward to more…..


  3. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (13) Yellowchristi says:

    I hope you update this for fall. I am going in October 2013 and was told by friends that Italians wear mostly black/grey/neutral colors. I’m glad to see the bright pants and skirt in the spring photos. Maybe fall will be back to black? Please keep me posted!


    • Hi there,
      We’re glad you like the post! Yes, we’ll do an update for fall. What your friend told you is right, although there are usually a couple of “in” colors every season (usually deeper/darker in the fall than in spring and summer, of course) that you’ll see a lot of, too. We’ll keep you updated! In the meantime, you might want to follow us on Pinterest or at least check out our Pinterest Italian style board, where we try to pin the latest trends going on. 🙂


      • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (15) K says:

        Do italians do consignment with their clothing, or do they recycle it in any other thrifty way?? Or does Italy have any retail chains that offer fashion-trendy styles on a prudent budget?
        I’d love to pack light, and pick up some cool threads once I get there, but am uncertain if it’s as common as here in the US.



        • Hi there,
          Consignment isn’t as common as in the US, but there are plenty of places to pick up cheap threads, at least in the cities. Big markets like Porta Portese or Via Sannio in Rome have lots of stalls of cheap clothing, while vintage shops (although, since these are getting trendy, are getting more expensive) are another nice way to “recycle”. Otherwise, the cheaper retail chains tend, unfortunately, to be similar to those you’d find elsewhere, including H&M and so on.

          Happy shopping!


  4. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (17) Isabelle says:

    Thanks you for all the practical fashion advice. I will be in Salerno and visiting the Amalfi Coast including Capri mid to late September. Are summer clothing and colors still worn then or are fall colors more appropriate?


    • Hi Isabelle,
      Great question! In Italy, there’s something called the “cambio di stagione,” where everyone suddenly seems to get the memo at the same time to switch their wardrobe… often regardless of the weather! 🙂 But the fall switch doesn’t usually happen until mid-October, so in September, you’ll be fine with summery wear, which is especially good because it will still be very warm. Happy packing!


  5. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (19) stefania says:

    I’m italian from milan, and I want to tell you that your article is right just in part. Fist the real faschions is in Milan and there is a big difference between the stile of the people from the south and the people from the north of Italy. Here in Milan the people don’t wear bright color ( we love black, grey, beige)maybe we use colors just for the accessorize but you will never see a “milanese” with a red jacket ( maybe a woman from the south). Second never wear sneakers and flip flop, for us it is the bigger mistake in term of stile, and remember in milan we like be fashion also if it mean wear uncomfortable shoes, and we never complain about that in public, it is not chic. But remember in Italy the fashion change a lot region by region, in the south the people are less slaves of fashion, and they use a lots colors and many thing that for us are just horrible.


  6. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (20) Patricia Durastanti says:

    I am traveling to Italy for two weeks in September. I would like packing info and the best shoes to bring. We are on a group tour, busy schedule. Thanks


    • Hi Patricia,
      We’re happy to help! First, take a look at our blog post on how to pack for your trip to Italy, which should answer a lot of your questions. For shoes, comfort is the most important thing—you’ll probably spend a lot more time on your feet than you’re used to! Of course, if you want to dress “like an Italian,” women usually wear nice (and often heeled) leather sandals in the late summer months (and rarely sneakers)… but if you know that will give you blisters, don’t do it! Being comfortable is the most important thing. Let us know if we can help with anything else!


  7. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (22) Maria La Rocca says:

    I’ll be going to Salerno on 9th August and I’m 4 months pregnant. Do you know of any nice clothes shop in Salerno for pregnant women?


    • Hi Maria,
      Hmm, that’s a good question! The only place we know that might have maternity clothing is the COIN department store on Via Vittorio Emanuele. Let us know if you find anything else, and enjoy your rip!


  8. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (24) Mia H. says:


    My husband and I will be in Italy (Venice, Florence and Rome) October 14-20th before heading to Greece (Athens and Santorini) for a week. So whatever I pack will need to do double duty for both countries.

    I want to look chic and stylish and not like an American tourist. I lived in Paris for a year so I’m aware of how “not” to dress but this is my first time to Italy. Can you give me any tips for the fall season and any ideas for acceptable/comfortable walking shoes?


    • Hi Mia,
      We’re happy to help! By late October, the “cambio di stagione” has happened, so unless it’s very warm weather (and sometimes even then!), most Italians will definitely be dressed for autumn. Expect to see lots of long, slim coats, scarves, and boots. Italians also tend to put a lot of thought into their details and accessories, so a good way to dress like a local is to pay attention to your shoes (which should always be in tip-top shape!), purse (something big and leather is always in, and has the added bonus of being great for travel), and jewelry (pile it on!). More specifically, this season, expect to see lots of leather ankle boots, prints (especially checks and plaid), and neutrals (along with some pops of color; forest green and deep teal are especially in). For shoes, we’d recommend either ballerina flats or leather boots. We hope that helps! You might also want to check out our Italian style page on Pinterest for more ideas. Thanks for stopping by!


      • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (26) Mia says:

        Thank you so much! This definitely helps because I had it all wrong in my head. I was thinking it would still be a bit warm but it’s definitley not like the beach cities in California. We wear dresses and sandals until late October (sometimes even in November).

        Guess my sassy, leather boots are going to Italy! Thanks again!


  9. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (27) Gipsy Dharma says:

    Lovely outfits! Liked the girl in the pink skirt too. Thanks for posting, love your blog as always.


  10. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (28) Patricia says:

    I am a mature woman and will be travelling for a month in March 2014 throughout Italy. We will be staying in cities and rural areas. Will beautiful “riding boots” be appropriate this time of year? I am taking a beautiful short black trench as well…too “wintry”. Thanks!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (29) Patricia says:

      Sorry, I mean to end “too wintry”??? 🙂


    • Hi Patricia,
      We’re happy to help! It depends a bit of course on what the weather’s like. If it’s still a little crisp with variable weather, which it likely will be through March, then yes, riding boots and a black trench will be perfectly appropriate.
      Enjoy your trip!


  11. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (31) Brad says:

    Help! I was in Italy a couple years ago and saw a beautiful winter outdoor sportcoat in a shop in Florence. I didn’t buy it at the time (now regret), and would love to figure out what that was. I’m thinking it was either Italian or Swiss.

    It’s a very stylish insulated sportcoat. Any idea what that is or the brand?


    • Hi Brad,
      Thanks for stopping by! Unfortunately there are far too many sports coats (and brands in Italy) for us to be able to help you with this! You’ll just have to come back to Italy and do some shopping and exploring yourself 😉


  12. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (33) kim says:

    I am planning a trip to Rome in April 2014 and am looking for some fashion advice. I am a Florida girl so I will probably be chilly but do not want to dress in clothing that would appear to be winter clothing to Italians. I am wondering if Italians continue wearing boots, leggings, sweaters, etc this time of year and around Easter. Any suggestions would be great! Thank you.


  13. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (35) Stephanie says:

    I was told by an Italian male that all or most Italian men wear white sneakers. I was just curious to why?.


  14. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (36) Kim says:

    We are traveling to Venice, Florence and Rome in mid March and need to know what you suggest to wear during the day while seeing the beautiful sights and in the evening going to nice dinners. Thank you for your help.


    • Hi Kim,
      Definitely go with layers, since the weather can be changeable at that time of year. Remember that little details — like a nice silk scarf, handbag, and jewelry — can do a lot to dress up an outfit for dinner. And stay away from sneakers.

      Enjoy your trip!


  15. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (38) Kris says:

    Hello. great article. Thank you for the tips. I will be travelling to Italy for two weeks in the beginning of May 2014. we ;ll be starting along the Amalfi coast and ending up in Venice. Quite a ew climates to move through. Do you have any tips/hints on what to pack?
    Thank you for your help


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (39) Walks of Italy says:

      Thank you, Kris! While the weather is generally warm in May, we’d suggest packing lots of layers – from sweaters to tank tops – to be prepared as you travel. Buon viaggio and be sure to let us know about your experience!


  16. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (40) Gina says:

    Hello to your wonderful website!

    We just planned a trip to Venice and Positano for August. I am really concerned about what kinds of shoes to wear for sightseeing. I have lots of nice clothing and many pairs of shoes that are high heels and not suitable for sightseeing. I don’t wear sneakers outside of a gym, but I am trying to avoid the blister disaster of Florence one summer, where it was brutally hot and my Tod’s loafers became too tight in the heat.

    What would be suitable to walk in Venice? I was told to wear flats because like Florence, there are many cobblestones. I am assuming that at night, I can handle heels as we would not be walking quite so much. But I do want to look nice during the day with my dresses.

    Please help! Thank you!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (41) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Gina, thank you for your compliments! Venice has very few cobblestones, so we would suggest wearing comfortable flats and sandals to walk around. Buon viaggio and let us know if you have any other questions!


  17. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (42) Tina says:

    Ciao, I will be taking my 8 year old son to Italy this summer. We will be in Venice, Salerno, Rome and Bologna. Any tips on clothing for myself and my son for the trip? Is it okay for him to wear Nikes? Also tips on safety, should I pack a nice handbag or leave it at home?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (43) Walks of Italy says:

      Ciao Tina! We suggest bringing lightweight clothes as the summer can get very hot and you should also pack a light jacket or sweater for the cool evenings. If you would feel more comfortable to not wear expensive clothing, accessories and jewelry you can leave them at home, although you should not have any problems if you use your travel and street smarts while traveling (ex. not leaving your bag open on the subway). Nike sneakers are absolutely fine, and we recommend packing comfortable walking shoes. Do let us know if you have any other questions!


  18. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (44) Susan says:

    I am so glad I found your blog! I will be in Florence, Tuscan hill towns and Rome in a few weeks (the end of April until the middle of May). I am almost 60 (but blessed to look 40-ish!) and I want to be somewhat age appropriate. I have some not too skinny black jeans black capris and red cropped pants, a mid-calf reversible print/black skirt and a mix of long, short and sleeveless tops, and lots of scarves. Should I avoid sleeveless or tank tops (I know about inside churches). I will be layering but expect I may get warm enough to be down to that layer! And is it true what I read that as a size 10 I will have a difficulty finding this “huge” size in clothing?
    Many thanks for any advice, this will put my mind at ease! I don’t want so much to blend in (how could I will my red hair and pale freckle-face) – as to not STICK OUT! 🙂


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (45) Walks of Italy says:

      Ciao Susan! It looks like your packing list is great, just be sure to add some light jackets and sweaters if you plan to wear sleeveless tops as some evenings may be cool or chilly. You should not have a problem finding the Italian equivalent of a size 10 as Florence and Rome have a wide selection of stores and most shops and boutiques carry up to a 12. Buon viaggio and let us know if you have any questions!


  19. Italian Men’s fashion has such a huge sense of sophistication attached to it. It all looks effortless yet intricate at the same time! It seems as though it might be easier for men to blend in as sartorial fashion seems hugely popular everywhere, particularly here in the UK.- Richard


  20. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (47) Rita Shaheen says:

    My husband and I will be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary in Rome.We’ll be there late May to early June. Please offer suggestions on style or brand of shoes for walking, walking and more walking! Can we wear shorts when taking a bicycle tour? Thank you!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (48) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Rita, we suggest looking into sandals and flat shoes that are made for walking like Birkenstocks and Geox. Stylish sneakers work well for men, too. Shorts are acceptable for a bicycle tour around the city. Do let us know if you have any questions!


  21. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (49) Emily Lim says:

    We’ll be going to Italy(venice,Florence,Cinque Terre,Rome) on the end of May till the beginning week of June.I have been googling around to see what to wear and not to during this season.I’m a bit confuse since some suggested to wear shorts and summer dresses while some other websites suggested me to wear long denim pants and long sleeve shirts.I don’t know what exactly to wear during this time.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (50) Walks of Italy says:

      Ciao Emily! The weather tends to change during the spring from warm to cold – even one day to the next – so we suggest bringing lots of layers from sweaters to tank tops to be prepared for all types of climates. Buon viaggio and let us know if you have any questions!


  22. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (51) Anick says:

    Hi! Just loooooove your blog! Will be in Sardinia and Rome in july and was wondering how is the weather at night or on rainy days? Do i need closed shoes ( like a ballerina) or sandals will do it?

    And about ballerina: are the pointy toes or rounded toes in style?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (52) Walks of Italy says:

      Ciao! July will be hot in Italy, especially in Sardinia and Rome. We would suggest bring comfortable sandals for walking around during the day and closed shoes if you prefer for the evenings. Ballerina flats are a classic in Italy – both pointed and round toe. Let us know if you have any questions 🙂


  23. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (53) Katimae says:

    I will be studying abroad in florence for 6 weeks this summer (from may 17-june 27) and i am wondering if dressy tank tops are appropriate? also, should i wear more dresses and skirts, or capris? thank you for your help and this site is amazing!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (54) Walks of Italy says:

      Ciao! Dressy tank tops are appropriate, but we suggest traveling with a sweater or shawl in case you want to visit museums and churches that prohibit uncovered shoulders. You’ll also want to pack some layers because the temperature may change depending on the day and evenings tend to be cool. Both capris and dresses work – whatever you prefer! Enjoy your study abroad experience 🙂


  24. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (55) wvuflu says:

    I love reading your blog! I’ll be in Florence/Milan in early July for a tradeshow and to visit. I know it’s going to be hot, but what clothes and shoes would be appropriate for the summer months? Would a peep toe shoe be ok with a dress? I need to have shoes that will work for both work and sightseeing. Grazie


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (56) Walks of Italy says:

      Thank you! Peep toe shoes will absolutely be appropriate, and many Italians even wear dressy sandals for work occasions. Temperatures can be quite high in the summer so be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Let us know if you have any questions!


  25. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (57) Isabelle says:

    I will be in Rome for 3 weeks in the fall. Are there shops that sell Italian leather shoes at reasonable prices (under 200€)? I am not looking for designer brands but I do want good quality leather.


  26. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (59) Grace says:


    Thanks for such a well written and informative description of Italian Style, beautifully illustrated with good photos to sum it all up.

    I’m going to be in Venice next week (June 22nd) for 10 days and have my wardrobe planned – I have my own unique, vintage late 50s early 60s style, so while I want to look chic, I also don’t want to loose my image. I’m packing a few 50s style circle skirts (Navy with white polka dots and red with white flowers) to wear with a simple cream cropped t-shirt, several dresses, inc a turquoise tea-dress with leopard print, a blue and white vintage 60s polkadot shift dress, a cream/black/coral stripe dress with a wide boat neck, a strapless black/white/red geometric patterned dress and a short-sleeved b/w silk dress with a blue ‘band’ around the hem. All my dresses are below the knee and I’m taking a couple of neutral coloured cardis (black and beige) and a dusky pink shawl to cover my shoulders in church. Shoes, I plan on taking ballet flats, and peeptoe sandals (to show my red painted nails) and one pair of wedge heel snakeskin shoes for dinner etc

    I’ve selected a few classic pieces of jewellery to take with me (pearl earrings etc) and will do 50s make-up (winged eyeliner and nude lips for the day, red at night)

    Will this still appear chic to the Italians or would they deem it ‘vulgar’? Italian dressing always seems to elegant and simple, whereas my look always contains a lot of elements/colour/pattern etc. I don’t wish to ‘blend in’ merely not stand out as completely unstylish or cheap! Your help would be much appreciated!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (60) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Grace! Italians love to show off their unique style with different colors and patterns, and we think your wardrobe will be great for Venice. Buon viaggio!


  27. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (61) katelyn says:

    thanks it really help alot know i can look italian when i am not even from italy


  28. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (62) Kathy says:

    Hi, I will be in Sorrento and Rome mid September and was wondering if white and coral colored jeans are ok to wear? I know flip flops aren’t really appropriate, but what about leather sandles? thanks!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (63) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Kathy, colored jeans and leather sandals are both a great option as the weather should still be warm in Rome and Sorrento. Buon viaggio!


  29. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (64) Cindy Dell' Amico says:

    My husband and I will be in Rome for 4 days – Oc t1,2014 thru Oct 5,2014 and on to Positano /Amalfi Coast for 7 nites Oct 4 thru Oct 12.

    What is appropriate dress for first 2 weeks of Oct especially in Positano. Is it too late for us both to bring a pair of white pants? How much rain are we going to encounter.? I have always traveled in Sept so am lost on what to pack for Oct.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (65) Walks of Italy says:

      Ciao Cindy! We suggest packing layers (t-shirts, sweaters, scarves, pants, dresses, etc.) as the weather tends to be warmer during the day and cooler in the evening. October weather varies from very warm to light rain, so we suggest checking the forecast before leaving. White pants are also a great, stylish option for the Amalfi Coast! Let us know if you have any questions.


  30. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (66) Isabelle says:

    I am travelling to Salerno for 1 week in early October and then 2 weeks in Rome. I am wondering if sandals are still appropriate or if closed walking shoes are a better option.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (67) Walks of Italy says:

      Ciao Isabelle, we suggest bringing both! Weather tends to vary, so you may want to wear sandals on warmer days and closed shoes on colder days. Let us know if you have any questions 🙂


  31. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (68) Mandy says:


    Is it a good idea to wear leather sandals in spring (end of April to early May)? I will be travelling to Venice, Rome, Cinque Terre, and Florence. Thanks!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (69) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Mandy,

      Yes, it will likely be warm enough to wear leather sandals, but we recommend wearing comfortable walking shoes. You will be walking a lot to sightsee and tour those cities and you want your shoes to be comfortable. Many Italians wear comfortable flats or even low sneakers.


  32. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (70) Syma says:

    Hi, great info! We are planning to visit Rome and Venice n May and I was wondering if Riding boots will be appropriate. I was reading there might be chances of rain during that time, so I thought boots..does it get warm ny that time? Any advice is appreciated!te


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (71) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Syma,

      Boots are always a great option for the rain, but we suggest bringing a pair of regular walking shoes as well. It tends to rain more in the autumn and winter in Italy and May tends to be rather warm, especially in Rome. While it might rain, riding boots might be a bit too heavy for the spring temperatures!


  33. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (72) Emi says:

    I am going to Florence and Venice for a week in mid-march. Would it be appropriate for me to take one tighter skirt, or is that not necessary? Don’t worry, I am not planning to wear them to a church, maybe for a fancy dinner? Also, I am thinking of taking two pairs of super comfy flats and one pair of low heels. Can I wear boots, or is is a little too warm for that? Last question, what should I wear to a super fancy restaurant? Are black jeans with no rips, heels, chic trench coat, and blouse okay? Thanks : )


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (73) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Emi,

      A tighter skirt is appropriate, as long as it’s not in a church or to a mass. Boots in March are not only acceptable, but suggested as it can still be rather chilly and rainy! Also your outfit to a super fancy restaurant sounds perfect – it can work across the board!


      • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (74) Emi says:

        Hmmm… I’m stumped! What kind of boots should I wear? I was thinking cutout booties or maybe closed heeled and closed toe booties? What would be more appropriate for the weather? Thanks : )


        • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (75) Walks of Italy says:

          Hi Emi,

          It depends when you visit and what the weather is. Most of those options seem appropriate, though if you’re worried about the temperature, perhaps closed heel and toe booties are the best! 🙂


  34. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (76) Adam says:

    Ciao, great site! Traveling to Milan for a daytrip in late April and I hear the temps are still cool with highs averaging 11°C. I’m thinking about wearing a blazer, collared shirt, and a scarf. For the lady, I ordered a nice wool round neck coat because she tends to get cold. I’m thinking she can pair it with a nice crop top underneath. What do you think? Grazie!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (77) Walks of Italy says:

      Thank you Adam. You’re right, April can still be chilly in Italy, especially in Milan. You’re outfits seem fine! It’s good to have a jacket of some sort and, as all the Italians do, dress in layers!


  35. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (78) Sabrina says:

    Thank you so much for posting this article!! I will be travelling to Italy in March (from Canada ) with a group of other Canadian youth and I was wondering what shoes would be appropriate for mid march? Our group is heading to Rome, Capri, Palermo, and Taormina. I’m assuming that the weather will differ from the -15 C in Canada? Thanks for being so so helpful!!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (79) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Sabrina,

      Yes it will definitely differ from March Canadian weather! 🙂 Mid-March in southern Italy is quite mild, around 60 degrees Fahrenheit, so a pair of normal walking shoes or tennis shoes will be fine. A pair of boots for the ladies will be useful also. Have a great trip!


  36. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (80) Jasmine says:

    Hi! I’m going to Italy for a week from March 14 through March 21, and I am having trouble packing lightly. I know for a fact that I will be doing a lot of shopping.
    Here’s what I am thinking of bringing:
    – 6 T-shirts
    – 1 blouse
    – 3 sweaters
    – 2 jackets (1 anorak and 1 trench coat)
    – 1 dress
    – 1 Sweater Jacket
    – 1 vest
    – 3 scarves
    – 3-4 shoes
    – 4 pairs of earrings
    Here’s where I need some help:
    – 8 necklaces (too many?)
    * – 5 pairs of jeans (white, light wash, dark wash, coated black, black)*
    * – 3 skirts (floral chiffon, blue pleated, basic tight black skirt)*
    I think I’m overpacking, so can you tell me what I should take and leave behind?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (81) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Jasmine,

      We understand – it’s not easy to pack lightly! However, it’s also not easy to lug around a huge suitcase. We suggest packing two pairs of jeans instead of 5 and leaving the necklaces behind. Italians wear scarves indoors and outdoors and that will be more than enough to accessorize your outfit. March can often be cooler, so you might not need the skirts. Maybe consider packing on instead of 3. As for the shoes, we suggest a pair of walking shoes and a pair of boots only. Heels are very difficult to walk in on the cobblestone streets and especially difficult after a day of sight seeing – leave them at home! Have a great trip!


  37. Hi, we came by your article and such a lovely article it is. Truly reflects the ambience of Italy- the culture, the fashion and the authenticity. Thank you 🙂


  38. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (83) Cherine says:


    I’m traveling to Italy(Milan, Florence, Venice n Rome) from 8th to 18th May. I’m thinking to wear knitted long sleeves blouse and jeans, will it be too warm? Do I need to bring both sweater and wind breaker everyday when out for sightseeing? For your info, I’m from Malaysia.. Is the weather still chill? Thanks for your advice in advance.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (84) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Cherine,

      The weather in May can get rather hot. The average for Rome is 17°C (63°F), though it’s also been as high as 23°C. We see that Malaysia’s averages are much warmer, so it all depends on what you’re used to, but we suggest bringing some lighter clothes as well, in the event that the weather is warm. Have a great trip!


  39. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (85) Jo says:

    I’ll be in Venice the first week of May. Will people be wearing sandals there by then, or is it still a bit too early? I walk a lot in my own city, so no worries about that. And I love wearing attractive-but-flat sandals– I just don’t want to look out of season.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (86) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Jo,

      That all depends on the weather! If it is rather warm, you won’t likely be the only one in sandals, and it’s perfectly acceptable to wear them. Italians themselves often wait a bit further into the season to pull out their sandals, but on a very hot day even they will choose sandals!


  40. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (87) Cathy says:

    Plans for a trip in September-October in Italy (Tuscany, Lago Maggiore, etc) to be with friends will include cycling in September on the Via Francigena and helping at the L’Eroica tour in October. Traveling light is essential but I don’t want to forget the potential of an evening out during my stay. As a woman amongst athletes (I’m definitely not one) it is a challenge… Any ideas about what would be wise? Beyond the basics, and my biking clothes, I’m stumped. We may have time to visit Rome as well. Thanks!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (88) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Cathy,

      That sounds like a great trip! For an evening out, perhaps a nice black dress and maybe even tights (depending on the weather) will be a nice, lightweight option for your bike trip. Though there’s no need to get too elegant. A nice pair of jeans and a dress shirt or t-shirt with a scarf will certainly be ok for an evening out!


  41. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (89) Cathy says:

    One other question, please. Is it even possible to find decaf coffee/espresso in Italy? Sorry, the real stuff can be trouble! I know this isn’t a clothing question, but…


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (90) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Cathy,

      Yes it is possible! Try asking for a “caffè decaffeinato”. Good luck!


  42. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (91) Peggy says:

    Hello— we are going to Italy for the first time on Sept 21. It is a 14 day trip-= and it’s a tour , I am 66 and my husband is 65. My question is will the weather be in the 55–65 degree area?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (92) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Peggy,

      Yes, that’s basically right, and it mostly depends on where you are in Italy. In Rome the average temperatures are around 63 degrees Fahrenheit. Farther up north in Venice the average temperature for early October is about 57 degrees Fahrenheit.


  43. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (93) Joanne says:

    We are traveling to Rome, Florence, and Venice late May to early June. Is it okay for the men to wear jeans and sneakers for sightseeing and casual dinners? I plan on packing jeans, tee shirts and flats for daytime and black slacks for evening with a slightly dressier top. Can the men wear shorts if not touring churches?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (94) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Joanne,

      Besides shorts and tank tops in churches, you both can wear whatever you like during your trip, even shorts! While most adult men and women don’t wear shorts in May in the major cities, opting instead for jeans or slacks, there are still plenty of people who will be in shorts, especially men. Jeans and sneakers are definitely ok – your husband will be happy to have the comfortable footwear! Have a great trip!


  44. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (95) Kakolee says:

    I will be travelling to Italy (Rome, Sorento, Florence and Venice) from 22nd May to 6th June 2015. Can you suggest what kind of footwear works well for that time if the year?As a tourist who will be walking about a lot I had walking shoes in mind and maybe a pair of sandals if I got tired of wearing shoes all the while. And also if I need to bring along a warm coat/ sweater? I am from India and we are more adapted to temperatures ranging from 20 deg C to 38 deg C.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (96) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Kakolee,

      You’ll definitely want a comfortable pair of walking shoes! The average weather in Rome during that time is about 20 degrees C to 24 degrees C and it should be similar, if not slightly cooler in Florence and Venice. While we wouldn’t suggest a warm coat, we would suggest bringing a cover-up or light jacket to layer on for the evenings!


  45. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (97) Adrienne says:

    Is it very warm in mid-June in Rome? Im thinking of renting a place but w/o air-conditioning and fans in Via Taurasia area. So, that means I’ll have to leave the windows open and I hear it can be noisy; there may be mozzies and it’ll be hot. I’m worried. Should I think of getting a place with a/c?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (98) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Adrienne,

      Yes, it is typically warm in Rome in June, with averages often being up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. That said, there is very little A/C in the city outside of major hotels and the locals typically don’t use it. Maybe this site can give you more of an idea of the heat in Rome and how to handle it. We hope you have a great trip!


  46. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (99) Lisa Krumwiede says:

    My 18yr old daughter and I will be traveling to Rome, Florence, and Venice the week of June 20-28. We would not like to dress like an american tourist so I am looking for suggestion for types of shoes to do all the walking around in the summer. Also I have been told locals do not wear shorts….so are sun-dresses more acceptable? What are the average temps during the days/nights?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (100) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Lisa,

      We completely understand! Teenagers do actually wear shorts, but she’ll have to be careful about wearing them if you want to visit churches as she won’t be allowed in with her knees exposed (a sundress that grazes the knees is likely ok). They also wear tennis shoes like converse or vans. Adults often wear fitted sandals or tennis shoes for a bit more comfort, so you should both be fine with your footwear for all your walking. Sun dresses are acceptable as well as summer pants with a light-fabric to keep you cooler in June. Average temperatures in Rome in June can be about 80 degrees Fahrenheit and about 75 in Venice, so you’ll want light, comfortable clothing!


  47. Hi-

    My husband and I will be celebrating our 30th wedding Anniversary in Milan, Monterosso, Rome, Florence, Tuscany and Venice from June 4th to June 17th. My husband can wear anything and look great! He has a tailored jacket, dress shoes, Merrell-clogs, dress pants and short sleeve shirts and he looks great at 63. However, I am 52 and a size XL or 1X and I don’t fit in but would like to be respectful and dress the best I can. I do have a couple of black palazzo pants, black capris, beige capris, short sleeve dressy black dressy shirts and I thought about getting a couple of scarves-I don’t know what type of fabric. Also, I have been blessed with wide feet and I have to have arch support. Therefore, it has been a struggle to buy shoes. I do have a new pair of Merrell black sandals, black leopard skechers and my black danskos. Also, my husband says we are only taking 2 carryon bags for he and I. This should be interesting. Any other suggestions for us and is there any shopping there for me?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (102) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Loretta,

      We’re sure you’ll look great! With two carry-ons we suggest that you pack with layering clothes, that way you can mix and match the same pieces for your time in Italy. It seems that you have neutral colors that you’d like to bring so that already makes it easier to layer. Scarves are always stylish here in Italy and a great way to change up an outfit. We suggest a light fabric since it’s usually pretty warm in June, especially in Rome. Also, wide feet or not, anyone wants to have comfortable shoes during their visit to Italy. You’ll likely do a lot of walking and don’t want your day ruined by sore feet. Tennis shoes and supported sandals will be perfect. Let us know if you have any other questions and have a great trip!


  48. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (103) kira says:

    I am visiting Tuscany on a painting course for a week in July followed by three days in Florence. Can you suggest what would be appropriate for the Florence part of the trip please as I am comfortable with what I wear in which to paint. I do not wear dresses but like the occasional long skirt. Thanks


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (104) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Kira,

      You can wear the same things in Florence as you would in Tuscany – Italy is certainly used to artists! If you’d like to dress up a bit more though from your usual painting clothes, you’ll want to keep in mind the July heat! Though its true that most Italian adults don’t wear shorts, you can certainly wear pants or a long skirt, which would be cool as well. Florence is a small city seen best by walking, so you’ll definitely want comfortable walking shoes, such as a nice pair of tennis shoes (beyond your usual running shoes) or sandals.


  49. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (105) Ann Jakobsen says:

    Hi: My daughter (18 years) and I are traveling to Florence end July first of August. We were wondering what type of clothing would be best? We would like to, as best as possible blend in, so to speak. Anything that we absolutely shouldn’t wear?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (106) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Ann,

      Besides the tips in this post, I’d reiterate about shorts and dresses. Your daughter will be in good company in shorts, but usually women don’t wear shorts, opting for pants instead. Since it will likely be very hot, we suggest some sundresses for you for your visit! That said, Florence is a very popular tourist destination, and you’ll see people in all kinds of garb!


  50. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (107) Robin says:

    Hi there,

    My husband and I will be traveling to Italy mid-October and will be in Sorrento, Florence and ending our trip in Milan. Please provide tips for packing as we will be going from a bit warmer weather to cooler. I am very into fashion, however do not want to over pack -please help with the staples that my husband I will need for each area during this time of year. We will begin in Sorrento, 14Oct in which we will take day trips to Amalfi, Positano, Capri and Naples then to Florence again ending in Milan 31Oct. I don’t want to bring too many handbags and shoes etc., and need help scaling down.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (108) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Robin,

      Like this post suggests, your best options are neutral colors which will help you to pack less, as they all match eachother, and lots of layers! Layers are very Italian and will help you as you travel in different weathers. You don’t need too many shoes, just a nice pair of boots and a nice pair of walking shoes. We’re sure you’ll have a great trip!


  51. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (109) Bethany says:

    What about a black maxi skirt? Is that a common item for the spring?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (110) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Bethany,

      Yes, a maxi skirt can be the perfect spring staple – good for dressing down or up!


  52. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (111) Marcia says:

    I see mist posts are asking about what to wear in Summer or Fall. We are visiting Venice, Florence and Rome mid to late April. What shall I pack/wear for what I assume is Spring.


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (112) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Marcia,

      Probably the posts are mixed because the weather is mixed! Spring weather varies widely and it can be difficult to predict with 100% accuracy – especially well in advance. That said, the tendency is for more rain in the north and warmer weather the further south you go. We suggest coming with many layers, that way you can leave your heavy winter coat at home but still stay warm.


  53. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (113) Marcia says:

    Thank you. That helps.


  54. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (114) Hoge Smith says:

    Hi, My husband and I will be visiting Venice, Milan and Lake Como from 16-21 April 2017. We are Australians and live in far north Queensland where our weather is tropical. We are used to temperatures ranging from 25-38°C daily, while our winter temperatures range from 12-24°C, so cool weather to you means cold to us. We really need to your help with what to pack (clothes, accessories, shoes, outerwear, colours etc). Please note that we have to pack very lightly as our trip to Italy is at the end of a 6-week cruise from Singapore to Venice which has us visiting 12 countries inbetween (some tropical, four in the Middle East) so this will be a ‘packing nightmare!’ Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Hoge


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (115) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Hoge,

      We believe in you! The weather won’t be tropical, but it will be well in to spring and should be quite warm. Probably most of your clothes will work fine, with the addition of at least one pair of long pants, a light spring jacket and a scarf. Your best weapon is to dress in layers! Have a great trip


  55. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (116) Megan says:

    Hi, my husband and I are going to Italy end of April. Touring Rome, Florence, and Venice. I don’t want to overpack. What versatile clothing can I bring for all places? Are skirts or dresses or capris more common? What clothing should my husband bring? Also for the Vatican?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (117) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Megan,

      In April, it’s best to pack clothes that all go together, so you can dress in layers and be prepared for any weather. In Venice, you might find rain or slightly chilly (not cold) spring temperatures, whereas Rome will likely be quite warm by the end of April. You won’t find many people wearing capris, rather, most Italians simply where pants well into the heat of summer. That said, whatever you’re most comfortable in is best. Remember that your knees and shoulders must be covered to enter into most churches (if you’re wearing a dress, it’s usually ok as long as it brushes your knee and isn’t too too short). Have a wonderful trip!


  56. Great post….thanks for that sharing with us….


  57. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (119) Eshika Roy says:

    Thank you for posting this interesting blog about the fashion trends of Italians. It is a well known fact that Italy is one of the global fashion hotspots. I got a lot of fashion inspiration from this post and can’t wait to implement it on my own. Looking forward to read your next post


  58. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (120) Aparna Mohan says:

    Thank you for this incredibly informative article! My husband and I are travelling to Rome for four days in the second week of March. I was going to wear my colorful walking sneakers but I read differently from the comments here. I’ve considered taking two pairs of dark denim, a bunch of sweaters, blouses and one dress with tights. Of course, a trench coat and a stylish winter coat. Should I be taking anything else? Any color palettes? I would really appreciate your help! Thank you so much 🙂


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (121) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Aparna,

      Great options!! Of course if you love color, there’s no reason not to wear it, but it’s true that most Italians keep things quite neutral. We’re sure you’ll have a great trip!


  59. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (122) Nella Caruso says:

    Hi, I’ll be travelling to Rome the first week of May and I’m wondering if it’s okay to wear white pants or capris. What should I bring for footwear – sandals, ballerina flats, booties or sneakers?


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (123) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Nella,

      Of course it’s ok! We’d suggest to bring whatever shoes you’re most comfortable in — Rome requires a lot of walking! Also, though Rome can be hot in spring and rarely rains, it is possible, so if you bring sandals we’d recommend a pair of closed shoes as well. Have a great trip!


    • How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (124) Walks of Italy says:

      Hi Nella,

      Of course it’s ok! We’d suggest to bring whatever shoes you’re most comfortable in — Rome requires a lot of walking! Also, though Rome can be hot in spring and rarely rains, it is possible, so if you bring sandals we’d recommend a pair of closed shoes as well. Have a great trip!


  60. How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (125) Kelly Warner says:

    Such interesting tips and images. Loved the way you have presented it and looking forward to reading such amazing articles in the future as well.


  61. Incredible Post, and Italian fashion is very famous around the world. As i know leather fashion is also introduce by an Italian. Thanks for the post.


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How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition - Walks of Italy (2024)


What do you wear on a walking tour in Italy? ›

On your walking tour of Italy, it's important to be comfortable, of course, but don't skimp on style. To properly blend in with the locals, leave your T-shirts and baggy jeans at home and, instead, opt for fitted tees, nice blouses, dark denim jeans and linen trousers.

How do you dress like an Italian man 2022? ›

Style Guide | How To Dress Like An Italian Man
  1. Always Wear Blazers. Italian men always look so formal, irrespective of the weather. ...
  2. Don't Shy Away From Accessorising. ...
  3. Wear Loafers. ...
  4. Work Within A Restricted Colour Palette. ...
  5. Be Playful With Pocket Square Styling. ...
  6. Wear 1970s Style Glasses.
Mar 17, 2022

How do you dress like a stereotypical in Italian? ›

How To Dress Like An Italian
  1. Wear chinos and linen suiting. ...
  2. Get your trouser length just so. ...
  3. Consider how to style a sports watch. ...
  4. Start with the blazer and build out from there. ...
  5. Freshen up with some workwear. ...
  6. Work within a limited colour palette. ...
  7. Invest in soft, slouchy tailoring. ...
  8. Put a 1970s spin on your eyewear.
Sep 27, 2020

What to wear in Italy so you don't look like a tourist? ›

Dress Nicely

Europeans tend to dress much less casually than we do in the States. Let's just say that wearing shorts is a good way to advertise that you're a tourist. Steve suggests dressing “for the occasion” and making sure you present yourself neatly.

Are leggings OK in Italy? ›

Are leggings okay to wear in Italy? Some travelers love wearing leggings for comfort, but they're often too casual looking as pants for Italy. If you're a big fan of leggings, consider pairing a black pair with long tunics during the spring, or wearing them under dresses and skirts in fall and winter.

What kind of shoes do Italians wear? ›

Leather or suede shoes

Year-round, the stereotype is true: Italians, especially those out of university and older, tend to wear leather shoes. For women in the spring, that can mean heels or ballet flats.

Do people wear jeans in Italy? ›

Jeans appear very popular among Italian men (aged 30 to 60) for casually dressy wear with a colored cotton dress shirt, open at the collar, blazer, and nice leather loafers, often with no socks. Don't listen to other posters about what to wear, jeans are widely worn through out Italy.

How to kiss an Italian man? ›

The general rule of the cheek kisses is to give one or two light kisses, one on each side. Your lips shouldn't touch the other person's cheek unless you are extremely good friends; instead, aim to lightly touch your cheek to theirs.

What is considered to be rude in Italy? ›

It is improper to put one's hands on one's lap, or to stretch one's arms while at the table. Resting one's elbows on the table is also considered to be poor manners. Do not leave the table until everyone has finished eating. Drinking beverages other than water or wine with a meal is quite uncommon.

How do you make a good impression in Italy? ›

First impressions are particularly important to Italians. When you are introduced to someone you have never met before, greet them with a brief, firm handshake with direct eye contact and a welcoming smile. Italians place a lot of importance on polite eye contact.

What not to wear in Italy in summer? ›

Don't Wear Shorts.

Although summer in Italy can be rather hot, you'll rarely see Italian women wearing shorts. The best way to fit in would be to stay away from revealing too much skin, but still look stylish at the same time- try a flowy skirt instead.

Can you wear sneakers in Italy? ›

What is this? In Italy, we do not wear sneakers in the office but we do wear them if we travel, if we are sightseeing and in any informal situation. Do not go for a less comfortable shoe out of this misconception, sneakers are perfect for Italy (see below for tips on stylish ones).

What to wear in Italy in May 2022? ›

What to pack for Rome in May: my essentials
  • Good quality jeans / pants. Jeans are very common in Rome and worn by people of almost any age. ...
  • Short sleeved tops. These will be your staple tops for the day. ...
  • A casual dress. ...
  • A good crossbody bag. ...
  • A light jacket. ...
  • A cardigan. ...
  • Scarves. ...
  • Sunglasses.
Mar 8, 2022

What can you not bring to Italy? ›

6 Things Not To Bring To Italy
  1. A new haircut. Rushing around before your trip shouldn't include a haircut. ...
  2. Running shoes/ sneakers. Really my friend, unless your actually using them to exercise: leave them at home. ...
  3. More baggage than you can carry. ...
  4. Too many gadgets. ...
  5. Travellers cheques. ...
  6. Dirty Bra Straps.

Are ripped jeans OK in Italy? ›

But remember, Italians tend to go high-end even with their denim - so keep 'em rip-free! Men should typically avoid anything they might wear to the beach, gym, or football game, and instead opt for stylish loose linens or fitted chinos. Tops.

Do you have to cover your shoulders in Italy? ›

Some sites online say you will be asked to leave if you wear shorts in churches in Italy. This is incorrect. Some will not allow short shorts, and you must cover your shoulders.

What is the most popular clothing in Italy? ›

Leading fashion brands in Italy 2021

Gucci was the leading fashion brand in Italy in 2021. The label had a National Brands IPX (Index) score of 170.64 points.

What to wear in Italy summer 2022? ›

My number one tip for traveling to Italy in Summer is linen. Linen is your best friend and it's what all the Italians are wearing. I saw so many Italian women in long, flowy linen dresses and men in linen shirts and even linen trousers.

What is the most common clothing in Italy? ›

The women wear colorful embroidered skirts and bodices over light-weight chemises or blouses, with elaborate hats decorated with flowers or fruit. Men's traditional clothing tends to be simpler, but doesn't lack from attention to detail, with embroidery and metal buttons and pins.

What are Italian Girl features? ›

Being Mediterranean, Italian women have very distinct characteristics that set them apart from other ethnicities. Italian women are known to have an intense gaze, olive skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. High cheekbones, a small or Roman nose, long hair, and soft lips are considered beautiful in Italy.

How do you look elegant and classy at 60? ›

5 Tips For Dressing in Your 60s
  1. Big patterns, bold colors. ...
  2. Breathable Fabrics Reign Supreme. ...
  3. Embrace the unexpected. ...
  4. Balance timeless with trends. ...
  5. Mix textures and metals. ...
  6. Eye-catching accessories. ...
  7. Denim that fits like a dream. ...
  8. Updated basics.

What a 55 year old woman should wear? ›

You can wear these basics to work, out to dinner and anywhere else:
  • Dark denim, mid-rise, boot-cut jeans. ...
  • Dark denim, mid-rise, straight-leg jeans. ...
  • White jeans (boot-cut or straight-leg) ...
  • Great-fitting pants. ...
  • Black blazer. ...
  • Black pencil skirt. ...
  • Sweaters. ...
  • Tank tops.
Nov 28, 2022

What do females wear in Italy? ›

Italian women love neutral colors, high-quality fabrics, and minimal accessories. They want to look clean-cut, so heavily printed fabrics are a no-no here. Some people think that Italians love bold colors, chunky jewelry, and heels. However, true Italian street style isn't about being flashy.

What should I pack for Italy in April? ›

Bottom line, to sightsee comfortably in Rome in April:
  • Wear good walking shoes/walking sandals.
  • Dress in jeans or long cotton pants.
  • Wear a light cotton top with a sweater/cardigan.
  • Bring a waterproof coat/jacket.
  • Bring a rain hat and/or an umbrella.
  • Last but not least, don't forget the Italian MUST WEAR - a scarf.

Do people wear Crocs in Italy? ›

While in Rome, we saw Crocs in store windows, but none on anyone's feet. But plenty of Rome tourists were wearing sneakers - comfort is the key here and if walking/running shoes keep you from getting blisters and sore feet, then by all means wear them.

What side do Italians kiss first? ›

Italy: Two kisses is standard, but watch out — Italians tend to start with the left cheek.

What does Chichi mean in Italian? ›

chichi {adjective}

pretenzioso {adj.} chichi (also: flatulent, highfalutin, highfaluting, la-di-da, pseud) vistoso {adj.} chichi (also: chintzy, meretricious, splashy, flaring)

How do people flirt in Italy? ›

After the first catchphrase, an Italian flirting strategy would usually proceed with a ton of compliments and sweet words accompanied by slow movements like holding your hand, caressing your face, blinking, winking, smiling, and looking in your eyes.

What is a weird law in Italy? ›

It's illegal not to walk your dog at least three times a day in Turin, Italy. Dog owners in Turin, Italy will be fined up to €500 if they don't walk their pets at least three times a day, under a new law from the city's council.

What should you not talk about in Italy? ›

Avoid making generalised comments about Italian crime, corruption, the Mafia or Italy's involvement in World War II. Do not joke about the Catholic Church or the Pope when in the company of older Italians.

Is eye contact rude in Italy? ›

Eye Contact: Direct eye contact is expected and held during conversations. In some places in Italy, people may inadvertently stare out of curiosity. However, be aware that staring is generally considered rude and can also represent an act of defiance if a person of low social status stares at someone higher than them.

How not to be rude in Italy? ›

If you have had a bad experience, this might explain why!
  • Italy is one of the world's most visited countries and tourism is important for it. ...
  • Learn some Italian. ...
  • Do not be loud in English. ...
  • Dress appropriately. ...
  • Acknowledge people. ...
  • Never put your feet or shoes on a table or a chair.

How do you introduce yourself in Italy? ›

Depending on the context, Italians introduce themselves by saying simply their first name or saying their first name and last name.
Let's see them together:
  1. Mi chiamo Maria Rizzo (literally, “I am called…”)
  2. Sono Maria Rizzo (“I am…”)
  3. Maria Rizzo (Simply state your name)
Jun 20, 2019

What do you wear in Italy in March? ›

Bottom line, to sightsee comfortably in Rome in March:
  • Wear good walking shoes.
  • Dress in jeans or heavy cotton pants.
  • Wear a light cotton top with a sweater/cardigan.
  • Bring a waterproof coat/jacket.
  • Bring a rain hat and/or an umbrella.
  • Last but not least, don't forget the Italian MUST WEAR - a scarf. Always a scarf.
May 23, 2021

Can you wear short dresses in Italy? ›

When traveling in Italy, don't ever wear short skirts. Even if you see Italian models wearing them, it is not considered the norm. Men will see it as an invitation to grab your bottom and pinch you.

What to wear in Italy in June 2022? ›

Shorts and t-shirts are both comfy and practical. However, sometimes you also want something a little “cuter”. Light cotton summer dresses are both stylish and light, perfect for the heat and humidity of the Italian summer.

Why is it rude to ask for cheese in Italy? ›

Don't ask for cheese

Many chefs will serve up your food exactly how they believe it should be eaten, and will likely take offence if you think it needs something extra. You especially should avoid adding cheese to dishes that are made with seafood. It's sacrilegious.

What is the hardest Italian word to say? ›

  • pèsca. feminine. (n) peach. Le pesche provengono originariamente dalla Cina, ma ora sono coltivate in tutto il mondo. ...
  • ghiaccio. masculine. (n) ice. ...
  • pésca. feminine. (n) fishing. ...
  • cinque. masculine. (n) five. ...
  • già (a) already.
  • scherzo. masculine. (n) prank.
  • chiacchierare. (v) chat.
  • segno. masculine. (n) sign.

How do strangers greet each other in Italy? ›

The common verbal greeting is “Ciao” (Hello). This is quite casual. People may also say “Buongiorno” (Good day) or “Buonasera” (Good evening) to be more formal. Address a person by their title and last name, and continue to do so until invited to move to a first-name basis.

How do people in Italy dress in April? ›

April in Rome is a time for neutral and pastel colors. At this time, you will find women opting for beige and light brown for tops, jackets and shoes and embracing colors such as pale pink and taupe. Apri is usually not warm enough for summer dresses.

What kind of socks to wear in Italy? ›

Leave the Socks at Home

Italians don't really wear socks, or at least not ones you can see. Many Italian men and women simply buy nice espadrilles or loafers and skip socks altogether. This chic look goes well with a cuffed pair of travel chinos or culottes.

Are white jeans popular in Italy? ›

Meanwhile, the “no white after Labor Day” rule in Italy doesn't exist: Locals love winter white, especially for jeans and sweaters.

Can I wear sandals in Italy in May? ›

As Rome in May is much warmer, it can be tempting to wear light sandals or flip flops. But bear in mind that you will likely be doing a lot of walking and Rome's cobblestone streets are killer on your feet if you don't have sturdy enough shoes.

Is April or May better for Italy? ›

April is one of the best months to visit Italy, a lovely time when spring blossoms in full force bringing pleasant temperatures, flowers and fragrant air. An old Italian saying goes 'Aprile, dolce dormire' (April, sweet sleeping) and indeed, April in Italy is a month that makes you want to go slow and rest.

What do you wear on a walking tour in Rome? ›

It's fine for your sightseeing outfits to be casual in Rome. T-shirts, jeans, tennis shoes, sundresses and sandals are all appropriate for any of the Rome sights, including Vatican City. You should be comfortable since so much of the best sight-seeing in Rome involves walking.

What do you wear on a walking tour in Europe? ›

We encourage you to wear quick-dry, lightweight fabrics for your walking t-shirts, pants and shorts, which will help wick moisture away from your skin and prevent you from becoming chilled or overheated.

Is there a dress code in Italy? ›

There is no formal dress code in Italy, but it is considered respectful to dress well for dinner. Italians are fashion-conscious and make an effort to look smart when going out for a meal. It's worth packing decent shoes, a dress for ladies and a jacket for men traveling to Italy.

Can a woman wear shorts in Italy? ›

You can wear shorts in Italy and look perfectly normal.

Are leggings OK in Europe? ›

They are not a huge part of european fashion and are normally only used for exercise or going to the gym. So If you are wanting to wear leggings during your trip, I would say it totally depends. If you are planning to walk or do something active, they are perfectly acceptable.

What kind of walking shoes do Europeans wear? ›

Europeans typically wear walking shoes that have a thicker sole and are made of leather or a synthetic material. This type of shoe is designed to provide more support and cushioning than a typical dress shoe. As a result, they are ideal for long walks or hikes.

What not to pack for Italy? ›

6 Things Not To Bring To Italy
  • 1) A new haircut. Rushing around before your trip shouldn't include a haircut. ...
  • 2) Running shoes/ sneakers. ...
  • 3) More baggage than you can carry. ...
  • 4) Too many gadgets. ...
  • 5) Travellers cheques. ...
  • 6) Dirty Bra Straps. ...
  • I would love to hear what you think about this list.

Can I wear sneakers in Italy? ›

What is this? In Italy, we do not wear sneakers in the office but we do wear them if we travel, if we are sightseeing and in any informal situation. Do not go for a less comfortable shoe out of this misconception, sneakers are perfect for Italy (see below for tips on stylish ones).

Can you show your knees in Italy? ›

Both men and women need to cover their knees and upper arms. Visitors are prohibited from wearing sleeveless tops, and low-cut shirts. Shorts or bottoms that end above the knee: Women, If you are wearing a skirt, dress, or pair of shorts then make sure they end below the knee at least.

Can you wear cropped tops in Italy? ›

Avoid Beach Clothes

Especially when you are visiting big cities like Florence or Rome, or locations not right on the shore, shorts, crop tops, short skirts and flip flops are definitely not the proper outfit for the day.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.