Ireland Destination Guide (2024)

Welcome to Ireland

Ireland is a country that is rich in culture and history. Located in Western Europe, Ireland occupies the majority of the island of Ireland in the northern Atlantic Ocean, west of the UK. The rest of the island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is administratively linked to the UK. Apart from the glamorous landscapes, medieval castles and Christian monasteries, it is the livelihood and youthfulness of Ireland’s locals which set the country apart from the rest. Metropolitan cities like Dublin and Cork bring out the spirit of the Irish youth, while the rural villages offer an old fashioned charm and stunning landscapes. The Irish take pride in their country and love to share their enthusiasm with students.


Known for its unique, and young, history, Ireland is a beautiful country, known as the Emerald Isle, with multiple areas to explore that are popular with study abroad students. Want to embark on a tour of historic castles, such as the Rock of Casel, or try some of the famous local cuisine, such as black pudding? Ireland has it all for you! To really get to know Ireland and its history, you can buy a Heritage pass that will give you free access to all the historical spots in Ireland that are owned and operated by the Irish government!

Located in Western Europe, Ireland occupies the majority of the island of Ireland (⅚ of the island) in the northern Atlantic Ocean, west of the United Kingdom; the rest of the island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is administratively linked to the United Kingdom. Earlier in its history, Ireland was ruled by the British Empire and went through a difficult time in its history, called The Troubles, which eventually led to the declaration of it as a new nation. Once this declaration was passed, it effectively split Ireland from Northern Ireland, and in some parts, Catholic from Protestant. To learn more about the Irish history and how it affects today, see the history article in the additional resources section.

Ireland has everything from famous landscapes, medieval castles and Christian monasteries to the metropolitan cities, such as Dublin and Cork, which make the country come alive with the exciting nightlife students may wish for. The Irish take pride in their country and love to share their enthusiasm with students.

Western Ireland is known for its mountains and natural beauty, plus a stronghold of the Gaelic language. Western Ireland is also known for County Clare, which is where the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher are located. Be sure to bring a jacket as it will be blustery! Eastern Ireland is known for its castles, medieval villages and towns. Some famous places visitors should check out are Newgrange and St. Canice’s Cathedral. You are sure to find something that will keep you enthralled with your new host country! Another benefit is Ireland’s proximity allows it to be easily accessible to the rest of Western Europe, allowing for affordable, budget airlines to offer great flights!

Additional Resources:

Vacation in Ireland - Consumer Tourism website

17 Top-Rated Spots to Visit

Planning a Trip

History of Ireland

Cities & Education

Ireland has many large and well-ranked institutions with various specializations. The top four institutions are Trinity College Dublin Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Dublin, University College Dublin Belfield, National University of Ireland, Galway. Ireland is a great place to study business as well as the social sciences considering the depth of history between Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Ireland is a popular destination for Americans to study abroad, given the beautiful scenery and the comfort in a lessened language barrier. In 2018, there were 11,492 Americans that studied abroad in Ireland with a 3.8% positive change from last year! One note, however, is that this is number is purely for students registered in study abroad programs; the data point does not include students traveling there for fun or to pursue alternate experiences than studying abroad.

Due to Ireland’s ease of language and strong areas of emphasis on research and industry, it is a popular destination for STEM, technology, and really all majors of any level to partake! On top of educational experiences, there are opportunities for internships and service-learning that immerses you into the environment even more, showing why the destination is so popular with American students.

Events & Tourism

Ireland has a diverse set of cultural events ranging from horse races to festivals to religious holidays. Ireland celebrates many events in relation to its history as a predominantly Catholic country, but there are some resources below for a description of popular events.

Ireland has everything from famous landscapes, medieval castles and Christian monasteries to the metropolitan cities, such as Dublin and Cork, which make the country come alive with the exciting nightlife students may wish for. The Irish take pride in their country and love to share their enthusiasm with students.

When you are in your new host country, you will find that everything in Ireland carries the Celtic atmosphere. Spending time with the locals is always a favorite memory of Ireland for students. Pub sessions, live music, and mini-festivals light up the corner of every city. Apart from all of the unique experiences that Ireland has to offer, the country has excellent resorts and opportunities for hiking, surfing, cycling and countless other outdoor activities.

Additional Resources:

Ireland Events

Ireland is known for its Gaelic tribes and the historical sites that they and others have created throughout the century.

Additional Resources:

Top Historical Sites in Ireland

Diversity & Inclusion Climate

Note: These tips are intended to serve as an overview and are not exhaustive. Be sure to research your destination thoroughly as your identity can have a significant impact on your experience abroad.

Ireland is known for being a friendly, accepting nation of diverse backgrounds, but there is ongoing discussion currently about the immigration debate in Western Europe, plus any issues that Brexit may cause in terms of immigration and emigration for Ireland and Northern Ireland. Ireland has accepted immigrants of all nationalities, but there have been past instances of negativity towards North African and Middle Eastern immigrants because of racial biases and economic woes.

Currently, Ireland has a majority of “White Irish,” as 94.1% of the population. There are other sizable populations of Black citizens from African countries, such as Nigeria and Mauritius, plus Asian citizens with the majority from China, India, and some from Hong Kong. The Irish Central Statistics Office released census information from 2016, noting the growth of “other incl. Mixed background” as the largest growth of one population from the 2011 census!

Ireland Emigration & Immigration

Ireland has an interesting position in the emigration and immigration debates happening throughout Western Europe currently; as an island that is farther in proximity to the main entrances for immigrants, Ireland has not had as many tests to its ability to maintain their status as an immigration-friendly nation.

Currently, one of the biggest issues the nation is having is its relationship with the United Kingdom and the UK leaving the European Union due to Brexit. This has caused some complications in terms of their own immigration procedures, due to the close proximity of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

While there have been instances of anti-immigration propaganda, the general population seems to be sympathetic to the issue of immigration; a note for study abroad students is that the Gardaí are the police and the main group which handles immigration-related issues, in accordance with the Irish Nationalisation and Immigration Service (INIS).

Additional Resources:

Irish Nationalisation and Immigration Service

Note: These tips are intended to serve as an overview and are not exhaustive. Be sure to research your destination thoroughly as your identity can have a significant impact on your experience abroad.

Country Demographics:

Data acquired via the World Factbook, Index Mundi

Population in Ireland:

5,068,050 (July 2018 est.)


Noun: Irishman, Irishwoman, Irish

Adjective: Irish

Ethnic Groups:

Irish (82.2%), Irish travelers (.07%), other White groups (9.5%), Asian (2.1%), Black (1.4%), other (1.5%), unspecified (2.6%)


English (official, the language generally used), Irish (Gaelic or Gaeilge) (official, spoken by approximately 39.8% of the population as of 2016; mainly spoken in areas along Ireland's western coast known as gaeltachtai, which are officially recognized regions where Irish is the predominant language)


Roman Catholic 78.3%, Church of Ireland 2.7%, other Christian 1.6%, Orthodox 1.3%, Muslim 1.3%, other 2.4%, none 9.8%, unspecified 2.6% (2016 est.)

Staying Healthy & Safe in Ireland

You cannot always predict the hiccups that may occur during your time abroad, but taking the proper measures to ensure your health and safety in Ireland will eliminate or lessen the extremities of any unplanned situations.

Overall, Ireland is very similar to the health and safety issues we face in the United States; the water is safe to drink, you need your typical vaccinations, and you do not need to worry about many diseases. However, beyond the health and safety sections listed, we have added safety notes for some of the different identities.


Health insurance is mandatory for all international students and expats in Ireland and students must show proof when registering with the Garda National Immigration Bureau. Students participating in a study abroad program of any duration are required to have international health insurance, usually included in the program costs and provided by your academic institution or program provider. If you are traveling independently, research international options available to you within your current health care provider. You can also look into international health insurance companies that provide various plans and choose the one that best suits the type and duration of your travels in Ireland. In the case of an emergency, be sure this information is easily accessible by storing your insurance card in a transportable and secure place, creating a copy of your health insurance card or storing the information in your phone. It is also helpful to be aware of nearby hospitals, clinics and pharmacies in case you are in need of these services or resources. Here are a few of the EU and Ireland emergency numbers to keep in mind:

112 or 999 - Irish emergency number

  • These numbers will connect you to the Garda police, fire service, and emergency services


No matter where you are in the world, whether it is your hometown or a new city, it is important to be alert and practice awareness of your surroundings. Ireland is a fairly safe place, however there are a few precautions any traveler should take while navigating the country.

Pickpocketing can happen in city centers and sites that are attractive to tourists. There are many giveaways that can signal someone is a tourist from accent to something as subtle as mannerisms and the way one walks. The goal is not to mask that you are a visitor, but to protect your belongings and ensure you do not fall victim to theft. Ireland is similar in this regard to many other locations, so we have a few general tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Leave valuable items at home whenever possible and only travel with your necessities
  • Avoid being flashy or careless with valuable items
  • Ensure your bags and pockets are tight and completely zipped
  • Have a travel partner when possible

Aside from petty crimes, such as pickpocketing or scamming, most travelers can expect a safe and comfortable experience in Ireland. However, at Diversity Abroad, we acknowledge that experiences can vary by identities and others’ perceptions of them. To access identity-based resources regarding health and safety view the Diversity Guides below.

Additional Resources:

Emergency Contacts and Resources in Ireland

Health Insurance from Education in Ireland

Health and Safety Information for Travel to Ireland

Reviews - The Best Travel Insurance Companies (updated Sept 2019)

Funding & Scholarship Opportunities

Whether you choose to indulge in the scenic spectacle of Emerald Isle, or spend a night at the local castle, everything in Ireland carries the Celtic atmosphere. Spending time with the locals is always a favorite memory of Ireland for students. Pub sessions, live music, and mini-festivals light up the corner of every city. Apart from all of the unique experiences that Ireland has to offer, the country has excellent resorts and opportunities for hiking, surfing, cycling and countless other outdoor activities.

There are many scholarships to fund your study abroad experience. Here is a list of Diversity Abroad scholarships available for study in this country:

Diversity Abroad Overseas Ambassador Scholarship

Diversity Abroad Consortium Summer Scholarship

Ireland Destination Guide (2024)


How many days in Ireland is enough? ›

In 5 days, you can see some of the best sights a tour of Ireland has to offer. In our opinion, we'd recommend focusing on 1 or 2 areas of Ireland and branching out from the major cities. For example, in 5 days you can tour the Southwest coast, or combine a journey from Belfast and see Northern Ireland.

What is the best month to see Ireland? ›

The best time to visit Ireland is between March and May, and September to November, when it's not as crowded as it is in summer, or as cold as it is in winter.

What I wish I knew before going to Ireland? ›

Ireland Travel Tips: What to Know Before You Go
  • Pack smart.
  • Travel out of season if you want fewer crowds or are on a budget. ...
  • Choose your transport carefully. ...
  • Don't try to cram too much in. ...
  • Explore more than just the major cities and touristy spots. ...
  • Go with your own road trip over booking a guided tour.

Which part of Ireland should I visit? ›

Dublin. There's a good chance you'll start your Irish adventure in Dublin, home to Dublin Castle, Trinity College Dublin, the National Museum of Ireland, and the Guinness Storehouse. It's a walkable city, so you'll be able to explore most of it in just a day or two.

Is Ireland cheap or expensive? ›

In general, yes – Ireland is a fairly expensive place to visit as a tourist. Between the sky-high costs of accommodations and rental cars in the summer and the high overall prices in western Europe, a trip to Ireland can end up being rather expensive.

Is Ireland expensive to vacation? ›

You can spend anywhere from €89/$95 to €150/$159 per day. There really is no average cost of a trip to Ireland – every trip and every traveller is different. For example, some of our younger readers might be happy to stay in a hostel while some of our older readers won't.

What is the #1 thing to see in Ireland? ›

Ireland's most visited natural attraction is The Cliffs of Moher. This magical vista captures the hearts of up to one million visitors every year. Standing 702 ft at their highest point they stretch for 5 miles along the Atlantic coast of County Clare in the west of Ireland.

What is the rainiest month in Ireland? ›

Rainfall is extremely common throughout Ireland. The wettest months, almost everywhere are December and January. April is the driest month generally but in many southern parts, June is the driest.

What is the cheapest month to go to Ireland? ›

Along with springtime, the months of September and October can be the best time to visit Ireland to avoid crowds and save money as prices come down from their summer peak.

Is it rude not to tip in Ireland? ›

No, tipping isn't generally expected in Ireland, but it's a nice gesture to show appreciation for excellent service. While there's no set rule, if you've enjoyed the service in a restaurant or a taxi ride, for example, leaving a few euros can express your thanks.

What not to say when visiting Ireland? ›

Book now and join one of our premium small-group tours to discover the world like never before.
  • “I'm Irish”
  • Quizzing about potatoes. ...
  • Anything about an Irish car bomb. ...
  • “Top of the morning to you” ...
  • “Everything is better in… ...
  • “St Patty's Day” ...
  • “Do you know so-and-so from…” ...
  • “I love U2”
Dec 8, 2023

Is it safe for an American to travel to Ireland? ›

Travelling alone

Ireland is a great destination for solo travellers. North and south, it is a very safe place to visit and you will find most people to be friendly and welcoming. Statistically, it is among Europe's safest travel destinations. Click here to find out more about travelling solo in Ireland.

Where to go in Ireland for the first time? ›

No first time Ireland tour would be complete without a visit to Castle Blarney and the Blarney Stone. Said to give all those who kiss it eloquence in speech — granted you lean over the parapets to do so — this is possibly the most well known Irish site, and something you have to experience at least once.

Is Dublin or Belfast better for tourists? ›

Dublin is more of an international city, with better transport connections and more diversity. But Belfast is cheaper, more navigable and traditional, with a rich and storied history to discover. We offer a selection of Ireland group tours, with trips starting in both Dublin and Belfast.

Is 7 days enough to visit Ireland? ›

Having a car to drive yourself around and visit different towns is key. Ireland is too big to see the whole country in seven days, so for this 7-day Ireland itinerary I am focusing on the southern area of the country, which is what I did on my Ireland trip. Keep reading to start planning your trip!

What is the average vacation days in Ireland? ›

Employees in Ireland working full-time are entitled to at least 20 days of paid annual leave (paid vacation). Although basic holiday leave is 20 days, an employment contract may offer more generous benefits. Part-time employees have their vacation entitlement equivalent to 8% of their worked hours.

Can you see Ireland in 4 days? ›

Is 4 days in Ireland enough? Absolutely not. Like I mentioned above, this is just if you're not convinced on whether Ireland is for you or not. This 4 day in Ireland itinerary is a quick way to uncover whether the Éire, as they call it, is for you or not.

Is 3 days enough to visit Ireland? ›

Although I'm a huge fan of travelling less but longer and I'd always recommend spending more than 7 days with travelling through Ireland, I know there are some of you who prefer short stays and short staycations. If you've never been to Ireland, spending three days there might just be the perfect start for you.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.