Leslie Winston and Eric Scott developed a special bond beyond The Waltons (2024)

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'); $videoEl.append('' + '' + ''); setTimeout(function(){ $('.mute-overlay').on('touchstart click', function(e){ if(e.handled === false) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.handled = true; player.muted(false); //console.log("volumee " + WVM.activePlayer.volume()); $(this).hide(); $(this).css('display', 'none'); var currentTime = player.currentTime(); if(currentTime < 3){ player.currentTime(0); } var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); adsManager.setVolume(player.volume()); }); $('.video-close-floating').on('click', function(){ WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); player.pause(); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); if(adsManager){ adsManager.pause(); } }); if(hideClose){ setTimeout(function(){ $('.video-close-floating').css('display', 'none'); 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}, error : function(){ console.log("Error loading video"); } }); } }); } }; WVM.setupAccordionButton = function(fullVideoId){ var deviceName = 'desktop'; $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + fullVideoId).on('click', function(){ if($(this).find('i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')){ //hide $(this).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-down'); if(deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); }else{ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); } var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if(currVideoId == '9999999999'){ currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); //playerId, mediaId, fieldName var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); 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//player.off('ready'); player.on('ready', function(){ playerState.PLAYER_READY = true; }); //player.off(['waiting', 'pause']); player.on(['waiting', 'pause'], function() { playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; $('.vjs-loading-spinner').removeClass('badspinner'); }); //player.off('playing'); player.on('playing', function() { console.log('playing'); }); player.on('loadedmetadata', function(){ if(playerState.PLAYER_META){ return; } playerState.PLAYER_META = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("loadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); }else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoloadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('adstart'); player.on('adstart', function(){ console.log("starting ads"); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = true; playerState.PLAYED_AD = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("adstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoadstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('adend'); player.on('adend', function(){ var playPromise = null; console.log("ad end"); playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; setTimeout(function(){ if(!playerState.IS_PLAYING || player.paused()){ } }, 500); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("adend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoadend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('timeupdate'); player.on('timeupdate', function(){ playerState.IS_PLAYING = true; var fullDuration = this.duration() * 1000; var fullCurrent = this.currentTime() * 1000; var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * 100); //console.log("timeupdate " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if(rand > 20){ if(fullDuration > 1 && ((fullDuration - fullCurrent) > 1) && !$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')){ console.log("hiding spinner"); $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner'); } } var duration_time = Math.floor(this.duration()); //this is a hack because the end video event is not firing... var current_time = Math.floor(this.currentTime()); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 10) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ if('desktop' == "iphone" && playerState.AD_ERROR){ console.log("skipped timeupdate end"); }else{ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } } if(!playerState.START_SENT){ if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('start', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); }else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promostart', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } playerState.START_SENT = true; } var currentTime, duration, percent, percentPlayed, _i; currentTime = Math.round(this.currentTime()); duration = Math.round(this.duration()); percentPlayed = Math.round(currentTime / duration * 100); for (percent = _i = 0; _i <= 99; percent = _i += percentsPlayedInterval) { if (percentPlayed >= percent && __indexOf.call(playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'], percent) < 0) { if (percentPlayed !== 0) { if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('percent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promopercent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } } if (percentPlayed > 0) { playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'].push(percent); } } } }); //player.off('ended'); player.on('ended', function(){ console.log("ended"); playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("complete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promocomplete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } console.log("current id " + currId); console.log("playlist ids"); console.log(WVM.playlist_ids); var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); }else{ var videoId = playerState.ORIGINAL_ID; WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); console.log("Playlist complete (no more videos)"); } }); //player.off('adserror'); player.on('adserror', function(e){ //$('#ima-ad-container').remove(); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; console.log(e); console.log("ads error"); var errMessage = e['data']['AdError']['l']; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; // && errMessage == 'The VAST response document is empty.' if(!playerState.AD_ERROR){ var dTime = new Date().getTime(); WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = WVM.getFirstPrerollUrl(); //console.log("not calling backup ad tag url: " + WVM.adTagUrl); /* WVM.activePlayer.ima.changeAdTag(WVM.adTagUrl + "?" + dTime); WVM.activePlayer.ima.requestAds(); //reload src WVM.activePlayer.src({ src: masterSrc, type: 'video/mp4' }); //firefox *really* hates this load event WVM.activePlayer.load(); */ } playerState.AD_ERROR = true; }); //player.off('error'); player.on('error', function(event) { if (player.error().code === 4) { player.error(null); // clear out the old error player.options().sources.shift(); // drop the highest precedence source console.log("now doing src"); console.log(player.options().sources[0]); player.src(player.options().sources[0]); // retry return; } }); //player.off('volumechange'); player.on('volumechange', function(event) { console.log(event); var theHeight = $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .vjs-volume-level').css('height'); var cssVolume = 0; if(theHeight){ cssVolume = parseInt(theHeight.replace('%', '')); } var theVolume = player.volume(); if(theVolume > 0.0 || cssVolume > 0){ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'none'); }else{ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'block'); } }); //WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //setInterval(function(){ // WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //}, 2000); WVM.allPlayers.push(player); } if(!WVM.rawCompleteEvent){ WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state111877']; }; } if(!WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent){ WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state111877']; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + playerState['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); var fullCurrent = rawVideoElem.currentTime * 1000; var fullDuration = rawVideoElem.duration * 1000; var current_time = Math.floor(rawVideoElem.currentTime); console.log("raw timeupdate: " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 50) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); if(newMediaId){ console.log("loading new video from rawtimeupdate"); WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } if(!$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')){ $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner') } }; } WVM.reinitRawEvents = function(playerId){ var playerState = WVM['player_state' + playerId]; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + WVM['player_state' + playerId]['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); //COMPLETE EENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); //TIME UPDATE EVENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT = true; WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true; };

Leslie Winston and Eric Scott developed a special bond beyond The Waltons (2024)


What happened to Leslie Winston on The Waltons? ›

Winston effectively retired as an actress in 1993, partly because of a broken elbow which incapacitated her for a year but mainly because she started a family and wished to devote her time to raising her two daughters. Her husband is Bob Yannetti, an assistant TV director.

How much of The Waltons is based on a true story? ›

All of the Waltons were based on real people — Hamner's family, his grandfather and grandmother, his father and mother, and his brothers and sisters, of whom there were seven in the show but eight in real life.

Does Ben stay married to Cindy on The Waltons? ›

Sadly she died a few days after giving birth to their daughter Ashley in 1992 after she developed leukemia during the pregnancy. Eric and his third wife Cindy. They married in 2001 and have 2 children together.
Ben Walton.
Featured storylines
"The Obstacle" (s7-ep14)"The Outsider" (s7-ep29)
9 more rows

What episode of The Waltons does the house burn down? ›

A fire breaks out and burns most of the house. John-Boy loses his completed novel in order to save Erin.

Did Erin get divorced on The Waltons? ›

During the end voice over , John boy states that Erin's marriage is as strong today as it was when they got married , but in A Walton Thanksgiving reunion , she is divorced and states that it was because she found out Paul was cheating on her .

Did any of The Waltons date each other? ›

The love stories carried over behind the scenes. Ma and Pa Walton — Ralph Waite and Michael Learned — quietly fell on love on set. And remember Jason and Toni, who we just mentioned in the prior paragraph? Well, actors Jon Walmsley and Lisa Harrison tied the knot in real life in 1979!

Where is Walton's Mountain in real life? ›

While the television series took place on a fictional "Walton's Mountain," in Virginia, and the book on "Spencer's Mountain" in Wyoming, both are actually based on Hamner's hometown of Schuyler, VA. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the Walton's Mountain Museum is located right here in Schuyler, VA.

Is there a real Walton's house? ›

Popularly known as The Waltons House, the Hamner House is the childhood home of Earl Hamner, Jr., novelist and creator of the TV series, The Waltons and was listed in the Virginia Landmarks Register in 2004. The Walton Hamner House is open seven days a week and guided tours begin every half hour from 10am until 4pm.

Is there a real place called Walton's Mountain? ›

Setting. The main story is set in Walton's Mountain, a fictional mountain community in the fictitious Jefferson County, Virginia. The real place upon which the stories are based is the community of Schuyler in Nelson County, Virginia.

Does Mary Ellen marry Jonesy? ›

The series ended in 1981, but Mary Ellen married Jonesy in a made-for-TV movie in 1982.

Who owns Waltons Mountain now? ›

The new owners, Carole Johnson of Ukiah, California, Ray Castro of New Jersey, and Kirstin DeMaio of Michigan, plan to open it up for tours. The Waltons Hamner House opens Friday and tickets will be available at the Walton Mountain Museum across the street.

Did Ben and Cindy Walton have children? ›

In "A Day For Thanks on Walton's Mountain" in 1982, Ben and Cindy had two children, Virginia and Charlie. Cindy was pregnant with Charlie in "A Wedding on Walton's Mountain".

What caused the Waltons house to burn? ›

Studios that destroyed the farmhouse used in the TV series The Waltons was set by an arsonist, according to Burbank, Calif., fire officials. Burn patterns indicated that a flammable substance was splashed around a chicken coop on the set and inside the house, an arson investigator said Wednesday.

What caused the fire on The Waltons? ›

Brimmer's. Grandpa asks if John had found the cause of the fire. John-Boy tells him that they found the heater in the bathroom but he then shows him the pipe he found that was still lit where he left it in the hallway.

What is the best episode of The Waltons? ›

1. Season 6, Episode 22: “Grandma Comes Home”

Who does Erin end up with on The Waltons? ›

Almost all of Erin's romances are ill-fated: the object of her affections either dies or proves to have poor character. Eventually she meets and marries Paul Northridge; they have three children: Susan, Amanda, and Peter.

Who do The Waltons marry? ›

Cindy Brunson Walton is Ben Walton's wife. They elope one night after a brief courtship. She drives a red sports car and has a rich father which doesn't make her very popular with Ben's Mother or Grandmother..

Does Jason Walton marry Tony? ›

They're naturally at odds but clearly like each other at the same time. Toni visits Walton's Mountain and Jason plays her a song he wrote called “Antoinette.” Jason steals a kiss and they eventually get married in season nine.

Did John-Boy and Daisy get married on The Waltons? ›

In The Waltons episode "The Revelation," John-Boy proposes to his girlfriend Daisy, and when she said yes, it was a real moment on the show. But by the episode's end, Daisy has called off the wedding, and the next time we see her, Daisy is just an old flame to John-Boy, never to be rekindled.

Is Michael learned her real name? ›

She lived on a Connecticut farm for the first 10 years of her life. Learned said that her parents never explained why she received a masculine first name, once saying of her father: "All he told me was that if I had been a boy, I would have been named Caleb, but I was a girl, so I was called Michael."

Why did Olivia leave The Waltons in season 7? ›

Michael Learned's exit from The Waltons was announced through tuberculosis of her character, Olivia Walton and her subsequent stay at the sanatorium. However, despite her exit from the television series, Learned continued to appear in the movies of The Waltons.

Is the real John Boy Walton still alive? ›

In real life, John-Boy was indeed Hamner, creator and narrator of the show as well as author of Spencer's Mountain. Now he is gone. He was 92, a veteran of World War II, one of America's best-loved writers and, as the narrator of The Waltons, a much-loved voice.

Where was Waltons Mountain shot? ›

“Many of the places mentioned on the series actually do exist in Schuyler.” While filmed on location in California, the fictional Walton family would have been at home in the tiny town of about 300 residents 40 minutes southwest of Charlottesville, Va., in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Is John Walton real person? ›

Earl Hamner Sr., the real-life John Walton, worked in the quarry. He and his wife, Doris -- the real-life Olivia -- lived with their eight children in the town's center. Earl Jr. left home, served in World War II, and later, in New York, wrote "Spencer's Mountain," a novel modeled on his boyhood.

Can you visit where the Waltons was filmed? ›

The Waltons Hamner House is open seven days a week and guided tours begin every half hour from 10am until 4pm.

Can you stay in The Waltons House? ›

Now you can experience life just like 'America's favorite family' by staying in a Walton inspired, depression era Virginia home. All overnight guests are invited to join Carole Johnson, Owner/Proprietor, at the kitchen table each morning after breakfast for conversations all about the Waltons. No reservations required.

Did Michael Learned ever marry? ›

Learned has been married to John Doherty since 1988 and they still reside in California.

Who are the real Walton's? ›

In the foothills of the lovely old Blue Ridge Mountains… … Lies the small town of Schulyer, Virginia, home of the Hamner family – the real-life family on which the Waltons were based. The mountain town of Schuyler is home to about 400 residents, and there the two-story Hamner family home still stands.

What book is The Waltons based on? ›

About the Author

He got his big break writing episodes for The Twilight Zone, including the popular “You Drive.” His most well-known television series is The Waltons, which is based on his bestselling stories Spencer's Mountain and The Homecoming. Both novels were inspired by his own childhood.

Who does Mary Ellen end up with? ›

Mary Ellen marries Dr. Curtis Willard and they have 1 child, John Curtis, before he is lost and presumed dead after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Eventually she remarries Arlington Westcott Jones "Jonesy" and together they have 2 children, Clay and Katie.

Did Elizabeth Walton Get married? ›

Although Becker appeared in eight episodes of The Waltons and came back for the reunion movies, Drew and Elizabeth never tied the knot on the series.

Why did Mary Ellen's husband leave The Waltons? ›

Mary Ellen's husband, Dr. Curtis Williard, was written out of the show by having him killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Can you still visit Waltons Mountain? ›

Our hours are 10:00 am - 3:30 pm daily. Weekends only March April and November. Closed December thru February. Admission $10.00 per person, over 12.

How did The Waltons end? ›

The final episode, titled “The Revel,” aired on June 4, 1981. In the episode, John-Boy goes to New York to pursue his writing career but arrives to find that his manuscript has been rejected. His publisher's secretary gives him enough money to return home and advises him to start a new book. He returned home dejected.

Where are The Waltons cars now? ›

The original truck is housed in the Walmart Heritage Museum in Bentonville. The museum's director, Alan Dranow, called Walton's truck a “symbol of humility” and frugality. “It's not just a pickup. It's not just a truck.

What illness did Olivia Walton have? ›

Olivia is leaving Walton's Mountain, hustled off with tuberculosis to an Arizona sanatorium while her family somehow forges a path between unbearable grief and unbearable stoicism.

Who is the youngest Walton heir? ›

Lukas Walton is a grandson of Walmart founder Sam Walton; he's an investor in businesses tackling environmental and social challenges. He inherited a fortune when his father, John Walton, died in a 2005 plane crash. He received about one third of his father's estate; his mother, Christy Walton, got about one sixth.

Who is the wealthiest Walton family member? ›

At 77 years old, the eldest heir to the Walmart fortune, Rob Walton, has an estimated net worth of $57.9 billion and holds the ranking of 22nd richest person in the world.

How did Elizabeth get paralyzed on The Waltons? ›

Elizabeth breaks both legs in a fall from a log pile. When she comes home from the hospital, the family must adjust to her injuries and devise ways to help her walk again, something the Doctors aren't sure she'll be able to do.

Who owns the Waltons house? ›

The house will have a similar porch and first floor as the home portrayed in the popular '70s TV show, said Ray Castro, who co-owns the Waltons Hamner House with Carole Johnson, both long-time fans of the show.

What kind of dog was reckless? ›

A golden lab named Reckless, the dog is portrayed as the perfect family companion, good for hunting with the men or cuddling with the kids.

What did The Waltons say at the end of the show? ›

At the end of almost every episode, as the night descended on Walton's Mountain, the camera panned over the Walton's house to show the lights going out room by room. And the lights dimmed, the family said goodnight to one another and drifted off to sleep. “Good night, John-Boy. Good night, Elizabeth.

Did The Waltons have slaves? ›

Walton's management of the family finances, including running Stawberry Hill, after her husband's death around 1855. There are, however, few items relating directly to plantation management or to the more than 100 slaves the Walton's owned.

Did Michael Learned return to Waltons? ›

Michael Learned didn't like TV acting

However, after the Season 8 episode "The Waiting," the character wasn't seen again for the rest of the series. The show indicates that she's being treated for tuberculosis in Arizona, but Learned didn't return to Walton's Mountain until the reunion films.

Who was the best actor on The Waltons? ›

Richard Earl Thomas (born June 13, 1951) is an American actor. He is best known for his leading role as budding author John-Boy Walton in the CBS drama series The Waltons for which he won an Emmy Award. He also received another Emmy nomination and two Golden Globe Award nominations, for that role.

What was the last episode that Olivia was in on The Waltons? ›

What happened to Olivia Walton? The character's final appearance on the show was in the Season 8 episode "The Waiting," which aired on Nov. 22, 1979. Initially, the mother of seven moves to Washington D.C. to be with her eldest son John-Boy, who's injured while reporting on the war in Europe.

What season of The Waltons is the best? ›

In short, The Waltons: Season 3 was one of the best seasons of the show as the lead character, John-Boy Walton, essentially grew up, spread his wings, and ventured off to college.

Why couldnt Elizabeth Walk on The Waltons? ›

Elizabeth breaks both legs in a fall from a log pile. When she comes home from the hospital, the family must adjust to her injuries and devise ways to help her walk again, something the Doctors aren't sure she'll be able to do.

When did Grandma Walton leave the show? ›

She also won a Golden Globe award for best supporting actress in a TV series for The Waltons, and was nominated another three times. She left the show November 10, 1976, owing to a massive stroke she had suffered at home, which impaired her speech and severely limited her mobility and function.

What happened to Dr. Curtis Willard on The Waltons? ›

D.H., Orlando. ANSWER: Mary Ellen (Judy Norton-Taylor) married Dr. Curtis Willard in the 1977 season, and they had a baby. Then Curt was killed at Pearl Harbor in the 1978 season, and Mary Ellen found new love with Arlington Wescott "Jonesy" Jones (Richard Gililand) while taking premed courses.

What happened to Miss Rose on The Waltons? ›

Rea died in Toluca Lake, California, aged 89, from complications of heart failure on February 5, 2011.

What illness did Olivia have on The Waltons? ›

Her character's abrupt disappearance was explained by Olivia developing tuberculosis and entering a sanatorium in Arizona. She made occasional guest appearances until the show's cancelation and later appeared in four of the six Waltons reunion movies made during the 1980s and 1990s.

Is there a real Waltons Mountain? ›

People have been asking for more than four decades if "the family is real" and "is there a 'real' Walton's Mountain?" The answer is yes. Though the names might be different Earl Hamner based the show on his memories of growing up in rural Virginia with his family during the depression.

Why couldnt Olivia walk on The Waltons? ›

When Olivia is stricken with polio, John-Boy refuses to accept the doctor's prognosis that she may never walk again. When Olivia is stricken with polio, John-Boy refuses to accept the doctor's prognosis that she may never walk again.

Is The Waltons based on a true story? ›

In the foothills of the lovely old Blue Ridge Mountains… … Lies the small town of Schulyer, Virginia, home of the Hamner family – the real-life family on which the Waltons were based. The mountain town of Schuyler is home to about 400 residents, and there the two-story Hamner family home still stands.

Did the grandmother on The Waltons really have a stroke? ›

A stroke in 1977 forced Ms. Corby to curtail her work on the series. She was seen only occasionally and made her last appearance in 1979, although she was part of the 1997 special ''A Waltons Easter.

What episode does Mary Ellen find out Kurt is alive? ›

Mary Ellen tracks down her husband, Curt, who was presumed dead after Pearl Harbor. She finds a very changed man.

Who married John-Boy Walton? ›

He meets Janet Gilchrist who is an editor for Harper's magazine. The two are married on Walton's Mountain.

Do Rose and Stanley get married on The Waltons? ›

She agrees and they are married in front of family and friends at the Baptist Church by the Reverend Tom Marshall.

Does Mary Ellen Walton have a baby? ›

In the sixth season of The Waltons, Mary Ellen's son John Curtis is born, introducing the first Walton grandkid on the mountain.

Did Olivia have a miscarriage on The Waltons? ›

Breckenridge. Later while the family relaxes in the living room Olivia senses that something is wrong. She loses the baby and John explains to the children that maybe that is nature's way of saying that maybe the conditions weren't right for a healthy baby and that the birth wasn't meant to be.

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.