May Traditions in France + Video (2024)

Learn about the long weekends of May in France and the meaning of “faire le pont” and discover a charming French tradition involving lily-of-the-valley.

Traveling in May in France is usually a bit complicated. We have many French holidays, and many extended weekends since the French “font le pont” – they will take an extra day off when there is only one day separating a holiday from a weekend, and therefore have a “long weekend”.

We also have a strange French tradition for May 1st…

Table of Contents

May 1st : Labor Day, May Day and Lily of the valley day in France

May Holidays in France

What Does “Faire le Pont” Mean in French?

Mai Traditions in France Video

May 1st : Labor Day, May Day and Lily of the valley day in France

May 1st is Labor Day in France. So it’s a holiday, and people don’t work and most shops are closed.

Except florists!

Time to tell you about “Le Muguet” (Lilly of the valley). On May 1st, it’s the tradition to give to women a sprig of lily of the valley for luck 🍀.

Well, most people give a bunch, a small bouquet, ora live plant that you can then plant in your garden. It’s now fashionable to also mix a couple of stands of lily of the valley with a rose…

Un délicat brin de muguet pour du bonheur toute l’année. A delicate sprig of lily of the valley for happiness all year long.Click to Tweet

When I was much younger, kids would go pick some in the woods, andsell them on the streets. On that day, everybody is allowed to sell lily-of-the-valley anywhere, even door-to-door, without any kind of permit. It’s called “la vente à sauvette” – selling on the run – and nowadays lots of people still do it – but the flower is usually bought and sold with a profit with flower growers.

More info about lily-ot-the-valley and this French tradition on wikipedia (in French)

May Holidays in France

There are many holidays in May in France:

  1. May 1st is Labor Day (la fête du travail).
  2. May 8th is the end of WW2 in Europe (VE day).
  3. In May, we have a Christian holiday, l’Ascension (this year the 18th), when Christians celebrate the day Jesus Christ reborn ascended to the Heavens.
  4. Then, we sometimes have another Christian holiday” la Pentecôte” is celebrated 40 days after “Pâques” (Easter), which is usually sometimes in May – May 29th this year.
    It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ.

May Traditions in France + Video (1)

What Does “Faire le Pont” Mean in French?

Now all these wouldn’t be too bad if the French didn’t have this habit of “faire le pont” – literally “to do the bridge.”

“Faire le pont” means that when a holiday is on a Tuesday or a Thursday, the day which links over to the the weekend is also off for the employees (who still getpaid).

See the calendar above… You have a typical “pont” example this year: Thursday the 18th is a holiday, so many people are not going to work on the 19th, and enjoy a four-day weekend!

This affects schools (read more about the French school system here) and other institutions including banks, museums, most offices, small boutiques. Most supermarkets are open but only for a few hours. You can imagine that the month of May is not a good one for the French economy…

May Traditions in France + Video (2)

“how much does it cost? (to the economy)
“A bag of coal, a pack of beer, lamb sausages, skewers…”
Image credits: Ouest France

Watch Out For ExtendedMay Weekends in France

Of course “les ponts du mois de mai” have a tremendous influence on the price of train tickets and the traffic on the roads.You can count on major traffic jams!

Another big celebration in May in France is Mothers’ day! Mothers’ day is the last Sunday in May in France. Follow the link to my article with Mothers’ day in France: traditions and vocabulary.

May Traditions in France + Video (3)

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20 Useful Words & Phrases in May in France

If you are in France in the month of my, this vocabulary will come in handy!

  1. Le mois de mai
    May, pronounced just like “mais” (but) in French
  2. Le muguet
    Lily-of-the-valley – More French flower names with audio recordings.
  3. Un brin de muguet
    A twig, a sprig oflily-of-the-valley
  4. Un bouquet de muguet
    A bouquet, a bunch oflily-of-the-valley
  5. Un pot de muguet
    A pot oflily-of-the-valley
  6. Vendre “à la sauvette”
    Literally, to sell as if you were escaping: to sell without a permit.
  7. Offrir du muguet
    To give some lily-of-the-valley
  8. Un porte-bonheur
    A good luck charm
  9. Joyeux Premier Mai
    Happy May Day
  10. Voici un brin de muguet. J’espère qu’il vous portera bonheur.
    Here is a spring of lily-of-the-valley. May I bring you happiness.
  11. Un brin de muguet ; du bonheur toute l’année.
    A sprig of lily of the valley: happiness all through the year.
  12. Le muguet porte bonheur pour toute l’année et plus encore.
    Lily of the valley is a good luck charm for all the year and even more.
  13. Santé et bonheur pour cette année.
    Health and happiness for this year.
  14. Voici un peu de muguet de mon jardin.
    Here is a bit of lily-of-the-valley from my garden.
  15. Merci ! Comme c’est gentil de votre part !
    Thank you! How nice of you – more ways to say thank you in French.
  16. Comme c’est joli ! Que ça sent bon !
    How pretty! It smells so nice!
  17. Joyeuse fête du travail !
    Happy Labor Day
  18. Joyeuse fête des mères !
    Happy Mother’s Day
  19. Est-ce que vous faites le pont de la Pentecôte ?
    Are you having an extended weekend around La Pentecôte?
  20. Je vais profiter du pont pour partir en vacances.
    I’ll take advantage of the long weekend to go on vacation.

Mai Traditions in France Video

A neighbour of mine kindly gave me access to his garden in Paimpol, Brittany so I could film this video. You can turn the subtitles in French (checked by me) and English with the CC option located to the bottom right of the video (CC and gear).

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May Traditions in France + Video (2024)


What are some traditions for May Day in France? ›


In France, May Day is also referred to as La Fête du Muguet (Lilly of the Valley Day), as people traditionally give bouquets to loved ones, especially in Paris… but why? Well, this tradition goes back to 1561. King Charles IX of France was given a lily of the valley flowers as a present on May 1.

What do the French say on May 1st? ›

la Fête du Travail (Labour Day)

Why is the first day of May important for French people? ›

May Day (La Fête du Muguet, La Fête du Travail) in France is a public holiday to campaign for and celebrate workers rights. It is also an occasion to present lily-of-the-valley or dog rose flowers to loved ones.

What are 2 France traditions? ›

French Traditions and Tips for Traveling
  • Kissing on the left cheek and then the right cheek is a common greeting for informal woman-to-man, woman-to-woman, or man-to-woman interactions.
  • Handshakes are a common greeting for man-to-man interactions or formal settings.
Jun 29, 2020

What does May Day mean in France? ›

Owing to the difficulty of distinguishing the letter "S" by telephone, the international distress signal "S.O.S." will give place to the words "May-day", the phonetic equivalent of "M'aidez", the French for "Help me."

How does France celebrate May 8? ›

How do French people celebrate May 8? In Paris, the President of the Republic leads the ceremonies at the grave of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe. Throughout France, each municipality, whatever its size, organize parades and tributes to commemorate May 8th.

What is the May 1st flower in France? ›

Steeped in tradition and history, the lily of the valley flower is a very special gift in France during the month of May. As the month of May draws near, the woodlands of Europe begin to brighten up with the colours of the blossoming May flower, lily of the valley.

How do you greet May Day in French? ›

Bonne fête du premier mai à tous !

No matter its origins, May Day is a wonderful way to welcome the spring and appreciate your family, friends, and colleagues. We wish you all a happy (and lucky) day!

What is the history of May Day? ›

Before the battle, the Voortrekkers had taken a vow that, if they succeeded in defeating the Zulus, they would build a church and observe the day as a religious holiday. The observance became known as Dingane's Day (after the Zulu king Dingane), and in 1910 the day was established as a public holiday.

What are the most popular French tradition? ›

20 French traditions & unspoken French customs to know before you go
  1. Say hello when you enter a shop or restaurant. ...
  2. Try a few French phrases. ...
  3. Always dress your best. ...
  4. When in doubt, throw on a scarf. ...
  5. Only smile when you really mean it. ...
  6. Keep your voice down while having conversations. ...
  7. Never haggle in stores.
Jun 1, 2022

What are 3 celebrations in France? ›

  • French Holidays: General Information.
  • New Year's Day – Nouvel An.
  • Epiphany – Épiphanie.
  • Easter and Easter-Related Celebrations – Pâques.
  • Labor Day – Fête du Travail.
  • WWII Victory Day – Fête de la Victoire.
  • Bastille Day – Fête nationale française.
  • Assumption Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Assomption.

What is the biggest tradition in France? ›

The 14th of July, or Bastille Day is easily one of the most celebrated French traditions. This is the French National Holiday, or the equivalent of Independence Day in many other countries. Bastille Day refers to the storming of the Bastille on July 14th, 1789.

What do people do on May day? ›

There are so many ways to celebrate May Day, big and small! Today, people celebrate May Day by making flower crowns and baskets, planting flowers for the spring, decorating their homes in bright colors to embrace the change, nature walks, picnics, and enjoying the outdoors!

What is May 9 in France? ›

9 May - Europe Day [fr]

Europe Day held on 9 May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the "Schuman Declaration".

What national holiday is May in France? ›

Non-floating holidays
DateHolidayLocal name
Jan. 1stNew YearJour de l'An
May 1stLabor DayFête du travail
May 8thVictory Day 1945Fête de la Victoire
July 14thFrench National DayFête Nationale de la France
6 more rows

What holiday is May 7 in France? ›

Quick Facts. WWII Victory Day (la fête de la victoire, le jour de la libération) is a holiday to celebrate the end of World War II and the French people's freedom.

What holiday is May 14 in France? ›

Bastille Day is celebrated with great festivity in Pondicherry, a former French colony, every year.

Is May 8 a special day? ›

Today is National Teacher's Day and National Have a co*ke Day.

What are the 2 flowers of May? ›

The May birth flowers are lily of the valley and hawthorn. With its delicate flowers and sweet scent, lily of the valley is a real favourite of many! And royal brides love lily of the valley too.

What is blooming in France in May? ›

May is one of the best months to see spring wildflowers such as cowslips, wood violets and lilies of the valley in bloom. From late winter, flowering and fruit trees produce flamboyant blooms on bare branches: magnolias, apple, cherry, and almond trees.

What is May in French flower? ›

On this date, it is French tradition for Muguet (Lily of the Valley) flowers, a symbol for the month of May, to be given to friends and loved ones.

What should I reply to bonjour? ›

What is the proper response to bonjour? It's more than sufficient to simply say bonjour back in response to those who greet you, but if you want to go a step beyond, you can respond with comment allez-vous, which is the French equivalent of asking how it's going.

Can you say bonjour to a friend? ›

Bonjour – Hello in French

Wishing someone “Good day” is somewhat formal for people in most of the English world, but in French, it's just the standard – bonjour really is the equivalent of saying “hello” or “good morning”. You can use it with anyone, from a close friend or family member, to someone you've just met.

Do they say bonjour in Paris? ›

Simple French greetings will serve you well on your trip to Paris. And don't forget, politeness counts! Polite Parisians always end their greetings with either Madame, Monsieur or Mademoiselle. Therefore, "hello" is always "bonjour, madame" or "bonjour, monsieur".

What are the traditions of May 1st? ›

Traditions often include gathering wildflowers and green branches, weaving floral garlands, crowning a May Queen (sometimes with a male companion), and setting up a Maypole, May Tree or May Bush, around which people dance.

What is the tradition of May Day baskets? ›

People would leave a paper basket or cone containing spring flowers and sweets on each other's doorsteps, usually anonymously. This tradition was popular through the 19th and 20th centuries, especially with children or sweethearts. The custom was to knock on the door, yell “May basket!” and then run.

Why was it called May Day? ›

Since much of the air traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the term "mayday", the phonetic equivalent of the French m'aidez ("help me") or m'aider (a short form of venez m'aider, "come [and] help me").

What are French traditions for food? ›

The French eat at least three meals a day and usually in courses. They eat a lot of bread, but not cakes or pastries. They eat lots of cheese, around 25 kilos each year! The French eat more fish than meat.

What is the French traditional food? ›

Here, we've gathered a sampling of our traditional French favorites: the wine-braised chicken stew coq au vin, the Provençal fish stew bouillabaisse, a vegetable-based take on French onion soup, and more. Pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy cooking your way through these classics.

What is the special day of France? ›

One of the revolutionary days in Paris and now a national holiday, the 14th of July ("Bastille Day") is celebrated with a mixture of solemn military parades and easygoing dancing and fireworks.

What is the biggest holiday in France? ›

Celebrated on July, 14, Bastille Day is the French national day and the most important bank holiday in France! Setting the storming of the Bastille in 1789 as an essential part of the French History. The 14th July has become a major public holiday, traditionally considered as the symbol of the French Revolution.

What is one holiday tradition in France? ›

Marché de Noel

The marchés de Noel, or Christmas markets, are an important part of the French Christmas tradition. Beginning usually the last weekend of November and continuing until Christmas Day or into the New Year, little wooden stalls pop up in the center of villages and cities all over the country.

What is the traditional dress in France? ›

In general, traditional French women's dresses feature a long, full skirt with a fitted bodice, apron, and a headscarf. The bodice is typically made of velvet, silk or linen and is decorated with intricate embroidery or lace. The skirt is made of heavy cotton or wool, and is also decorated with similar embellishments.

What is the religious tradition in France? ›

Catholicism was once the state religion of France and continues to be the primary religion in French society.

What is unique to France? ›

France is known all around the world for Paris and its monuments such as the Eiffel Tower and the Notre-Dame cathedral. French people are very passionate about their culture and art, which is showcased in many museums like the Louvre.

What is the French national holiday in May? ›

It was not until 1981 and the arrival of François Mitterrand to the presidency of the Republic that the date of May 8 was re-established as a public holiday, with a law dated September 23, 1981. As for the 11th of November, commemorations and tributes to the victims of this war take place in France on May 8th.

What is a common tradition in France? ›

Greet friends & family with a check-to-cheek air kiss

“It is custom when meeting a friend, family member, or host family to 'faire la bise,' which is when you kiss each cheek of the person you're greeting,” said staffer Abby, who studied in France.

What is the holiday on May 7 in France? ›

Quick Facts. WWII Victory Day (la fête de la victoire, le jour de la libération) is a holiday to celebrate the end of World War II and the French people's freedom.

What is the most famous tradition in France? ›

The 14th of July, or Bastille Day is easily one of the most celebrated French traditions. This is the French National Holiday, or the equivalent of Independence Day in many other countries. Bastille Day refers to the storming of the Bastille on July 14th, 1789.

What do French people do in May? ›

May Day traditions in France are all about two things: muguet, pronounced “moo-gay” (lily of the valley in English) and Labour Day. On the 1st of May friends and family offer each other little sprigs, bouquets or whole plants of lily of the valley for good luck.

What does Happy May Day mean? ›

May Day, also called Workers' Day or International Workers' Day, day commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers and the labour movement, observed in many countries on May 1. In the United States and Canada a similar observance, known as Labor Day, occurs on the first Monday of September.

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