Omni-Man (2024)

This planet has... changed me. And there's no going back from that, son. Without you... I don't know what it would have taken... what I would have done... to make me realize that.
~ Omni-Man to his son, Mark Grayson.
Omni-Man (1)

Omni-Man, also known as Nolan Grayson, is the deuteragonist from the Invincible series & comics from Image Comics.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Powers and Abilities
  • 3 Feats
    • 3.1 Strength
    • 3.2 Speed
    • 3.3 Durability
    • 3.4 Skill
  • 4 Weaknesses
  • 5 Fun Facts


Born to species of supremely powerful beings called Viltrumites, Omni-Man came to Earth where he created a human identity as Nolan Grayson. He served as a costumed hero and started a family, and when his son Mark became the hero Invincible, he revealed their true purpose: Conquering the planet for the Viltrumite Empire. Invincible resisted his father's request to join him in conquering Earth, and after Omni-Man beat his son nearly to death he fled the planet with a moral crisis. In space he started a new family, fathering Oliver, and following his capture by the Viltrumites he realized he truly loved his human wife Deborah.

After befriending Allen the Alien, the two escaped their Viltrumite prison and began collecting methods of combating the Viltrumites for the Coalition of Planets. Ultimately successful in destroying Viltrum and reducing the Viltrumites' population drastically, Omni-Man rekindled his life with Deborah shortly before discovering he was the true inheritor of the Viltrumite throne.

Ruling over the Viltrumites as Emperor, Omni-Man saw to his people's protection to the bitter end. Dying in battle with the challenger to his throne, Thragg, Omni-Man survived long enough to pass his legacy on to his son.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Viltrumite Physiology: As a Viltrumite, Nolan has a wide array of abilities common among his race. Due to their unique DNA, Viltrumites are composed of Smart Atoms that they can manipulate to achieve superhuman feats. As Viltrumites age, they tend to gain more power and strength, with Nolan being shown to have considerable power due to his thousands of year of life. Viltrumite genes are extremely adaptive and powerful. As a Viltrumite, Nolan can mate with many species and the ones with the best compatibility will create offspring closer to Viltrumite heritage, with the offspring eventually developing standard Viltrumite abilities.
    • Superhuman Strength: Being a Viltrumite, Nolan possesses immense physical strength. Nolan has been shown to be one of the physically strongest beings shown and the strongest superhero on earth. He can lift and move weight in excess of thousands of tons without any visible strain while being able to break and damage strong materials with ease. Feats of strength he has displayed so far include crushing Red Rush's head with his bare hands, slamming Darkwing to the ground with enough force to crack his head open, putting his fist clean through Green Ghost's head, hold back Aquarus' water blasts, crack Aquarus' head open with just one swing of War Woman's mace, twisting War Woman's neck so fast that her head faces the opposite direction, punch a hole through The Immortal (a superhero of similar strength) before swiftly decapitating him with one swing of his hand, ripping The Immortal in two with his bare hands, dominating his son Mark in their fight, beats Mark to within an inch of his life and punching the ground with enough force to trigger a landslide. Probably his greatest feat displayed so far is holding up a piece of Flaxian landmass the size of an asteroid with only one arm.
    • Superhuman Speed: Nolan is incredibly fast and capable of moving at speeds well in beyond the sound barrier. Later on, as it's elaborated that he can travel interstellar distances on his own without aid, puts his speed at super-luminal levels. Nolan was so fast that when he flew through the Falaxian cities, he caused devastating explosions with the implication that he was moving so fast, he was splitting atoms and causing fission reactions. While not as fast as Red Rush, he was fast enough to catch Red Rush's hand before brutally crushing his head.
    • Superhuman Endurance: He has superhuman endurance, having survived being disemboweled, touching lava and a bomb blast without permanent damage.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Due to his physiology, Omni-Man generates less fatigue toxins than humans. This allows him to fight and move for extended periods of time without collapsing or suffering from exhaustion.
    • Flight: Nolan can fly along with being able to fly at tremendous speeds allowing him to travel anywhere in the world quickly with trans continental flight taking him only a matter of minutes if no seconds. During his decimation of Flaxia, he flew into their General at blurring speed and rammed him through so many building, he was left as nothing more than a mangled head. As displayed during his fight with Mark, he repeatedly broke the sound barrier with the speed of his flying.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Being a Viltrumite, Nolan is nigh-invulnerable. He can endure physical trauma that would most definitely kill humans. Such things he has been shown to survive include rapid gunfire with bullets just bouncing off him, rapid punches from Red Rush, Darkwing's throwing weapons, punches from War Woman and The Immortal simultaneously and a small explosion with little to no harm being done to him. However, that doesn't mean he can't be injured as throughout his fight with The Guardians, he could be seen developing bruises and bleeding from his mouth. He also required a stay in the GDA Hospital after his fight with The Guardians left him exhausted.
    • Accelerated Healing: Being a Viltrumite, Nolan heals at a much faster rate than humans. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and ailments. Other Viltrumites like his son, Mark, who can survive getting punched through the stomach, having his guts ripped out, and having his face smashed into the earth.
    • Longevity: Like all Viltrumites, Nolan has an incredibly long lifespan. He is capable of living, and has lived, for thousands of years and, because Viltrumites age slower as they grow older, he retains the appearance of a muscular middle-aged man.
    • Enhanced Lung Capacity: Like the rest of his species, he can hold his breath for up to two weeks without breathing.
    • Decelerated Aging: Omni-Man has the potential to live for thousands of years, and still be in his prime.
    • Super Senses: Nolan was able to hear an approaching baseball that he and Mark were able to throw around the Earth. His other senses are also superhuman enough to allow Nolan to move at superhuman speeds without getting disoriented.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: While primarily relying on his natural Viltrimite abilities to defeat opponents, Nolan is a trained Viltrimite warrior and formidable combatant. He was able to defeat the Guardians of the Globe through great effort, casually best the ReAnimen, defeat a giant monster, and overcome both the Immortal and his son Mark in hand to hand combat.
  • Deception: Nolan is a master manipulator, being able to deceive his family and allies about his true intentions.
  • Leadership: Nolan shows himself to be a capable leader, and later became the emperor of Viltrum, and the ruler the Thraxans.
  • Writing Skills: Nolan is an expert writer, and has numerous successful books that he has written.




  • Flew around the Earth in seconds as he was getting dressed.
  • Easily maneuvered around multiple lasers.
  • Speed blitzed the Guardians of the Globe, including Immortal who saw him and has speed comparable to Omni-Man's casual movements.
  • Flew from Earth to Thraxa in under a week.
  • Has fought the Space racer and has now scars from the engage.
  • Flew quickly through a moon base, executing sharp turns along his path.
  • Flew into the air with Deborah so quickly their neighbor believed she saw a ghost.
  • Within a day, fought a dragon in Taiwan, a flood in Egypt, and whooshed in to the dinner table by evening, noting that he could write a book in a day if he had a couple keyboards.
  • Whooshed away to deal with a chemical fire and a dam breaking in moments, with Invincible noting how much faster Omni-Man is.
  • Slaughtered the Guardians of the Globe in moments, despite their speedster Red Rush demonstrating vast super speed shortly beforehand.
  • Outsped Invincible when they destroyed Viltrum together.
  • Flew from Earth to Tech Jacket's space station without the station's long range sensors picking up his approach.
  • Faster than Invincible, who could cross the distance of a day's travel in moments.
  • Fought The Immortal multiple times, who can fly at Mach 3.
  • Outsped military-grade fighter jets.
  • Caught Red Rush.
  • Caused explosions through sheer speed. (Mach 707)
  • Scales to Allen, who can move at near light-speed with graviton atoms and even fly from the edge of the solar system to Earth in 12 minutes. (20.8763c)
  • Comparable to his son Mark and has kept up with him in combat multiple times. Mark has:
    • Flown to Antarctica in a short timeframe. (Mach 1650.568)
    • Thrown and caught baseballs that went across the planet. (Mach 6491 - 2.2% c)
    • Flown to the Moon in seconds. (2.5% c)
    • Flown to Mars in four days. (Mach 663.241)
  • Flew out of the solar system in two weeks at most. (At least 41.25c)
  • Comparable to Universa, who flew across vast spans of the cosmos.
  • Matched Supreme in speed. (Crossover)
    • Supreme can:
      • Punch faster than light.
      • Fly to the star Betelgeuse and back in a short time-frame.
      • Fly across the universe.
      • Move faster than Suprema, who can search between several billions of stars quickly and cross galaxies.


  • Took a flying tackle from the Immortal that left a huge crater in a beach and then more blows from him before ending the fight.
  • Unaffected by any of Invincible's attacks in their fight.
  • Invincible punchesd him hard enough enough to confirm his identity and Omni-Man noted Invincible has gotten stronger.
  • Invincible's hand was sore after punching a Viltrumite, causing him to guess the Viltrumite was as powerful as Omni-Man.
  • Took a headbutt to the face from Conquest and kept fighting other Viltrumites soon after, ultimately coming out of the battle with little injury.
  • Took a punch from Oliver while training him.
  • Can exchanged blows with Viltrumites.
  • Several young Viltrumites splattered against him on impact.
  • Exchanged blows with Mean Supreme, fighting as equals.
  • Assisted in the fight for his freedom after being pummeled in an execution ritual before surviving in the vacuum of space.
  • Fought through injuries sustained with alien creatures that later put him in bandages and a sling.
  • Exchanged blows with Thragg, ultimately getting overpowered and disemboweled when Thragg punched his hand through Omni-Man's torso, leaving him alive and recovered after two weeks in a medical facility.
  • Exchanged blows with Allen, crashing through walls and nearly bringing down a building before overpowering several soldiers with restrains and getting pummeled by Allen and Oliver.
  • Fought through simultaneous punches from Martian Man and War Woman.
  • Shrugged off War Woman's mace hitting him in the face only for it to knock him out after Green Ghost phased through him to disorient him.
  • Unaffected by the snowy climate of a mountaintop.
  • Withstood heat vision that disintegrated his costume.
  • Scales to his son Invincible, who withstood a point-blank explosion from Omnipotus.
  • Undamaged by an exploding house.
  • Effortlessly withstood military-grade missiles.
  • Fought off a wave of Cecil Stedman's Reanimen​​.
  • Far more durable than an early Mark, who was unscathed after plowing through an entire train.
  • Withstood two back-to-back satellite blasts with little more than a bloody nose. (At least 35.944 Kilotons)
  • During a fight with Mark early in the series, repeatedly shrugged off his strongest blows.
  • Survived direct impalement several times, including damage to his spine and heart.
  • Scales to Mark and Thragg, who fought on the surface of the Sun, where it can be over 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Took blows from Supreme and Suprema. (Crossover)
  • Despite having a weaknesses to over exposed extreme heat, he's survived heat vision from the superhero Mean Superme, who's heat vision can vaporize people in an instant.


  • Constantly hailed as one of the greatest soldiers in Viltrumite history.
  • During his time in the empire he successfully took over several world.
    • Was so great at he he got his own unit to command.
  • Survived the Scourge virus that wiped out 99% of his race.
  • Was easily the strongest hero on Earth during his mission there.
  • Fought with and defeated the Space racer, who he trapped under rubble for 100 years.
  • Killed the Guardians of the Globe with no issue, all of which werethe strongest heroes of Earth besides him.
  • After he left Earth, he protected his new plant alongside Invincible from 3 adult Viltrumites
  • Defeated Allen the Alien.
  • Alongside Allen the Alien, escaped a prison meant to hold Vitrumites, but before that he survived his execution first.
  • He and Allen then went on to gather several items that could kill Viltrumites for the Collocation.
  • Was a prominent player in the helping to win the Viltrumite war.
  • Due to his royal bloodline he became the leader of his race for a time.
  • Beat his son Invincible (Mark Grayson) to near-death.
  • Became an honorary member of the Guardians of the Globe.
  • Wiped out the entire Flaxan race.
  • Defeated and killed the Hail Mary Kaiju, twice.
  • Fought evenly with Thragg, the leader of the Viltrumites.
  • One of the strongest Viltrumites in history, and the son of their former leader, Argall.
  • Destroyed Planet Viltrum alongside Mark and Thaedus.
  • Gained the trust and loyalty of the entire Viltrumite race.
  • Successfully reconciled with his family.


  • Standard Viltrumite Weaknesses: Nolan, as a Viltrumite, has all of the standard strengths and weaknesses of his people.
    • Accelerating Healing Limits: Too much trauma to the brain or heart can overtax their healing factors.
    • Vulnerable Ears: Because of their abilities, their inner ear vestibular system is far more sensitive than a regular human's. Intense sonic pressure will disrupt their fragile equilibrium and even prevent them from flying.
    • Extreme Heat: As shown above, Viltrumites also have a weaknesses to overexposure to extreme heat. That's how his son Mark killed Thragg when they fought in the son and Thragg vaporized from overexposure to the sun's heat. And while Viltrumite healing factors have failed against continuous exposure to the sun's heat, that still took quite a bit of time.
  • Magic/Supernatural Forces: Nolan, in spite of his great power, is a purely biological entity and his abilities are a product of nature and evolution. He would, theoretically, have no natural resistance or immunity to magic or supernatural effects. Damien Darkblood, a demon, was not at all intimidated or wary of the prospect of confronting Nolan in direct combat. War Woman's enchanted mace was able to do serious damage to Nolan's skull with no damage done to the mace where in the past Nolan had been struck with dense metals and materials that not only didn't hurt him but also broke against him.
  • Humanity: While he hasn't said it aloud, Nolan has developed some semblance of humanity during his time on Earth, something that goes against his Viltrumite upbringing and training. During his fight with Mark, he couldn't bring himself to kill Mark after experiencing a happy memory of Mark's childhood, despite callously telling Mark just beforehand that he could easily make another kid with a different woman. When Mark answers Nolan's question about what is going to have after 500 years with 'You, Dad', Nolan has a moment of reflection of what he had just done to his own son before leaving Earth, crying as he does so.

Fun Facts[]

  • Omni-Man's design, role to the Earth, initial personality and partial backstory are evidently influenced by Superman, though clear differences begin with Omni-Man's true original motive and much of his backstory.
    • The character was originally going to be named "Supra Man", but Image Comics made the writers changed the name due to it being too close to the DC character, Superman.
See Also
Atom Eve
Omni-Man (2024)
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