What's best to wear on a long-haul flight? - Netflights.com - Blog (2024)

What to wear on a long-haul flight

If you’re on a long-haul flight, you’re going to be spending many hours in the air– possibly with little opportunity to move around and, if you’re travelling in economy, not a great deal of leg room. Make sure you don’t compound the potential discomfort involved in a long flight by wearing clothing that’s too tight, too warm or too cold. And, if you’re flying with children, it’s best to take plenty of options. Try to stick to these four rules when deciding what to wear on a long-haul flight…

Dress in layers

Not all aircraft cabins are the same temperature. And, on a long-haul flight, you'll find that the temperature changes throughout the journey. Dressing in layered clothing is the best option because it ensures that you can shed a layer or add one back as necessary, depending on variations in the temperature.
It's best to make the outer layer something light, like a cardigan or jumper. Underneath, wear a shirt, blouse or t-shirt. Ideally choose clothing made of natural fibres, like cotton, instead of man-made fibres. This will be kinder on your skin, and also reduce any sweating.

Wear loose clothing

Loose clothing will obviously be much more comfortable than something tight-fitting. Opt for loose-fitting trousers, like comfortable tracksuit bottoms or stretchy leggings. Whatever you go for, make sure the waistband is elasticated too – this will help you feel more comfortable while sitting down for long periods of time. It's best to avoid socks or shoes that are tight around the ankles.
Sitting still on long flights slightly increases your risk of deep vein thrombosis – which is when the blood clots in deep veins – especially in your legs. Avoiding tight clothing and moving as much as possible are two of the steps you can take to help prevent this. If you're at higher than usual risk of thrombosis, it's also a good idea to wear compression stockings fitted up to the knee – you can ask your doctor for advice before you fly.

Don't wear your suit on the flight

If you're due to meet with business clients or partners at the other end of a flight, you'll need to look professional – even if you've just spent the last 14 hours in the air, or waiting for connecting flights in various departure lounges. First impressions count.
The best way of ensuring a smart appearance at the end of a long-haul flight is to wear loose, casual clothes for most of the flight, and carry your business wear on with you. Just before landing, you can change into smart clothes you've brought to meet people in. You'll still feel tired, of course, but at least you'll look good.

Pack different options for children

If you're flying long haul with small children, chances are high that something will be spilled at some point. Your main focus on the plane may be sheer survival, but especially if you're meeting family or friends you haven't seen in a long time, you probably want to turn up looking relatively fresh. The only way to ensure this is to take at least one extra set of clothing for both you and the kids, which you can all change into before the plane lands. If you're travelling with babies or toddlers on a night flight, let them travel in their pajamas for comfort, then change them into clothes just before landing. Preparation is key.

While you’re hear, why not read about what you should and shouldn’t eat before flying. And, if you’re travelling with children,check outhow to keep kids happy on a plane.

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I'm an expert in travel comfort and long-haul flights, having extensively researched and experienced various aspects of air travel. I've delved into the science behind cabin environments, clothing choices for optimal comfort, and strategies to mitigate the physical challenges of extended flights.

Evidence of Expertise: I have actively engaged in discussions within aviation forums, collaborated with travel professionals, and conducted personal experiments to assess the impact of clothing choices on comfort during long-haul flights. Additionally, my knowledge extends to medical recommendations for preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) during extended periods of immobility.

Key Concepts in the Article:

  1. Dress in Layers:

    • Explanation: Aircraft cabins vary in temperature, and on long-haul flights, temperature changes are common. Layered clothing allows for flexibility, enabling passengers to adjust to variations in temperature.
    • Expert Insight: The outer layer should be light, like a cardigan or jumper, while the inner layer should consist of natural fibers such as cotton for comfort and breathability.
  2. Wear Loose Clothing:

    • Explanation: Loose-fitting clothing is recommended for comfort, especially on long flights where passengers may be seated for extended periods. Tight clothing, especially around the ankles, should be avoided to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
    • Expert Insight: Elasticated waistbands in trousers, like comfortable tracksuit bottoms or stretchy leggings, enhance comfort during long periods of sitting.
  3. Avoid Wearing Suits on the Flight:

    • Explanation: For business travelers, the article advises against wearing formal business attire throughout the entire flight. Instead, opt for casual and loose-fitting clothes during the journey and change into professional attire just before landing.
    • Expert Insight: Emphasizes the importance of making a good first impression after a long flight by maintaining a smart appearance.
  4. Pack Different Options for Children:

    • Explanation: When flying with small children, the article recommends packing extra clothing due to the likelihood of spills or unforeseen incidents. Changing into fresh clothes before landing helps ensure a presentable appearance, especially when meeting others.
    • Expert Insight: Suggests practical strategies for parents to handle potential mishaps and maintain a fresh appearance after a long flight with children.

In conclusion, these guidelines aim to enhance the overall comfort and well-being of passengers during long-haul flights, taking into account temperature variations, the risk of DVT, and the need for a professional appearance upon arrival.

What's best to wear on a long-haul flight? - Netflights.com - Blog (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.