What To Wear On A Plane (2024)

Whenever I know I need to be on a plane, I have a very specific travel outfit combination that I always gravitate towards. Doesn’t really matter where I’m heading, or even how long the flight is. Planes are consistent. And so is my travel uniform. Planes are chilly and they’re just uncomfortable no matter what. Even if you’re flying first class. With that, I always want to be as comfortable as possible when traveling. Not only for the plane ride, but the Uber ride to the airport, the running through the terminals and even sitting for hours on end waiting for your flight to board. Comfort is key!

Before any trip I always set out my travel outfit the night before. I make sure I have my most comfortable lululemon Align leggings, a cotton tee, a light layer like a sweatshirt or hoodie plus a light jacket. Usually a denim jacket, leather or even a utility jacket. I try to make this travel outfit work with what I packed in my suitcase so I’m not wasting more space. If I plan on wearing a leather jacket all weekend, I’ll wear that on the plane. I also make sure to set my comfortable travel sneakers aside (either my Veja’s or Converse depending on what I packed) and even a comfortable bra.

To me, this is the PERFECT travel outfit that’s comfortable, complete and allows you to move through an airport easily. Plus, this outfit is actually cute! I wouldn’t feel gross if check-in is later than expected and I had to explore a few hours in this ensemble. Here are a few more favorite outfit ideas to help you figure out what to wear on a plane.

Comfortable Outfits To Wear On A Plane

What To Wear On A Plane (1)

Leggings, Tee & A Jean Jacket

Hands down my most worn outfit on an airplane. I almost always am in this combination no matter if it’s a long haul flight or a quick 30 minute one. My go-to lululemon Align leggings (insanely comfortable), comfy sneakers, a tee long-sleeved shirt or sweater depending on the weather, and my beloved denim jacket. I love a jacket that has pockets for travel days to easily hold my phone and AirPods to leave me hands-free as much as possible.

For an extra layer, I sometimes will also add a sweatshirt or sweater over my tee just in case!

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What To Wear On A Plane (2)

Comfy Jeans, Sneakers & A Light Layer

If you’re going to wear jeans, just make sure you are throwing on your most comfortable jeans ever. Go for a relaxed fit or the jeans that have the best stretch. Just add a comfortable travel sneaker and a light layer like a sweatshirt or cardigan for a complete look.

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What To Wear On A Plane (3)

Faux Leather Leggings & Moto Boots

This is a great outfit to wear on the plane for its comfort but also for the ease of going straight into exploring. It’s put together, comfortable and chic. I love to wear leggings on a flight and these faux leather ones feel a little more elevated than my workout ones.

If you’re thinking about faux leather leggings, be sure to check out this review here.

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What To Wear On A Plane (4)

Midi Skirt, Sneakers & A Tee

If you’re not into pants on a plane, a great alternative is a midi skirt or maxi dress. When I’m not wearing pants for a travel day, I always opt for a midi instead of a mini. To me, there’s really nothing more disgusting than your bare skin against an airplane seat.

Just be sure to pack a light jacket or layer like a denim jacket with you since planes always get cold! Light jackets or lightweight sweaters are key to staying comfortable on a flight.

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Comfortable Joggers

Joggers are the new jeans in my book. They’re so comfortable and versatile too. I like that joggers are more flattering since they’re a little tailored and slim fit. But still super cozy and comfy. I like to treat these like jeans or leggings and add a graphic tee and light layer as always.

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What Not To Wear On A Plane

Some items are just a HARD no for me. And everyone might be different here with their own comfort and style. But for me, these below items have no place on a travel day. If you HAVE to wear these items the moment you land, pack it in your carry on bag for easy access. You can quickly swap out your leggings for your work pants when you land. Or your loafers for high heels to head to a meeting.

Stiff Jeans

Even for a short flight, I still leave my stiff skinny jeans for once I get to my destination. I try to wear my comfiest bottoms whether it’s leggings or jeans, but comfort is key. There’s definitely a few pairs of denim I own that feel like leggings to me, or are simply just oh so comfy. Those are the ones I reach for if I want to wear jeans on a flight.

High Heels

If you’re traveling for work, I recommend swapping out your high heel for something more comfortable but still professional. A loafer or ballet flat is perfect for that. If you have to swap quickly after landing, just pack your high heels in your carry on bag.


Nothing more disgusting than your skin touching the seat of an airplane. So I leave my shorts in my suitcase even if I’m traveling somewhere warm. If you’re concerned about landing and being too hot, just pack your shorts in your carry on bag so you can easily swap into them when you land in the bathroom. I’ve done this on numerous occasions and it’s no big deal!

Open Toed Shoes

There’s something about bare feet on an airplane that just really grosses me out. First of all, airplanes are air conditioned like the arctic circle. You’ll be so much more comfortable in shoes and socks. I know kicking off your sandals while going through airport security may be faster, but you’ll thank me later when your feet aren’t freezing while on your flight. Plus, sandals take up minimal room in a suitcase, so save space and wear those chunky sneakers or boots and save some space.

a final tip!

And just a little tip from me to you. I like to try to pack smart and that means remembering to pack a RETURN travel outfit to wear on a plane. This is especially important for long haul flights. Nothing worse than realizing you didn’t pack a fresh outfit to sit on an airplane for hours in. That’s why this is always listed on my packing list when I pack. And yes, I have a standard packing list that I always refer to make sure I don’t miss the essentials. You can also check out this post for tips on what to pack for any trip.

To make sure you also don’t accidentally wear this outfit and render it useless on your return flight, I pack this in the tiny packing cube I have. It fits the whole outfit I need and it’s easy to grab!

You can check out a few more of my favorite travel tips here. From my favorite travel bags, how I pack a toiletry bag, and also the right way to pack a hat!


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As a seasoned traveler with a keen eye for comfort and style, I can attest to the importance of a well-thought-out travel outfit. The provided article touches upon several key concepts that contribute to an ideal travel ensemble, reflecting my own practices and preferences.

1. Comfort is Paramount: The central theme revolves around prioritizing comfort during travel. This aligns perfectly with my own philosophy. The author emphasizes the consistent chilliness and discomfort of planes, highlighting the necessity of being at ease not just during the flight but also during pre-flight activities like the Uber ride and waiting in terminals.

2. Planning and Organization: The article stresses the importance of planning by setting out the travel outfit the night before. This resonates with my approach, ensuring that the chosen outfit complements the items packed in the suitcase, optimizing space and minimizing wastage. This meticulous planning extends to selecting comfortable sneakers and a suitable bra for an all-encompassing comfortable experience.

3. The Perfect Travel Outfit: The author outlines their perfect travel outfit, featuring lululemon Align leggings, a cotton tee, a light layer such as a sweatshirt or hoodie, and a versatile jacket (denim, leather, or utility). This ensemble is carefully chosen to provide comfort and mobility while maintaining a stylish appearance. The attention to detail, such as choosing an outfit that works seamlessly with the weekend wardrobe, showcases a thoughtful and practical approach.

4. Variety in Outfit Ideas: The article doesn't stop at just one outfit recommendation. It presents diverse options, such as the classic combination of leggings, tee, and a jean jacket, comfortable jeans with sneakers and a light layer, faux leather leggings with moto boots for a chic look, a midi skirt with sneakers and a tee as an alternative to pants, and the modern comfort of joggers paired with a graphic tee and a light layer. This variety caters to different preferences and travel scenarios.

5. What Not to Wear: In addition to suggesting what to wear, the article provides insight into what not to wear on a plane. Stiff jeans, high heels, shorts, and open-toed shoes are discouraged for practical reasons, considering both comfort and hygiene during air travel.

6. Return Travel Outfit: A valuable tip shared in the article is the importance of packing a return travel outfit, especially for long-haul flights. This resonates with my own practice of packing smart and being prepared for the entire journey, preventing the inconvenience of realizing a lack of a fresh outfit for the return flight.

In conclusion, the article aligns with my expertise as a seasoned traveler, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the elements that contribute to a comfortable, stylish, and practical travel outfit. The provided tips and recommendations are not only relatable but also reflect a depth of knowledge in navigating the nuances of air travel fashion.

What To Wear On A Plane (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.