Who Wants To Be A Mummy? (Pets Included) (2024)

Mummification went out of fashion centuries ago, along with hieroglyphs and plagues of locusts. The ancient burial ritual is now just a fascination for history nerds — and one religion known as Summum. Followers of this faith are now offering to make you into a mummy for a cool $67,000.

Summum is a relatively new religion. As Atlas Obscura explains, a man named Claude Nowell created it in 1975 after he claims he was visited by advanced beings. Eager to share the knowledge they imparted, he changed his name to Corky Ra and constructed an orange pyramid in Salt Lake City, Utah.

[Photo Source: Sporst / Flickr]

The pyramid is now the central hub for all Summum teachings. Nowell and his disciples believe human consciousness survives even after death, making traditional burials and cremations less than ideal options for lingering “essences.” In order to keep those essences safe and mobile, Summum leaders are offering to mummify corpses, both human and animal.

You’re probably wondering how this all works. In the Summum version, mummification starts with a basic bathing of the body. The organs are removed, cleansed, and returned. Next comes a full body immersion in mystery preservatives. Once that’s complete, the body is wrapped in a cotton gauze and piled with layers of resin and fiberglass. This is all just preparation for the sarcophagus, which Summum devotees call a “Mummiform.” According to the official Summum site, the Mummiform is cast in the metal of your choice (bronze, stainless steel, gold) and can be decorated with gold, ceramics, and/or jewels. You’ll also get a molded “life mask,” just like a real Egyptian pharaoh.

This complicated, mystical process is unsurprisingly pricey. A basic human mummification costs $67,000, although it can easily exceed that depending on your requests. Pets are cheaper; a small cat or dog mummification goes for $4,000. But if you’re interested in mummifying a Doberman, you could rack up a $100,000 bill.

Summum believers aren’t the only ones reviving mummies in modern times. Scientists have attempted to replicate the ancient Egyptian methods on cadavers in a few recent experiments. A team of anthropologists mummified two human legs in a study published in The Anatomical Record in 2015. They were met with some degree of success, although the process took much longer than the Egyptians claimed (seven months vs. two) and the team noted that previous experiments with animals were more successful.

The Discovery Channel show Curiosity also attempted to mummify a corpse donated to science in the 2012 episode “I Was Mummified.” Here’s a mildly graphic clip of the scientists strategizing on organ removal (WARNING: If you’re easily grossed out, don’t watch the video):

Mummification stills remains a retro oddity for most. But if you’re interested in a burial befitting Cleopatra, and have the money, you can now begin planning your epic funeral.

Who Wants To Be A Mummy? (Pets Included) (2024)


How much does it cost to be mummified? ›

Mummification — a lengthy process in which a person's skin and flesh are preserved — is the costliest, starting at $67,000 (all figures in U.S. dollars). Plastination — a process in which the body is drained of all fluids and filled with a plastic-like substance — starts at $40,000.

Who did mummified cats belong to? ›

In ancient Egypt, cats were sacred animals. People dedicated mummified cats at the sanctuary of the cat goddess Bastet as offerings. The sanctuary was located in the city of Bubastis where the remains of numerous cat mummies and small cat sculptures have been found.

Were cats mummified alive? ›

Introduction. Ancient Egyptians mummified their human dead to ensure their rebirth in the afterlife. Human mummification is known throughout the Pharaonic period. In addition to humans, animals were mummified, including cats, ibis, hawks, snakes, crocodiles and dogs.

Who was allowed to be mummified? ›

Who Was Mummified. After death, the pharaohs of Egypt usually were mummified and buried in elaborate tombs. Members of the nobility and officials also often received the same treatment, and occasionally, common people. However, the process was an expensive one, beyond the means of many.

How long do mummified bodies last? ›

But by 50 years, the tissues will have liquefied and disappeared, leaving behind mummified skin and tendons. Eventually these too will disintegrate, and after 80 years in that coffin, your bones will crack as the soft collagen inside them deteriorates, leaving nothing but the brittle mineral frame behind.

Why were cats sacrificed in Egypt? ›

Cats were to convey prayers in the same way that Christians attribute to the intercession of the saints. The cats' magical attributes, however, were more of a curse than a blessing. Animals destined for communication between worlds were bred solely for that role and then sacrificed as blood sacrifices.

What happens when a cat dies in Egypt? ›

When the cats died, they were mummified. As a sign of mourning, the cat owners shaved off their eyebrows, and continued to mourn until their eyebrows grew back. Art from ancient Egypt shows statues and paintings of every type of feline.

How many cat gods are there? ›

6 Cat Gods From Around the World | History Cooperative.

Why do mummies fear cats? ›

Imhotep fears cats because "cats are the guardians of the Underworld". In Egyptian mythology, cats were associated with the goddesses Bastet (fertility, motherhood and protection) and Sekhmet (healing) and not the Underworld.

What is the oldest mummified cat? ›

Scans of an ancient cat mummy revealed that the 2,500-year-old feline supposedly resting within the wrappings wasn't a single animal. Instead, the mummy held the partial remains of three cats, according to new findings.

How long does it take for an animal to mummify? ›

“It has to be really dry, or really wet, or really frozen, or really high elevation.” Bodies left in hot, arid environments can typically mummify in about two weeks, while the process typically takes a couple of months in enclosed locations. Remains in mild environments take about three months.

Are people still mummified today? ›

Some villagers in Papua New Guinea still mummify their ancestors today. After death, bodies are placed in a hut and smoked until the skin and internal organs are desiccated. Then they're covered in red clay, which helps maintain their structural integrity, and placed in a jungle shrine.

Can everyone be mummified? ›

Not everyone was mummified

The mummy – an eviscerated, dried and bandaged corpse – has become a defining Egyptian artefact. Yet mummification was an expensive and time-consuming process, reserved for the more wealthy members of society. The vast majority of Egypt's dead were buried in simple pits in the desert.

Can you get mummified today? ›

While it is not believed that any modern peoples are still using the full mummification process to protect the bodies of those they have lost, embalming is still a widely-used practice at funeral homes.

Does a mummified body smell? ›

Kydd recently sniffed mummies in the basem*nt of the University of Michigan's Kelsey Museum of Archaeology and came to this conclusion: "Mummies don't smell like decomposition, but they don't smell like Chanel No. 5 either."

Do mummies have blood? ›

Structures resembling red blood cells have been seen in mummies, but have been considered by some to be artifacts or molds. The finding of these structures, admixed with white blood cells, in the blood vessels of a mummified American Indian, confirms the original interpretation of preserved red blood cells.

Can salt mummify you? ›

Mummification was a process of preserving the body by drying it out with salts and wrapping it in bandages. The ancient Egyptians were so good at this that hundreds of mummies survive today! You can see lots of them in Museums. The ancient Egyptians would use Natron salt to cover and dry out the body.

Can you Mummify eyes? ›

Naturally preserved mummified ocular tissues were successfully rehydrated. Gross and microscopic anatomical features were identified in both specimens. Cellular structures remained intact following fixation. Sections of paraffin-embedded, chemically preserved tissue were satisfactorily stained.

Can salt mummify a body? ›

Conclusions. Use of table salt in combination with highly absorbent material on the skin of the corpse in the presence of poor health (cachexia) before death resulted in fixation of the corpse in the form close to mummification.

Are cats smarter than dogs? ›

Though this data might seem to suggest that dogs are twice as intelligent as cats, a direct correlation between larger brain size and increased intelligence has not been conclusively proven. Regardless, dogs' higher neuron count is often viewed as a gauge of their superior intelligence.

Are cats holy in Islam? ›

In Islam, cats are viewed as holy animals. Above all, they are admired for their cleanliness. They are thought to be ritually clean which is why they're allowed to enter homes and even mosques. According to authentic narrations, one may make ablution for prayer with the same water that a cat has drunk from.

What Egyptian god is a cat? ›

Bastet is probably the best-known feline goddess from Egypt. Initially depicted as a lioness, Bastet assumed the image of a cat or a feline-headed woman in the 2nd millennium BCE. Although she combined both nurturing and violent qualities, her shielding and motherly aspects typically were emphasized.

Do cats accept death? ›

When a cat loses a companion, whether animal or human, she most certainly grieves and reacts to the changes in her life. Cats alter their behavior when they mourn much like people do: They may become depressed and listless. They may have a decreased appetite and decline to play.

Why did Egyptians shave their eyebrows? ›

Ancient Egyptians shaved off eyebrows to mourn death of cats. Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when their cats died, and continued to mourn until their eyebrows grew back. They believed cats were capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them and treated them like royalty.

Does Egypt still love cats? ›

Modern-day Egyptians still love their feline friends. What's really interesting is that Egyptian cats, such as the Egyptian Mau and Sphynx cat, don't actually differ all that much from their ancient kin and are distinguishable from the cats of Europe, the US and the rest of the world.

What is a god name for a cat? ›

Whether your cat is orange, gray, or white, these Greek god names are go-tos. Apollo. Ares. Dionysus. Hades.

Who is the most famous cat? ›

Tardar Sauce – Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat is quite possibly one of the most famous cats in history. She rose to fame in 2012 after a post of her face went viral on Reddit – at first, no-one believed her face hadn't been altered but in truth her grumpy markings were real.

Which god cat belongs to? ›

Shashthi or Shashti (Sanskrit: षष्ठी, Bengali: ষষ্ঠী, Ṣaṣṭhī, literally "sixth") is a Hindu goddess, venerated in Nepal and India as the benefactor and protector of children.
TextsBrahmavaivarta Purana, Devi Bhagavata Purana
Personal information
ParentsIndra (father) Sachi (mother)
10 more rows

Do mummies scream? ›

However, "screaming" mummies are not uncommon, according to a 2009 commentary in the journal Archaeology, and these grotesque expressions are the result of the jaw ligaments relaxing after death. Wrappings around the jaw typically held the mouth closed, but these could loosen.

Do cats pee in fear? ›

External Factors. Sometimes cats pee outside the box when they are scared of, freaked out by, or entirely disrupted by someone in the house. This could be a new pet, a new roommate or family member. It could be an entirely new house, nearby construction or traffic noises, and so on.

Are cats afraid of death? ›

They are not afraid of death, at least not in the sense that we people are. Nearing death, they come to a place of acceptance and try to communicate that to us.

Is there a 100 year old cat? ›

Corduroy the cat, is living proof that some things only get better with age. At 121-years-old, he's has aged oh so gracefully, just like fine wine.

What was the first cat on earth? ›

There were other earlier cat-like species but Proailurus (meaning "before the cat"; also called "Leman's Dawn Cat"), which appeared about 30 million years ago, is generally considered the first "true cat".

Do pets get mummified? ›

In some cases, pets were killed so that they could be mummified and entombed with their owner. It can be a bit difficult to spot these cases, except when the animal mummies are examined closely for injuries.

Can you mummify a hot dog? ›

Put at least one inch of baking soda (from a new, unopened box) in the bottom of the storage box. Lay the hot dog flat on top of the baking soda. Cover the hot dog with at least one more inch of baking soda, making sure the hot dog has baking soda along its sides and is completely covered on top.

Can you still mummify yourself? ›

While not the only religious sect to practice mummification, the Japanese Shingon monks of Yamagata are among the most famous to practice the ritual, as several of their practitioners successfully mummified themselves while still alive.

Are organs removed during embalming? ›

The answer is no; all of the organs remain in the body during the embalming process. Instead, the Embalmer makes small incisions in the abdomen and inserts tubes into the body cavity. These tubes pump a mixture of chemicals and water into the body, which helps to preserve the tissues and prevent decomposition.

What countries have mummified? ›

Various cultures have been known to mummify their dead. The most well known are the ancient Egyptians, but the Chinese, the ancient people of the Canary Islands, the Guanches, and many pre-Columbian societies of South America, including the Incas, practiced mummification as well.

How to become a mummy? ›

A Step by Step guide to Egyptian Mummification
  1. Insert a hook through a hole near the nose and pull out part of the brain.
  2. Make a cut on the left side of the body near the tummy.
  3. Remove all internal organs.
  4. Let the internal organs dry.
  5. Place the lungs, intestines, stomach and liver inside canopic jars.

Is there DNA in a mummy? ›

Whereas the mummies' soft tissue contained almost no DNA, the bones and teeth were chock full of genetic material. Ninety of the mummies yielded DNA once housed in mitochondria, the power plants of cells.

What is the current cost to be mummified today? ›

And because we are a 501(c)(3) organization, we ask for a donation so that we can make this tradition available to you. Modern Mummification costs are integrated into at-need or pre-need arrangements. Mummification: The current costs for Mummification services are $67,000 within the continental United States.

How much would it cost to be mummified? ›

Such options are not cheap. Mummification — a lengthy process in which a person's skin and flesh are preserved — is the costliest, starting at $67,000 (all figures in U.S. dollars). Plastination — a process in which the body is drained of all fluids and filled with a plastic-like substance — starts at $40,000.

What happens if you open a mummy tomb? ›

The curse of the pharaohs or the mummy's curse is a curse alleged to be cast upon anyone who disturbs the mummy of an ancient Egyptian, especially a pharaoh. This curse, which does not differentiate between thieves and archaeologists, is claimed to cause bad luck, illness, or death.

Can you still get mummified today? ›

While it is not believed that any modern peoples are still using the full mummification process to protect the bodies of those they have lost, embalming is still a widely-used practice at funeral homes.

Can you get mummified in the US? ›

We'll let you decide how legit it is, but we wouldn't recommend it…Claude “Corky” Nowell (AKA Summum Bonum Amon Ra) founded 'Summum' in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1975. The private company currently specialises in mummification, as well as the teachings of Summum.

Does anyone still mummify? ›

Some villagers in Papua New Guinea still mummify their ancestors today. After death, bodies are placed in a hut and smoked until the skin and internal organs are desiccated. Then they're covered in red clay, which helps maintain their structural integrity, and placed in a jungle shrine.

Can a body be mummified naturally? ›

Mummies are also created by unintentional or accidental processes, which is known as "natural" mummification. This can happen when a dead body is exposed to extreme cold, very dry conditions, or some other environmental factor that mitigates against decay.

What is the oldest mummified person? ›

Archaeologists Now Believe That 8,000-Year-Old Human Skeletons From Portugal Are the World's Oldest Mummies.

Can Salt mummify you? ›

Mummification was a process of preserving the body by drying it out with salts and wrapping it in bandages. The ancient Egyptians were so good at this that hundreds of mummies survive today! You can see lots of them in Museums. The ancient Egyptians would use Natron salt to cover and dry out the body.

Can you be buried without a casket in the US? ›

No state law requires use of a casket for burial or cremation. If a burial vault is being used, there is no inherent requirement to use a casket. A person can be directly interred in the earth, in a shroud, or in a vault without a casket. There is no state law that dictates what a casket must be made of, either.

How long does it take to get mummified? ›

Bodies left in hot, arid environments can typically mummify in about two weeks, while the process typically takes a couple of months in enclosed locations. Remains in mild environments take about three months.

Can you own a mummy? ›

Thus, an embryo and a mummy cannot be owned by someone as a property. Rather, a person can be a custodian of an embryo and a mummy. This is also the reason why cultural relics containing human remains should be treated differently.

What is the most preserved mummy ever found? ›

Scientists perform an autopsy on the best preserved mummy ever discovered: that of a Han aristocrat named Lady Dai (Xin Zhui). More than 2,000 years after her death her skin is still resilient and her veins are still red.

How do mummies not decompose? ›

How Are Mummies Preserved? In mummification, the goal is to strip the cadaver of moisture and make it completely dry both inside and outside. Then, the body is embalmed further to prevent decay by environmental factors and moisture attraction. In the absence of moisture, bacteria will not form.

What organ was left in the body during mummification? ›

The liver, lungs, stomach and intestines are washed and packed in natron which will dry them out. The heart is not taken out of the body because it is the centre of intelligence and feeling and the man will need it in the afterlife. A long hook is used to smash the brain and pull it out through the nose.

Can you mummify yourself? ›

Today I found out it is possible to mummify yourself. One such method of self-mummification was practiced by Japanese Shugendō monks as the ultimate act of self denial. Shugendō is a form of Buddhism that originally combined elements of Buddhism, animism, Old Shinto, mountain worship, and Taoism, among other religions.

How long did it take to mummify a body? ›

The ideal mummification process took 80 days. The internal organs were removed through an incision on the side, while the liver, lungs, intestines, and the stomach were each placed in a jar called 'Canopic'.

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