Why Don’t Planes Fly Over the Pacific Ocean? | Executive Flyers (2024)

Flying over the Pacific Ocean is avoided by most airlines for most flights because it usually doesn’t make sense to fly over it when shorter and safer routes exist.

The Pacific Ocean is also more remote and less safe than the Indian and Atlantic Oceans to fly over, resulting in a higher chance of a plane crashing.

While there are exceptions, most airlines, as part of their operations, don’t fly over the Pacific Ocean.

4 Reasons Why Planes Don’t Fly Over the Pacific Ocean

Most commercial airlines, that operate between East Asia and the Americas, do not fly over the Pacific Ocean because of cost and safety concerns, including turbulent weather, which can be dangerous to fly over.

This isn’t the only reason planes don’t fly over the Pacific Ocean, though.

1. Distance Consideration

Airlines prefer flying over “curved” routes over land instead of traversing oceans. Curved routes over land are generally shorter than straight routes over the ocean.

When a plane flies from the United States to Japan, for example, it’d have the shortest, and most fuel-efficient, flight from flying over a curved route over Canada and Alaska.

The concept of curved routes can be difficult to understand on a flat map, but it soon becomes clear if you look at a globe map.

2. Cost and Time Savings

Curved routes also help reduce flight operating costs, thereby reducing ticket prices for consumers and keeping air travel more affordable.

Choosing to not fly over the Pacific Ocean saves airlines both fuel and time, which ultimately increases airlines’ profitability and is great for passengers who pay less money for tickets and spend less time in a plane.

From a practical standpoint, it makes sense for all airlines operating in East Asia and the Americas to not fly over the Pacific Ocean.

3. Weather Patterns

Most flights are planned to minimize the time spent over bodies of water, since storms are more likely to occur over water than land.

The weather over the Pacific Ocean is often turbulent, and there are many thunderstorms in parts of the Pacific, so it’s not a safe environment to fly a plane.

Routes overland from Canada and Alaska are preferred for most flights from the Americas to East Asia since the weather there is calmer. The Pacific Ocean is just not ideal for air travel.

4. Jet Streams

Another reason why planes don’t fly over the Pacific Ocean is due to jet streams, which are a set of air currents that circle the Earth several miles above the planet’s surface.

These air currents predominantly flow West to East because of the Earth’s rotation.

Flying in the same direction as a jet stream can save time and fuel for an aircraft, but flying against one causes dangerous turbulence and potential damage to an aircraft.

The Polar Jet Stream path goes overland Canada and Alaska, which is the same route most flights in that region take.

How Safe is it to Fly Over the Pacific Ocean?

When flying over a vast body of water, like the Pacific Ocean, there is no safe place for an emergency landing.

So, in that aspect, it isn’t safe to fly over the Pacific Ocean.

Rescuers would stand very little chance of tracking down and rescuing members of a plane that crashed in the Pacific Ocean, assuming anyone onboard somehow even managed to survive such a crash landing in the first place.

Most airlines therefore prefer to fly over land for this reason, as it’s safer to crash land on solid ground, preferably near an airport where emergency services are available.

2 Exceptions to Planes Flying Over the Pacific Ocean

1. Transpacific Flights

A transpacific flight is when an aircraft flies across the Pacific Ocean from either Asia or Australia to the Americas or vice versa.

Transpacific flights are not as common as transatlantic ones, but transpacific flights have been commercially available since the 1930s.

The Boeing 747 is one of the major planes used in transpacific flights because of its large passenger capacity and fuel efficiency, which allow it to fly continuously over the Pacific Ocean.

Thanks to recent innovations in aviation technology, even twin-engine planes are sometimes used for commercial transpacific flights.

Aircraft like the Airbus A320, Boeing 737, and Boeing 787 are also all increasingly used for transpacific flights. Most of these planes fly to destinations like Hawaii, New Zealand, and Australia.

2. Pacific Ocean Countries

Of course, when flying from or to countries and regions that are located in the Pacific Ocean, such as New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu etc. there is no avoiding the Pacific Ocean.

How Long Does it Take to Fly Over the Pacific Ocean?

The time it takes to fly over the Pacific Ocean largely depends on the aircraft, its origin, destination, weather conditions and fuel efficiency.

If we suppose that a Boeing 747 plane flies from LA to Tokyo, it would take at least 11 to 12 hours on average to complete the flight.

It could take much longer if weather conditions are bad, or if the destination and starting location are much further apart.

Smaller planes would take longer to cross the Pacific Ocean since they’d have to refuel in places like Hawaii which are located in the Pacific Ocean.

Related: Related: What Do Pilots Do On Long Flights?

Planes More Commonly Fly Over the Atlantic Ocean

Flights over the Atlantic Ocean are more common since it is less remote, and there’s greater demand for travel over the Atlantic than the Pacific Ocean.

Transatlantic flights involve traversing the Atlantic Ocean from Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, to the Americas, or vice versa.

Transatlantic flights are common, with over 2,000 transatlantic flights taking place every day.

Of these 2,000 flights a day, on average, 41 will be from Heathrow Airport in London to John. F Kennedy airport in New York City.

Planes Also Fly Over the Indian Ocean

Many of the world’s most famous airlines offer economy flights to popular destinations in and around the Indian Ocean.

Some of the most popular airlines for trans Indian Ocean flights are Emirates Airlines, Air India, and British Airways who fly towards India, Australia, the Maldives and Malaysia.

Planes Rarely Fly Over Antarctica

Due to the Antarctica’s lack of infrastructure and virtually non-existent population, as well as extreme weather conditions, there are no commercial flight routes over Antarctica.

However, in limited cases, research oriented, military, rescue, and scenic tourism flights occasionally fly over Antarctica.

Why Don’t Planes Fly Over the Pacific Ocean? | Executive Flyers (1)

Michael is an aircraft engineer and aviation expert with an insatiable passion for all things aviation-related.

With decades of experience and knowledge under his belt, Michael is an authority on the intricacies of private, commercial, and military aircraft.

Michael has been quoted or mentioned in major publications, including Business Insider, The Observer, Next Big Future, HowStuffWorks, CleanTechnica, Yahoo, UK Defence Journal, 19FortyFive, as well as referenced on Wikipedia.

Why Don’t Planes Fly Over the Pacific Ocean? | Executive Flyers (2024)


Why do planes avoid flying over the Pacific ocean? ›

Weather and jet streams

So, this is yet another reason why most routes avoid flying over the Pacific since it can be a sort of wild west of weather. Additionally, Bitlux writes that jet streams are a significant factor in flight planning since they are key in lowering fuel costs and time spent in the air.

Has a plane ever flown over the Pacific? ›

Though less common than transatlantic flights, transpacific flights have been commercially available since the mid-1930s and have been used for transport of cargo and passengers across the Pacific Ocean.

Why don t commercial planes fly over the Arctic? ›

Yes, you can fly over the north pole, NASA suggests that 5,000 flights do this each year. Newer GPS-based navigation equipment doesn't have any problems at the north pole like older magnetic equipment. However, there is a high level of radiation at the poles so doing so regularly would be dangerous for those onboard.

Where are planes not allowed to fly over? ›

Tibet is considered one of the world's most elevated areas, with the average elevation in the region going up to approximately 16000 feet. As such, it's also one of those regions in the world that comes with a natural no-fly zone, due to various factors like high mountains situated within its borders.

What happens if a plane goes down over the ocean? ›

If a plane crashes into water it is typically destroyed, unless it was already destroyed before the crash. If, on the other hand, it is set down on the water under control it has a good chance of floating long enough for the occupants to exit.

Can private jets fly across the Pacific ocean? ›

Crossing the Pacific Ocean

Currently there is only one jet that can cross the distance without stopping for fuel and that's the BBJ 777X, and it's one of the most expensive jets to charter privately. With that being said, a typical private jet charter wouldn't be able to cross the Pacific Ocean in a single shot.

Do passenger planes fly across the Pacific ocean? ›

Most airplanes do not fly directly over the pacific but instead fly a curved route hugging the shorelines of Asia and North America. Flights do cross parts of the Pacific Ocean when en route to places like Hawaii and the Cook Islands. Staying within safe flight range of land is always preferred.

Is it safe to fly over the ocean? ›

However, because of lessons learned from its history and the improvements in aircraft and engine reliability, crossing the oceans is deemed as safe as flying over land. With the rules of ETOPS flying in place, the crew of an aircraft will always know where the nearest diversion airfield is.

Why can't Americans fly over Antarctica? ›

There are very few cases of airplanes flying over Antarctica. The rough weather conditions and low visibility make it extremely difficult to fly and land a plane over the continent.

Why don't we fly over the poles? ›

Historically, flying close to or over the South Pole was ruled out by Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards rules. ETOPS governs how far away twin-engine jets can fly from an airport they can land at.

Do any commercial flights go over the poles? ›

Current flight operations

Emirates and Qatar Airways fly nonstop from Dubai and Doha to the US West Coast (San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles), coming within a few degrees of latitude of the North Pole.

What is the most restricted airspace in the US? ›

Notable ones include the Flight Restriction Zone (FRZ) encompassing all airspace up to 18,000 feet (5,500 m) within approximately 15 nautical miles (28 km) of Ronald Reagan National Airport around Washington, D.C. Flights within this airspace, while not entirely prohibited, are highly restricted.

Is Antarctica a no-fly zone? ›

Planes can and do sometimes fly over Antarctica, it is not a no-fly zone and it is not illegal, it is just very impractical to do so. Smaller planes fly lower and have to deal with challenging weather conditions, snow-falls, white-outs and icing problems.

Do planes pay to fly over countries? ›

Some countries waive the airspace fee owed if you land or depart from the country while others charge regardless of landing or departure point. Some countries will send an invoice; others do not. The currency and payment procedures vary by country and can be very cumbersome and difficult to comply with.

Which seat on plane is safest? ›

What is the safest seat on an airplane? According to a TIME investigation from 2015 that examined 35 years of aircraft accident data, the middle seats at the back of the plane had the lowest fatality rate at 28%. The second-safest option is the aisle seats in the middle of the plane, at 44%.

Are pilots trained to land on water? ›

Ditching is a controlled emergency landing on water. It can be caused by almost anything, but usually it's because of engine failure or running out of fuel. Pilots only decide to ditch an aircraft when there is no better alternative. Despite the difficulty, pilots don't undergo extensive training on ditching.

Has a plane ever ditched in the ocean? ›

23 November 1996: Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 (a Boeing 767-260ER), ditched in the Indian Ocean near Comoros after being hijacked and running out of fuel, killing 125 of the 175 passengers and crew on board.

What happens if a plane flies too high? ›

Aerodynamic altitude: If a commercial airliner flies too high, it will encounter less dense air passing over the wings to create lift. This can cause the plane to stall and fall out of control. Depending on the weather conditions and aircraft weight, this can occur anywhere between 40,000 and 45,000 feet.

What is the longest flight in the world? ›

Undefeated record: The world record for the world's longest continuous flight was set in 1959 by Robert Timm (pictured) and his co-pilot John Cook. Months in the air: The men flew in this four-seater aircraft for 64 days, 22 hours and 19 minutes.

Why do planes take off so steeply? ›

The idea is to get as much altitude as possible, as close to the airport as possible. So you have a relatively steep initial climb, followed by a reduction of climb angle to cruise climb and a power reduction.

How deep is the Pacific ocean? ›

The Pacific is also our planet's deepest water body, with an average depth of approximately 4,000 meters (13,000 feet). The deepest place on Earth, known as Challenger Deep, extends to a depth of more than 11,000 meters (36,000 feet) and is found in the Mariana Trench, in the Pacific.

Why do planes fly at 36000 feet? ›

The biggest reason for this altitude lies in fuel efficiency. The thin air creates less drag on the aircraft, which means the plane can use less fuel in order to maintain speed. Less wind resistance, more power, less effort, so to speak. Spending less on fuel is also great for airlines, for obvious reasons.

What planes can cross the ocean? ›

Modern aircraft with two engines flying transatlantic (the most common models used for transatlantic service being the Airbus A330, Boeing 767, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787) have to be ETOPS certified.

Is flying over the ocean more turbulent? ›

Although, it may “feel” like we face more turbulence when flying over water bodies, it is not really so. Unless, of course, we are passing through a patch of cyclonic weather. In general, chances of turbulence are highest when we pass over mountains or cities with high-rises.

Is it better to fly over the sea or land? ›

As a result, flying over water really is no riskier than flying over land. So next time you take your seat for a flight across the Atlantic or Pacific, take comfort in knowing that rigorous plans have been put in place for the duration of your flight to ensure that you're kept safe.

What is the longest flight over the ocean? ›

The longest over water route in the world is the stretch between the U.S. mainland and Hawaii. Even between Hawaii and Tokyo there are alternate airports available, such as Midway Island (hence the name “Midway”). Going across the North Atlantic, alternates include Iceland and Greenland.

What is a ghost flight? ›

A ghost flight is a term used when airlines operate a regularly scheduled route with a plane containing less than 10% of the airline's total capacity. Some say these flights are unnecessarily adding to the environmental crisis, by contributing to carbon emissions without a significant benefit.

Why can't planes fly over Antarctica? ›

Thanks to the low visibility and undeveloped infrastructure, flying over Antarctica is extremely difficult. Specifically, because of the strong magnetic fields that surround the polar regions, navigating there, no matter how well-equipped the airplane is in terms of instrumentation, can be particularly challenging.

What is the longest overwater flight? ›

The longest over water route in the world is the stretch between the U.S. mainland and Hawaii. Even between Hawaii and Tokyo there are alternate airports available, such as Midway Island (hence the name “Midway”). Going across the North Atlantic, alternates include Iceland and Greenland.

What is the most mysterious flight in the world? ›

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China.

What is a midnight flight? ›

* 1. "late-night flight" are defined as flights that depart between 12:00 AM and 1:59 AM.

Are hidden flights illegal? ›

There can be consequences.

Hidden-city ticketing isn't illegal. Both United Airlines and Orbitz filed a federal lawsuit against Skiplagged founder Aktarer Zaman — and lost due to what CNN Money called a "technicality."

Why can't planes fly over Disneyland? ›

The sky over Disneyland in Anaheim and Walt Disney World in Orlando is "national defense airspace." Intentionally violating Mickey and Minnie's airspace, the alerts warn, could result in interception, interrogation and federal prosecution.

Is there a big hole in Antarctica? ›

Most polynyas in the Southern Ocean occur along Antarctica's coast. These temporary ice-free zones are oases for penguins, seals, and other Antarctic wildlife. The Weddell polynya, however, formed much farther from shore. Though they are just massive holes in the ice, polynyas can affect regional and global climates.

Is it illegal to go to the North Pole? ›

There is no international law governing the North Pole.

The waters at and surrounding the North Pole are governed by the same international laws that apply to all other oceans. And as the ice there begins to melt, the water above the seabed will remain international waters.

What is the deepest ocean in the world? ›

The Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest location on Earth.

Where is the deepest place on Earth? ›

The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench, which runs several hundred kilometers southwest of the U.S. territorial island of Guam. Challenger Deep is approximately 10,935 meters (35,876 feet) deep.

How deep has a human gone in the ocean? ›

Last year an expedition to the Mariana Trench made history by conducting the deepest crewed dive ever completed as it descended 10,927 metres into the Challenger Deep.

What is the shortest flight in the world? ›

On a good day, with favorable winds and light luggage, it takes 53 seconds. The journey, made two to three times daily, connects Westray, an island on the edge of Scotland's northerly Orkney archipelago, to the smaller, even more remote island of Papa Westray.

What is the longest straight flight in the US? ›

Non-stop flights (top 30, by great-circle distance)
1New York–JFK15,349 km (9,537 mi; 8,288 nmi)
2Newark15,344 km (9,534 mi; 8,285 nmi)
3Perth14,499 km (9,009 mi; 7,829 nmi)
4Dallas/Fort Worth14,472 km (8,992 mi; 7,814 nmi)
27 more rows

What is the shortest flight of all time? ›

The shortest flight in the world is a long-established air route between two of the Orkney Islands (Westray and Papa Westray) in Scotland. The distance is a mere 1.7 miles and with favorable winds, the flight often lasts less than a minute!

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