Core Characteristics of Impact Investing (2024)

The Core Characteristics of Impact Investing define the baseline expectations of what it means to practice impact investing. Providing this level of clarity to the market will help investors understand what constitutes credible impact investing and the Core Characteristics serve as a reference point for investors to identify practical actions they can take to scale their practice with integrity.

As the global champion for the impact investing industry, the GIIN has been advocating for the use of investment capital to contribute to improvements in people’s lives and the health of our planet since our founding in 2009. The amount and diversity of capital for impact investing has increased dramatically in the past ten years, with the current impact investing market estimated to be USD 1.164 trillion, marking the first time the GIINs widely-cited estimate has topped the USD 1 trillion mark. Yet, more capital is needed to address the pressing challenges of our time. This is why the GIIN has made scaling the market with integrity a key focus of our ambitions for the market.

For impact investments to contribute effectively to positive social and environmental impacts and for the approach to remain credible, the financial markets need clarity on expected practice and the terms of participation in the impact investing market. As such, the GIIN has developed the Core Characteristics of Impact Investing, refined in partnership with leading impact investors, to define what constitutes credible impact investing. These Core Characteristics will help investors understand the essential elements of impact investing, define the credibility of their practices, and consider the quality of the practices of potential investment partners.

Download the Core Characteristics of Impact Investing

Four practices define impact investing.

The set of Core Characteristics below aims to provide clear reference points and practical actions to establish the baseline expectations for impact investing.

  • 1. Intentionality

    Impact investing is marked by an intentional desire to contribute to measurable social or environmental benefit. Impact investors aim to solve problems and address opportunities. This is at the heart of what differentiates impact investing from other investment approaches which may incorporate impact considerations.

  • 2. Use Evidence and Impact Data in Investment Design

    Investments cannot be designed on hunches, and impact investing needs to use evidence and data where available to drive intelligent investment design that will be useful in contributing to social and environmental benefits.

  • 3. Manage Impact Performance

    Impact investing comes with a specific intention and necessitates that investments be managed towards that intention. This includes having feedback loops in place and communicating performance information to support others in the investment chain to manage towards impact.

  • 4. Contribute to the Growth of the Industry

    Investors with credible impact investing practices use shared industry terms, conventions, and indicators for describing their impact strategies, goals, and performance. They also share learnings where possible to enable others to learn from their experience as to what actually contributes to social and environmental benefit.

These Core Characteristics of Impact Investing complement the GIIN’s existing definition of impact investments, which are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return.

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About the Global Impact Investing Network

The Global Impact Investing Network is the global champion of impact investing, dedicated to increasing its scale and effectiveness around the world.Impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return.

LoadingCore Characteristics of Impact Investing (3)

Core Characteristics of Impact Investing (2024)


What are the four characteristics of impact investing? ›

GIIN sets out four features of impact investing, helping to distinguish it against other forms of investing. These four characteristics are (1) Intentionality, (2) Evidence and Impact data in Investment Design, (3) Manage Impact Performance, and (4) Contribute to the growth of the industry.

What are the core principles of impact investing? ›

Impact investing is marked by an intentional desire to contribute to measurable social or environmental benefit. Impact investors aim to solve problems and address opportunities. This is at the heart of what differentiates impact investing from other investment approaches which may incorporate impact considerations.

What are the three components of impact investing? ›

The main elements of impact investing include:
  • Intentionality. Impact investing is purpose-driven. ...
  • Measurable Impact. Impact investments have measurable, quantifiable and transparent outcomes. ...
  • Expected Returns. Like traditional investments, impact investments involve an assessment of risk and return.
Oct 25, 2023

What are the characteristics of impact? ›

An impact can be positive or negative, intended or unintended. An outcome is the level of well-being experienced by a group of people, or the condition of the natural environment, as a result of an event or action.

What are the concepts of impact investing? ›

Impact investing is an investment strategy that seeks to generate financial returns while also creating a positive social or environmental impact.

What are the four pillars of value investing? ›

In summary, The Four Pillars of Investing is an important tool for investors looking to design a more successful investment portfolio. Investors can make better financial decisions by comprehending the four pillars of theory, history, psychology, and business.

What are the 5 dimensions of impact? ›

The five dimensions include what the intended outcome is, who experiences it, how much of the outcome is experienced, the contribution of the business to that outcome, and the risk that the impact doesn't happen as planned.

What are the stages of impact investing? ›

Developing an impact investing strategy and taking subsequent action steps can be organized into three stages: PREPARE, BUILD, and REFINE. We explore each of these phases in detail in this guide.

What are the criteria for impact fund? ›

Impact funds develop investment selection criteria to identify suitable investments that align with their impact objectives. These criteria may include sector focus, geographic region, ESG performance, and impact potential, among others.

What are the 3 P's of investing? ›

So why do we invest anyway? Now there's an obvious question, right? It's right up there with “Why do we go on diets?” But try finding obvious answers.

What are the 3 A's of investing? ›

Remember the 3 A's for retirement saving: amount, account, and asset mix.

What do impact investors do differently? ›

By definition, impact investing means doing something different. Traditional investors focus on financial returns; impact investors must make an intentional 'contribution' to measurable social and environmental outcomes.

What are the five pillars of impact? ›

The 5 Pillars of Impact

The B Corp certification process measures five pillars of a company's impact which include (1) governance, (2) workers, (3) community, (4) environment and (5) customers.

What are the key indicators of impact? ›

An impact indicator is a measurable variable or metric used to assess the progress and effectiveness of an organization's activities in achieving its intended impact. It provides quantitative or qualitative evidence of the outcomes or changes resulting from implementing programs or initiatives.

What are the 5 areas of impact? ›

For example, Gartner recommends 5 main impact areas to examine: Financial, Reputation, Regulatory and social, Production output, and Environmental.

What are the major four 4 assets of an investors portfolio? ›

In finance, asset class is often used to describe a group of investments that are similar and are subject to the same regulations. There are four main asset classes – cash, fixed income, equities, and property – and it's likely your portfolio covers all four areas even if you're not familiar with the term.

What are the four key principles of investment? ›

  • Goals. Create clear, appropriate investment goals. An investment goal is essentially any plan investors have for their money. ...
  • Balance. Keep a balanced and diversified mix of investments. ...
  • Cost. Minimize costs. ...
  • Discipline. Maintain perspective and long-term discipline.

What four factors are investments characterized by? ›

Investments are characterized by four main factors: degree of volatility, rate of return, risk, and liquidity.

What are the four basic investment considerations? ›

More specifically, consider these four factors, and how they might need to be altered for optimal success throughout your time as an investor.
  • Goals. ...
  • Time Frames. ...
  • Risk Management Strategies. ...
  • Tax Considerations.
Mar 10, 2016

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