How to Display Paintings at an Art Show (2024)

How to display paintings at an art show including: portable art display ideas for large canvases, tips for displaying smaller prints and cards, and general craft booth design best practices.

Large paintings, photographs, and other types of wall art are usually displayed on the walls of a portable tent at craft shows.

You can display your art on your tent walls using:

  • portable gridwall panels
  • chains or sturdy straps
  • a mesh sidewall panel system that is specifically designed for art displays and attaches to your craft tent frame

If you're looking for a mesh panel art display system, Flourish is a popular brand.

Do not confuse mesh panels designed for art display with mesh netting walls used for keeping bugs out of a portable canopy. Mesh bug netting is not designed to support the weight of your paintings.

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Consider Displaying a Painting on an Art Display Easel

Some artists use a display easel to show their work at art fairs. An easel can be placed at a front corner of your booth to help draw attention to your work. It's an effective way to feature one of your most eye-catching paintings.

Look for a sturdy art display easelthat isn't too light, so it will stand up to some wind at outdoor shows. Some easels come with clamps that hold your art in place, making them more sturdy.

Check the dimensions of any art display easel you buy. Make sure the height is appropriate for your needs. Also, check the size and weight of canvas it will hold to ensure it will work with the art you want to display.

How to Display Art Prints for Sale

Smaller art prints and cards can be displayed effectively using:

  • wood crates
  • baskets
  • greeting card display racks

Choose the Right Tables to Display Your Art Prints

If you use a tabletop display for your prints, be aware of your display's height and width.

How to Display Paintings at an Art Show (1)Art prints by The Critter Co. on display at a craft show

Rachel, owner ofThe Critter Co., has displayed her work (pictured here) beautifully at eye level and left plenty of space for shoppers to browse.

Standard tables are approximately 30 inches high, which is too low for shoppers to browse comfortably. A tabletop display should be raised to counter height, so shoppers can browse without bending over.

Also be careful about the width of your table. Many tables are 30-36 inches wide, which can be too big for a 10x10 foot craft booth.

Luckily, there areportable, adjustable height tables on the market that are just 24 inches wide, which is a better fit for most 10x10 art booth spaces.

Protect your Art Prints and Cards

You do want to encourage shoppers to browseyour prints and cards because that can boost the chances of them buying. However, all of that handling can cause wear and tear on your prints.

You can protect your prints from the wear and tear of browsers' handling with clear plastic bags. They are an affordable investment in protecting your inventory and can be purchased at art supply shops.

Best Practices for Displaying Paintings at an Art Show

Finally, when designing your art display, keep in mind these best practices:

  • Large-scale art draws shoppers' attention from a distance.
  • Grouping a series of paintings or a unified color scheme adds impact and drama.
  • Displaying a large piece on an outside wall can draw customers from more directions.
  • The color of your backdrop impacts your display and must enhance your art.
  • Good lighting is essential to show your work at its best.

Large-scale art draws shoppers' attention from a distance

The next photo shows gorgeous paintings by artist Therese Boisclair displayed in her booth at an outdoor show. Notice how well her striking work draws attention to her space.

How to Display Paintings at an Art Show (2)Beautiful paintings by artist Therese Boisclair.

If you have larger, eye-catching pieces to display, you may not need the help of additional signs or merchandising props. Your paintings will speak for themselves.

If, on the other hand, you work on a smaller scale, consider creating a larger version of one of your most impactful items to help customers see your work from a distance. A large-scale poster of your art can accomplish this task easily.

I've worked with my local print shop to create an original, large-scale poster. They were affordable and fabulous to work with. The end result looked great, and the work was completed quite quickly.

You can get this kind of work done online, but if you have a print shop in your area, and you want to create a large-scale poster for your booth, they can be a great place to start your research.

Grouping a series of paintings or a unified color scheme adds impact and drama

If you have several pieces that share a unified theme or color scheme, don't break them up. Hang them together as a group. Art displayed in a unified groupingwill create a more impactful and dramatic display.

Displaying a large piece on an outside wall can draw customers from more directions

If your booth space is at the end of a row, and one side of your tent is open to customer traffic and sightlines, consider displaying a large, eye-catching canvas on the outside-facing wall. It will give approaching customers a look at your style before they even reach your booth and can help draw shoppers from more directions.

The color of your backdrop impacts your display and must enhance your art

Think carefully about the color of the backdrop you use.

How to Display Paintings at an Art Show (3)

Most often, paintings are displayed against a white backdrop at art fairs. If you use mesh display panels, they are easy to find in white, and if you use another system to hang your art, like grid wall panels, you can use white tent sidewalls as a backdrop to block the view beyond your tent. White is a good, neutral choice that works well in most settings.

You'll also see some art displayed against a black background. Black creates a rich and dramatic look, and it is neutral, so it won't fight against the colors in your work.

Occasionally, artists use color or a natural wood backdrop on the walls of their display space. That look can work if it suits the art on display, but do be aware that a backdrop that isn't neutral can affect the impact of your work.

If you choose to use a colored backdrop, make sure it enhances, and doesn't work against, the aesthetic of your art.

Good lighting is essential to show your work at its best.

All kinds of craft show booths benefit from good display lighting, including art displays. It's easy to overlook lighting, but, particularly if you're displaying in large halls, effective portable lighting is essential to showing your work at its best.


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  • Photos of Art Show Displays

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How to Display Paintings at an Art Show (2024)


How do you hang paintings at an art show? ›

The rule of thumb is to hang art at eye-level, with the centre of the painting or grouping 57-60 inches from the floor. By placing the centre of the artwork at eye level, it can be viewed comfortably. Using a standard height throughout an exhibition creates continuity giving the gallery a professional look.

How do you showcase a painting? ›

5 Inspiring Ways to Display Artwork in Your Home
  1. Arrange a Large Original Painting, Canvas, or Metal Print by Itself. ...
  2. Purchase a Frame that Matches the Style of Your Living Space. ...
  4. Lean Smaller Framed Drawings and Paintings on the Shelves on Your Wall. ...
  5. Arrange the Artwork in Pairs.

Can command strips hold up paintings? ›

Command™ adhesive holds strongly to a variety of surfaces: painted, stained or varnished wood, glass, tile, metal, painted drywall and other smooth surfaces.

Where can I showcase my paintings? ›

Some maintain small gallery spaces and show work to clients by appointment. Other venues: Churches, university galleries, libraries, upscale bookstores, upscale hair salons, architecture firms, interior design firms, law offices, convention centers, airports and private clubs.

What makes a good art display? ›

A successful display of art is all about scale, balance and composition but also about style and mood. Group small pictures together but go for larger scale artwork in a busy space to create a sense of balance.

How do you stage a painting for sale? ›

Here are a few potential ways to stage your paintings: Take your painting and put it in a room setting and take a photo of it. Put it next to a photo of the painting itself. Let the potential buyer see what the proportions are and how the colors “work” against a wall.

Is it OK to hang unframed canvas? ›

Canvases can be secured on the wall without a frame, too, but only if they're not too large or unweildy—and they'll look better if the sides of the canvas are painted rather than blank; simply prop the open section inside the wood frame onto two sizeable nails (which will keep the piece more level than using one).

What can I use instead of a picture frame? ›

15 Creative Photo Display Ideas That Don't Need Frames
  • Idea 01. Light up your prints.
  • Idea 02. Opt for a photo hanger.
  • Idea 03. Branch out for a natural display.
  • Idea 04. Pull those binder clips out of the drawer.
  • Idea 05. Consider a photo easel.
  • Idea 06. Frame around prints with washi tape.
  • Idea 07. ...
  • Idea 08.

Is it better to sell art framed or unframed? ›

A cheap, inappropriate frame will instantly make the art look cheap too, even if the viewer doesn't consciously realize that's happening. In fact, a good frame actually helps sell art. Many galleries will insist on the right frame of very good quality. So, it's important to frame your artwork when it will be displayed.

When should you not use Command strips? ›

You're using them on rough surfaces

Command strips can only be applied to smooth surfaces. Avoid adhering them to brick walls, textured wallpaper, concrete or timber.

What is the heaviest a command Strip will hold? ›

Our Strongest Hold, Still Damage Free.

Holds up to 10lbs. Hang heavy items up to 15lbs with damage-free Command Utility Hooks. Get those backpacks, gym bags and sports equipment up off the floor.

What do you use to hang heavy art? ›

For pictures that weigh between 5 and 20 pounds, a good option is plastic drywall anchors and for pictures between 20 and 50 pounds, you can use a metal wall anchor or make sure to use a wall stud. For anything heavier, or a good all around solution for hanging multiple pictures, use a rail cable hanging kit.

How do you display a large painting without hanging it? ›

How to Display Artwork Without Hanging it on the Wall
  1. An Art Easel.
  2. Frame TV.
  3. Lean Art Against the Wall.
  4. Place Art in a Decorative or Non-Operational Fireplace.
  5. Use a Bookcase or Large Cabinet.
Aug 18, 2019

How do you hang a painting so it doesn't lean forward? ›

Using paired hangers and hooks is also a great way to keep the picture level and prevent side-to-side leaning. Use small “bumpers” on the lower corners of the work. These can reduce the angle of lean by moving the bottom of the work outward slightly from the wall.

What should be included in an art presentation? ›

These might include brief background and explanatory information about what your art signifies or represents, what being an artist means to you, what drives you to create art, where your ideas or inspirations originate, how you incorporate them into your work, what your creative process is like, and so on.

How do you give a good art presentation? ›

Here are 9 tips to help make your next artist talk more painless, more entertaining and more successful:
  1. Remember, you are the top authority on your artwork.
  2. Construct a Storyline.
  3. Start with some freewriting.
  4. Rehearse your story like you are rehearsing a play.
  5. Keep it simple.

What do you say when someone shows your art? ›

try these compliments:
  1. I've never seen anything like it.
  2. Your work reminds me a little bit of _________________ (name a famous artist – but NOT Thomas Kincaid.)
  3. You are really hitting your stride.
  4. My friend/co-worker should really see this.
  5. I recognized it as your work immediately.
Mar 30, 2015

Should I pay to exhibit my art? ›

Yes and No. When we pay an amount of money anywhere is to receive certain services. With the same token, paying fee to exhibit artwork is to receive all the potentials of promotion, exposure and possible sales as the normal expectations. That is said, sale of artwork can't be guaranteed in any exhibition.

What kind of paintings are in demand? ›

What Type Of Art Is In Demand?
  • Watercolor paintings.
  • Landscape prints.
  • Abstract landscapes.
  • Contemporary paintings.
  • Wildlife and Animals.
  • Figure Paintings.
  • Offset-litho prints.

Where can I showcase my art for free? ›

14 Free Places To Promote Your Art Online
  • Facebook Page & Groups.
  • Instagram.
  • Wetcanvas Forums.
  • Reddit (Art Related Sub-Reddits)
  • Pinterest.
  • Deviant Art.
  • Your Website & Blog.
  • Steemit.
Oct 26, 2017

How do you show unframed canvas? ›

How to Hang Canvas Art without Frame
  1. Want to hang up canvas art without a frame? ...
  2. With nails. ...
  3. With wire hooks. ...
  4. Use a long piece of wire (art wire would work best in this instance and can be found at most craft stores), and thread it through the two hooks or “o”s. ...
  5. By leaning.

How do I make my art exhibit successful? ›

  1. Set Your Goals. To pull off a successful exhibition, you first need to identify your goals and expectations. ...
  2. Pick a Desirable Venue or Space. ...
  3. Research Your Competitors. ...
  4. Get the Word Out. ...
  5. Create Helpful Promotional Material. ...
  6. Design a Great Display. ...
  7. Utilise Innovative Technology.

What are the four basic elements of performance art? ›

It involves four basic elements: time, space, body, and presence of the artist, and the relation between the creator and the public. The actions, generally developed in art galleries and museums, can take place in the street, any kind of setting or space and during any time period.

What are the 7 most important elements of art? ›

ELEMENTS OF ART: The visual components of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value.

What are the five procedures for painting? ›

Here is the whole process in 5 steps in creating painting.
  • Step 1: Drawing. This is how I start. ...
  • Step 2: Blocking in. ...
  • Step 3: Adding color. ...
  • Step 4: Adding layers. ...
  • Step 5: Finished painting.
Feb 17, 2015

What is the formula for hanging pictures? ›

Use this formula: Divide the height of the frame by two; from that number, subtract the distance from the top of the frame to the hanging hardware; add this number to 57, 58, 59, or 60. The final sum is the height (measured from the floor), and where the hangers should be put into the wall.

Are Command Strips good for hanging pictures? ›

A: Don't automatically rule out 3M's Command strips, which are designed for easy, damage-free removal. They can be a good solution, but only if your artwork is relatively lightweight. The Command picture hangers, picture ledges and canvas picture hangers can hold about five to eight pounds, depending on the product.

How do art galleries hang paintings? ›

“The correct method of hanging is to use D-rings,” said Marilyn Murdoch, the owner of Katayama Framing, a Portland, Ore., installation company that serves West Coast museums and galleries. A D-ring is just what it sounds like: a metal ring shaped like the letter D that screws into the side rails on the back of a frame.

How are paintings hung in art gallery? ›

Hang your Art by its Center

The artwork's center should be 57 inches from the ground to match average eye level. People shouldn't strain themselves to view the artwork. By placing the center of the artwork at eye level, it ensures the art can be admired comfortably.

What is the 57 rule for hanging pictures? ›

The golden rule of hanging a picture is to have the center of the photo be at 57 inches. This reflects the standard eye-height of the average person, and is used as a standard in most art galleries and museums.

How do you hang art like a professional? ›

6 Tips for Hanging Art Like a Professional
  1. Choose a pattern. The rule of thumb is that artwork should be easily viewable, regardless of if it's one work or multiple works hanging as a group. ...
  2. Work within the space. ...
  3. Make a “rough draft” before hanging. ...
  4. Consider your color schemes and themes first. ...
  5. Match up different sizes.
Dec 2, 2015

How high should paintings be hung in a gallery? ›

"Fifty-seven inches (144 centimetres), give or take an inch or two, is about the average sight line for a human being," the book's co-author Jay Sacher explained.

Do pictures look better with mounts? ›

Picture mounts are beneficial for a variety of reasons. They provide protection and support, as well as improving the visual appeal of pictures and photographs. Choosing the right colour for your picture mount can highlight and enhance key elements as well as making the image look bigger.

How do you show pictures without hanging? ›

How to Display Artwork Without Hanging it on the Wall
  1. An Art Easel.
  2. Frame TV.
  3. Lean Art Against the Wall.
  4. Place Art in a Decorative or Non-Operational Fireplace.
  5. Use a Bookcase or Large Cabinet.
Aug 18, 2019

How do you attach art to a mount? ›

In order to fully support the artwork, it should be attached to the under mount and not to the window mount. The simplest way of doing this is with a T-hinge. Normally two T-hinges are used, each consisting of two pieces of tape. Of course, the type of tape you use for attaching the artwork is very important.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.