Italian Culture - Etiquette (2024)


Primary Author

Nina Evason,

Basic Etiquette

  • It is common for Italian friends and families to kiss on the cheek when they meet, irrespective of their gender.
  • Stand up out of respect when an older person enters the room.
  • It is important to dress neatly and respectfully.
  • Cover your mouth when yawning or sneezing.
  • Hats should be removed indoors.
  • It is impolite to remove one’s shoes in front of others.
  • Punctuality is not tight in social situations. In Italy, ‘on time’ can mean 20, 30 or even 45 minutes late.
  • Open doors for the elderly. Men often open doors for women.
  • Stand to greet any senior person that walks into the room.


  • It is common to visit friends, especially on Sundays and holidays.
  • Italians from villages may visit each other unannounced; however in the cities, people plan most social engagements to fit within schedules.
  • Some Italians find it rude to take off one’s shoes in front of others.
  • Punctuality is not mandatory. It is acceptable to arrive 15 to 30 minutes after the designated time.
  • Dinner guests often bring a gift of wine, chocolates or flowers.
  • Offering compliments about the host’s home or provided meal is a good way to break the ice.
  • Typically, elders enter a room first.
  • It is common for men to stand when a woman first enters a room. This is the same for children when an adult first enters a room.
  • If you are visiting somebody’s house just before dinner time, it is expected you will stay for the meal.
  • Make sure to compliment the cleanliness and decor of someone’s home. Italian women often take great pride in the appearance of their houses.


  • Italians generally wait for their host to sit before they do so and wait for them to indicate it is time to eat.
  • Some Italians may pray and say ‘grace’ before eating a meal.
  • Guests are invited to start eating when the host or head of the table says “Buon appetito”(Enjoy your meal).
  • If bread is on the table, try not to fill up on it before the main course begins. Use it to absorb the sauce at the end of the meal.
  • Some meals on special occasions can take hours to finish as conversation continues.
  • It is improper to put one’s hands on one’s lap, or to stretch one’s arms while at the table.
  • Resting one’s elbows on the table is also considered to be poor manners.
  • Do not leave the table until everyone has finished eating.
  • Drinking beverages other than water or wine with a meal is quite uncommon.
  • If someone does not want more wine, the typical custom is to leave the wine glass nearly full.
  • It is generally impolite to eat whilst walking.
  • Guests are not expected to help the host clean up after a meal.
  • Breakfast is not a big meal in Italian culture and is sometimes skipped.
  • Traditionally, Italians eat lunch together as a family. However, this is not always practised in the fast-paced environment of the modern day.
  • Outdoor (al fresco) dining is very popular in the summer months.

Gift Giving

  • Gifts are often open in front of the giver when received.
  • It is common for Italians to wrap gifts in decorative and beautiful wrapping. However, avoid wrapping a gift in black or purple. These colours symbolise mourning/grief and bad luck respectively.
  • Avoid giving knives or scissors as gifts. These are considered bad luck.
  • With the exception of alcohol, giving specialty foods from one’s country may not be well received by your Italian counterpart.
  • It is considered bad taste to clearly showcase how much was spent for a gift. Take care to remove or cover the sticker price.
  • If giving flowers, be aware that chrysanthemums symbolise death and are used at funerals. Yellow flowers can indicate jealousy whilst red flowers may indicate love, passion or secrecy.

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Italian Culture - Etiquette (2024)


Italian Culture - Etiquette? ›

It is common for Italian friends and families to kiss on the cheek when they meet, irrespective of their gender. Stand up out of respect when an older person enters the room. It is important to dress neatly and respectfully. Cover your mouth when yawning or sneezing.

Is eye contact important in Italy? ›

Eye Contact: Direct eye contact is expected and held during conversations. In some places in Italy, people may inadvertently stare out of curiosity. However, be aware that staring is generally considered rude and can also represent an act of defiance if a person of low social status stares at someone higher than them.

What do Italians gift each other? ›

Wine and food are very popular gifts; during the holiday season, one of the most common gifts is a “cesto natalizio”, or Christmas basket bursting with sweet and savory goodies.

How do Italians show affection? ›

Showing affection in public is very common in Italy. If you want to show your affection for someone, hold hands while walking together or embrace each other in public. Kissing is the number one way that Italians show affection. They kiss everyone: friends, relatives, children, grandparents…you name it!

Is it respectful to tip in Italy? ›

First off, tipping in Italy is neither mandatory nor expected, but if you do decide to do so, the gesture is a very clear indicator that you appreciated the service provided.

What do Italians value the most? ›

What is Italian culture known for? Italian culture is known primarily for the importance of family. Food also plays a huge role in Italian culture, as it brings families and friends together.

What do Italian people value? ›

It is pretty well-known that Italians enjoy a slower pace of life. They appreciate the small things, take their time, and find beauty in the everyday aspects of life. A family meal, a coffee with friends, or a leisurely passeggiata (stroll) are all to be cherished in the Italian culture.

What are common Italian values? ›

Love in Italy is also friendship, attention, solidarity and the ties that bind both traditional and newly-minted. Love and attachment to people, to nature, art, culture and to work ennobles and energises the best of Italy.

What are family values in Italy? ›

Family Culture

Italians are extremely family-oriented, and it is common to live with extended family such as grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins. And if you do not live directly in the same household as your extended family, then they are no more than a walking distance from you or a 5 minute drive.

How do Italians greet each other? ›

The common verbal greeting is “Ciao” (Hello). This is quite casual. People may also say “Buongiorno” (Good day) or “Buonasera” (Good evening) to be more formal. Address a person by their title and last name, and continue to do so until invited to move to a first-name basis.

What is the most important things in Italian culture? ›

The famous elements of Italian culture are its art, music, cinema, style, and iconic food. Italy was the birthplace of opera, and for generations the language of opera was Italian, irrespective of the nationality of the composer.

How do you show respect in Italy? ›

The family is the most important affiliation in Italy. When being introduced during a business or social meeting, shake hands with everyone present -- men, women and children. Shake hands again when leaving. Ladies should extend their hand first to men.

How do Italians express love? ›

Other Italian phrases to express love besides "ti amo" include "ti adoro" (I adore you), "sei la mia vita" (you are my life), and "ti voglio tanto bene" (I love you very much).

How do Italians flirt? ›

After the first catchphrase, an Italian flirting strategy would usually proceed with a ton of compliments and sweet words accompanied by slow movements like holding your hand, caressing your face, blinking, winking, smiling, and looking in your eyes.

Can a woman wear shorts in Italy? ›

Italians love a nice pair of short shorts, and not just for women . Guys, girls, grandmas; everybody wears shorts, and they're probably a lot smaller than you're used to. If you're traveling to Italy during the summer, get ready to wear shorts that show a little thigh.

What are the 4 food rules in Italy? ›

Italian Food Rules – The Expanded List!
  • No cappuccino after 10:30 a.m. This is perhaps the most well-known, but warrants some explanation. ...
  • Keep it simple. ...
  • NO Parmigiano cheese with seafood. ...
  • Only water or wine with your meal. ...
  • Don't eat bread with your pasta. ...
  • No chicken on pizza or pasta. ...
  • No ice cubes in drinks.
Nov 28, 2021

What is a typical Italian breakfast? ›

Breakfast in Italy: what to expect

Homemade breakfast in Italy is usually a straightforward affair. Traditional breakfast drinks in Italian households are coffee, tea and cocoa milk for the kids and the main breakfast foods are bread with butter and jam, biscuits and cereals.

What is considered polite in Italy? ›

Basic Etiquette

It is common for Italian friends and families to kiss on the cheek when they meet, irrespective of their gender. Stand up out of respect when an older person enters the room. It is important to dress neatly and respectfully. Cover your mouth when yawning or sneezing.

What are the gender roles in Italy? ›

While men and women have equal rights in law, society is still largely male-dominated. Within the family dynamic, the man is usually the patriarch and considered the primary income earner. Traditionally, a woman was expected to fulfil roles of matrimony and motherhood.

What are some of Italy's beliefs? ›

Catholicism in Italy

Roman Catholicism has been a point of unification for Italy, and its influence on society remains very publicly visible. There are thousands of churches in the country and over 900 in Rome alone. The Catholic Church's statistics indicate that 96% of Italians were baptised as Catholic.

What is a typical Italian stereotype? ›

The most common Italian stereotypes include a love of pasta, expressive hand gestures, love of family, passion for football, that Italians have a passion for coffee, the opera, and Dante's Divine Comedy.

What personality trait do Italians have? ›

They are friendly, hospitable, generous, intelligent, good humoured, gentle, well-dressed, tasteful, and family oriented. And they don't get drunk and vulgar. There are also many other positive characteristics too.

What is the lifestyle of Italian people? ›

Italian lifestyle is largely imitated all over the world. It is made up of small and big habits that create a peculiar and sought-after image. Italians value and celebrate all aspects of life, such as spending time with family and friends, eating and drinking well, and enjoying beauty in all its forms.

What are Italian family traditions? ›

In Italian culture, families socialize and celebrate often. Even on a regular day, they'll meet in each other's homes for dinner or head to restaurants together. Food equals love and tradition in Italian culture. If you enjoy Italian recipes, cooking, and eating, you're surely going to love being married to an Italian!

What is unique about Italian? ›

Italy is famous for the Renaissance and the incredible artists it produced. Italy is famous for its tourism, its art cities and unique scenery. Italy is also known for its language, its opera, its fashion and its luxury brands. It is also known for its football team!

How are Italians in relationships? ›

A true Italian romance is taking things slowly, finding pleasure in dating, and playing a game of courtship. For Italians, the prelude to the relationship is as important as the relationship itself. But don't expect to settle down quickly because they want to make sure you're the right person for them.

What is the average family size in Italy? ›

Italy had an average household size of 2.28 people in 2021. The indicator recorded a year-on-year decline of 0.4% in 2021. Between 2010 and 2021, the indicator decreased by 3.4%. The average household size in Italy was highest in the years 2010 and 2013 and lowest in the year 2021, between 2010 and 2021.

What do Italians call their fathers? ›

In Italian, you can use papà and babbo to refer to your dad.

What is the Italian kiss? ›

In Italy, it is a common practice to greet someone with a light kiss on both their cheeks. This is true even if you are just newly acquainted or if you have known someone for quite a long time.

Do Italians do one kiss or two? ›

Italy: Two kisses is standard, but watch out — Italians tend to start with the left cheek. Also, try to save it for casual social environments (not networking events).

What do Italians love to talk? ›

Italians love to talk about food. The aroma of a simmering ragú, the bouquet of a local wine, the remembrance of a past meal: Italians discuss these details as naturally as we talk about politics or sports, and often with the same flared tempers.

What time do Italians go to sleep? ›

11:00pm – Midnight.

What is a popular Italian saying? ›

Here are some famous Italian sayings: a caval donato non si guarda in bocca (don't look a gift horse in the mouth), chi dorme non piglia pesci (you snooze, you lose), parla bene, ma parla poco (speak well, but speak little), tutto è bene ciò che finisce bene (all is well that ends well).

What are the Italians best known for? ›

When we say Italy, Pizza, Pasta and the famous Rome come to our mind. Italy is worldwide famous for its Art, culture, food, beautiful location, and architecture.

Which cultures avoid eye contact? ›

For example, in African-American cultures, eye contact with authority figures may be viewed as disrespectful. Similarly, among some Asian groups, eye contact between strangers could be considered shameful. In some Latino cultures sustained eye contact may be viewed as disrespectful.

Is eye contact important in Europe? ›

Eye contact is one of the most important forms of nonverbal communication, but may communicate very different things to people of various cultures. In Portugal, as in most Western European countries, it is proper and polite for individuals to maintain eye contact with patients during a conversation.

What does the eye mean in Italy? ›

The curse of the malocchio is said to come from the root of envy. Another superstitious belief of the Italians, to never brag or say how well they're doing. The evil eye can be traced back to the Romans in Italy where people were punished if they were said to have put a curse on another.

In what culture is eye contact important? ›

Eye contact is expected in Western culture, it is a basic essential to a social interaction which shows a person's interest and engagement with your conversation. In Western cultures eyes are considered to show the central point of a person's focus.

In what country is eye contact disrespectful? ›

In fact, in Japanese culture, people are taught not to maintain eye contact with others because too much eye contact is often considered disrespectful. For example, Japanese children are taught to look at others' necks because this way, the others' eyes still fall into their peripheral vision [28].

Do people who find you attractive avoid eye contact? ›

Can avoiding eye contact mean attraction? Yes, avoiding eye contact can be a pretty good sign that a person is into you. For instance, you are in a crowded place, and you notice someone gazing at you, but as soon as your eyes meet, they look away. After some time, you may catch them looking at you again.

What cultures are high contact? ›

Higher contact cultures stand closer to each other, make more eye contact, speak louder and incorporate touch more frequently. Examples of high contact cultures include those from the Middle East, Latin America and Southern Europe.

What is the European gaze? ›

The idea of progress, which drove and legitimized human domination over nature, the perpetual pursuit of techno-scientific advancements, the instituting of capitalism, and the establishment of rationalistic social controls were to characterize mainly the European comparative gaze.

What do most Americans signal by making eye contact? ›

Eye Contact (oculesics) — refers to the role of eye contact in communication. US-Americans depend on direct eye contact as a sign of active listening and, often, sincerity and honesty.

Why do Middle Easterners avoid eye contact? ›

In some Middle Eastern countries, eye contact between members of the same gender is a sign of trust while direct eye contact between a man and a woman is considered inappropriate and flirtatious. Also, keep in mind that non-native English speakers could avoid eye contact in order to focus on the conversation.

What does two fingers up mean in Italy? ›

"what do you want?"), alternatively described as ma che vuoi?, ma che dici?/ma che stai dicendo? ("what are you talking about?"), or simply che? ("what?"), is one of the best known hand gestures of Italy. In English, it is sometimes referred to as "pinched fingers" or "finger purse" (Italian: mano a borsa).

What is the stink eye in Italian? ›

Many of our Italian relatives believe in superstitions. One of the more popular superstitions is the Malocchio (mal=bad occhio=eye) or the evil eye. It's the look that one person gives to another if they are jealous or envious.

What does fingers crossed mean in Italy? ›

Fingers Crossed

It means 'I swear it', or 'I promise it'. By making this gesture you are also signalling that you will stay quiet and not say a word.

Is eye contact flirting? ›

Flirting using eye contact is great because it doesn't require you to think of witty lines, or even to know very much about your crush. Eye contact is one of the most powerful ways that people convey attraction, but it's also subtle enough to be fairly risk free if you don't yet know if your crush is interested.

Is it rude to close your eyes when someone is talking to you? ›

You may be perceived as rude, unfriendly or even arrogant. Depending on the circ*mstances, you may appear to be submissive or overly dominant. Generally, a lack of eye contact when someone is speaking communicates submission, while avoiding eye contact when questioned or queried indicates deceit.

What does it mean when a guy holds eye contact? ›

When a guy stares into your eyes and doesn't look away, he may be trying to size you up. Intently staring can be a good thing and might mean that he likes what he sees. Research indicates that in many cases of prolonged eye contact, both parties are interested in each other or maybe aroused.

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