What to Wear in Italy (2024)

Last updated on June 25th, 2021

I spent four months in Rome in 2008. After I read your JW page, I opted to bring just one pair of jeans. I regretted that decision when I found jeans are much more common than I believed. You can dress comfortably. I wouldn’t recommend your sorority sweatshirt and sweatpants, but jeans are very common. Scarves are very common. Dress in layers because you’ll notice the weather can change quickly. Always have an umbrella!

Ashley, Colombia, MD, USA

EDITOR’S NOTE: Thank you for contributing, Ashley. Your email is why we welcome everybody’s point of view on what to wear, where. There is no definitive answer in this section. Travelling women should make their clothing decisions based on their age, whether they dress for comfort at all costs or more formal reasons. Everybody is right. Most important factor — always think cultural correctness. We ask readers to read through all the suggestions and then make their decisions based on their own needs and wants.

In Italy, wearing shorts or miniskirts will label you as a foreigner (especially an American) very quickly! And if you are travelling in Autumn months, pack a waterproof jacket or an umbrella. The weather can become quite cool and rainy during the afternoon and evening hours in Tuscany.

Christine, Raleigh, USA

When traveling in Italy, don’t ever wear short skirts. Even if you see Italian models wearing them, it is not considered the norm. Men will see it as an invitation to grab your bottom and pinch you. There’s an unfortunate stereotype that North Americans are ‘easy’, and this will only further that idea. Sneakers are only worn for playing sports like soccer, but you can get away with them if you must. Don’t wear sneakers to restaurants however. Good comfortable leather shoes are more appropriate. In religious places it is considered immoral to dress too revealingly and they will not let women in with their arms showing or a short skirt. Skirts must be ankle length, or wear pants. Carry a light sweater to throw on over your arms. Jeans are not rare among the younger kids, but don’t wear them baggy. Italy is the fashion capital of the world! To blend in wear fitted pants (or if you must wear jeans make sure they are snug for both men and women). Money belts and fanny packs make you stick out as a tourist. I’d suggest a purse, leather totebag or backpack. I would not suggest you wear clothing specific to other ethnic groups if you want to blend in though here has been more ethnic diversity in recent years. Deodorant is not common in Italy and is very difficult to find, so pack your own ahead of time. Some people suggest bringing a silk scarf along to cover your arms for a church but you will only look silly. Remember above all churches are places of worship; if they have art there that’s only secondary. Remember to respect the people worshipping there by trying to dress appropriately. Hope this was helpful!

Shanna, New York, USA

Be sure your clothes fit well. Italians hate sloppy or oversized clothing and will stare at Americans traveling alone or in groups who just don’t get it. They feel that presenting a “bella figura” is a personal responsibility, even when traveling.

Judy, Santa Cruz, USA

In Italy be as conservative as possible. If you have blonde hair, cover it up as the Italian men will be like bees round honey.

Rebecca, Oxford, England

After spending three months studying in Rome and traveling many other places around Italy, I noticed how differently you are treated if you dress well. Wearing the same top, one day with jeans and sneakers and the next day with black slacks and black leather boots; there’s a world of difference! Italians appreciate people who are well-dressed and give them more respect and attention.

Christina, Front Royal, USA

Pants were fine, especially the black, gray and khaki. Blue Jeans are not as commonly worn as they are in the United States, however one or two pair would be okay, depending on your packing practices. I went on an excursion to a village on the Mediterranean Sea. I wore long khakis which were great for the time of year and the visit to the cathedral. I wish however that I brought some shorts for the beach since my pants got wet from trying to wade.

Marsha, Ohio, USA

I visited St. Peter’s in Rome during the summer which is very hot and humid. To other JourneyWomen I suggest wearing a skirt which covers your knees. What I did was to carry a skirt and a scarf in my small travel bag. I would wear my skirt on top of my shorts and cover my shoulders with my scarf. That way I was sure to fit in anywhere — since sometimes they don’t even accept long Bermuda shorts. I would also suggest those zipped shorts-pants. You could add the bottom parts of your pants when needed. This advice is also good for most churches in Italy.

Sophie, Quebec, Canada

For five weeks of study and travel in Italy, I tried to pack light. My absolute *best* pre-departure buys are: Dark sunglasses – they protect your privacy, believe it or not. People (especially Italian men) can’t tell if you’re looking at them, if you’re looking desperately for a street sign, if you’re feeling less than confident. Mona Winks is the name of a book not clothing – I’m not being paid to plug Rick Steves’ self-guided tours through famous European museums – honest. But this book was worth every pretty penny I paid.

Megan, Winnipeg, Canada

Feel free to be glamorous and stylish in Italy. I was in Rome and Florence in December when it is quite chilly. I noticed many of the women were wearing beautiful floor-length, wool sweater coats (mostly gray and black) and I bought one in Florence for $40 US and a beautiful silk scarf to drape over it ($4 US). With high-heeled black leather boots I packed from home and black leather gloves (bought from the marketplace in Florence),I not only looked and felt totally Italian vogue, but I stayed warm too.

Sabrina, Miami, USA

Don’t wear sleeveless or strapless clothes if you intend on visiting churches, even if it’s just to view the art. A cardigan, scarf, or short sleeved shirt/blouse to cover-up will come in handy. Also, no matter where you go, you could feel dumpy and under-dressed in comparison to the well-dressed Italian women so make sure you are comfortable and stylish by dressing in a classical & minimalist way. This leaves room for the accessories you are sure to buy while in Italy.

Joelle, Halifax, Canada

I studied abroad in Italy last year, and one of the things I learned was how important fashion is to the Italians. Call me naive, but I felt tennis shoes and jeans were the perfectly logical choice for long day trips and weekend excursions. I stuck out like a sore thumb at the beginning… then I learned. It’s not that dressing casually is all that bad–it just gives you away as an American, which would be good and bad in certain situations. Comfortable yet classy shoes are a great asset, as are quality–but not necessarily extravagant–handbags. After all, as I forgot, Italy is one of the fashion capitals of the world. “When in Rome…”

Jennifer Bryant, Athens, Georgia

When visiting Vatican City, St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome don’t wear shorts, or tops with plunging necklines. Conservative decent dress is respectful.

Chelsea, Manilla, Philippines

It tends to rain in Venice all throughout the spring and summer so don’t be surprised when the entire city floods as the canals overflow. Just pack a pair of sensible shoes and an umbrella as you don’t want to be wading through the 3 inch deep water in San Marco square in open toed sandals.

Leslie Ehm, London, England

When you travel in Italy, wear long, loose, comfortable skirts with flowing long-sleeved blouses. Short, tight skirts, shorts, and bare arms are not permitted in the many churches one might visit there.

Mary Smith, Oakdale, USA

I traveled in Italy and would like to pass along this advice. When visiting St. Peter’s in Rome make sure your shoulders are covered and that your shorts or skirt comes to your knees. The guards will NOT let you in if you do not meet these requirements.

Stephanie, Philadelphia, USA

I have travelled in Northern Italy for the past three years, and yes, no sloppy clothes, no fanny packs or money belts (as suggested by RS). A good leather purse makes you look like a local. Young Italians do wear jeans, but very trendy jeans and always with high heels (not the best choice for walking on cobblestones). Also, no Vancouver fleece. I always pack cotton and linen in black, and try for one great dress that can go to museums or out for dinner.

Leslie, Vancouver, Canada

What to Wear in Italy (2024)


How should I dress when I go to Italy? ›

Summary of What To Wear in Italy
  1. Get travel clothing that fits you well.
  2. Invest in a few quality pieces of merino wool for a versatile capsule wardrobe.
  3. Linen is the unofficial fabric of summer in Italy.
  4. Short shorts are the way to go (for men and women )
  5. Dust off that travel blazer and look like a local.

What kind of clothes do they wear in Italy? ›

The women wear colorful embroidered skirts and bodices over light-weight chemises or blouses, with elaborate hats decorated with flowers or fruit. Men's traditional clothing tends to be simpler, but doesn't lack from attention to detail, with embroidery and metal buttons and pins.

Should I wear sneakers in Italy? ›

In Italy, we do not wear sneakers in the office but we do wear them if we travel, if we are sightseeing and in any informal situation. Do not go for a less comfortable shoe out of this misconception, sneakers are perfect for Italy (see below for tips on stylish ones).

What do most Italian people wear? ›

The traditional Italian dress is generally characterized by colorful embroidered skirts and bodices over lightweight chemises or blouses. Hair accessories and headwears are also very common, as well as elaborate hats decorated with flowers or fruit.

Is it OK to wear jeans in Italy? ›

Are jeans appropriate to wear in Italy? While Europeans tend to dress up more than Americans, you still can wear jeans in Italy. However, avoid acid wash and extremely distressed denim and opt for medium-dark blues and blacks. Black skinny jeans always look chic in Europe!

Can you wear short dresses in Italy? ›

In religious places it is considered immoral to dress too revealingly and they will not let women in with their arms showing or a short skirt. Skirts must be ankle length, or wear pants.

How should an American dress in Italy? ›

To dress in Italy, opt for clothes with clean lines that fit you well, like button-down shirts for men and capri pants for women. Additionally, choose classy shoes such as boots or ballet flats, since Italians generally frown on wearing things like flip flops in public.

Do Italians wear jeans in Italy? ›

Skinny jeans or capri trousers are stylish spring options for women. But remember, Italians tend to go high-end even with their denim - so keep 'em rip-free! Men should typically avoid anything they might wear to the beach, gym, or football game, and instead opt for stylish loose linens or fitted chinos.

Can I wear sneakers to dinner in Italy? ›

Sneakers are fine also in Italy, but again, maybe not in a fancy restaurant. So consider taking also some nice pair of shoes with you.

What is shoe etiquette in Italy? ›

Italians dress head to toe, and shoes are a dealbreaker.

Most Italians don't shell out for custom shoes these days, but they do pay attention to their footwear and even athletic shoes are worn clean, perfectly maintained, and coordinated with the rest of the outfit.

What do you wear on a plane to Italy? ›

Layers are key: As with any flights, layers are particularly important on long flights. It's impossible to tell if the AC will be stalled while you sit on the runway, so start with a simple cotton shirt, and be sure to bring a more stylish cardigan or sweater to layer on top.

What not to wear in Italy in summer? ›

Absolutely avoid the Hawaiian print, khaki shorts, flip-flops and baseball caps. You will immediately be recognized as a tourist and there might be a few eye-rolls along the way. Even if summer in Italy is scorching hot, it's not uncommon to find men dressed in button-down shirts and well-fitted trousers.

Is it rude to not wear a shirt in Italy? ›

The temptation to strip down to your bikini or whip off your shirt to catch a breeze may be hard to resist, but walking around in beach attire or, worse, shirtless, is a huge no-no in Italy, unless you have your feet buried deep in the sand.

Do you tip in Italy? ›

First off, tipping in Italy is neither mandatory nor expected, but if you do decide to do so, the gesture is a very clear indicator that you appreciated the service provided.

Are white pants OK in Italy? ›

Pile on the neutral colors

Meanwhile, the “no white after Labor Day” rule in Italy doesn't exist: Locals love winter white, especially for jeans and sweaters.

What time is dinner in Italy? ›

The Typical Italian Dinner

Italian dinner or la cena, usually from 8:00 to 10:00pm, is another time that Italians enjoy sitting down together and socializing. Dinner can be much later than 10:00pm, especially if eating out or dining at a friend's house.

What are the 4 food rules in Italy? ›

Italian Food Rules – The Expanded List!
  • No cappuccino after 10:30 a.m. This is perhaps the most well-known, but warrants some explanation. ...
  • Keep it simple. ...
  • NO Parmigiano cheese with seafood. ...
  • Only water or wine with your meal. ...
  • Don't eat bread with your pasta. ...
  • No chicken on pizza or pasta. ...
  • No ice cubes in drinks.
Nov 28, 2021

What do you wear to dinner in Rome? ›

When deciding how to dress in Rome for an evening out, go for airy clothes, like dresses and skirts and loose shirts paired with sandals or espadrilles. Maxi dresses are always great – it's just too hot to have anything close to your skin.

Do you have to dress nice in Italy? ›

Italy doesn't call for a certain dress code, as you're free to wear whatever you please. With that being said, I'm sure that some trendsetters fear looking too 'touristy. ' If you want to blend in, there are a few aesthetics that you should know of.

Do people wear flip flops in Italy? ›

Italians can spot an American from a mile away; because, well, they are wearing flip-flops. And yes, this is a real thing, Italian's just don't wear flip-flops.

How should Americans behave in Italy? ›

10 Dos & Donts of Italian Travel Etiquette
  1. #1 DO be conscious of how you dress. ...
  2. #2 DONT try to say “ciao” when first meeting someone. ...
  3. #3 DO remember to look after your belongings. ...
  4. #4 DONT forget to look both ways when crossing the street. ...
  5. #5 DO remember to cover your knees & shoulders. ...
  6. #6 DONT forget to learn the basics.
Sep 22, 2018

How do you style in Italy? ›

The requirements change according to the specific Anagrafe where you are applying, but you do have to provide the following documents:
  1. Proof of the reason why you are in Italy (such as a work contract or enrollment in an Italian university).
  2. Proof of accommodation in Italy.
  3. Your ID information.

What kind of pants do you wear in Italy? ›

I see some women do that, but trust me: jeans are not what to wear in Italy in the summer. It's simply too hot for them. On the other hand, light cotton or linen pants will keep you cool, will protect you from the sun and even from the awful mosquitoes that are found in many Italian cities – including Rome.

Can you wear jeans to dinner in Italy? ›

The etiquette for wearing jeans to a dinner party really depends on the party itself. If it's a casual get-together, then jeans are perfectly acceptable. However, if it's a more formal affair, it's probably best to stick to dressier pants or a skirt.

What is the most fashionable city in Italy? ›

The Italian city of Milan is recognised internationally as one of the world's most important fashion capitals, along with Paris, New York and London.

What is a typical Italian breakfast in Italy? ›

The most common classic breakfast food in Italy is the “cornetto”, or croissant. A cornetto is often filled with some kind of cream, custard, jam or chocolate spread, and accompanied by a coffee.

What special rules must you follow when dining in Italy? ›

Implement these customs when you're eating at an Italian restaurant or in the company of Italian diners.
  • Pass food to your left.
  • Don't eat with elbows on the table.
  • Proper handling of utensils.
  • Don't use a spoon to eat pasta.
  • Tip between 10 to 15 percent for excellent service.
Oct 3, 2022

Should you wear heels in Italy? ›

While picturing yourself in a pair of sophisticated heels, walking around the bustling streets of Italy that fantasy probably doesn't involve cobblestone streets and sore feet. Yet, that's the reality of it. So, while we all love to dress up, it's best to avoid the heels because they'll leave you uncomfortable.

What do Italians eat for breakfast? ›

What is this? Homemade breakfast in Italy is usually a straightforward affair. Traditional breakfast drinks in Italian households are coffee, tea and cocoa milk for the kids and the main breakfast foods are bread with butter and jam, biscuits and cereals.

Is it rude to not finish food in Italy? ›

According to Italian etiquette, you should leave a very tiny amount of food (or no food) on your plate. Leaving food on the plate is considered rude in Italy. Italy has, in fact, developed a culture that places a high value on food and eating.

What are the shoe rules? ›

NEVER ever pass out at a party with your shoes on. This is because of one of the simplest of rules: if one falls asleep with their shoes still on, it gives the remaining conscious members of the party the right to mess with said slumbering drunk.

Do Europeans wear New Balance? ›

New Balance is another very great brand that you'll see all over Europe. We've been wearing them for years so it's nice to see Europeans discovering them as well.

What items can I not bring into Italy? ›

Italy Prohibited and Restricted Items
  • All forms of asbestos fibers.
  • All products containing the biocide dimethylfumarate (DMF)
  • Animal skins.
  • Atlantic red tuna fish (Thunnus Thynnus) originating from Belize, Panama, and Honduras.
  • Biological Substance Cat B, UN3373.
  • Books: hardback/paperback non-comm.

How do I pack a suitcase for Italy? ›

Top packing tips for Italy
  1. Double check your travel documents. Passport. ...
  2. Keep your luggage lean. How much luggage you take to Italy is a personal choice but we recommend that you avoid taking large suitcases. ...
  3. Check the weather for each destination that you are visiting. ...
  4. Choose your shoes wisely. ...
  5. Leave space in your case.
Feb 12, 2023

What mask to wear on flight to Italy? ›

For some cases, FFP2 or KN95 masks are required.

What not to wear in Rome? ›

Loose or ill-fitting clothing, ripped or stained items, and anything athleisure will look out of place in Rome (except perhaps near the Colosseum or Vatican City, where you'll almost exclusively be surrounded by other tourists).

Do people wear Birkenstocks in Italy? ›

The slim, strappy design of the Birkenstock Yara is ideal for Italy as they can be dressed up for the evening along with wearing them all during the day. They also come in a range of colours to suit any style and personality.

What not to wear in Milan? ›

Avoid packing thick fabrics, and even denim could be too heavy to wear in the summer. Denim shorts aren't really worn in Milan–pack culotte pants that are just as light to wear. For added versatility, these are popular convertible travel dress styles!

How to not dress like an American in Italy? ›

  1. Dress Nicely. Europeans tend to dress much less casually than we do in the States. ...
  2. Keep Your Shoes On. ...
  3. Shoulders And Knees Must Be Covered In Church. ...
  4. Don't Call During Pisolino. ...
  5. Punctuality Is Not A Priority. ...
  6. Italians Don't Wait In Line. ...
  7. Fare La Bella Figura. ...
  8. Familiarize Yourself With Campanilismo.
Jul 22, 2021

What is considered disrespectful in Italy? ›

It is improper to put one's hands on one's lap, or to stretch one's arms while at the table. Resting one's elbows on the table is also considered to be poor manners. Do not leave the table until everyone has finished eating. Drinking beverages other than water or wine with a meal is quite uncommon.

What are quiet hours in Italy? ›

Most of your neighbors are average Italian citizens with families and full-time jobs, in need of 7-8 hours of sleep every night. By law, silence is required between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and again between 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Please respect this law by keeping noise to a minimum during these hours.

Can we drink tap water in Italy? ›

The short answer is yes. Drinking water from the tap in Italy is considered safe. Tap water in the major cities and towns around Italy is safe for consumption, and there are thousands of old-style water fountains dotted around cities, like Rome, where you can fill up water bottles.

Can you use US dollars in Italy? ›

Can I pay with dollars in Italy? You can only pay with euros in Italy. Dollars or other hard currency is not accepted outside of banks/ change offices. At most, foreign currency is accepted at a high conversion ratio as a courtesy.

What face coverings do I need for Italy? ›

Do I need to wear a face mask in Italy?
  • Wearing face masks is required in some public places.
  • For some cases, FFP2 or KN95 masks are required.
Apr 5, 2023

What are the beauty standards for Italy? ›

7 Rules of Italian Beauty
  • 1: Sun kissed skin. Italians are synonymous with beautiful skin and many of us dream to have their sun kissed tone. ...
  • 2: Expressive lips. Italians love to talk… a lot. ...
  • 3: Gold highlights. Tan loves gold! ...
  • 4: Classic eyes. ...
  • 5: Messy hair. ...
  • 6: Bella Figura. ...
  • 7: La dolce vita.

Do you have to dress modest in Italy? ›

Good Manners. Women should dress modestly in Italy – churches and some museums often require it. Signs outside many churches detail clothing that is not permitted: usually shorts, bare arms, low-cut dresses and short skirts for women; and shorts, bare arms and tank tops for men.

What can you not bring to Italy? ›

Italy Prohibited and Restricted Items
  • All forms of asbestos fibers.
  • All products containing the biocide dimethylfumarate (DMF)
  • Animal skins.
  • Atlantic red tuna fish (Thunnus Thynnus) originating from Belize, Panama, and Honduras.
  • Biological Substance Cat B, UN3373.
  • Books: hardback/paperback non-comm.

Do you still wear a mask in Italy? ›

Nonetheless, it has been noted that the requirement to wear a face mask will remain in place for certain indoor places, such as hospitals and care homes. Apart from lifting the mask requirement, Italy has also dropped the COVID-19 Green Health Pass.

Do you have to wear a mask in the Vatican? ›

Do I need to wear a face mask in Vatican City? Wearing a face mask is required in some cases.

What is the Italian standards body? ›

UNI – Italian National Standards Body

UNI is a participatory centre where thousands of experts from all fields work in synergy with professionals, companies and consumers to create a large shared wealth of knowledge.

Do you tip beauty services in Italy? ›

Tips are not necessary for spas, massages, barbers, or hairdressers. Tipping is not expected for personal services like spa treatments, haircuts, or beauty salon services in Italy. As always, if the service is extraordinary, then leave a cash tip in the amount of 10 percent of the total cost.

What is the average weight for a woman in Italy? ›

The average weight of Italian men and women

On average, Italian men weigh around 160 pounds (73 kg) and Italian women weigh around 140 pounds (64 kg). These numbers are comparable to the average weight of men and women in other Western nations.

What are Italian looking features? ›

What do Italian People Look Like?
  • Olive Skin. Like Greek people and Spanish people, Italians generally have darker skin tones than their neighbors from Central Europe and Scandinavian countries. ...
  • Natural Glow. ...
  • Dark Eyes. ...
  • Pointed Nose. ...
  • A Sharp Face.
Mar 2, 2023

Can you wear sneakers to dinner in Italy? ›

Sneakers are fine also in Italy, but again, maybe not in a fancy restaurant. So consider taking also some nice pair of shoes with you.

Is fashion important in Italy? ›

Italy is one of the most famous countries in the world for fashion. It is known for creating the most high-quality, beautiful items in the world. Italians dress very well, and they take pride in how they look. "La bella figura" is a way of life in Italy.

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