What to Wear in Italy: An Italian Style Guide and Packing List - Tortuga (2024)

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Italy is one of the most visited countries in the world and with good reason. Few places on Earth deliver such outstanding experiences in food, art, architecture, history, and, yes, fashion. In fact, fashion is one of the things the country is best known for. There’s a reason that any list of the world’s most luxurious brands will feature so many Italian names. You might be feeling a bit stylistically intimidated and wondering what to wear in Italy so that you won’t look like a tourist.

While it does pay to look spiffy, you don’t need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe of Versace or Fendi. Below you’ll find a solid overview of how to dress in Italy, as well as a helpful packing guide.


Travel Backpacks


Pack everything you need without checking a bag.


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The Best Travel Backpack for Italy

The first thing you need to consider before traveling to Italy is what bag will best suit your needs. From my experience, a carry-on-sized travel backpack is your best option, particularly if your visit to Italy is part of a larger trip through Europe. When you’re getting on and off planes or trains at different European capitals, you don’t want to put up with the hassle of repeatedly checking and collecting baggage.

I recommend the Tortuga Travel Backpack, which I have personally carried through many years of travel. The Outbreaker Backpack fits within carry on guidelines while maximizing the packability of every square inch afforded to you. From my experience having tested a wide range of bags from all the leading brands, the Outbreaker offers more capacity in a carry on than any other travel backpack.

At the same time, the Outbreaker has unrivaled organization. With multiple compartments featuring an array of pockets and packing features, you can put everything in its place. And it’s comfortable enough to wear for hours on end, which is essential when you find yourself lost in the backstreets of Rome trying to locate some hard-to-find Airbnb.

What to Wear in Italy: An Italian Style Guide and Packing List - Tortuga (2)

Style Guide: 8 Must-Pack Items to Wear in Italy

This article is a style guide for traveling to Italy, so that you can adhere to Italian fashion better than the average traveler. This is not a complete packing list.

Here are my eight biggest style tips for packing for Italy so you look as chic as any Italian on the street.

Wear Clothes that Fit Well

Italians don’t dress that much differently than people in other European countries. Yet, for many people, Italians are the epitome of chic. Why? Because Italians care about how well their clothing fits. Yes, some Italians rock a $2,000 tailored wool suit, but even cheap clothes look great when they fit well.

Fitted shirts, snug pants, and streamlined blouses are hallmarks of Italian fashion. Even when women’s fashion embraces a bit of drape—like linen culottes—the waistline is cinched or tailored to perfection.

You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on the newest “stylish” clothing to look quintessentially Italian. Just get clothing that fits well.

Your outfit can be as simple as a great-fitting t-shirt and jeans, and you’ll look and feel appropriately sophisticated.

Embrace Wool and Linen

Italians have an almost mythical ability to look put together all the time. They manage this effortless brilliance with a great fit and a few simple, seasonal fabrics.

Merino wool is a great travel fabric because it handles sweat and heat in the summer and cold and wet in the winter with the same ease. Pick up a few basic merino wool t-shirts and finish off your stylish packing list with one to two merino button-downs, and you’ll be prepared to explore the ruins of Rome or the cafes of Florence like a local.

Keep the prints simple. Better yet, opt for solid neutral colors to mix and match for multiple outfits that work at sunset happy hour or a late night club in Campo di Fiori.

The same goes for linen. I’ve never been the biggest fan of linen since it can wrinkle in transit. However, summer in Italy gets hot, and linen is the coolest fabric for sweltering days. Find a pair of linen pants or shorts you can wear while exploring the town and bring along a nice linen top to wear with jeans or shorts for happy hour aperitivos by the river.

Pack Button Downs and Collared Shirts

Italy is the place for a simple, classic button-up. Even if you’re not a button-up kind of person, you’ll want at least one nice-looking shirt for going out. Especially once you see how classy Italians can be.

I recommend a nice linen or cotton blend long-sleeve button-up that breathes so you can roll the sleeves up during the day. Transition into a put-together nighttime look by adding a blazer or just rolling the sleeves down.

A nice button-up shirt goes a long way—for men and women—but it shouldn’t look stiff or formal.

For summer, add a pop of color with a fun print for going out during the day or clubbing at night. Bring at least one nice shirt with a collar in Italy so you don’t stick out. The Italian dress code demands it.


Travel Backpacks


Pack everything you need without checking a bag.


  • Carry-on-sized
  • Easy to pack
  • Comfortable to carry
  • Built to last

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What to Wear in Italy for Women: Short Shorts are So Chic

Italians love a nice pair of short shorts, and not just for women. Guys, girls, grandmas; everybody wears shorts, and they’re probably a lot smaller than you’re used to. If you’re traveling to Italy during the summer, get ready to wear shorts that show a little thigh. Italian style is pretty skimpy.

Pack a pair of colored travel shorts, and you’ll look like a local. Opt for a little extra “Italian” touch with a wild pattern if you’re looking to make an impression. When it comes to shorts, there are no rules. Go for it.

What to Wear in Italy for Men: Your Blazer

If you’ve ever thought that travel blazers seem stylish and handy but you don’t know when to wear them, Italy is the right place for you. You can class up nearly any outfit with a well-made travel blazer.

Opt for a good fit over a bunch of needless “travel” features like secret pockets and rain-wicking nonsense. Find a travel blazer that you’d actually want to wear somewhere other than a plane, and you’re set. As for color, you can’t go wrong with a navy blazer in just about any situation.

Sunglasses are Stylish (and Safe)

Your mom was right: you should protect your eyes. Luckily, sunglasses are in style in Italy.

“Sports” sunglasses aren’t worn much in Italy, so leave the Oakleys at your dad’s fishing cabin. Opt for a nice pair of wayfarers, à la vintage James Dean, or timeless Ray-Bans.

Vintage styles work well in Italy, so dust off some throwback shades and bask in the jealous glare of other tourists as you get invited to all the Aperol spritz rooftop parties.

If you’re not sure what to wear, you can always pick up a pair of cheap knock-offs from the guys on the street in Rome or a really expensive pair in a boutique. Your call.

Have Fun With It

The best part about traveling to Italy is that Italians couldn’t care less about what you do. If you’ve ever wanted to experiment with some avant-garde style, Italy is the place for you.

Italians can be incredibly stylish, but style doesn’t just mean coloring within the lines. Italy is full of artists, designers, dreamers, and heroes who dress a little differently than the rest.

Try out some new styles and see what happens. If you’re authentic to yourself, you’ll always be a hit in Italy.

Invest in a Few Nice Pieces

The final key to packing for Italy is to relax.

You don’t need to load your bag with tons of high-fashion looks. Remember, you’re still traveling. Keep your bag as light as possible when you travel to Italy. Most of the places you’ll want to visit are hundreds of years old, and Italy has lots of six-floor walk-up apartments and hilly, cobblestone streets.

Keep your packing list small with a few stylish, quality basics that you can wear with just about anything. Create a streamlined capsule wardrobe using the tips above and you’ll be well on your way to looking Italian. Remember, well-crafted, simple clothing that can be worn at the beach or in the piazza sipping an Aperol spritz is all you need.

Not sure if you’re bringing too much? Lay out all of the clothes you’re thinking of packing. Does everything go together? Can you mix and match most pieces for multiple looks? Remove items that only go with one other piece and sub in a couple of do-everything basics like stylish travel pants and merino shirts to handle most of your day-to-day looks.

The key to Italian fashion isn’t looking like you just stepped off the runway. The trick is to look as good as that old man walking to the corner or the impossibly chic barista making your coffee. If you look like them, you’re doing great.

What to Wear in Italy: An Italian Style Guide and Packing List - Tortuga (4)

What Not to Wear in Italy

While Italians are notoriously relaxed about certain things, they can be a bit dismissive if you look out of place. Plus, Italy is more fun if you try a little to blend in. You might actually soak up a little of il dolce vita if you walk a mile in another man’s Italian loafers.

I know they’re comfy, but don’t packCrocs or any other items mentioned below.

Leave the Socks at Home

Here’s a fun fact. Italians don’t really wear socks, or at least not ones you can see. Many Italian men and women simply buy nice espadrilles or loafers and skip socks altogether. This chic look goes well with a cuffed pair of travel chinos or culottes. The best part is that socks are one less thing to pack.

A stylish pair of leather strap sandals are also a go-to for many Italian women. Feel free to leave the high heels at home.

Don’t Wear a Snapback Cap

I love my Wallowa trail hat from Tillak, but it’s a trail hat and not built for a stylish Italian vacation. Italy is not the place to rock a baseball cap, no matter how cool it looks back home.

Caps and snapbacks immediately mark you as a tourist in Italy (and most of Europe). The best case when wearing a ball cap is sticking out. Worst case, you become a target for theft, scams, harassment, or getting ripped off by Italians.

If you have to wear a hat to protect you from the sun, snag a more stylish travel hat for your Italian adventure or pick one up when you’re there.

Summary of What To Wear in Italy

Italian fashion is a timeless art, but you can look like a local with a few simple pieces of quality, stylish travel clothing. Opt for a great fit over a flashy look, invest in a few simple pieces, and keep it light and mobile. You’ll be living that la dolce vita faster than the sun sets over the Forum (it happens fast).

  • Get travel clothing that fits you well
  • Invest in a few quality pieces of merino wool for a versatile capsule wardrobe
  • Linen is the unofficial fabric of summer in Italy
  • Short shorts are the way to go (for men and women)
  • Dust off that travel blazer and look like a local
  • Ditch the socks and embrace slip-on shoes
  • Pack it all in a stylish travel backpack
What to Wear in Italy: An Italian Style Guide and Packing List - Tortuga (2024)


How do you dress in Italian style? ›

Wear classic colors like navy, black, and white.

While certain Italian styles utilize loud, bold colors, most Italian fashion prioritizes a more understated, timeless elegance. Wear clothes with a more classic color palette like dark blue, black, cream, white and tan.

Can you wear jeans in Italy? ›

Jeans are a good choice or skirts in light fabrics. Match your bottoms with a quality tee or pretty blouse, and don't forget a sweater and light jacket for layering on cold days and evenings. Bring a waterproof outerwear item, such as a light trench coat, for unexpected rainstorms.

How to dress in Italy for me? ›

Summary of What To Wear in Italy
  1. Get travel clothing that fits you well.
  2. Invest in a few quality pieces of merino wool for a versatile capsule wardrobe.
  3. Linen is the unofficial fabric of summer in Italy.
  4. Short shorts are the way to go (for men and women )
  5. Dust off that travel blazer and look like a local.

Can you wear sneakers in Italy? ›

The best ones to pack are those that come with a rubber sole and cushioning for walking. If you prefer to keep your feet covered, closed-toe sandals light summer sneakers are also a good choice; however, make sure they are truly breathable as the temperatures in Italy can be scorching!

How should a 60 year old French woman dress? ›

Keep It Simple. A French woman over 50 will never wear overly-complicated clothing, as it can make her look older than she is. The best thing to do is keep it simple by wearing plain pieces that don't have patterns or embellishments.

What is considered beautiful in Italy? ›

7 Rules of Italian Beauty
  • 1: Sun kissed skin. Italians are synonymous with beautiful skin and many of us dream to have their sun kissed tone. ...
  • 2: Expressive lips. Italians love to talk… a lot. ...
  • 3: Gold highlights. Tan loves gold! ...
  • 4: Classic eyes. ...
  • 5: Messy hair. ...
  • 6: Bella Figura. ...
  • 7: La dolce vita.

How to dress like a classic Italian woman? ›

The key to nailing classic Italian style is focusing on the basics. Italian women love neutral colors, high-quality fabrics, and minimal accessories. They want to look clean-cut, so heavily printed fabrics are a no-no here. Some people think that Italians love bold colors, chunky jewelry, and heels.

Are white pants OK in Italy? ›

Pile on the neutral colors

Meanwhile, the “no white after Labor Day” rule in Italy doesn't exist: Locals love winter white, especially for jeans and sweaters.

Can I wear a short dress in Italy? ›

In religious places it is considered immoral to dress too revealingly and they will not let women in with their arms showing or a short skirt. Skirts must be ankle length, or wear pants.

What kind of pants do they wear in Italy? ›

Skinny jeans or capri trousers are stylish spring options for women. But remember, Italians tend to go high-end even with their denim - so keep 'em rip-free! Men should typically avoid anything they might wear to the beach, gym, or football game, and instead opt for stylish loose linens or fitted chinos.

What is personal appearance in Italy? ›

Personal Appearance

Men should wear fashionable, high-quality suits. Shirts may be colored or pin-striped, and they should be paired with a designer tie. Women dress in quiet, expensive elegance. Slacks are generally not worn by either sex.

Do you tip in Italy? ›

First off, tipping in Italy is neither mandatory nor expected, but if you do decide to do so, the gesture is a very clear indicator that you appreciated the service provided.

What size do I wear in Italy? ›

Clothing Sizes ( The simple version of Italian clothes sizes )
8 more rows
Oct 9, 2022

What items can I not bring into Italy? ›

Italy Prohibited and Restricted Items
  • All forms of asbestos fibers.
  • All products containing the biocide dimethylfumarate (DMF)
  • Animal skins.
  • Atlantic red tuna fish (Thunnus Thynnus) originating from Belize, Panama, and Honduras.
  • Biological Substance Cat B, UN3373.
  • Books: hardback/paperback non-comm.

Do you wear heels in Italy? ›

In terms of the style of the shoe, you will see Italians wear even the skinniest stiletto, however if it's your first time, I suggest a stacked heel.

What is shoe etiquette in Italy? ›

Italians dress head to toe, and shoes are a dealbreaker.

Most Italians don't shell out for custom shoes these days, but they do pay attention to their footwear and even athletic shoes are worn clean, perfectly maintained, and coordinated with the rest of the outfit.

What should a 70 year old woman wear? ›

In your 70s, it's a good rule of thumb to avoid looking too prim, too girly, or preppy. However, it's the perfect time to experiment with arty styles like tailored sweater coats, wide-leg pants, unusual clutches, and colorful patterns.

How can a woman over 60 look classy? ›

5 Tips For Dressing in Your 60s
  1. Big patterns, bold colors. ...
  2. Breathable Fabrics Reign Supreme. ...
  3. Embrace the unexpected. ...
  4. Balance timeless with trends. ...
  5. Mix textures and metals. ...
  6. Eye-catching accessories. ...
  7. Denim that fits like a dream. ...
  8. Updated basics.

What is a typical Italian breakfast in Italy? ›

The most common classic breakfast food in Italy is the “cornetto”, or croissant. A cornetto is often filled with some kind of cream, custard, jam or chocolate spread, and accompanied by a coffee.

How to tell an Italian woman she is beautiful? ›

By far, the most common compliment in Italian is bello (“beautiful,” “nice” ), which can be used to both compliment a person's look and to praise an object's or animal's appearance. Sei una bella ragazza. (“You are a beautiful girl.” ) Sei un bel ragazzo.

What is the average weight for a woman in Italy? ›

The average weight of Italian men and women

On average, Italian men weigh around 160 pounds (73 kg) and Italian women weigh around 140 pounds (64 kg). These numbers are comparable to the average weight of men and women in other Western nations.

Do Italians wear a lot of makeup? ›

So, what is makeup's role in a country where most people always try to dress well and look good? Well, Italians don't normally use as much makeup as you might expect. A typical Italian look, which I've recreated for you today, will usually feature very few products.

What do Italians eat for breakfast? ›

What is this? Homemade breakfast in Italy is usually a straightforward affair. Traditional breakfast drinks in Italian households are coffee, tea and cocoa milk for the kids and the main breakfast foods are bread with butter and jam, biscuits and cereals.

What defines Italian style? ›

Italian style is characterized by understated luxury and modernism, as well as glamour and sensuality. Fashion designers in Italy are not considered "artists" so much as skilled workers within an industrial system.

Should I bring jeans to Italy? ›

Light pants

I see some women do that, but trust me: jeans are not what to wear in Italy in the summer. It's simply too hot for them. On the other hand, light cotton or linen pants will keep you cool, will protect you from the sun and even from the awful mosquitoes that are found in many Italian cities – including Rome.

Can you walk without a shirt in Italy? ›

Keep Your Shirt On

The temptation to strip down to your bikini or whip off your shirt to catch a breeze may be hard to resist, but walking around in beach attire or, worse, shirtless, is a huge no-no in Italy, unless you have your feet buried deep in the sand.

What not to wear in Italy in summer? ›

Absolutely avoid the Hawaiian print, khaki shorts, flip-flops and baseball caps. You will immediately be recognized as a tourist and there might be a few eye-rolls along the way. Even if summer in Italy is scorching hot, it's not uncommon to find men dressed in button-down shirts and well-fitted trousers.

What are the 4 food rules in Italy? ›

Italian Food Rules – The Expanded List!
  • No cappuccino after 10:30 a.m. This is perhaps the most well-known, but warrants some explanation. ...
  • Keep it simple. ...
  • NO Parmigiano cheese with seafood. ...
  • Only water or wine with your meal. ...
  • Don't eat bread with your pasta. ...
  • No chicken on pizza or pasta. ...
  • No ice cubes in drinks.
Nov 28, 2021

Can you wear shorts to dinner in Italy? ›

Don't Wear Shorts.

Although summer in Italy can be rather hot, you'll rarely see Italian women wearing shorts. The best way to fit in would be to stay away from revealing too much skin, but still look stylish at the same time- try a flowy skirt instead.

Do you need to take euros to Italy? ›


Also during your entire travel I would suggest this small amount to be kept and pay with your credit card as much as possible. Each Region you travel in will have different quantity of Bancomat dispersed in a town, the Euro is the ONLY currency used in Italy.

What do Italians call jeans? ›

jeans = jeans. pinocchietti / pantaloni alla Capri = Capri pants. pantaloni del pigiama = pijama pants. pantaloni da tuta / ginnastica = sweatpants.

Can you wear flip flops in Italy? ›

You can definitely wear flip flops in Italy but this is not something I recommend in cities.

Do Italians wear linen pants? ›

Linen is your best friend and it's what all the Italians are wearing. I saw so many Italian women in long, flowy linen dresses and men in linen shirts and even linen trousers.

How do you make a good impression in Italy? ›

First impressions are particularly important to Italians. When you are introduced to someone you have never met before, greet them with a brief, firm handshake with direct eye contact and a welcoming smile. Italians place a lot of importance on polite eye contact.

What is the Italian standards body? ›

UNI – Italian National Standards Body

UNI is a participatory centre where thousands of experts from all fields work in synergy with professionals, companies and consumers to create a large shared wealth of knowledge.

What color eyes do Italian have? ›

Italians have all different eye colors including brown, hazel, green, and blue. There are blonde, brunette, and red-haired Italians. The more North you move in Italy the more frequently you will see Italians with blue eyes. The map below illustrates this trend.

Do you tip 20% in Italy? ›

Often a party will just round up the check by a few euros, say, for instance leaving €55 for a €52 check. If you want to tip more than that, you still don't need to leave more than 10 percent of the total check. Tips of 15 percent to 20 percent, while standard in U.S. restaurants, are just unheard of in Italy.

What time is lunch break in Italy? ›

In Italy, lunch or il pranzo, is usually served and eaten from 12:30 to 2:30pm. Although, most Italians will eat their midday meal promptly at 1:00pm everyday.

Can we drink tap water in Italy? ›

The short answer is yes. Drinking water from the tap in Italy is considered safe. Tap water in the major cities and towns around Italy is safe for consumption, and there are thousands of old-style water fountains dotted around cities, like Rome, where you can fill up water bottles.

What is a size 10 in Italy? ›

Men's Shoes
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What is a women's size 12 in Italy? ›

Italian Shoe Size to US
U.S. SizeEU SizeCM
15 more rows

What is a women's size 8 in Italy? ›

Women's Footwear Size Conversion Chart
United States58
United Kingdom36
Inches*8 11/169 11/16
3 more rows

What does a typical Italian woman wear? ›

Italian women love neutral colors, high-quality fabrics, and minimal accessories. They want to look clean-cut, so heavily printed fabrics are a no-no here. Some people think that Italians love bold colors, chunky jewelry, and heels. However, true Italian street style isn't about being flashy.

How should a 50 year old woman dress? ›

You can wear these basics to work, out to dinner and anywhere else:
  1. Dark denim, mid-rise, boot-cut jeans. ...
  2. Dark denim, mid-rise, straight-leg jeans. ...
  3. White jeans (boot-cut or straight-leg) ...
  4. Great-fitting pants. ...
  5. Black blazer. ...
  6. Black pencil skirt. ...
  7. Sweaters. ...
  8. Tank tops.
Nov 28, 2022

What are Italian beauty rules? ›

These 7 rules will bring you closer to the Italian art of beautiful living.
  • 1: Sun kissed skin. Italians are synonymous with beautiful skin and many of us dream to have their sun kissed tone. ...
  • 2: Expressive lips. Italians love to talk… a lot. ...
  • 3: Gold highlights. ...
  • 4: Classic eyes. ...
  • 5: Messy hair. ...
  • 6: Bella Figura. ...
  • 7: La dolce vita.

What are Italian looking features? ›

What do Italian People Look Like?
  • Olive Skin. Like Greek people and Spanish people, Italians generally have darker skin tones than their neighbors from Central Europe and Scandinavian countries. ...
  • Natural Glow. ...
  • Dark Eyes. ...
  • Pointed Nose. ...
  • A Sharp Face.
Mar 2, 2023

What is the average weight of an Italian girl? ›

The average weight of Italian men and women

On average, Italian men weigh around 160 pounds (73 kg) and Italian women weigh around 140 pounds (64 kg). These numbers are comparable to the average weight of men and women in other Western nations.

What is the most common clothing in Italy? ›

The traditional Italian dress is generally characterized by colorful embroidered skirts and bodices over lightweight chemises or blouses. Hair accessories and headwears are also very common, as well as elaborate hats decorated with flowers or fruit.

How do you dress elegant after 60? ›

5 Tips For Dressing in Your 60s
  1. Big patterns, bold colors. ...
  2. Breathable Fabrics Reign Supreme. ...
  3. Embrace the unexpected. ...
  4. Balance timeless with trends. ...
  5. Mix textures and metals. ...
  6. Eye-catching accessories. ...
  7. Denim that fits like a dream. ...
  8. Updated basics.

How do you dress mature and classy? ›

How to Dress Classy and Elegant
  1. Wear the right fit. ...
  2. Choose the right colors. ...
  3. Wear the right materials. ...
  4. Say hello to classy outfits. ...
  5. Avoid overexposing at work. ...
  6. Wear classic accessories. ...
  7. Wear chic undergarments. ...
  8. Don't forget shoes.

What length dress should a 50 year old wear? ›

The ideal hemline length for most mature women will be short enough to highlight your calves, the prettiest part of your legs. That means the length will vary from the lower half of your knee to as much as 2 inches below your knee, or longer—depending on how full or narrow the skirt is.

How do I not dress frumpy at 50? ›

The best way to not dress old is to pick timeless colors such as black, beige, white, gray, or any other neutral colors. Of course, browns may look good on one skin tone and not the other, so make sure you're picking neutrals that will flatter your skin tone and make you look fresh.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.