Viltrumites (2024)

This is the Viltrumites from the comics. For the TV show species, see Viltrumites (TV).

Viltrumites (1)


Viltrumites (2)

Viltrumites (3) Name


Viltrumites (4) Identity

Viltrumites (6) Universe

Viltrumites (7) Base Of Operations

Viltrum(formerly), Earth, Viltrumite warship

Viltrumites (8) Body Type

Viltrumites (9) Average Height

6'0" (male), 5'11" (female)

Viltrumites (10) Average Weight

200 lbs (78 kg) (male), 137 lbs (62kg) (female)

Viltrumites (11) Hair

Viltrumites (12) Number of Limbs

Viltrumites (13) Number of Fingers

Viltrumites (14) Number of Toes

Viltrumites (15) Unusual Features



Viltrumites (16) Origin

Viltrum Empire

Viltrumites (17) Star System Of Origin


Viltrumites (18) Home Planet

Viltrumites (19) Place of Birth


First appearance


  • 1 History
  • 2 Powers and Abilities
    • 2.1 Powers
    • 2.2 Abilities
    • 2.3 Average Strength level
    • 2.4 Weaknesses
  • 3 Habitat
  • 4 Miscellaneous
  • 5 See Also
  • 6 Links and References


The Viltrumites are a race of warriors and planetary conquerors from the planet Viltrum. After their emperor, Argall, was killed by Thaedus[1], the Viltrumites engaged in a civil war by killing off the weak on their planet. The population was made into an unbeatable race, led by Thragg. The Viltrumites established the Viltrum Empire and turned their attention to conquering planets [2]. Thaedus founded the Coalition of Planets to combat their tyrannical ways [3]. The Viltrumite population would be cut down enormously by The Scourge Virus [4], ultimately leaving fewer than 50 of them. After the Viltrumite War with the Coaltion, there would only be 37 Viltrumites left in the universe. [5] Their ranks were replenished by Thragg's Children.

Powers and Abilities


  • Viltrumite Physiology
    • Superhuman Strength: A Viltrumite's strength is far greater than that of Humans. The upper limit is unknown as some Viltrumites are stronger than others.
    • Superhuman Speed: Viltrumites are capable of moving at speeds much faster than Humans.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Viltrumites generate less fatigue toxins than humans, allowing them to fight and move for extended periods of time without collapsing from exhaustion.
    • Superhuman Endurance: Viltrumites have endurance beyond human capabilities and have survived disembowelment, touching lava, and bomb blasts without permanent physical damage.
    • Flight: Due a complex balancing system located in their inner ears, Viltrumites have the ability to fly.
    • Interstellar Travel: Viltrumites can survive in outer space without aid.
    • Enhanced Lung Capacity: Viltrumites can hold their breath for up to two weeks without breathing.
    • Invulnerability: Viltrumite skin is much harder to pierce than human skin. Only beings of similar strength can harm Viltrumites.
    • Enhanced Healing Factor: Viltrumites can heal from injuries that would normally kill humans.
    • Decelerated Aging: Viltrumites have the potential to live for thousands of years and still be in their physical prime.
    • Dominant Genetics: A Viltrumite's genes will override other race's traits for physical appearance and powers.
  • Viltrumite Weaknesses
    • Vulnerable Ears: When a Viltrumite's equilibrium in their ears is disturbed, mainly by frequency, it can cause extreme pain and may even possibly kill them. Depending on how strong the frequency is determines that pain of attack.


Superhuman strength and ability to go Massively Faster than Light. Their enhanced durability makes them almost indestructible and they are only susceptible to harm by others of their kind or other powerful creatures. Their invulnerability has shown to be as powerful as not at all being affected by the most powerful nukes of the modern day.

Average Strength level

Average strength is about 100,000 tons but upper limits of some are unknown.


  • All Viltrumites possess delicately balanced, sensitive inner ears to accommodate their powers of flight. Thus, certain sounds and frequencies can actually destabilize a Viltrumites equilibrium, causing them to experience severe pain and crippling them by directly attacking their inner ear. Robot would later exploit this weakness by building special anti-Viltrumite drones constructed of a volcanic tempered titanium alloy. Despite claiming the alloy to be the strongest metal on Earth, Robot acknowledges the fact it would not be enough against the strength of the Viltrumites. So he used the alloy to create armor fashioned to the exact angles necessary to produce a specific high-pitched resonance frequency upon impact; effectively turning the Viltrumite's overwhelming strength against them since every attack they landed only hurt them, leaving the drones relatively unharmed. As Robot explained when fighting Invincible with one of these drones: "The Harder You Hit Me, The More It Will Hurt You."
  • The vicious and nearly-indestructible alien beast species known as the Rognarr can tear through and kill Viltrumites, although the Viltrumite Nolan Grayson did not find them especially hard to fend off when he encountered them for the second time. It is possible this is because Nolan is Argall's long-lost son and one of the strongest Viltrumites.
  • The Klaxus plant can poison and weaken Viltrumites enough to make them vulnerable to attacks.
  • The gun of the Space Racer can pierce through Viltrumite flesh and kill them with ease.
  • Viltrumites are highly vulnerable to internal attacks as Robot managed to easily kill an evil alternate reality Invincible, a Viltrumite, by shooting a bomb down his throat and detonating it.
  • Intense heat can be especially damaging to the healing factor of a Viltrumite, as shown in Mark's final battle with Thragg in the sun. Even the most powerful Viltrumites can be killed by extended baths in the hot plasma of a star.


Habitat: Habitat of this race is unknown.
Gravity: 1.25 X that of Earth
Atmosphere: Atmosphere of this race is unknown.
Population: Population of this race is unknown.


Type of Government: Totalitarian Monarchy
Level of Technology: Highly Advanced
Cultural Traits: Formerly mustaches on male gender of species

See Also

Links and References

  • None.
Viltrumites (2024)


How many Viltrumites are left? ›

Thaedus founded the Coalition of Planets to combat their tyrannical ways. The Viltrumite population would be cut down enormously by The Scourge Virus, ultimately leaving fewer than 50 of them. After the Viltrumite War with the Coaltion, there would only be 37 Viltrumites left in the universe.

Is Omni-man the weakest Viltrumite? ›

In addition to having all the generic powers and abilities of a Viltrumite, Omni-Man ranks among the most powerful Viltrumites to ever exist. He has superhuman strength, able to easily lift immense amounts of weight and tear through virtually any matter; this places him as the single most powerful being on Earth.

Are kryptonians stronger than Viltrumites? ›

If they're near a Yellow or Blue sun Kryptonians 17 or older will inherently have more strength than the majority of viltrumites (halfbreeds and younger). Also Kryptonian Society is equally war focused so they're combat skills would be on par.

Do Viltrumites have any weaknesses? ›

One weakness Viltrumites have is their inner ear, which is delicately balanced in order to accommodate for their flight.

Can Superman beat a Viltrumite? ›

1/10 Superman Is Stronger Than Omni-Man

Viltrumites are some of the strongest beings in their universe, but as a species, they're not on the same level as Kryptonians. After all, it took three Viltrumites, including Omni-Man, to break a single planet. Superman sneezed an entire solar system into extinction.

Who kills Thragg Invincible? ›

In the final moments of the fight, Thragg, having sustained far more damage than his opponent, breaks both of Mark's arms in a fit of rage and desperation. But Mark thinks quickly and then finally kills Thragg by ripping his throat out with his teeth.

Who could easily beat Omni-Man? ›

Black Canary is one of DC's most gifted fighters, but it's her powerful sonic scream that could give her an edge in a fight with a powerful Viltrumite like Omni-Man. Her "canary cry" could destabilize him and potentially knock him out with a powerful enough burst.

What is stronger than a Viltrumite? ›

Eventually, Allen was even stronger than the Viltrumites he fought and went on to lead the Coalition of Planets that formed one of the greatest forces for peace in the galaxy. Producing such a champion is no easy feat, and Allen stands as a testament for the Unopans capabilities.

Who can easily beat Omni-Man? ›

Even not in his prime, All Might has enough power to defeat Omni-Man. Though Omni-Man would have the initial advantage with his power of flight, All Might has proven during the course of My Hero Academia that not only is he a powerful fighter, he's also a smart one.

Does the sun make Kryptonians stronger? ›

Most of the amazing powers and abilities of Kryptonians under a Yellow Sun can be attributed to the photonucleic effect. These include: Heat Vision - Kryptonians are able to release large amounts of the solar energy stored in their cells as heat (Presumably, as infra-red light) via their eyes in focused beams.

Are all Kryptonians as powerful as Superman if not why not? ›

In the first stories about Superman's origins, all Kryptonians possess on their homeworld the same powers Superman has on Earth. In later depictions, their abilities are attributed to the differences between Earth's gravity and that of Krypton and the different radiation of the stars they orbit.

How strong would a Saiyan Viltrumite hybrid be? ›

Their strength, speed, agility, stamina, and durability are all immensely high, with such physical attributes being the reason why they're so feared by the galactic community. The average Viltrumite can lift up to 400 tons and fly at light speeds.

How long can a Viltrumite live? ›

7.5 billion years (7,500,000,000). Viltrumites supposedly live thousands and thousands of years.

Is Atom Eve Immortal? ›

Immortality: Eve's powers cause her to regenerate from fatal injuries due to the trauma helping her temporarily overcome the mental blocks that prevent her form affecting organic matter. Also, whenever Eve dies of old age, she immediately resurrects and de-ages to her prime.

Can Viltrumites regenerate? ›

Nigh-Invulnerability: Viltrumites are nigh-invulnerable and are able to withstand colossal amounts of force and or power that could greatly harm or even kill other beings. Enhanced healing and regeneration: Viltrumites have an enhanced healing factor, allowing them to quickly recover from injuries.

Are daxamites stronger than Kryptonians? ›

In fact, their powers and abilities are nearly identical to those of Kryptonians; The only difference being that they have no weakness to Kryptonite, and instead are severely weakened by a serious sensitivity to lead. Daxamites are a humanoid race hailing from the planet Daxam.

Is Invincible a weak Viltrumite? ›

Invincible went on a long and bloody road, but there was no doubting that he had earned his spot as one of the most powerful Viltrumites in the universe by the end of the series.

What is Omni-Man's weakness? ›

Omni-Man has his own weaknesses with shedding his morals, and though he claims not to care for Mark and Debbie, the fact that he leaves instead of finishing Mark off proves that his son is likely his greatest weakness.

Who is the final villain of Invincible? ›

Grand Regent Thragg is the main antagonist of the Image comic book series Invincible. He serves as the most recurring villain and overarching archenemy of Invincible himself, as well as the most powerful villain he has ever fought.

Why is Thragg so evil? ›

What Makes Him Pure Evil? Thragg has conquered many planets and killed all the residents of each planet. After the scourge virus was released, he went back on his word to find Argall's heir and just took control of Viltrum for himself.

Who would win Superman or Thragg? ›

So since Thragg, Omni-Man, and the Viltrumites are a deconstruction of Jor-El, Superman, and Krypton and so on; Superman always wins.

Can battle beast beat Thragg? ›

In the end, their battle waged for days, spanned the planet they fought on so rapidly no one else could interfere and left entire cities destroyed in its wake. In the end, Battle Beast thanked his opponent for the worthy death he craved for so long, and Thragg collapsed with his own life hanging on by a thread.

How fast can Omni-Man fly? ›

(1,666,000 m/s, 3,726,735.863 mils per hour, 0.05333C. [It took 6 seconds for Omni-Man to leave Earth's 10,000 km thick atmosphere.])

Is the immortal as strong as Omni-Man? ›

His strength has been shown to rival that of Omni-Man's, as he was able to hold his own with him during their fight, even injuring his eyes with his thumbs before finally being bested. Superhuman Speed: Immortal has speed greater than normal humans.

Does Allen have Viltrumite DNA? ›

He later talks about a Viltrumite living in the planet. Invincible, not shocked by this, surprises Allen about him knowing about it. They fly to the Moon and Invincible explains to him about his father being a Viltrumite and his Viltrumite heritage.

Is Nolan Strong for a Viltrumite? ›

Nolan was shown to be the strongest superhero on Earth before he left the planet, as his natural Viltrumite abilities made him so. Nolan easily killed the original Guardians of the Globe with minimal effort. He easily defeated his son, Mark, in battle.

Are Kryptonians strong on Krypton? ›

While living on Krypton, or any planet under a red star, Kryptonians seem relatively just as physically powerful as normal humans, but have highly advanced technology which allows them to control their world. However, on Earth, which has both lesser gravity and a yellow star, Kryptonians gain superpowers.

Do Viltrumites need sleep? ›

Viltrumites can survive in space unaided. Sometimes confused with Interstellar Travel or Immortality, Self-Sustenance is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to survive and function without any form of nourishment, sustenance or energy such as air, food, water, sleep, etc.

Can Avengers defeat Omni-Man? ›

However, together, their strength and tech may be able to overtake Omni-Man. At this point in the battle, everything would come down to which party had the greater weakness. The Avengers, at this point, would have never fought against a force this powerful and have no experience to apply to the battle.

How much can a Viltrumite lift? ›

A typical Viltrumite can lift at least 400 tons. Viltrumite strength along with their speed can increase through training.

What happens if Superman goes to a red sun? ›

Being under a red sun makes Kryptonians completely lose all of their abilities and benefits from yellow sun radiation. The longer they are underneath the red sun, the more diminished their powers become.

What if Krypton had a yellow sun? ›

Their cells absorb solar radiation, and their unique Kryptonian organs and physiology interact with that solar radiation in incredible ways. The more yellow sun exposure a Kryptonian gets, the more powers they acquire and the stronger they become.

Who is black Superman? ›

The most well-known of all incarnations of Black Superman debuted in Final Crisis #7, by Grant Morrison and Doug Mahnke. In a story where all the Supermen of the Multiverse converge in a stand against Darkseid, we came to know Calvin Ellis, the Superman of Earth-23.

Why is Superman afraid of Krypton? ›

It's radiation that makes Superman weak.

The prevailing theory in geekdom is that kryptonite can kill Superman because it disrupts his solar panel-like energy absorption. Without energy from the Sun, he weakens and eventually dies. Though kryptonite is a fictional mineral, the way it interferes makes sense.

Why Can Superman fly but not Krypton? ›

This has to do with the fact that he was now on a planet with a much weaker gravitational pull than that of Krypton. Superman can perform such magnificent feats of strength because Earth's gravity doesn't affect him as much as Krypton's stronger gravity would. Think of it like our astronauts on the Moon.

What does pink kryptonite do to Superman? ›

Exposure to Pink Kryptonite could switch Superman's gender while Orange Kryptonite could give him the powers and abilities of an animal.

What is the strongest super Sayian form? ›

Perfected Ultra Instinct

This is the newest and most powerful form a Saiyan has ever been shown to achieve and is a fitting way to close out the Dragon Ball Super series. In this form, Goku's hair and eyes are completely grey. His power is level gains a huge boost, though it is extremely damaging to his body.

How long can Omni-Man live? ›

Decelerated Aging: Omni-Man has the potential to live for thousands of years, and still be in his prime.

Are Viltrumites weak to magic? ›

Magic: Viltrumites are shown to be vulnerable to magical force.

Is Mark a pure Viltrumite? ›

Mark reveals that he is a Viltrumite-hybrid and that his father had left Earth.

How old is immortal in Invincible? ›

Some 3,000 years ago he was born and lived his life as a mortal human being.

How fast do Viltrumites fly? ›

Finally, every Viltrumite possesses copious amounts of superhuman speed and the gift of unaided flight. With little effort, they can maintain flight speeds of 800,000 km per hour for days (although, they usually limit themselves to much slower speeds which in a planetary atmosphere).

Did Atom Eve lose her leg? ›

While Mark was away, Robot had sent a drone to Eve's house. Mark reveals that Robot had killed Cecil Stedman and asks Eve to leave. In the midst the battle, Robot admits a powerful sonic pulse and Eve attempts to escape, only to have her right leg dismembered.

Is Black Adam immortal? ›

Black Adam, who also goes by Teth-Adam, is an immortal being who made it his mission to protect his home of Kahndaq, 5,000 years before the main events of the movie.

Is Captain Atom a God? ›

And through this character's voice, he explores the moral dilemmas of being not only a superhero, but also a god. In the past, Captain Atom's powers were generally limited to flight, super strength, and the ability to absorb and shoot energy blasts.

Why is invincible so weak? ›

Because his dad had years worth of training and fighting experience that Mark simply didn't. Plus his dad's body was in its physical peak, judging by what Nolan said. Strength and power mean nothing if you don't know how to use them effectively.

Why are some Viltrumites purple? ›

Thraxan/Viltrumite Physiology: As a Thraxan-Viltrumite hybrid, Oliver's heritage has given him access to the various abilities of both races. Oliver's purple skin was the result of a lower genetic incompatibility with Viltrumites than with Humans.

Can Viltrumites beat kryptonians? ›

Viltrumites have the numbers and High end quality but your average Kryptonian is smart strong and consistently capable. The Suns just make them super human enough to contend. Though as individuals Viltrumites are bound for superior progress.

How many Viltrumites are there before the war? ›

Thragg reveals that there are only 37 Viltrumites alive and that he wants to propose a truce.

How many years do Viltrumites live? ›

But the Viltrumites take their strength on another level, only paying the price of not having other "versatile" abilities. They also age slowly, with most members of the race capable of living up to five centuries.

Are all Viltrumites as strong as Omni man? ›

The Viltrumites are a powerful species that represent the strongest characters in the series, including Invincible and his dad Omni-Man. However, there are even some members of that alien race who are stronger than them.

Is Mark 100% Viltrumite? ›

In the show, Nolan states that Viltrumite DNA is so pure that Mark is pretty much 100% Viltrumite. That means if a Viltrumite were to mate with a human, the result would be an almost 100% Viltrumite(which Mark is).

How old is Mark in Viltrumite war? ›

Mark Grayson: A 17-year-old high school student and a Viltrumite/human hybrid who becomes the superhero Invincible. Omni-Man: Mark's father Nolan, Debbie's husband and formerly the greatest superhero of Earth. Debbie Grayson: Mark's mother, Nolan's wife, adoptive mother of Oliver Grayson.

How strong is the average Viltrumite? ›

Using the “Marvel Handbook” classification of strength, every adult Viltrumite possesses “Class 100” strength allowing them to lift many times in excess of 100 tons.

Is Nolan the most powerful Viltrumite? ›

Nolan was shown to be the strongest superhero on Earth before he left the planet, as his natural Viltrumite abilities made him so. Nolan easily killed the original Guardians of the Globe with minimal effort. He easily defeated his son, Mark, in battle.

Why do all male Viltrumites have mustaches? ›

Another trait worth noting is that all male Viltrumites are shown to have mustaches (this is a cultural trait since male Viltrumites also have naturally grown beards similar to those of humans). Viltrumite DNA is compatible with many species, including Humans.

How fast can Omni-Man fly mph? ›

(1,666,000 m/s, 3,726,735.863 mils per hour, 0.05333C. [It took 6 seconds for Omni-Man to leave Earth's 10,000 km thick atmosphere.])

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