What To Wear On Long Flights - Travel Outfit - Poor Little It Girl (2024)

Traveling a long distance, be it by plane, train or automobile can be exhausting. You’re just sitting there, waiting for the time to pass. Hopefully, you’ve packed a good book, or your headphones so you can listen and watch your latest Netflix binge and some snacks. But what about your clothing. I mean, your comfort is the top priority, right? That’s why today I want to share my experience on what to wear on long flights, but really for any long travel day where you’re cramped and stuck sitting for hours on end.

What To Wear On Long Flights - Travel Outfit - Poor Little It Girl (1)

We went to Barcelona and Paris a few years ago for our honeymoon and it was amazing. A direct flight out of Atlanta was around 7 or 8 hours long. It was my first time going to Europe. I know, crazy! Since then, I’ve been to Europe twice (Barcelona, Paris, and London) and South America twice (Argentina and Colombia).

My flight to Argentina was my first experience with a 10+ hour flight and thankfully, I was prepared with all my long flight travel essentials thanks to my friends who are all way more experienced travelers. I love planning for trips, and one of the first things I plan out is what to wear on the plane.

Typical flights from Atlanta to Europe range around 7-8.5 hours. So a little less than my Argentina trip but any super long haul flights are boring nonetheless. Not to mention they are all always overnight flights so attempting to sleep on the plane was also on my agenda. With that, I knew comfort was king. I shared a lot of Instagram stories while we were away, and got SO many questions about what I was wearing while we were traveling.

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What To Wear On Long Flights - Travel Outfit - Poor Little It Girl (3)

What To Wear OnLongFlights

So are you wondering what to wear on long flights? My uniform consists of black leggings, sneakers, and an oversized cardigan sweater just like this. I like to be comfortable of course, but I also want my travel clothes to look put together. This look is honestly exactly what I wore on the way home from our honeymoon trip. Minus the makeup…because that wasn’t going to happen. Ha! Yes, I put on makeup just for these photos these were NOT taken the actual time I was traveling.

Figuring out what to wear on a plane doesn’t have to be a challenge. I like to keep it simple by finding elevated basics that keep me comfortable but are still cute! I also have to plan for basically all temperatures, because you really never know what you’ll get while flying. Plane outfits can be fun to put together. Below is my list of must-haves and things to keep in mind when you’re making your packing list:

Comfortable Shoes

Wearing comfortable shoes is number one on my list of what to wear on long flights. All that walking (or running, depending on your time management skills…) around the airport means that you better have cute sneakers that won’t fall off or rub your feet the wrong way. I also typically like to jump right into exploring the city that I’m visiting once I land and drop off my bags, so not having to change shoes really comes in handy. Wearing sneakers also means you’ll be wearing socks in the TSA line, thankfully. Nothing is worse than wearing sandals to the airport and forgetting it means you’ll be barefoot at TSA. Gross…

Everyone has a different idea of comfortable shoes of course. And while I’m all about the sneaker life, maybe yours is a ballet flat or a boot. Please try and stay away from open-toe sandals when traveling. The liquid you see on the bottom of the airplane bathroom is not water, remember that. You don’t want to accidentally end up touching something up, disgusting. Here are a few comfortable shoe options to try out under $100.

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What To Wear On Long Flights - Travel Outfit - Poor Little It Girl (5)
What To Wear On Long Flights - Travel Outfit - Poor Little It Girl (6)


I mean, this is a no-brainer. You won’t catch me in skinny jeans on a flight (I guess I’m team Gen Z on that one!) I don’t think most of us want to sit for long periods of time in tight-fitting high-rise jeans, right? That’s exactly why I wear black leggings – aka the MVP of my traveling outfits. Plus if I spill a little bit of plane red wine on them, no one can judge me. By the way, is it just me, or does wine taste even better on a plane?

Whether you have workout leggings you love or fancy ones that are more loungewear – find your favorite style and go for it! I totally think that you can still look put together for air travel even when in leggings. It’s really all about how to style the complete head-to-toe look. But starting with the foundation of comfortable, quality black leggings is key. Here are a few black leggings to shop for under $100.

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Oversized Cardigan Sweater

This long cozy cardigan is seriously the best thing EVER! So soft, so comfortable, and it was a lifesaver on those long cold flights. Finding a merino wool sweater is your best bet, it will keep you cool without being stifling. As a bonus, they’re also super easy to fold or use as a blanket in a pinch! If you’re typically cold on planes, wear a light long sleeve underneath so that you can stay comfortable. If you run hot or are heading to a fun tropical destination, consider a cute tank top instead.

Even if you’re going to a hot destination, or when you leave home the weather is super warm, I suggest always packing an oversized cardigan sweater. As I said, airports can be cold, airplanes most certainly can be cold, and you want to set yourself up for slumber success, and feeling cozy in a soft knit gets your mind in the right headspace for a mid-flight snooze. Here are a few cozy oversized cardigan sweaters to shop for under $100.

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What To Wear On Long Flights - Travel Outfit - Poor Little It Girl (9)


Keeping the accessories low-key on a flight is a good idea. I mainly wear my daily jewelry (my wedding band) and anything valuable that I’m traveling with that I don’t want to pack in my luggage, just to make sure it stays safe. I never travel with my engagement ring or any expensive jewelry (not that I own any besides those two) so it’s not a huge issue of mine personally.

Hats can also come in handy, especially for those 6 AM flights where you don’t really want to wake up and spend a ton of time on your hair and makeup.It’s a great way to also hide that greasy crazy slept on a plane but not really post-flight hair look as well. Chances are when you land you’re not going to be able to shower and wash your hair and re-style it right away so a hat can really camouflage any craziness you might be dealing with in a chic, cool-girl way! Baseball caps, fedoras, or Panama hats – here are a few options to check out under $100!

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Eye Mask

I have a silk eye mask that I swear is magical. I keep one on my nightstand and one in my travel bag because I can’t stand the thought of not having it. I’ve even got Adam addicted to sleeping with one on at night! There’s nothing like boarding a plane and planning to sleep and realizing you’re stuck with the blaring overhead lights.Eye mask to the rescue!

Even if you think you’d never be able to sleep with an eye mask on, think again. Once you get that pitch-black darkness on a plane you’ll wonder how you went so long without one. So go ahead, buy one right now and just thank me later for this wonderful travel gift that will change your life! I know this isn’t technically clothing but this is definitely my number one essential on the list of what to wear on long flights for sure!

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So that’s it, my list of what to wear on long flights. Is there anything that you wear on your own trips that you think is a wardrobe essential? Let me know in the comments below. And if you’re heading on a long flight soon, congrats, and have fun! Be sure to check out my long flight travel essentials post where I go into a bit more detail on the other important things to pack in that carry-on suitcase too!

What To Wear On Long Flights - Travel Outfit - Poor Little It Girl (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.